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Shane gasped for air as his feeding tube was removed and instantly began sputtering and coughing. It had been who knows how long since he was condemned to what he was calling, the baby room.

Shane was shaking remembering how every moment seemed to reach into an eternity. His diapers were constantly bulging and thick and being filled from both ends without his effort.

To make matters worse he had no idea when he was getting changed. Suddenly he’d feel himself being manhandled and feel air on his diaper region. In those moments he’d feel the person peel back the heavy diaper and wipe him down with care. Next he’d feel a healthy sprinkling of baby powder (he could smell it) and then feel a new, thick diaper being taped up, dooming him to more hours, days, weeks of hell.

Shane had tried to keep track of the number of times he was changed, but it became impossible. His life was one of a helpless infant, eating, drinking, sleeping, messing his diapers… His life was pure hell.

To make matters worse, in the back of his mind he kept thinking back to his lawyer who had said he should be free soon. Would they know he was stuck in this baby limbo? Would they come and get him out?

But now, here he was coughing up spittle as the nurses rushed around him and helped wipe his face. After shaking his head for a moment, Nurse Frankie came into view.

“Inmate, don’t try and speak… you’ll just wear yourself out.” Frankie sat at the edge of the bed.

Shane did try to speak and found himself exhausted. She was right. All Shane wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep. He closed his eyes for a moment, but Frankie’s voice was sounding like nails on a chalkboard as she continued.

“I hope you learned an invaluable lesson just now,” Frankie continued. “You can’t attack a guard or staff member, I don’t care how innocent you think you are. There are rules here for a reason.” Frankie pointed at Shane who was squinting in the bright light. “You realize everything that happens to you is completely under your control. If you don’t want to wear diapers anymore, all you have to do is stop sneaking drugs into the prison.”

Shane wanted to protest, but he was simply too weak to do so. All he managed was a few gurgles of protest. Some drool trickled down the side of his face and onto the bib he was wearing. He hadn’t noticed it before until a staff member used it to wipe some of the drool off his face. The corners of his mouth seemed to be perpetually wet at this point.

“So now I need you to nod or shake your head. Will you stop sneaking drugs into my prison?”

Shane nodded. He didn’t want to go through that again.

“Great. Do it again and it won't be 24 hours that you’re in the Locke Room, it’ll be a week. And the side effects will… suck.”

Frankie gestured to the guards to take Shane back to his cell and left the room.

But what had baffled Shane the most: That had only been 24 hours?


Gary was alarmed when they dropped Shane off in the cell. The man was as weak as a newborn drooling and could hardly sit up. Gary to his credit was helpful, even in the humiliating state that he was in. As Shane’s senses slowly returned to him he realized a few things. Number one, how had that only been a day in the Locke Room? It felt like an eternity. He could have sworn he had his diapers changed several times, was there some sort of theory about time where things felt longer when they were new? Was it the sensory deprivation? All Shane knew was that he didn’t want to experience that again.

The second thing he noticed was that he was still in the chastity cage that he had panicked over earlier… which was disappointing. Shane didn’t like the diapers, but he had to admit that with the cage on, it make the experience less pleasurable. It was as if his penis didn’t exist inside all the padding… He’d be wet and it would be something that just happened. Shane almost wish he hadn’t freaked out yesterday and gotten the Lock Treatment because it had not been worth it. Shane made a mental note that he needed to do better with his anxiety if he was going to survive in time to have his lawyer come let him out.

Finally, Shane was still pretty weak. Gary to his credit had helped him throughout the next few days, feeding him at breakfast, lunch and dinner, holding a water bottle for him to suck on and alerting the guards when he needed to be changed. Shane was humiliated because even though he had left the Locke Room earlier in the week, he was still feeling infantile because of the side effects. This had the added effect of causing Shane to not focus as much on holding his bladder meaning Gary was telling him when he was wet more often that not, Shane being suprised each time. Shane made a mental note to ask his lawyer about this situation. As a prisoner, he had to have some rights somewhere.

But Shane’s lawyer didn’t have an answer to the potty training. The lawyer did however have good news. He was going to get a hearing with the judge in three days. So he’d be able to go to court and if everything went as planned, they’d be letting him go with a full apology.

“Wait… what?” Shane stuttered feeling the overwhelming urge to cry right then and there.

“Yes,” the lawyer beamed back at him. “You’re gonna go free.” She then babbled on how she usually doesn’t tell clients to get their hopes up, but this time it different. They have the tape of the person who committed the crime and they just need to get time in front of the judge.

Shane started crying emotionally. His lawyer patted him on the shoulder. Then she took a step back.

“Um… Shane, you’re… leaking.”

Shane gasped and stood up. Sure enough, his diaper had overflowed during the conversation. “Sorry,” he mumbled… “It wasn’t on purpose.”

The lawyer called for the guard and told Shane that it would be in his best interest for that not to happen in court.

Shane nodded. But all he could think about was that in three days, he was getting out of here.


Shane spent the next few days lying as low as possible. If he played his cards right he’d be able to get out of prison in three days and resume his life as usual. Gary seemed a bit upset that see that his roomate would be leaving, especially one who was kind and actually innocent.

“What will you do when you get out?” Gary asked eagerly one night while the two of them shot the shit before lights were going to turn out.

“Well, I’m gonna get laid.” Shane laughed, his caged dick twitching slightly. He coudn’t wait to be out of this chastity device and diapers for good.

“Can you make sure you’re getting laid enough for the two of us?” Gary kicked the wall slightly in frustration. “No women in here… I think you need a change man.”

Shane looked down and saw his diaper looked saturated. Upon feeling the soaked plastic garment he realized he was at a saturation point. He gave his diaper a squeeze and then waddled back over to his bed. “I’m sure nurse Franke will come over and help me out.”

But for some reason, the nurse never arrived, in fact by the time “lights out” came, Shane was still in the same saturated diaper as before. He was forced to lay on his back because of the massive swell and to make matters worse, his stomach was starting to grumble.

But Shane decided his diaper would most likely not be able to hold much more, so he breathed deeply while on his back and tried his best to hold it. Then Shane had an idea. He had never messed himself in his sleep before, in fact, years of potty training had taught him to hold it automatically. Shane reasoned if he could fall asleep, his body could take care of the rest.

Shane closed his eyes and and took a few deep breaths and tried to focus on nothing. Then in a few moments, he manged to drift off and go to sleep.


Shane’s eyes darted open to the sound of someone rapping on the bars. “Inmate, you’ve got court, get up.”

Shane sat up quickly and realized instantly something was wrong. He felt an ooze between his legs, as his diaper squished between his thighs. His heart stopped and he felt a slight burning in his stomach. He’d done the unthinkable, he’d messed himself in his sleep.

“Inmate, come on, let’s go,” the guard said harshly as the cell bars rolled open.

Shane slowly got out of bed and stood up, his diaper sagging between his legs in his sleeper. He didn’t like this feeling and needed a change badly. He was doing his best not to smoosh the mess by moving gingerly.

“Where’s Frankie?” he asked approaching the doors to the cell, instantly regretting his decision to try and let his body takeover the proces.

“Let’s go inmate,” the guard shoved the shocked prisoner forward.

Shane began the long walk from the cell to the holding room where he’d no doubt get to change clothes. Shane couldn’t wait to get out of this messy, soaked, heavy diaper. He felt like a small child. But not even that could dampen (soak?) his spirits today. Because the guard had said the one thing he’d been waiting to hear for the last week. He was going to court which meant soon this would all be over.

Shane couldn’t help but chuckle a little to himself, no doubt thinking that this unfortunate chapter would be shoved to the back of his mind, never to be seen again. To make matters even better, because the judge would declare him innocent, these last few months would be expunged from his record. He could even sue the state for their prosecutorial misconduct. Shane realized that if things went well, he could end up with some cash in his pocket when this was all over.

The guard opened up a door and ushered Shane into a pretty formal looking room where his lawyer stood there with a suit and tie and a smug look on her face.

“What are you wearing?” Her face screwed up as she shooed away the guard.

“This is what I was telling you about,” Shane said glumly, accepting the suit and tie. He checked out the outfit and was pleased to see it was ironed and clean.

The door swung open behind Shane as Frankie entered the room.

“I heard an inmate needed a diaper change?” Frankie asked cheerfully, laying out a changing mat on the floor of the room.

Shane’s lawyer just stared at the scene unfolding in front of her, while Shane obediently lay on the mat as he’d done for all these months.

To the lawyer's credit, she stayed through the entire change briefing Shane through what today was going to look like. Odd we’re, in a few hours, he would be getting an apology from the court. “Just keep quiet, speak when I tell you to speak and we’ll be fine.”

Shane nodded then squirmed for a second. Frankie was getting another diaper out. “I don’t need that.”

“Yes you do,” Frankie said, sliding the new diaper under him. “You’ve been wetting yourself non-stop for the past few months that you’ve been here. Like a baby.” She sneered the last part out causing Shane to squirm uncomfortably on the ground from his position.

Frankie taped the diaper shut and Shane quickly stood up. He wasn’t about to spend more time looking like a baby if he could help it. Shane grabbed his dress pants and pulled them up. Sadly the pants only pronounced the bulge in his pants, but luckily the suit jacket covered things up.

Soon, Shane and his lawyer found themselves in court, Shane seated in the hard chair uncomfortably as he listened to the judge go on and on about procedural motions. But soon the moment arrived, the judge looked him in the eyes and said he was free to go, with the apologies from the court.

Shane hugged his lawyer, but the judge banged his gavel.

“I’m not finished yet,” he said.

Shane and his lawyer looked up. “Your honor?”

“There’s the issue of your enrollment in the Locke program.”

Shane’s lawyer gave Shane some side eye and motioned for him to stay quiet.

“Your honor,” the lawyer said, forcing a smile. “We can assure you, there are no issues.”

But the judge didn’t look convinced. “We’ll need the prison nurse to give us the all clear. If the defendant has managed to stay dry during these procedures, then he’ll be fine. If not, he’ll have to enroll in the Program until he can regain functionality.”

“Hold on a second!” Shane had an outburst, only to be silenced by the judges gavel.

“Don’t test my patience,” The judge warned. He then turned to the bailiff. “Please ask Frankie to come in.”

The bailiff nodded.

Shane’s lawyer hissed at him, “If you managed to stay dry then we’ll be fine.”

“I am dry.” Shane hissed. “This is fucking stupid.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about.”

Shane nodded a sigh of relief. This was simple, he hadn’t used his diaper, so there was no reason for him to have a problem with what was going to happen next. Sure, he’d have to endure a little humiliation of getting diaper checked in the middle of the courtroom, but he had endured worse as an inmate. Shane found himself smiling to himself as Frankie entered the courtroom.

Frankie approached Shane and got straight to business. Trembling from nerves, Shane began to unbuckle his pants. But he felt some slight wetness on the zipper. Shane’s stomach went tight in fear. But it was too late. He saw Frankie give a slight smile as she placed her hand on the front of his diaper and gave it a squeeze. He felt it before he heard it, the squish of his plastic padding, full from the constant stream of pee he’d tricked down into his thirsty diaper.

Shane looked up at the judge in fear as Frankie just shook her head. He could have sworn he saw the corner of her lips twitch upwards.

This wasn’t going to be good…



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