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Hi Everyone,

This was a chill stream with some funky mishaps. Mainly, Ernie (our dog) is terrified of the very occasional fireworks so I had to take care of her a bit. Also, I took the sound absorption down in my room so it sounds echoey in here. Also, I just realized I spelled absorption as "absorbtion" during the stream. Whatever! Sometimes you have days like that.

Anyways, question 1 was from Mateus, who was wondering about some modal chord progression stuff. Apparently I already answered his question in Progressions that feel in Key 

Question 2 was from Honiken. He wanted to have a better sense of how soloing over chords actually works. I recommended watching MTM 17, 18, and 19 about melody making, as well as my CAGED Soloing Series (I - ii, I - iii, I - VI)  I also talked about the hierarchy of things to consider when soloing: chord tones, pentatonic, major/minor, chromatic. Check out the attached PDF of my notes for a little reference.

Honkinen also asked about wether or not you HAVE to learn other people's songs. No, you don't. But it's a nuanced "no."

Then I launched into a little discussion about the difference between sound proofing, sound absorption, and sound diffusion. This might be useful for those of you trying to get into recording or even just trying to make your cell phone voice memos sound a little better.

After that, Leo had a question about practice routine and we had some technical difficulties with chat (so sorry Leo!) but we got through it!

For followup questions or eureka moments you'd like to share, check out the community forum.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Office Hours live streams


Live Stream | 44: OFFICE HOURS | Saturday, July 3rd @ 8:00PM EST



Mr. Johnson thanks to answer twice! I kind smelled it. Not mixo stuff, F was home even if I didn't want to. Guess I need to try again! Yes! No problem. 😀🤷🏼‍♂️

Jonathan Schafer

I have a general question. Have you done a series on the 3NPS system. I’m specifically interested in how the work with the modes.

Scott Paul Johnson

Hi Jonathan! I have not done a series on 3NPS - I feel that 3NPS is about which fingers to use and CAGED is about how the neck is arranged. But I haven't looked that closely at 3NPS.