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I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t coming back tomorrow. And Valerie made the decision even easier with what happened next.

Last night after Valerie had instructed me to pull on the plastic pants, she made me help her prep dinner. It was some sort of soup that required me to spend all afternoon stirring over the stove.

There I was sweating, my hand and legs tired from standing, trying to retain my dignity as I crinkled in my diaper. I’m certain it was an odd sight, my thick diaper protruding from underneath my shirt that had no doubt ridden up due to all the movement I was making. Even taking a few steps in the kitchen to the other side of the counter gave a defending crinkle and caused an extremely pronounced waddle.

Because the soup was hot and boiling, I was forced to drink even more water that day so my throat wouldn’t stay dry. That meant that my body wasn’t the only thing that was hydrating. My diapers were absorbing as much pee as possible, almost as if determined to prove that they could beat the plastic pants capacity.

But I didn’t leak. Not even in the slightest. Not even when I sat down at the dinner table with Valerie (with a squish and a crinkle) and sipped on the soup and spoke to her about her day.

Evidently, she had surgery and had saved some kid’s life. This seemed like a common occurrence. Valerie said it with such a matter-a-fact tone. It wasn’t as if she were bragging to me about her accomplishments. She was legit telling me she had done an incredible operation on a kid, the same way I would tell someone that I planned a successful event with a client.

This was her life.

As I spoke to her, I found myself relaxing. No, not relaxing more urine into my diaper. Relaxing and letting down my guard. Valerie was pretty. She had even more beautiful now that I knew her up close and with depth. She had slight lines on her face from here she had no doubt frowned during her operation. Her lips were thinner than I expected, her eyes darker because of the weight of her patients.

Valerie also asked me about some of the issues I was having at work. Heck, she remembered where I worked and asked intelligent questions. By the end of the meal, I felt like we had turned a corner in our relationship and I felt that maybe, just maybe, I would return tomorrow.

I did for a moment until Valerie opened her mouth and reminded me that I was her virtual prisoner.

“How is your diaper,” she asked, standing and walking over to where I sat at the table.

“I… uh… not sure.” I fumbled out, not expecting that question at that moment. This had to be what the press secretary felt when the reporters were asking her questions. I hadn’t been paying attention and sure I had been consistently wetting during the dinner, but it’s hard to tell when you’re wearing double diapers. The inside might be wet, even if the outside is completely dry, giving you hours of capacity.

“Really?” Valerie didn’t look surprised. Then without warning, she plunged her hand between my legs and squeezed the outside of the plastic pants.

My dick leaped for joy, slightly, at the idea of a woman (especially this woman) touching me down there. Only, it was like a shadow reaching out to me. I could feel her hand slightly, but it was not giving me the pleasure it should have. Fucking double diapers! My brain was not happy. Neither was the smaller one.

“So you really can’t tell when you’re wetting yourself?” Valerie withdrew her hand and picked up my empty plate and put them in the dishwasher. “It’s a good thing we gave you those plastic pants. Leaking would make your day job harder.”

I scowled, but nodded.

Valerie looked at the clock. “See you at six am tomorrow?” She asked.

“Uh yea…”

She just stood there looking at me as I stood up, my diaper squishing between my legs.

“Can I have my pants back please?”

Valerie chucked to herself and shook her head. “No, Andrew.” She lead me to the door. “They’re not going to fit over your plastic pants. Just waddle that diaper butt back over here tomorrow. You’re not wearing pants in this house anymore.”

“Hold on a second…”

But Valerie just swung open the front door and pushed me through the door frame.

“I need my pants to go home!” I hissed in her direction, trying no to alert the neighbors that I was standing on the front porch in a diaper. Valerie ignored me and handed me my house keys. Then she did the unthinkable. She turned on the porchlight, bathing me in bright white light.

I gasped. The light made my diaper look even more shiny than ever. It was the plastic pants. They were reflecting light across the entire block. I was pretty sure that everyone would be able to see me, standing there in a tee shirt, tennis shoes and this plastic prison.

I did the only thing I could think of: I ran to my house. Well… kinda. To be honest, it was more of a pronounced waddle than a run. When I reached my door, it seemed like it took me forever to get the key in the lock. But when I finally go the key to turn, I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on my couch with a squish.

I pounded my hands on the couch in sweet anger. I was foolish to think that for a second that we were becoming friends. Instead it was obvious, Valerie thought I was an incontent thief. One that needed looking after, one that didn’t know when I wet my diaper or when I needed to change. A diaper boy who needed to serve out their thirty day sentence and use up all the diapers in her living room.

Fuck that.

I ripped off the plastic pants and pulled off the double diapers. I made a mental note that the second diaper was slightly wet and rolled my eyes. I tossed it into the trash. Feeling quite free because I was finally spending the first day without the massive bulk between my legs, I resolved to take a shower and clear my head. After my warm soapy shower, I climbed into bed and smiled to myself, I was free tomorrow. I dared her to call the fucking police, I’d tell them exactly how I was being extorted.


Over the course of that Thursday I spend most of my time working on projects while enjoying my undiapered freedom. It’s funny how better your workout is when you know you don’t have a woman waiting to put your unwilling butt back in diapers. Sure Valerie knocked on my door that morning wondering where I was. I had planned for that. I spent half the day at Starbucks with everyone else, typing out my work and sipping a coffee.

When I knew Valerie had left for work, I returned home and finished some work. After dinner, I flipped on the television and was watching one of those chef shows when I heard a knock at my door.

I opened the door to reveal two police officers standing there looking at me.

“Can I help you officers?” My mouth had gone dry.

“Ah yes….” the first officer pointed to his badge and showed it to me. “I hope things are well. We’re actually here to inquire about a string of burglaries recently.”

My mind went blank, but before I passed out, I found my bearings. I wasn’t stupid. The woman next door had promised me she was going to do this. I had a plan for this.

“Burglaries?” I responded. “That’s horrible.” And then I added for dramatic measure, “Was anything valuable stolen?”

“Well, now that you ask, yes.” The police officer looked at his partner and they shared a laugh. “It’s the funniest thing. This thief has gone around the neighborhood stealing diapers and baby supplies of all things.”

I forced a smile, “Is it a single mom or something?”

“Oh no.” the second officer stepped forward. “It’s actually someone who is in their early thirties, we have a photo that our lab is rendering actually. Here,” she handed me her tablet. “Maybe you’ll recognize the profile.”

I looked down at the tablet and saw a blurry version of myself, standing diapered in Valerie’s living room holding what was no doubt a pack of diapers.

“We think he’s some sort of pervert and he does this for sexual gratification.”

My mouth was completely dry at this point.

“We know this is odd, but please, take another look. This is our station’s highest priority right now.”

Trying hard to keep a straight face, I held the photo up to my face one more time and examined the photo. In reality, I was doing my best to make sure that there was no way these people could tell it was me.

“On the bright side, we’ve asked our forensic unit to enhance the image later tonight, so we’ll have a clearer image to show you.”

I handed the photo back to the police officers and let them know I didn’t know who it was.

“That’s too bad,” the first officer said, taking the image and flooding it up as he stuffed it back into his vest pocket. Then turning to this partner said, “I guess we’ll need that press conference later tonight then.”

“Press conference?” I inquired, by heart thumping like a mad man in my chest.

“Yeah,” the second officer piped up. “We’ll have their photo and more information about what they stole on the news tonight. Our goal is to make sure we keep the public safe. I know many of the women on this street are feeling pretty unsafe. Ideally, we’ll be able to make an identification this week and get this sicko in front of a judge.” Then without missing a beat, “This diaper pervert.”

The other officer joined in on the laughter with that comment.

I was feeling sick.

But out of the corner of my eye I saw Valerie have a seat on her front porch and stare at me. Her eyes were drilling into my soul. As the officers left my front porch and continued canvassing houses, she looked at her watch and then back at me. She didn’t have to say anything but we both knew what that look meant. Check and mate, she had me right where she wanted me.

I watched as the police waved at her and began walking to her front porch. Working quickly, I knew what I had to do. I grabbed my phone and texted her to let her know I’d be over first thing the next morning.

Valerie looked at me and smiled and then turned to engage the police officers. My heart was thumping out of my chest at this point. But true to her word, Valerie soon dismissed the officers and I saw her reach back into her pocket and pull out the phone and write back a message.

My phone vibrated as the text appeared onto my phone. “Take the day off of work tomorrow. You’ve got one more chance.”

I looked up and nodded.

My phone vibrated again.

I glanced down and what I read made me want to cry.

Shouldn’t you be wearing your diapers?

I watched as the woman held up two diapers in her hand and set them on the patio chair on her front porch and then vanished inside. The two diapers, both extremely pink and extremely infantile, sat there as I trudged across the gap between our houses.

They taunted me as I picked them up and shuffled back over to my house and was safely back inside. They taunted me as I put them on with shaky hands and settled in for a long night.

As I went to bed that night I knew one thing was true. I’d be serving out the rest of my sentence, rather I liked it or not.


I felt like a hostage in a prison without bars when I showed up to Valerie’s house the next day. She didn’t have to say a word as she glanced down at the soaked double diapers that were between my legs and let me inside.

“You can take your pants off now.” Valerie pointed to a bin sitting by the front door. “You know the rules.”

I nodded numbly and slid my sweatpants down over my diaper and legs. I folded them briefly and put them in the bin. It was hard to ignore the bright bink in a room that was all black and white. Valerie took one look at my diaper, reached down and squeezed.

“You do know you’re wet right?” Valerie asked condescendingly.

“Yes, I do.” I knew why she was asking me this. I had led her down this pathway. A pathway where I was trying to save my own dignity, but in the process had led me to the humiliation that I was now facing. The girl next door was a fantasy I had craved in my mind, but the reality was forcing me to reconnect with this idea I had heard before: Be careful what you wish for.

Never mind that right now though, I had a few more weeks of this treatment and if I remember correctly there was a party tomorrow I needed to help prepare for. But I had another trick up my sleeve. I hate to admit it, but I had spent the night thinking of ways to serve out this sentence by doing the bare minimum. I was determined to not have to stay in this house longer than I have to.

The reality of this situation was that I remembered studying the civil disobedience campaigns of the past. People who had to serve long sentences in prison and how they persevered. Dr. King spent his time growing his relationship with God while others went on hunger strikes to try and turn their causes to fight the mistreatment of fellow prisoners. I didn’t think God gave a flying fuck about my diaper fetish so I didn’t think I’d be writing any Letters from the Girl Next Door’s House. Besides, I’m not a prolific writer by any means. No students would be reading my musings about my self inflicted punishment. I also doubted there were any other diaper boys in my predicament, being held hostage by the girl next door, so I wasn’t about to become an activist.

Instead, I was going to make a decision that was going to cause Valerie to just give up on her efforts at holding me hostage. I was going to slow down the work. I was going to be so inadequate at my job that she'd just give me my diapers and leave. I was confident in this plan, because this is what I would do. Hands down.

I just needed to push aside my perfectionist sensibilities and make today the worst day possible for her.


Once Valerie had left for the day, I sat on the couch in my fresh new diaper and looked at the list in front of me. It was a typical party planning list where there were snacks to buy and alot of tidying up that needed to be done around the house. Based on the list, these chores were going to take all day. To make matters even more complicated, there was some cooking that needed to be done towards the end of the day, pre party prep, is what the list called it.

So I set my plan in motion. I simply grabbed some snacks and sat on the couch all day and watched television. For a moment everything felt normal again. I was eating popcorn on the couch and watching some reality TV while I wet my diapers. I took a nap in the middle of the day and got changed afterwards. I ordered some Door Dash and grubbed on a hamburger while standing around in just my diaper and a tee shirt.

Around evening time, I opened up my laptop and searched the internet for my favorite porn video and gently rubbed the front of my diaper. After a few moments, I got comfortable. I climbed on top of the couch and thought about the girl next door seeing me diapered through her window as I softly ground my hips back and forth over the couch. I thought about Valerie walking in on me, discovering me do my naughty deed and demanding that I stop… or even better, demanding that I continue under her watchful eye. I could see her patting the back of my diaper as I humped over and over. I thought about how naughty I was being, how my pink diaper was completely on display. I thought about how I was in the girl next door’s house and she knew my secret.

I buried my face into the couch as I felt a tingling in my body as I thrust harder and harder. I was feeling warm as I pushed harder and faster to the inevitable conclusion. Then it happened. I spurted over and over into my diaper, each time feeling weaker and weaker as I struggled to stifle my moans and clutched the edges of the couch.

After a moment I collapsed and smiled to myself. Today was a good day. I drifted off into a post orgasmic haze and finally fell asleep.



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