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Hi everyone. Thanks again for being here. I'm super grateful for your patronage. I'm less than a week into this adventure and I'm having a blast. This Patreon has given me something to do while I'm quarantined and I feel like its going to be fun. Hopefully you're enjoying it as well.

I'm getting the sense that a lot of people have burning questions about soloing in particular - how music theory relates to the scales and chords and things in a solo - what to do. I mentioned this in my recent Music Theory Monday post, but I think I'm going to start posting more about soloing over specific chord progressions and fill in the gaps with theory lessons. I'll post other stuff too, but I'm feeling like that could be a big focus for this channel.

I'll start with how to solo over two chords at a time and I'm going to use the jam tracks over at my jam track channel:


How does that sound?

Also, I gotta make sure I'm pacing myself - all the technology involved in these videos is tricky to set up and I don't want to bite off more than I can chew, but I'll try to get into a rhythm of how many videos I can put up every week.

Thank you all for being here and I hope you're enjoying it! As always, feel free to post your questions and comments here.

If you'd like to film a video question with you playing guitar, feel free to send your videos to mail@scottpauljohnson.com



Your guitar teaching method is probably the Best I have en you explain content clearly .II am looking forward to learning from you .


Sounds great Scott! But please don't stop making videos about song writing! this is one of the main reasons I like your channels. Solos are great, but I want to write songs where I can incorporate those solos! Thanks again, you are doing fantastic!