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Hi Everyone!

It's Wednesday which now means its livestream homework assignment day! From now on, I'll have a homework assignment every Wednesday. If you can't catch it, I'll link it here within an hour or two afterward so you can watch it later!

I'll have updates about what lessons are coming up and I'll assign some new homework related to last weeks chord progression homework. Then it'll be a Q&A session with whoever is watching about whatever questions you might have.

I hope you can join! Catch up on last weeks homework assignment so you're ready for the next layer!

Post your homework here on the community forum.

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Live Stream lessons.


Live July 15th: Announcements | More Chord Homework | Q&A


Shelley Francisco

What time do you hold your live-streams?

Scott Paul Johnson

great question! I updated the title to show 11am PST tomorrow. I may change the time on future livestreams for U.S. people.

Nelson Sharp

how do I get to the live stream?

Scott Paul Johnson

hey! did you find it? I haven't figured out why yet, but for some people you have to leave patreon and go to youtube, which is where the live is hosted. If you hang out for a few, I'll have it reposted here to watch

Nelson Sharp

Yah I figured it out. Youtube is connected to my work Gmail "Socal Pure". if you click play on here it brings up a link to youtube, but its not the easiest to realize. For future live streams you should consider putting the youtube link at the top of the description bc I think it would make it easier for everyone especially people joining the live stream for the first time.


All right... I just got my answer about the guitar. She is great Scott. 😍 should be annoying answering questions that you already answered 1000 times. 😬 Any way, lot information on old posts. I am watching all it ...✌🏻