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Hi Everyone!

This is the third and final practice exercise for my Minor Triads lesson. Check out practice 1 and 2 as well.

In this practice exercise, we'll take the same jam track from Practice 2 and find our own way to explore a variety of triad voicings around the fingerboard. Essentially, the goal of this exercise is for you to explore (using note name scratch paper and/or the provided PDF) and find your own lovely string of triads. I hope you enjoy it!







Post your homework on the community post for this lesson, or just pop in to ask questions or show off your favorite voicings of minor triads!

Other lessons in this series:

- Minor Triads lesson

- Homework 1

- Homework 2

- Practice 1

- Practice 2

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Music Theory lessons.

This lesson is part of my Music Theory For Guitar series.


(No title)


Scott G.

thank you for a great lesson!


hey scott, thanks for a wonderful lesson. First time posting on here and so glad i signed up. Have already learned so much in the last few days that I haven't bothered to do over the last 15+ yearly of noodling around with the guitar. Quick question, are there common shapes for these triads that we can learn that we can move up and down the fretboard? I see some common shapes/patterns emerging and I am not sure if thats just an easier way to learn these triads and the fretboard at the same time as well. I will definitely be putting in the time and playing around with these voicing in the meanwhile. Thanks, appreciate all your hard work and effort.