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But back to where we were before.

He told me that there was no way I could humiliate him.

So I told him that if that was the case he could come to my house next Tuesday morning and we could test that theory.

“Five am is so early?” my baby said quietly into the camera. He did that weird thing where he ended his sentence as if it were a question.

“We can make it earlier if you’d like.” I said, giving the camera an evil smirk.

He paused for a moment, no stranger to the cascading punishments that I inflict on him from time to time. He knew that one of the most important parts of being my baby was that he did what I told him to do, no questions asked.

It’s dangerous for little ones to walk around the world. As mommy, it’s my job to keep them safe.

Can you imagine if we were walking down the street and I called him and he didn’t do what I said? I could be calling him because he was about to be kidnapped by some of the nefarious people who try to snatch adult babies off the street. It was critical that he listen to me without hesitation so I could do my job to keep him safe.

That’s what mommies do.

Cascading punishments ensure that there are consequences to not doing what I say instantly.

For example, you don’t want to wear a diaper to work today, then fine, you’re wearing one with a booster inside of it. And it can get worse each time you talk back. Pretty sure a pair of locking plastic pants would not make your day any easier.

Imagine having to come back to my house for a change at the end of the day after you’ve thoroughly used and soaked through every last layer of padding throughout the day.

I’m sure the rest of your colleagues would be wondering why you’re waddling by lunchtime and why each time you sit down, the tell tale clink of the lock on the back of those locking, crinkly transparent plastic pants is audible.

It usually only takes this happening once for my baby to set himself straight.

And this time, I think he realized that.

“I’ll be there at five.” he said quietly as he set the alarm on the phone.

“What do you say?”

“Thank you mommy.”

“Good baby.”


Baby stood in the doorway with his backpack slung over his shoulder and did his best to look masculine. He wore an oversized tee shirt and a pair of shorts that would not have looked out of place at the gym. His hightops and tall socks made his calves look bigger.

Kid knows what I like.

He didn’t walk too quickly as I guided him down the hallway. As if almost by instinct, he made a right turn, straight towards the nursery.

“Oh no baby,” I said smiling. “It’s cute that you want to go into your nursery. But today we are going into mommy's office upstairs. Come on now.” I gestured towards the staircase that led to my office.

As a rule, I had never let Baby into my office. It was my private space where I conducted business in what we fondly call the real world. This relationship is just one part of my life. In real life, I work project management for a large company that allows me to work from home three days out of the week.

My office is a large room with windows, bookcases, a large wooden desk that’s occupied with a large, curved monitor and a few notebooks that I use to track my day.

The room is not cluttered, it’s never cluttered.

Everything has a purpose.

Today, there was a purpose for the giant high chair that was sitting behind my office chair.

It was an unusual position for the high chair to be in.

Baby was used to seeing it in the kitchen where I had given him many feedings over the last year. Each time, I’d have him lower his thick, padded bottom into the soft seat and use the straps to lock him down tight. I liked to take my time with the highchair, savoring each moment.

Baby would watch me walk slowly over to the kitchen, reach into the fridge and pull out tupperware containers where I stored the homemade baby food that was specifically made for him. I’d speak softly to myself while I did this, reminding him that the carrot, apple, spinach puree was perfect for my growing boy. I wasn’t exactly speaking to him, more of speaking at him. I’d remind him that if my baby was ever going to get big muscles like the real men who workout at the gym, then the chicken, prune and cucumber was going to be his food of choice.

I had managed to find these wide lidded mason jars that I’d pour the food into. Because my baby was just a baby, I had wrapped each of these jars in a nice rubber bumper that made sure that if the jars were knocked over then they wouldn’t shatter upon hitting the floor.

Yes, sometimes feeding got messy.

Yes, sometimes I missed Baby’s mouth when raising the giant, plastic spoons to his face that I had customized for this very experience.

Yes, sometimes this happened on purpose to remind him of his place when he was in my house.

You see, it’s tough to pretend to be an adult when you have the smeared remnants of baby food all over your face to contend with. You see, adults have the power to wipe their mouths. They have the power to feed at their own pace. They have the power to chew their food and swallow when they are ready.

When you’re in my chair, you eat as slow or as fast as I want you to.

It didn’t help that sometimes… just sometimes, I am a little naughty and put some numbing cream on the spoon to help the process around.

Plus the lisp baby ends up with for a few hours makes my heart melt.


After taking off my baby’s clothes and making sure he was wearing his diapers like a good baby, I had him sit in the high chair. He was used to this by now, he’d done it before. No doubt he was confused as to why he’d be in the high chair so early in the morning.

But I just ignored his confused looks and proceeded to pull out the baby food jars from the side table that sat in the corner of the room, popped one open and grabbed a spoon. While I worked, I explained to him like any mother would, that he needed to eat his food like a good baby because I had to work that day.

“I have a phone call in half an hour, so you need to eat quietly please.” I said, popping the lid on the second car of strained prunes and pushing the spoon in his direction. “Mommy has a really big call with her friends in the middle east.” I nodded towards the computer that took up the space on my desk. “And I can’t have you being naughty.”

Baby nodded as I continued feeding him more and more of the prunny mixture. As I worked, I watched him struggle to keep up and his stomach slowly extend further and further. And right when I was certain he couldn't eat another bite, I started with the bottles of milk.

The bottles were downed quickly and I watched my baby in the eye as he placed his mouth on the oversized nipple and worked his mouth to get the milk from inside. Part of me was warm, knowing that he didn’t actually want to drink the milk, but had to work at it anyway just to please me.

It was the ultimate give and take game, his brain telling him to stop but my eyes telling me he needed to keep going.

“Drink up baby, the call is in a few minutes and I can’t have you disturbing me by being fussy.” I reached down and grabbed the front of his diaper, the one that I had put into him when he arrived.

I knew I’d have to press hard if he was going to feel my fingers through the thick plastic padding that was between his legs.

I had made sure of it.

I smiled as I squeezed and pushed and prodded and felt and heard the crinkle. I knew that noise would drive my baby wild because his brain would tell him that he was supposed to feel the pressure down below on his baby pee pee. That pressure wasn’t just supposed to be pressure, it was supposed to translate into pleasure.

But the boosters that were inside the diaper, shielding his penis from the rest of the world, shielding him from my forced pleasure… made it so he couldn’t feel much.

He knew better than to push his hips forward.

He knew better than to move at any sexual suggestion.

Babies don’t do that.

Instead, he spread his legs slightly at my hand's request. My fingers teased the leak guards that would soon be holding back flood that he’d be leaking into his diapers, causing a very visible and tantalizing shiver. He gasped slightly, some of the milk dripping down the corner of his mouth.

“Naughty baby,” I said with a slight smile on my face.

This wasn’t a shy smile.

This was a warm one.

But the moment didn’t last forever.

It was time for the baby’s humiliation.


After ensuring my baby was strapped down tightly into the high chair, I grabbed the jars and bottles and cleared the tray so my baby could have a full view of my office monitor. I also took the tray off the high chair, so my baby, naked except for his diaper, was in full display for anyone who would care to look over my shoulder.

That’s right. You heard me, for anyone who would care to look over my shoulder.

“I have to take this call now,” I said sitting down at my desk and making sure to turn on the camera on my monitor. The green light came on for a second and quickly blinked out after I made sure the camera was positioned okay.

I heard an audible gasp from behind me.

I turned around and gave my baby an innocent look. “Is there a problem?” I asked sweetly? “Does baby have something to say?”

I was waiting for it.

I was waiting for him to say the magic word.

The word that could make all of this go away.

The word that would make him and I take a break.

But I watched his mind move, I watched the fear mixed with determination look me back in the eyes.

He stayed quiet.

But there was one more thing my baby didn’t know.

The prunes I had given him should have been the hint that he needed that this wasn’t going to be this simple. I had given him all the milk on purpose. He should have tasted the bitter aftertaste as he sucked the nipple in hopes to make the feeding end quicker. That bitter aftertaste was going to make sure that my baby would really, really have to go.

I blinked a few times and rolled my chair back up so I was right in front of my baby.

“Do you have something to say?” I asked again, rubbing my baby's stomach and feeling it gurgle underneath my fingers.

“No.” he said.

I pushed hard against his stomach, causing him to grunt and struggle. “No?” I raised an eyebrow.

“No, mommy,” he grunted, his legs shaking and his voice cracking.

“Okay baby,” I said smiling, understanding that he was now on the path of no return. “Just make sure you stay quiet. I’ll check on you in two hours after this call is over.”

I stared into his eyes as he slowly realized that the inevitable was going to happen.

And it was going to happen right behind me during this conference call.

I swung my chair around and hummed to myself as I queued up the call. I gave my baby one last look and then looked at the camera and clicked “join the call.”

The camera light turned green.

The call had started.



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