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She was wearing hardly anything when she arrived at the party. Had he been a teenager, Magalidine would have been the wet dream to send his sheets straight to the washing machine.

She still might.

They had met at a party the dance team had thrown to celebrate the opening of the dance season. It was pretty much everything any hot blooded male wanted. Women who could move their bodies in just about any direction. Women who were excited.

White Night, the poster had untasteful said. While the party sounded like the perfect venue to host the next meeting of the White Citizens Council, it was really a double name. Vicky White had founded the team all those years ago. Now dead, he name graced the party and the theme.

Everyone wore all white.

Deep House was pulsing, causing the beach to vibrate under the intensity. People were dancing near the bonfire, roasting marshmallows, hotdogs or just staying warm. And she was looking at him.

“I’ve seen you before,” Andrew said quietly, adjusting the scarf he wore over his head. White of course. Shirtless and with white shorts, Andrew’s lean torso was the subtle star of the show.

There was nothing subtle about Cassie.

She wore a skit that looked like it was clinging to the hooks around her waist for dear life. The fabric tied around her chest was slightly see through. Andrew could see a nipple trying to make an appearance each time the wind snaked though the moment.

The scarf she wore over her head made it look like she wore a hijab, only improperly. There was this uniquely desert vibe about the whole moment.

But the moment was capped off by the pair of large white wings that appeared from her shoulder blades and arching toward the sky.

Cassie was walking art.

She was verdun.

“I hope so, you sit behind me in Spanish class,” Cassie shook her head a little, her dark curls shaking a little. “You should recognize this.”

Andrew’s reaction to Cassie stepping forward was almost electric. His hand snapped back and he inhaled just a little too quickly.

It was as if she had grabbed his penis and asked him if he wanted it.

Only she wouldn’t be able to do that… because of the cage that trapped his member closely to his body. Because of the cage that forced him to stay soft at all costs.

But no, she had just stepped forward and looked him directly in the eye and told him deadpan that they should make S’Mores together.

After eating their marshmallows and spending a good amount of time standing near the ocean, they danced. They moved their bodies in sync with the base, shook their hips to the sounds of the Earth that were pumped through the speakers and in a moment, Andrew broke the touch barrier.

Andrew grazed her elbow and held it for a moment. She didn’t withdraw, didn’t even step backwards. Instead, they kissed and he took her home with him.


In the light of the off campus apartment, Cassie looked just as good as she did on the beach, her soft skin still had remnants of sand on it from their encounter outside. Cassie was an excellent kisser. Andrew loved the way she held the space just above his butt when they kissed. How one finger would graze the dimple of his lower back as she pulled him closer to her.

“I have a condom,” Andrew said.

The speed at which Cassie began to undress impressed Andrew. But there wasn’t much to take off.

A slight tingle of concern welled up inside Andrew and he told Cassie he forgot something in the car and that he’d be right back.

In reality, he needed to unlock his cage. And there was only one way to do that.

“Don’t worry Andrew,” Cassie said smiling. “Good things come to those who wait.”

Andrew grinend and fumbled for his phone.

Once in the hallway, he walked quickly towards the elevator and began scrolling through his contacts. He hadn’t thought this through all the way. Had he known he could potentially have had sex with Cassie tonight he could have negotiated in advance.

He had forgotten to call mommy and ask for permission.

That was the agreement, that was the rule they had made with one another. Andrew shuddered to think what would happen if he disobeyed Mommy and she found out.

That’s how he had ended up in the cage to begin with.

He had taken another woman home and fucked her good and hard. The way that a man does when he’s hungry. The way that she wanted him too. She had been begging for it. Told him that if he didn’t bend her over the bed and take her, then she’d glady leave his apartment at that very moment.

Andrew had tried to get a second away from her to call Mommy and ask for permission. But the woman, her dark curls laying on her arched back as she wagged her ass in front of him, was too much for him.

He mounted her like a dog in the heat. Pushed forward and they had their fun.

In the post coital mood, Andrew realized that he’d made a mistake. As the woman lay on his chest, snoring slightly, he felt guilty. But Mommy couldn’t find out about this. There was no way for her to know what had happened. His secret was safe with the two of them.

Only, it was not.

When she found out that he’d had sex the night before during her visit, it had been unexpected. She was tossing out the used diaper he had been wearing when she spotted the condom in the trash can. The evidence of the crime.

He’d pleaded with her, saying that he’d forgotten and that it would never happen again.

Mommy glared at him and told him to stay quiet if she knew what was good for himself and fished the condom out of the trashcan and walked calmly towards the kitchen.

Shaking slightly, Andrew followed, trying his hardest to see what the woman was doing.

When she reached for one of his bottles, he got nervous.

“Mommy, hold on…”

The woman whirled around and jammed a pacifier in his mouth. Then, without saying a word, she proceeded to dump the contents of the condom into the bottle. The semen, crusted and hard, flaked into the bottle like paint chips. But Mommy was not to be deterred. She heated up milk in the microwave and poured it into the bottle while swirling the contents. She then dumped more powder into the bottle and handed it to him.

“I’d shake this well if I were you,” Mommy said. Then, pointing to the chair in the corner of the room, he directed him to it.

The spanking Andrew received was so hard, so stern that he cried almost immediately. Halfway through, he stopped crying because he’d run out of energy and then as the spanking continued, he began to cry again, his voice hoarse and tired. He felt each individual smack on his bottom as she showed no mercy. Finally, Mommy dumped Andrew onto the floor and directed him to the changing table.

Still holding the bottle, Andrew climbed onto the infantile table and exhaustedly lay back for his diapering.

But he didn’t expect the cage.

She’d produced it without warning, placing it on his penis while he was distracted looking at the ceiling, trying his hardest to stop crying.

He felt the pinch and an electric lock as Mommy told him that this will ensure he never forgot to ask her permission before using his little boy parts like a big boy.

Mommy then made things worse.

“You can wait three months before I consider unlocking you.” Then pushing the bottle to his lips, told him to drink and then go to bed.

As he drank the horrid taste of the warm milk, mixed with his deposit while lying in his crib, he looked up at the mobile and saw the condoms he’d kept in his drawer hanging above him. Each one of them with a hole poked into them, hanging as a reminder of his status.

But that was six months ago. And now, Andrew had learned.

When Andrew got off the elevator on the bottom floor and smashed her contact information. He always cringed when he saw the contact name “Mommy” in his phone. It felt so infantile. So juvenile.

But that was the point and why she had put it into his phone that way. To remind him of his place. To remind him that this is what he wanted.

The phone rang for an agonizing long time and then, “Hello Baby.”

Andrew’s heart skipped a beat as he grinned in spite of himself. He knew it was late, but she had said to call at any time. Evidently she didn’t sleep much.

“Hey, I’m sorry for calling so late, but there’s this woman and I want too-”

“Slow down baby,” Mommy said over the phone, the signs of a smile creeping into her tone. “Don’t forget your manners.”

Andrew nearly rolled his eyes, but knew it was critical that he play along.

“I’m sorry Mommy,” the twenty-something year old said while sitting in the drivers side of his jeep. “How was your day?”

Mommy told Baby about her day and how she had enjoyed going to the movies and seeing some friends. As she spoke she laced her words with the reminders of his infantile nature, calling her friends “Auntie” or saying thing like, “the party was for big boys and girls, not babies like you.” When she finished, she then asked Andrew what he needed so badly to be calling Mommy so late at night.

Andrew took a deep breath, “I met someone and I’d like to sleep with her tonight. She’s in my apartment right now and -”

“Sleep with her?” Mommy asked, feigning ignorance. “Well of course you can baby, babies sleep with mommy all the time. It’s great cuddling and bonding time.”

Andrew frowned. That’s not what he meant. He clarified.

“Oh you mean you want to have big boy fun with this woman.” Mommy was laying it on thick.

“Yes Mommy.”

“How are you supposed to ask?

Andrew kicked his feet for a second and just came out and said it. “I want to put my pee pee into her warm spots and make her feel good.”

The humiliation that surged through Andrew’s body was intense. He felt his cheeks get warm. But he also felt the erection in his pants get harder.

“Oh wow.” Mommy said. “Do you know how to do that?”

“Yes Mommy,” Andrew said squirming.

“Does Baby deserve to have grown up feelings?”

“Yes Mommy, I’ve been a good boy.”

“Have you been wearing your diapers on the weekends like a good boy?”

“Yes mommy. I wore them all last weekend.”

“Wore what?”

There was hesitation.

“My diapers Mommy.” She knew Andrew hated saying the word diapers and would take any chance to avoid saying the word.

“Oh wow you have been good then. Mommy is thinking you’ll need to go 24/7 eventually though.”

Andrew felt his stomach tighten.

He didn’t want that.

But this is how all of this worked. This was the negotiation each time he wanted to have any sort of sexual contact with anyone. He had to pay the tax to Mommy, the tariff to the goddess who was determined to make his fantasies come true, even the ones he didn’t want to admit to himself.

She was also determined to keep him safe.

The reality is, if her baby would have sex with every single woman who came near him, then he would run the risk of forming attachments with women who did not deserve his time. And a good Mommy would not have that.

“How badly do you want to sleep with this woman?” Mommy asked quietly as Andrew’s phone buzzed.

It was her… texting him a photo of herself in his bed. The message, where she covered her chest up, said, “Hurry, I’m cold.”

Andrew’s penis throbbed in the cage.

Badly,” Andrew said.

Mommy was quiet for a moment.

“Let’s have you wear diapers 24/7 for two weeks. That should be good enough payment.”

Andrew’s stomach fell. “I really don’t…”

“How about three weeks then? Is that good enough?”

But Andrew was too busy thinking about the woman upstairs to notice what had happened and pushed back.

“Then a month. Or you can keep that cage on and explain to that woman why you don’t want to play like a big boy with her.”

Andrew was quiet.

This was the consequence of having his fantasies come true. This is what happens when he let this woman control him this way.

This was the cost of happiness until he could find something better.

He wasn’t going to look forward to having to go to Hawaii in a few weeks while wearing the diapers she chose for him. But it had been so long since he’d had an orgasm. The cost should be worth it.

“Fine.” Andrew said.

“Fine?” Mommy asked. He could almost hear her eyebrows raising.

Andrew sighed. “I will wear diapers 24/7 like a good baby if you let me put my no no parts into this woman's warm spots.”

Mommy laughed a little. “And..?”

Andrew closed his eyes and said it, “Thank you for helping me wear my diapers like a good boy.”

“You’re welcome,” Mommy said. “It’s important that you wear your diapers like a good boy so you can stay protected. Now, I’ll unlock your device and expect it to be back on in about 12 hours. Don’t forget what happens if the device isn’t back on you in time.”

Andrew shuddered.

If the device didn’t make contact, it would send Mommy a signal and then the lock up would last six months. He didn’t want that.

He heard a click of the device opening.

After thanking Mommy, Andrew got into the elevator and walked back upstairs.

But when he got to the room, it was empty. The woman was gone. She’d left a note on the bed saying her roommate was locked out and she needed to help her out.

Raincheck? The note asked innocently.

Andrew fell to the floor in silence.

This shouldn't have counted.

But he knew all too well that it did.

Mommy had won again.


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