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Watch in this order:

(1) C Shape 

(2) A Shape

(3) G Shape (current lesson)

(4) E Shape

(5) D Shape

Hi Everyone,

If you've been following my CAGED Soloing series, you know whats going on. In this installment, we'll be working through how to solo over a I-IV progression using all five CAGED shapes. The idea here is to give you a few bite-sized ways to think about and practice soloing over chord progressions.

This is the third lesson in the I-IV series and we're focused on the G shape.

As always, thanks so much for being here and I hope you learn a lot while you're here.

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Check out the Lesson Archive for more Soloing lessons.

This lesson is part of my CAGED Soloing | I - IV Progression series

*here is a link to the jam track, which I forgot to include in the previous videos and have gone back and added. I have also updated the PDFs for this series and the previous I - iii series due to a small error.


(No title)


Roy Bailie

Small steps. Must keep going. You said ok G shape and let move it to12th fret. That was confusing as I don’t see it as 12th fret.

Scott Paul Johnson

Hey Roy! I moved the major root note of the shape to the 12th fret. I made these lessons a while ago and realized I should definitely make some CAGED Basics Lessons. I've got more coming to help clarify a lot of the concepts in these lessons. I hope you're getting something out of these lessons in the meantime. I'd suggest checking out my Music Theory Monday "Melody Making Lessons" if you want to understand these concepts without all the specific CAGED elements