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Hi Everyone!

Here is the link (in case it doesn't play above): https://youtu.be/ZKeXb29f-UI

This is big news. From now on I'm going to have a weekly livestream every Wednesday. I'll hand out some homework at the beginning of every month, and every week I'll check in on the progress, talk about more ways to explore the homework, and possibly feature a few choice examples of completed assignments.

I want to stress the importance of not just absorbing and watching these lessons, but really spending time getting to know things. The videos I've been making for this community are designed for you to really spend time practicing and understanding, so I thought a central weekly video to tie things together ought to be a fun and useful idea.

Check in each Wednesday this month for more different ways to make and manipulate chord progressions.

If you're lost, I recommend watching these videos: 

MTM: Scales into Chords

Major Scale into Chords YouTube 


Check out the Lesson Archive for more Live Stream lessons.


Copy of Live: Scott's First Weekly Homework Assignment



Hi Scott - I am getting this message "Watch this video on YouTube. Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner."

Nelson Sharp

2 suggestions with apple pencil. If it stops working, dock it for a second on iPad. That sometimes works. Also, buy a pack of tips on Amazon. I run through a tip about every 9 months depending on how much I use it. lol, nice improv tho

Scott Paul Johnson

Thanks for the tip about tips. It turns out it was related to the document - that particular pdf wouldn’t let me mark it up for some reason. And yeah, thank god I had my camera on a swivel mount.

Campbell Mathieson

This is a great idea , really focuses the learning process

Ben Young



Hi Scott - Another tech issue. The site to upload homework is asking for another user/pass. Do we need another account separate from this page?

Scott Paul Johnson

Hi Bill! There should be a button that says “sign in with Patreon” - that will get you into the forum!

Eddy Santoyo

Hi Scott- when Writing chord progressions, do you know if like for example in the Key of G, I decide to play the chord progression I-V-IV-ii. What if instead for the IV chord I decide to switch it to a c7. In terms of theory and chord progressions is this allowed? or do you have a video I should give a look at?

Scott Paul Johnson

That’s a very bluesy thing to do! There are a few ways to look at it, but I think of it as a blues thing. I don’t have a lesson on that yet but I will.


Hey Scott, is that the guitar that you used on hot bodies in motion? Can I ask what is it? Looks nice and vintage...and "strange" in a good way. I really liked the "fuzz" sound..a bit of fuzz is everthing that a guitar needs.

Scott Paul Johnson

I made my own guitars at the time. Insane, I know - I played the orange one the most in HBIM: https://www.facebook.com/wallingfordguitar/photos/?ref=page_internal


You mean insane awesome. Scott how can you do this? We should sleep sometimes you know that? Its great dude, and she has the same colours as Ernie. Is like playing Ernie in your arms. I like a lot. And I love how it sounds. You should come back doing and build one for me. Black and white. Like Oldi 🐶, with a circle on the body. Because dogs are awesome, and guitars that look like dogs are 2x Awesome. No wait, you should sleep, you have already too much work!