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Hi Everyone,

This weeks questions were:

Question 1: Prahanien was wondering about soloing over the specific chords in a chord progression. I went into some detail, but mainly focused on concepts laid out in CAGED Soloing.

Question 2: Ahmed was wondering how to find the same note somewhere else on the fingerboard. I went into a few ideas and recommended checking out Unison Note Finder.

Question 3: William was also trying to get a feel for CAGED soloing. Not only do I recommend the same series from question 1 above, but I think it's important to really understand how melodies work, as in MTM 17 18 19. It's also important to switch between very deliberate careful soloing and just exploring without thinking too hard.

Question 4: Mateus was wondering if there is some kind of sheet to say every chord you can play as an alternative, like in a I vi ii V progression. I gave a really fun shortcut, but I'm planning on doing a slightly more formal version for MTM soon.

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OFFICE HOURS 92 | Sunday, Sept 11, 1PM Pacific


Mark Riley

Fantastic Q&A, all! Thoroughly enjoyed this morning in old blighty ☺️👍👍