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Hi Everyone,

Here were the questions for Office Hours this week:

Question 1: Rohan had questions about technique for Major Scale practice and I talked a bit about left and right hand placement.

Question 2: Taco was curious about the Roman Numeral System. Essentially, my Music Theory Monday course is ALL about that.

Question 3: Wong Rowena was wondering about transposition by labeling notes in a scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - I talk about how useful this is as well as how it related to the Roman Numeral system.

Question 4: Rohan had some further questions about playing scales - I introduced some practice ideas for stretching and training fingers.

Question 5: Wong had another question about wether to focus on scales or chord tones while soloing.

Question 6: Debrath was wondering if someone could sing something in the key of C while playing guitar chords in the key of G. Basically no, but a nuanced no.

Question 7: ChampC had some songwriting questions like - how to I make a verse to fit a chorus idea. I gave a few strategies!

Chat questions

Question 8: Steve (CR-NAT-N) was curious about quickly transposing things down a whole step. I gave a few suggestions. Including The Moveable Chords in a Key Finder lesson

Question 9: James is working on the CAGED Soloing I -ii series and wondering if I could solo over the I-ii jam track to help get some ideas for new phrases. I also recommended MTM lessons 17, 18 and 19. From there things kind of went off the rails (in a fun way) as I brought my bin of pedals out to explore some tones and goof around.

Got some followup questions, elations, eureka moments, concerns, doubts or fears? Bring them to the community forum.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Office Hours live streams


Live Stream | 48: OFFICE HOURS | Friday, July 30th 2:00PM EST


debrath banerjee

Hi Scott .. Good Afternoon, i have one question, if any song is in Key of G and some one singing in scale C, do i need to adjust the chord or can i play same chords belongs to Key of G

steven richardson

Not Scott, but some notes from C major scale are not in the key of G and those notes will sound off. The chords from G containing F# will sound off like b minor and d major against the f natural from c major scale. If you write out the intervals from each scale you can see the one difference is F vs F# ignoring the difference of the tonic or tonal center.

Leah Nicole

Great reminder about the songwriting pyramid, my friend and I are holding ourselves to a date to write to stay accountable and I needed this reminder!