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The day went by pretty quickly, all things considered. I would clean more rooms in the house, continue to wet my diaper and then update Valerie on my progress. After the second day of chores, I casually mentioned that I had work tomorrow so perhaps this arrangement could end. I was hoping Valerie would agree that I had served my sentence dutifully and taken my punishment, no matter how babish, like a man.

Oh the irony.

But Valerie seemed to look for every excuse to continue to have control over the situation. When it was time for me to leave, Valerie stood in front of the door and asked me how today went.

"It went fine," I mumbled out. I had been mumbling a lot recently. I think my confidence was shaken from wearing diapers full time in her house.

"I'm glad to hear that." Valerie handed me my shoes that were sitting by the door. "See you tomorrow?"

"I have work tomorrow," I said, squirming uncomfortably. My diaper was full at this point and I was looking forward to getting out of this diaper.

"You work from home, right?"


"Good." Valerie smiled. "You can come over when you need to change."

"Wait what?"

"You're going to keep coming here as long as there are diapers in my house." She then opened the door and gestured for me to leave. "You'll keep coming over here as long as you have diapers left in my living room. I've been thinking about how long it's going to take you to repay your debt to me and it will be as long as it takes you to use up all 160 diapers. It's a punishment after all, not a reward. You wanted to come into my house so badly, now you get to come over all the time."

My mouth dropped open. I hadn't agreed to any of this. There was no way I was going to keep going over to my next-door neighbor's house to change my diapers- and embarrassingly, I might add. It was bad enough Valerie thought I was incontinent, I wasn't about to have to keep going over to her house every few hours to change. That would last… how long… like a few months? Surely they wouldn't lock me in jail for a few months for stealing my diapers…

Though, they'd probably lock me in a mental institution. My brain had a funny way of tackling these situations. This was not helping…

"Speaking of which.…" Valerie gestured towards the tower of diapers. "Do you need to change? I saw you waddling a bit earlier. "You'd better put on two diapers so you don't leak in the middle of the night."

I nodded and numbly walked to the diaper tower and chose two of the diapers and squished my way back to the door. But Valerie reminded me that I needed to change while inside her house. I nodded meekly and entered the bathroom, double diapered myself and reentered, and proceeded to pull up my pants.

Unlike before, the diaper caused the pants to bulge out on all sides. Obviously, I was wearing a diaper, not just because of the waddle, but because the elastic on my sweatpants were stretched to the maximum. The worst part was because of the size of two diapers, the waistband of the sweatpants didn't (or couldn't) come up to my waist, meaning my diaper was clearly showing as I walked bow-legged back towards the door.

Valerie stared at me, her eyes piercing through me. "That's cute," she said sarcastically.

I flinched.

"I will be awake at 6:30 tomorrow morning, and you're allowed to come for a change at 9:00 am."

I nodded.

But then Valerie put her hand on my shoulder calmly. "I know you suffer from bladder issues, so please feel free to wet your diaper overnight as you usually would. I completely understand. I'm a doctor after all."

I frowned slightly. "I really don't have issues overnight."

Valerie looked surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Like I don't generally wake up wet," I said logically.

"That's strange," Valerie leaned against the door and scratched her head. "I've never met anyone who suffers from bladder issues who can hold it overnight." She looked at the trash bag that was sitting near the door and back at me. "Has a doctor examined you recently? Maybe you're wearing diapers unnecessarily?"

I froze for a moment. This was tricky. I had already told Valerie that I needed the diapers, but I had told her it was only for stress, but now she was telling me that I would have issues overnight. Perhaps there was a way to get out of this predicament with clever wording.

But Valerie seemed to have other ideas. "You know what? On Saturday, why don't you come to the hospital?"

"I don't know Valerie…."

But she continued. "One of my colleagues will know what to do to help you. Who knows, maybe you can throw away these diapers for good." Valerie smiled and I could have sworn she wanted to pat me on the head at the way her eyes glinted in my direction. "In the meantime, keep those diapers on tonight, come back tomorrow, I'll check to see if you need a change and please take out your diaper trash."

I blinked a few times and decided it was probably best to get out of that house as soon as possible. I grabbed the trash bag and waddled out of the house. But before I made it past the door, I felt a pat on my diapered bottom. Shocked, I paused and heard Valerie say, "I couldn't help it."

Then she shut the door and I waddled towards my house.


The next day went very much like the first two with extremely similar results. I tossed and turned overnight, dreading the idea that I had to show up at Valerie's place with two extremely thick, babyish diapers on. To make matters worse, the hot girl next door thought that I was incontinent. She literally thought one of the most unattractive things about me, that I wet my pants daily and didn't even realize it.

I racked my brain all night, trying to figure out how I could back out of this. I had come to a sinking realization. On an average day, I wore three diapers a day, and that was when I used to take one off for the evening and didn't even wear a diaper in the morning. Lately, while at Valerie's house, I've been running through four to five diapers a day.

I did the math in my head. I had two cases of diapers sitting in Valerie's living room, which meant that there were 160 diapers to be used, which put me at thirty-two days of diaper wearing. An entire month. With nearly three days under my belt, that meant that I would be free three and a half weeks from now.

Overnight as I tossed and turned, I was worried. Three weeks in diapers, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, was not very appealing. Indeed, I had other things that required my attention. I had friends I wanted to hang out with, I had the gym to go to. Was I expected to wear diapers to the gym too?

The following day, I laughed bitterly to myself as I sat at my kitchen table munching on some cereal. I had indeed flooded my diaper the night before, and thankfully, the second diaper held up remarkably well. I had laughed because I couldn't believe that I thought Valerie was actually right when she recommended a double diaper for my nightly "wettings." No doubt she really was a doctor and was offering some good advice.

Good advice if I were a person with bladder issues.

But I wasn't. I was a man trying to get out of the dumbest situation I had put myself in, in my entire life.

But Valerie wasn't making my life any easier. When I arrived the following day, Valerie swung the door open to reveal her scrubs and a bag by her side.

"You have a few things you need to take care of this morning before you go to work," she said, walking me through the house. "My number is on the fridge in case anything goes wrong, which I don't think will." Valerie looked me up and down. "And it looks like your diaper is pretty full, huh."

I looked down at my bulging middle. My sweatpants were just ballooning on all sides. The back of the sweatpants hardly came up halfway up to the waistband of the diaper. In fact, walking to Valerie's house, I had put on a coat, just in case, the neighbors had been looking outside their window.

"Uh yeah," I said, ignoring her gaze. "I didn't really notice."

"Do you often wet overnight in your sleep?" Valerie asked.

"Yeah, all the time," I responded without thinking and then tried to catch myself. "Not all the time, periodically."

"Oh so, it's an accident."

"Yeah, I mean, who would do it on purpose?"

"That's what I thought," Valerie pointed at my sweatpants. "Let's take a look and see what's going on here."

"What?" She didn't expect me to drop my pants in front of her.

"Let's see what we're working with here?"

I just stood there frozen. But Valerie wasn't about to waste her time; she reached down, lifted my shirt, and gave the sweatpants a sharp tug.

They fell to the ground revealing a thick, soggy, bulging diaper. In this case, I was wearing a diaper with blue side panels and now faded stars. There were little bears on the diaper, and the hook and loop tapes on the diaper were clearly straining. There was a slight yellow tint showing through the diaper.

"Wow." Valerie inspected the diaper and grabbed her purse. "You need to make sure you change out of that diaper before you get a rash and then have to see a doctor." Then Valerie said with some snark, "I can still set up an appointment with my doctor friend. You seem to have some issues that a doctor might be able to help you with.

"I've left two diapers on the table for you to wear during the day. I'll be back at the end of my shift, and you can report to me for your evening diaper change. Under no circumstances are you to grab anymore. I know how many there are. Remember, you broke the rules, you're serving a punishment in my house."

I nodded numbly as Valerie left. Waddling slowly, I approached the table and saw that Valerie had actually left two diapers on the table. Only, instead of the overnight diapers I usually wore, they were the ABU Preschools, a thinner, more mobile diaper. There were two of them sitting there with a note for some morning chores to be done before noon.

This was going to be a problem.

Preschools were some of the lightest diapers on the market. Their capacity sucked. One or two wettings and the diaper would crumble instantly. But how could Valerie know this? She probably just pulled two diapers out of the pack and figured they'd do the trick.

I sighed and changed my diaper. It was a relief to put on the thinner diaper, no longer hobbled by the bulk of the overnight diapers. After checking myself out in the mirror for a moment and making sure the diaper didn't show through my sweatpants, I grabbed the chores list and went to work.


The day proceeded in the typical fashion, except by noon, my first preschool was utterly saturated, and I had managed to gain a wet spot on the back of my sweatpants. Before I went home, I grabbed an extra diaper, determined not to leak during the day with more capacity.

I texted Valerie to let her know I was headed home for the day and would return later. She reminded me to come back at six pm for my evening diaper and chores. I grumbled at her nagging text message and trudged back home.

I got lucky; the second preschool was used up in two hours. Around two, I had to switch to the overnight diaper just to be safe. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing I'd be able to keep my furniture dry. As much as I hated to admit it, I felt safer with the thicker diaper. It was like going from a thin tank top to a comfy sweater in the late fall. This was the right way to be diapered.

I proceeded to work throughout the day and finally around six-fifteen reached a good stopping place. I glanced down to check my diaper. The stars that had dotted the outside of the blue core were gone entirely, faded now that they were wet. The entire diaper was swollen from the afternoon's wettings. I grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them over the diaper. I didn't want my tormentor to have the ability to just pull down my pants again. This time, I was going to wear a belt.

With my plan in place, I walked over to Valerie's place and knocked on her door.

Valerie answered with a curt, "You're late," and stalked back into the kitchen, where ingredients were sitting on the countertop. "Before you start, I'll need to check your diaper, though."

I unbuckled my pants. I had been prepared for this moment by now. It had happened several times over the past week, every single day. But today, Valerie frowned.

"Pull them all the way down," she demanded, crossing her arms.

I slowly complied, stepping out of my pants legs and awkwardly holding my jeans in my hands.

"What is this?" Valerie asked, pointing towards my diaper.

Puzzled, I responded, "My diaper…." I slapped myself mentally. I should have said brief. Saying diaper made it seem like I was some giant baby man standing in the kitchen.

"Yes, but it's not the one I put out for you this morning."

I was confused. "Right, but those diapers didn't have enough capacity."

Valerie looked me up and down. "You used both of those diapers? Already?"

I was annoyed at this point. Of course, I had used both of the diapers. They were the thinnest, flimsiest diapers on the market. They were cute, though, but not the best for heavy wear.

"Yes," I answered. "What did you expect when you've forced me to wear them all day?"

"No one forced you to wear diapers," she responded. "You told me you had bladder problems. Don't you wear them all day anyway?"

I froze.

"Exactly." Valerie left the room, and I could see her dealing with the stack of diapers in the other room. She returned holding another diaper. "I told you that those were the diapers that you were supposed to use today, and you decided to go and get another diaper because you are a heavy wetter."

"Hold on a second -"

"It's clear you need more protection," Valerie raised her voice, cutting me off. "I want to make sure you feel protected when you're working around the house."

"Wait, hold on…."

"So here's what we are going to do. First, I'm going to try and get you an appointment with the specialist at the hospital. I have a lot of friends who work in the field, and I really want you to be able to control this issue. It's clear you have no control."

Valerie pulled the diaper from her hands and handed it to me. "In the meantime, you're going to wear double diapers in my house from now on. It'll ensure you're protected."

Valerie walked away and left me standing there stunned. But it turns out she wasn't finished. She returned back, holding something white and transparent in her hand. They looked like briefs, like… actual briefs… only transparent.

"I spoke to one of my colleagues about your medical condition today, and she suggested these." She held up the plastic briefs and revealed them in all their glory. I had heard of them in some of the ABDL stories that I had read before, but I had never seen them in real life before. "She suggested tracking the amount of output you make every single day, which means you might be a little more susceptible to leaks. These should make sure you don't leak."

My mouth dropped open. They looked loud. How the hell would I keep those quiet when walking around this house. I was lucky I worked from home and no one would hear the noise but me. Besides, I wasn't a baby. This was something babies wore. There was no way in hell I was going to wear these.

"I'm not wearing those," I said as aggressively as possible while wearing a very full diaper with faded stars on them.

"Yes you are," Valerie stared at me and thrust the plastic pants in my arms. "Because I can always call the police if you don't."

She walked back into the kitchen and flipped on the television, ignoring me completely.

I just stood there for a moment, feeling hopeless. She was right. I was stuck for the moment. The last thing I needed was law enforcement coming to my house and making my life difficult. The headline Diaper Thief was flashing through my mind.

So I did the only logical thing I could do. I walked to the bathroom and put on the new diaper. The old diaper fell to the floor with a thud. I cringed at how saturated it was, the white padding now slightly yellow. I pulled on the first diaper after wiping myself down. Before taping it up, I poured some powder down the front of the diaper. I then poked holes in the first diaper and pulled up the second diaper, stretching the tapes around the front as far as possible. Finally, I pulled the plastic pants up my legs and over my quads. They fit tight and closely over the diaper, forcing the plastic to look comical and stretched out. The leg gathers clung tightly to my body, contouring over the diaper.

I waddled out of the bathroom and could hear a defending crinkle with each move I made. I cringed as I joined Valerie in the kitchen cutting veggies.

"Can I have my pants back?" I asked. "Please?"

Valerie looked at me and shook her head. "They're not going to fit over your diapers anyway. I need to be able to see if you're going to leak," she sneered.

I looked down at the cutting board and began cutting the carrots for dinner. My face was burning hot. I resolved at this very moment I was not going to come back tomorrow. There was no fucking way.


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