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Robin glanced around the room to make sure everything was ready for the third straight month in a row that they would be trying this.

The bed was sitting there, waiting in all its glory for the two to lie on top of it. There were the usual effects - soft pillows and vanilla-scented candles. There was even soft music playing in the background, flowing throughout the room like haze settling over the intimate environment. Like any couple that lives in the middle of the city where anyone could just look up and see through their window, Robin had also closed the blinds. They weren’t going to put on a show that day. The only person who was under pressure to perform that day was Jake.

And it would be in his best interest to perform quickly. Even quicker than usual.

Robin glanced at her reflection in the mirror and grinned at herself. Her dark hair fell neatly over her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. She’d done her make-up, adding light touches to enhance the beautiful curves of her cheekbones. Even her eyebrows had been threaded. Robin felt sexy beyond belief at this moment in her oversized sweatshirt, the hood falling loosely behind her.

Robin hadn’t spent all her time in the bathroom earlier for Jake. No, she’d done it for herself.

In her moment of euphoria and ecstasy, she loved how the hoodie just hung off her body, leaving her curves to the imagination. The hoodie made her feel safe while she clawed at the back of Jake’s back as his tongue flickered down between her legs and he made that muffling sound between her thighs. The roller coaster for her was just beginning, and for him… well… he had what he needed even if it wasn’t what he wanted.

“Are you almost ready, Jakey?” Robin asked towards the bathroom door where Jake was no doubt amping himself up for a night of lovemaking.

“Uh… just a second, babe.” Jake’s voice came from the bathroom.

“Don’t be too long,” Robin said while she walked over to the closet and pulled out a diaper from the drawer.

She had to be careful with what diaper she chose. So much depended on selecting the right diaper for moments like this. If she went with something too thin, then that could be a disaster for everyone. But Robin loved the way the Bambino letter blocks looked on Jake. They made his butt look so infantile while he did something so grown up. The way Jake’s diaper butt wiggled as he maneuvered between her legs, pushing her closer to the cliff's edge.

But go too thick, and he knew it would arouse Jake considerably. The thicker diapers, the ones that poofed out, were always fun. Robin loved when Jake had to work a little harder to close his legs, just a little harder to pretend that everything was completely normal. Robin giggled to herself as her hand floated over the MegaMax, the Trest, the stuffers, all of them waiting, anticipating her selection.

Eventually, Robin went with the MegaMax, a large one, for the sake of tonight. Jake would need it, she determined. She also, for a good measure, pulled a stuffer out of the drawer and a pair of plastic pants.

The bathroom door opened and Jake appeared framed in the doorway. He had a deliciously polite round face that broke into a grin upon seeing her in the hoodie. Jake was a kind and polite man. He cared about animals, he couldn’t pass by someone without smiling at them, and it was as if he lived to please her daily.

Robin broke the distance between them and kissed her man on the cheek. “Do you think you’ll accomplish what you need to tonight?”

Jake nodded.

“You came so close last time,” Robin said. She was teasing him. He liked that.

“I did.” Jake nodded. “And this time, you’re going to cum so hard your eyes will explode.”

Robin smiled for a moment, letting Jake soak in the confidence. He was so cute each time he thought he had won her over with his clever thoughts and ideas. The man was so intelligent, focusing on her heartbeat and the way her skin heated up at the moment. Jake knew how to push her buttons right, not just to push her towards orgasm, but to hurl her towards orgasm, like a spaceship accelerating towards its target.

But Robin had a wild card up her sleeve.

“Go on,” Robin said, smacking her husband on the ass. “Get on the bed.”

Jake climbed onto the bed obediently, staring pointedly at the diaper, the stuffer, and the plastic pants that lay there innocently.

“You realize we won't be needing those tonight?” Jake motioned towards the plastic pants. “You’re gonna cum.”

“Sweetheart, I always cum.” Robin said, positioning the diaper correctly underneath Jake. She then pulled a fleet enema kit from under the bed, the kind you could buy at just about any drugstore. “The question you have to ask yourself is if you’re going to be able to.”

She studied Jake’s facial expression as she said those words and saw a slight tint of worry wash over his forehead. It had been three months since he’d had an orgasm, but technically if you asked Robin, that was his fault.

Robin had made a rule earlier in the year after discovering with disappointment that Jake was again not in the mood for sex. She knew what had been happening. Jake had been grinding his diaper against the bed, using her Hitachi Magic Wand and any other method to cum, meaning that when it was her turn to get action later in the day, Jake was left a bit… unprepared. They had tried vainly to sync their schedules, but that was futile. Ask any adult who has tried to get calendars together, and the reason was quite obvious.

So instead, Robin, knowing how Jake always rose to a challenge, issued one of her own. She wanted him to burry his face deep into her pussy, and if he could make her cum, he could have an orgasm.

Jake had quickly risen to the challenge, learning everything that made her twitch, and Robin had enjoyed some delicious orgasms over the months. But something tickled the back of her mind. She needed to make the challenge a bit harder.

This is why at the drugstore, she had a spark of genius.

She had been picking up medication for herself when she saw the Fleet Enema kits sitting there, waiting to be used. She grabbed one and that night issued the challenge.

“Jake.” Robin said with a slight glint of evil in her eye, “If you can make me cum before releasing this enema, you can have an orgasm in return.”

Jake’s mouth had dropped open at that moment, the shock of the moment catching him off guard. But he quickly recovered. He was never one to back down from a challenge and agreed. How hard could it be?

Only that night Jake found out just how hard it could be. Robin would guess he lasted maybe 180 seconds before he wailed from between her thighs and released the enema into his waiting diaper. Jake stopped instantly and pressed his face into the sheets, embarrassed, but Robin was enjoying herself too much to accept weakness. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back between her legs. He was going to finish the job, messy diaper and all.

A week later, she had invested in a collar and leash so it would be easier to pull him back to her. Just one tug and Jake was closer to her, finishing the job.

This repeated for a few months until one day, Robin was on the verge of cumming, and Jake showed no signs of releasing the enema. Robin glanced at Jake’s head and could see him sweating as he worked his little mouth out. She moved her foot slightly, pushed his stomach a little, and felt him wail as the mess flowed into his diaper.

That was too close, Robin thought to herself. She needed to up the game slightly.

Robin had to admit, that keeping Jake in this odd limbo of not cumming made him extremely attentive. It made her sweet boyfriend even sweeter. He paid even more attention to her every need, ensuring she got what she needed. Jake lusted after her daily and she repaid the favor… She’d take his cock in her hand and rub her warm hands over it. Teasing the pulsing member just enough, but not enough to make him cum. He had to earn that. This achieved two things: he’d be hornier the nights she diapered him, and he’d never lose interest because he assumed there was hope.

Which is why tonight Robin had an ace up her sleeve. She inserted the nozzle into Jake’s backside and squeezed, emptying the entire enema into him. His legs flexed slightly at the rush of liquid that entered him. He breathed out softly.

Robin then set the used enema container and packaging next to Jake’s head and waited for his reaction as she added the suffer to his diaper and took her time lotioning his now extremely hard penis.

Jake’s eyes bulged out of his head when he saw the container. Extra Large Fleet Enema. “Hold on a second,” he protested.

Robin just stared at him as she continued to rub lotion on his private parts, stirring the beast.

Jake looked terrified at this point. No doubt, he had spent the last 48 hours knowing that today would be the day he’d push Robin over the edge before messing his diaper. Only Robin had now just upped the stakes, making things more difficult. No way would Jake be holding this one in.

Robin left Jake on the bed on top of the open diaper and went to the bathroom to wash the baby lotion off her hands. She knew that if she took her time, it would be harder for Jake to reach his goal.

She returned to the bedroom to see Jake still waiting patiently on the bed… well, laying patiently. His leg was shaking slightly, a good sign for her and a bad sign for him. Robin pulled the diaper up between his legs and fastened the tapes tightly onto him. Next, she ran her hands under the diaper to ensure the leak guards were standing correctly and instructed the poor man to stand up so she could pull up the plastic pants onto him.

Jake looked nervous but determined when Robin lay back on the bed and pulled her man towards her. “Come on big guy,” she said, her smile radiating through her vocal patterns, “I need an orgasm tonight.”

Jake pounced like a dog in the heat. His thick, diapered butt stuck high in the air as he buried himself between her legs. For a moment, the anticipation that held high in the air was almost too hot to handle. But she knew she needed more when she felt his hands grip her thighs and Jake’s soft breath get close to her. She pulled him closer to her legs, between her legs, so he could taste exactly what she was.

Jake’s work felt like her own tongue running itself across the inside of her lip, only it was his appendage doing all the work, and it was on the bottom floor. His wetness met her wetness, two vastly different temperatures, adjusting and colliding as she felt herself relax.

The juxtaposition of Robin relaxing as she strengthened her grip on Jake threw her mind into a frenzy. Her fingers felt powerful, even as her legs felt weak, and the animal inside her grinned and demanded more. She flexed on the inside, urging him to continue.

The unicorns in her soul started getting restless as the warmth between her legs began to spread from within her vagina to her abdomen to her very soul. Tiny explosions were going off in her mind as her fingers began to charge with the energy of a thousand suns, ready for the explosions that would send her mind as close as she’d get to the afterlife on this side of heaven.

Robin focused her mind slightly. She couldn’t get lost at this point, she needed to outlast her hardworking husband. Based on the way he was hunched slightly, she could tell that he was close to losing control. In the chorus of nirvana that pounded in her eardrums, Robin could hear Jake’s stomach making subtle, awful noises.

Robin wouldn’t need to kick Jake in the stomach this time to make him hopelessly mess his diaper. No, she wouldn’t have to do anything. Because a second later, he felt his tongue go slightly limp as she watched him fill his diaper. Because of the size of the enema she had given him, the moment lasted significantly longer than usual.

Robin could not admit it to Jake, but each time she felt his core tighten and then give an involuntary push, the rage of horniness that tore her up inside demanded attention. The temperature turned up inside her body, and she felt herself get hornier and hornier and hornier. Jake had resumed his work down below and had she been listening closely, she might have heard the slight cries from her boy, knowing that tonight there would be no release for him. Instead, he’d be sleeping in his packed pampers, frustrated like the little baby he is, the baby who couldn’t hold his mess. The baby had to mess his diaper while mommy enjoyed herself. The baby who hadn’t cum in the past three months because he couldn’t be good for mommy.

No, instead, Robin threw herself to the mercy of the current that began to pulse through her body. The current was ready for release. The current surged through her body, tickling every bit of her essence. The back of her mind was on fire, the world filled with light, and the unicorns and the rage monster inside her were released. And in that instant, she felt the energy speed out into the universe.

Robin’s body rolled with the galaxy and felt… everything. It wasn’t enough to say she felt everything, everywhere, all at once - Robin simply felt.

When time started acting normally again, Robin came down from the pedestal that made her feel like pure power and settled into the post haze of being a goddess instead. She pulled Jake close and let him rest his head on her chest. In one smooth motion, she reached down and squished the bottom of his diaper, smiling as Jake winced.

“Poor baby,” Robin said, smiling to herself. “You couldn’t control yourself for me, huh?”

Jake was too tired and defeated to levy even the smallest protests.

“It’s okay,” Robin said, pulling the covers over them. “There’s always next time. Get some rest… we can try again next week.”



Ruby Teagan

I love the pacing in this. Great story.