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Once in the room, Nancy (Klein learned her name as they walked up the stairs) explained what had happened. Nancy had approached Stella’s vendor table, and Stella had told her that she knew exactly what she wanted. Stella knew what she craved beyond anything.

Nancy had to admit, she was intrigued. She had been searching for a way to experience what it was like to be what she called: Full Baby. That meant a complete loss of control. And Stella had promised her exactly that with her hypnosis. Sure Stella gave her the usual warnings about “hypnosis only working if you want it to” and some more stuff, but Nancy knew this was what she wanted.

Only, as she explained to Klein, this wasn’t what she expected. She thought she’d only lose the nervousness that came wanting to express her little side. Nancy was a bit too uptight in her self-assessment. She wanted to lose that part of herself while at the Con so she could express herself easier.

However, Nancy stupidly didn’t realize that the tapes would leave her confused and squishy throughout the day. The hypnosis had done something to her. Nancy had been playing with her partner, and he’d brought her to an orgasm in her diaper, and suddenly, while she was reaching the peak climax, she found herself uncontrollably messing her diaper simultaneously. The orgasm had been so strong, that it had left her babbling like a baby for the next half hour, unable even to utter a single adult sentence.

“That… scared me,” Nancy admitted to Klein, whose eyes bulged out of his head hearing that news. He had not yet tried to cum after listening to the tapes, but did not want that happening to him. For a moment he wondered if that would be his fate. Except… that’s not what he signed up for.

Nancy however, continued. “I thought it was a fluke, until it happened again. It appears that every time I have an orgasm, I’m left hopelessly babbling like a baby for the next half hour. No control of my bodily functions, no control over speech, just drooling baby. Like… it’s hot, but it’s not what I wanted. I wanted to be in charge of when I got into little space.” Nancy finished and Klein realized she had a hard time looking and had a hard time looking him in the eye. No doubt the poor woman was embarrassed.

“So do you know how to find Stella? Do we know anything about her?” Klein tried to change the subject slightly, determined to be a solutions oriented person today.

But Nancy seemed to be one step ahead of him. “I’ve been watching the parking lot and that’s (she pointed to a car in the parking lot) her car. She has to get into that car when it’s time for her to leave. So when we see her leave the building, we can confront her.”

Klein nodded. “That sounds like a plan. But what if we went to the front desk and just asked for her information?”

“I’m not an idiot. I tried that already.”

“And they didn’t help?”

“Private information dude,” Nancy said, gesturing around. “Especially this week.”

Klein nodded and stared aimlessly out the window, nervous that this plan would not work. What if Stella didn’t leave the building, what if they spent the rest of the day in this shitty three star hotel together, just staring out the window watching people walk by.

Klein noticed a man walk out of the hotel in full little gear and grimaced. There were rules about idiots like that who had no problem exposing themselves to an unconsenting public. The man waddled down to the stoplight and even from Klein’s view, he could see the thick diaper protruding through his legs, a clearly full diaper that the onesie struggled to contain. Klein rolled his eyes and had that sick feeling in his stomach.

“Um… Klein?” Nancy’s voice shook him from his trance. “Did you just?”

Klein panicked and reached back to his diaper and placed his hand on his bottom. Indeed, he had messed himself again without realizing it. Fucking Stella, he thought to himself.

“Yeah, it’s a symptom of the hypnosis,” Klein said. His voice was soft and he wanted to cry, but resolved that it wasn’t happening in front of Nancy.

“Do you want help changing?”

Klein nodded.

Nancy waddled out of the room and returned back to room with a towel that she laid on the bed, along with a plastic bag, no doubt to stash the freshly used diaper inside of. Klein gingerly laid back and felt the mess ooze up his backside, causing him to feel like a complete baby in the process. He could not help it, but he felt his boner start to grow in the front of his diaper as this extremely cute woman unsnapped his plastic pants, onesie and began the process of peeling the tapes from the front of his diaper.

“Do you have the same side effects?” Nancy asked as she opened up the diaper and revealed what was inside. If Nancy noticed the smell, she didn’t give any indication to Klein that she did. Instead she grabbed the wipes, had him left up and attacked the mess in front of her. What Klein thought was clever, was that she laid another diaper underneath him to ensure nothing fell onto the towel or mattress. It also meant they only needed to make minor adjustments.

“What do you mean?” Klein was looking away towards the wall.

But Nancy decided to show him instead, she ran the soft, creamy baby lotion over the head of his penis, taking great care to spend plenty of time near the top.

Klein gasped at the silky, soft and tantalizing feeling of her warm hands, emphasized by the lotion. If Klein were honest with himself, he hadn’t quite had the CapCon experience he had been expecting. One where he could get out all of his kinky energy during this one weekend of fun and have intimate sexual contact with several friends in the process. Nora kept going, rubbing her hand up and down and watching his facial expressions like a pro.

“I’m wondering, if you cum, will you spend the next half hour babbling hopelessly like a baby?” Nancy asked softly, nearly purring in his ear. Each stroke she pulled up and town teasing out the moment.

Klein twitched as he felt the thick diaper underneath him slightly cup his bottom, the scent of the baby lotion and baby powder erotically tickling his senses. Even Nora, while dressed as infantile as possible leaned over, her cleavage poking out slightly from the empire cut on the ruffled dress, managed to cause him to stiffen like a cinder block. In no time at all, Klein was ready to have his first orgasm of the weekend.

Except, Nora withdrew her hand quickly, leaving him bucking his hips in the air only to receive nothing in return.

“Stella is there!” Nancy screeched pointing towards the window.

Without waiting for him to react, Nora wiped her hands on a towel and pulled the thick diaper up between his legs and fastened it tightly around Klein’s waist. She then snapped his plastic pants and onesie up and grabbed her cell phone from the dresser.

“Come on Klein,” she yelled, grabbing the trash bag and heading to the door. “Stella’s headed to her car.”


Stella was sympathetic to Nora’s story and looked amused for a moment as she made the woman recount what exactly had happened to her when she oragasmed. Klein could have sworn that the corners of her mouth turned up at the orgasm remark.

“I didn’t know that was going to happen.” Stella said as they re-entered the hotel, flashing their badges to the bored looking security guard who kept everyone else out. “Did you follow the instructions that I gave you?”

Nancy nodded solemnly. “I did exactly what you told me to do. I put the tapes on and listened overnight and the next day all this stuff started happening.”

Stella shook her head. “No… you’re supposed to listen to the tapes for an hour and then the next day two hours and ease your way in.” The room was silent at this news.

So was this mistake… user error?

“The instructions are clear, you can’t do anything else around the time you listen to the tapes, otherwise your brain might map your wants to the tapes and then disaster happens.”

Stella pointed to Nancy who looked shocked. “I’m willing to bet you and your partner had sex the next morning because you were so horny after the tapes “worked.”

Nancy looked sheepishly around the room for a moment and nodded quietly.

Stella shook her head and pushed her glasses up. They had begun to slip down her nose during the conversation. They were unusually large for a modern woman who seemed to know how to manipulate the minds of those who listened to her tapes.

“Is there a solution?” Nancy asked.

“Yeah, I have another tape you can listen to in order to fix this one. It’s tricky. You can’t just listen to the tape in reverse. I have to reengineer another one to counteract the effects of this one. You’re lucky I’ve made this one. Every year someone makes a mistake.”

Hopeful, Klein perked up. “What about me?”

Stella signed heavily, causing Klein’s stomach to drop. “I haven’t mixed the right tape yet.”

“But you can, right?” Klein felt his diaper fill again without his awareness. The mess caused his diaper to sag and he felt the infantile mess clinging to him between his legs, a reminder of his babyish deed.

“It’ll take me some time, but I’ll give you my cell number so we can try and make something that will work. But just warn you. It’ll take some time.”

Klein’s heart sank. He had expected this to be solved before he got on the plane tomorrow morning. But he could figure this out over the course of a few days.

“So a few days?” Klein asked optimistically.

Stella launched forward as Nancy looked on. “It’s not easy Klein.” Stella pushed up her glasses. “Nothing good is ever easy. I would say… a few months?”

Even Nancy grunted at that noise.

Klein felt his stomach fall. There’s no way this could be happening to him. All he had wanted was to feel like a baby when he woke up. Now he was forced to mess his diaper without knowledge for the foreseeable future.  How was he supposed to live like this for three whole months while Stella tinkered with her computer trying to solve this?

But the woman had an idea and seemed optimistic.

“You might not exactly need my tapes to get better Klein.” Stella pulled out her phone and typed a few things on the screen and showed it to him.

On the screen was the name of a doctor, Dr. Viker, who seemed to specialize in urology. Klein groaned slightly at the thought of having to whip out his insurance card to solve this problem.

“There’s this program that people can use, kinda like a diaper delivery service for a pretty affordable price that can facilitate potty training. Generally it takes about three to six months to get it completed, but I hear it’s worth it. There are plenty of services like it across the nation, but this one is the most popular one I think.”

Klein nodded and numbly accepted the information. “Are you sure you won't be able to figure this out in the next week or so?”

Stella stifled a laugh and took her phone back. “Klein, you can keep messing your diapers for a few months or take matters into your own hands. I will work as fast as I can on my end, but you’re an adult, it’s called an adult baby for a reason.”

Klein rolled his eyes. That stung a little bit. But she had a point. Klein resolved to give this doctor a call so he could give the potty training service a try. Stella eventually said her goodbyes to the team and Nancy, who had gotten what she needed, grinned and promised to stay in contact with Klein.

Klein nodded and accepted the hug and began the process of packing up his room so he could catch his early flight home. Klein was grossly aware that his life had changed ever since he had gotten his wish. Every step of his ride home reminded him things were different.

Klein had to put on an incredibly absorbent diaper and a pair of plastic pants that morning to ensure he could make it to the airport without soiling the Uber driver's car.

Klein was stopped at TSA by the agent, after his soaked diaper set off the alarm.

Klein had to change diapers right before his flight to ensure he wouldn't leak during the cross country journey.

When he got home, Klein realized in horror he had messed himself on the ride home from the airport and needed to change before he upacked.

That night as Klein lay in bed, he decided he would call Dr. Vicker first thing in the morning. He’d have to order another case of diapers as soon as possible as well because at his current rate of usage, his hobby had become a lifestyle.

Klein turned over with a squish, drifted off and dreamed of the ocean.




Hey there. I was just wondering when we might see a part 4


Anxiously awaiting part 4