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To Shane’s shock, he was sent back to his cell with the pacifier tied around his head in his mouth. Try as he might, he couldn’t reach behind him and pull out the device either. To make matters worse, it forced him to constantly drool throughout the day like a stupid baby. Gary, who looked sympathetic, refused to do anything to help him with the device saying he didn’t want to make things worse for himself. He’d already gotten a strike from the jail for being near the sink when the drugs were found.

Gary did help wipe the drool from Shane’s mouth throughout the day, but that did little to help with the constant humiliation the man felt. Because of the pacifier, he had to point and grunt when he wanted something. He had to rely on Gary to communicate verbally in any way. Also, mealtimes were an absolute disaster. Frankie would enter the room and attach the nozzle to the pacifier and sit with him as the thick liquid drained into his pacifier and into his stomach. Shane found that he would instantly start wetting during this process and after one leak, Frankie started laying him down on the floor and changing his diaper during the feeding process. For efficiencies she had said the first time as the other guys looked on sympathetically.

Shane was confused. Was he enjoying this? Each time Frankie laid him on the floor, he’d get a hard throbbing erection that she’d do her best to ignore. But for someone who hadn’t had sex in about a month at this point, Shane couldn’t help it. Feeling the soft padding inside the diaper was exciting for his starved member, and the humiliation, while on a normal day woudln’t do anything for him, ended up just pushing his sex drive further. Was Frankie attractive? Who the fuck knows?

Shane reached a tipping point on Saturday when he had to report to the nurses station to have his pacifier removed. He was excited for this moment and ready to consume solid foods again for the first time in a week. He was looking forward to feeding himself again. Frankie in her usual fashion had him hop up on the table and proceeded to remove the pacifier from his mouth.

Shane opened and closed his mouth for a bit, enjoying the freedom that came with this pacifier removed from his mouth. He had forgotten what it felt like to be able to open and close his mouth freely.

“Did you learn a lesson?” Frankie asked peering at him from the other side of her clipboard.

Shane tried to respond, but not speaking for a week meant his voice came out hoarse and weak. So he nodded instead.

Frankie stood up and approached the table and ran her finger along the leak guards of Shane’s diaper. “You’re pretty wet, might as well get your evening change while we are here.”

Shane nodded and laid back on the table.

But in his heart, he was panicking slightly. He hadn’t remembered wetting his diaper yet that day. But now, with Frankie squeezing the front of his saturated padding, he felt the wetness. Shane made a mental note from then on to make sure he was consciously wetting his diaper. He winced slightly as Frankie ran the wipe between his legs and tried to look someplace else because of Frankie’s next comment.

“For some reason every time I change you, the little guy is extremely happy to see me.” Frankie tucked his penis into the diaper and taped up Shane. “This isn’t for your enjoyment, you know. This is a punishment and how we ensure the health and safety of this prison.”

Shane nodded meekly as Frankie continued.

“Control yourself inmate,” Frankie said, stepping away from the table. “There are ways to make your stay here more uncomfortable.”

Shane nodded.

“Now I noticed you only have a year left in your sentence,” Frankie sat in her chair behind the desk. “Why would you be smothering drugs in, risking a longer sentence?”

Shane was quiet for a moment as he fidgeted still in just his diaper from the change. He felt like a toddler being scolded by the headmaster. He didn’t want to tell her that there was someone else on the cell block who was torturing him. Snitches get stitches after all. Instead he went with a half truth, designed to keep his dignity intact and to hopefully draw out some sympathy.

“I don’t have a choice. Someone said they’d hurt my family back at home. It was a note I received one day in my bed.” Then for a good measure he added, “I don’t know who sent it.”

Frankie frowned. “Did you tell the guards?”

Shane shook his head. “I don’t want to get myself hurt too.”

Frankie scratched her head. “That’s fair. But you need to make sure you don’t ruin your likelihood to get out on good behavior. A year and a half isn’t that long compared to a lot of people here. Keep your head down.”

Shane nodded and reached for his baby blue prison uniform. Then he had an idea. “Do you think I could… you know… get my regular uniform back?”

Frankie laughed, “You didn’t even know you were wet earlier. Until you learn to control yourself like an adult, you’re staying in those diapers.”

Shane, his face burnin, scowled and left the office, the guard snorting with laughter as he was escorted back to his cell.


The next few weeks were completely normal. Shane would wake up, he’d have his diaper checked and he'd go back to the cafeteria for breakfast. He found, after a week of consuming food through a nozzle in his pacifier meant he had to pretty much relearn how to eat. He was constantly dropping food on the corners of his mouth or uniform, which caused Frankie to prescribe him a bib so he didn’t have to do a ton of laundry. Shane didn’t mind the bib too much, because it meant he could keep his uniform clean. And surprisingly the other inmates had grown pretty bored with taunting him after a while, leaving him in peace.

The biggest problem came when the neighborhood drug dealer wanted him to deliver more drugs. Gary had come to his aid insisting it was simply too hot to try to make another move now.

“Look at him,” Gary gestured towards Shane’s bulging diaper and uniform. “The nurse is on his ass every half an hour. He’s more likely to get you caught than deliver.”

The argument seemed to stick for a few months which meant that Shane was focused on finishing his sentence in peace. Every week, Frankie would ask him if he was getting pressure to sell and each week he’d reply no. Each week Shane would ask Frankie if he could get out of the diapers, and Frankie would remind him it was a six month program. Then he could test out.

Shane said fuck it and resolved to just ignore the diapers as best as he could. He found himself just letting himself wet when needed instead spending an inordinate amount of time trying to hold it. He reasoned at month six he’d be able to just practice holding it and then call it a day. Sadly, Frankie also had not removed the device that was keeping his sphincter open. That meant he was spending more and more time time in messy diapers.

Shane was getting used to things so much that when the guards often brought Frankie over to check his diaper, he was surprised to see a mess inside or to learn he was completely wet. Frankie started using stuffers in his diapers to hold more between changes which gave him an even more pronounced waddle.

Shane didn’t care. He kept his eyes on the date that he knew inside his heart. In seven months he’d get out of prison and could move on with his life.

But one day his lawyer came for a visit, changing everything.

“Shane,” she said, smiling at him through the glass. “They found more evidence. If everything goes well, we can get you out of here in a month.”

“Are you serious??” Shane was shocked. He had given up hope on going home early.

“And the best part, they’ll pay you out for the last year you’ve had to sit here.” His lawyer seems giddy. “Now I know this is going to be hard for you, but you need to trust me. I’ll send notice of our court date.”

Shane nodded. This meant he’d need to also speak to Frankie about the end of the Locke Program as well. But he didn’t need to wait long. The guard, instead of taking him back to his cell, bright him to the nurses office. Frankie had him hop up on the changing table with a squish and proceeded to begin untaping his diaper and cleaning him off.

Shane mentioned the early release.

“Wow, thats good news.” Frankie said as she began to apply baby lotion to his sensitive areas. “Most people who tell me they are innocent usually aren’t.”

Shane didn’t care. He was simply giddy with excitement. He squirmed a bit as Frankie continued to apply the lotion. Shane felt so good. He couldn’t believe he was getting -  Suddenly he felt a tell take boiling in his legs as before he could say anything he heard Frankie gasp.

“Oh my—“ Shane stuttered. “I…”

His penis, which had been denied pleasure for the past seven months simply exploded with cum. It shot up and began pouring into Shane’s diaper. Luckily Frankie was able to move quickly covering up his penis catching most of the cum in the fresh plastic, fluffy  padding.

Frankie shook her head and stepped away from the table. “Are you finished?”

Shane, embarrassed apologized. “I’m so sorry… I don’t know what happened.. I…”

But the nurse was not happy. She walked to the door and asked the guards to come in. “Hold him down,” she instructed. Frankie then walked back to a row of cabinets and pulled out a box.

“I warned you.” Frankie said, approaching a struggling Shane who was trapped on the table.

Frankie pushed his legs open and pulled out the device from the box. It was a dreadfully small, metal looking device that curved downwards. She slid it over Shane’s now wilted penis and pulled his balls through the cylinder at the end. Next she pulled out a screwdriver and screwed the top causing the device to feel snug, but not too tight. She then pulled out a thin strap and wrapped it around his torso and connected it to either end of the device causing it to stick close to his body. She tested the strap for a moment and finding it snug, she powdered Shane and then taped him shut.

“That is a chastity device,” Frankie said, removing her gloves as the guards helped Shane sit up. “It’ll make getting erection during your reconditioning impossible.” Frankie motioned to the guards that they could let go of Shane’s hands. Frankie approached him and placed and bucked a pair of mittens on each hand restricting his hand movements. “These gloves will make sure you can’t temper with the device, though if you tried you'd most likely end up hurting yourself.”

Shane clawed at his diaper but the gloves restricted his movement. In fact, his padding felt weird. Usually he’d feel the gentle embrace of the diaper, but now… there was nothing.

“The device will make sure if you get hard or even think about getting hard that your erection will be stopped in its tracks. Believe me, they can get extremely painful if you try.

“This will teach you not to get erections while you’re in my care, even after we remove the device. Hopefully by then you will have learned your lesson. If not we can try again for another month.”

“A month?” Shane yelled. “Hell no, I’m not having this thing on for an entire month. Fuck this shit.”

Frankie shook her head. “One more outburst and you’ll spend the next month in a predicament you will not like.”

But Shane didn’t care. He stood up, the leg gathers of his diaper flexing against his leg muscles and tried to leave the room, but the guards stopped him.

“That’s it…” Frankie shook her head. “Take him to the room.”

Shane didn’t remember exactly what he was yelling but he was kicking and screaming as the guard dragged him down the hall to the adjacent hospital wing where the people were, lying on their back, mittens on their hands, drinking fluid  through the pacifier gag, blindfold and headphones on.

Shane screamed as he was stripped of his uniform and strapped to the hospital bed. What made matters worse was Frankie slashed two holes into his diaper and put another one on top, taping it shut.

Shane felt a pin prick on his arm and suddenly, he couldn’t move.

“What you’re feeling is a paralyzing agent inmate,” Frankie said. “You’ll be aware of everything going on around you, but you can’t react.”

Frankie tucked the covers around Shane and put the pacifier gag into his mouth. But instead of it just stopping at his lips as it had done before, he felt the tube go down his throat and his stomach begin to fill. Where his mouth was he was forced to suck to keep things moving. He felt himself drooling instantly. He could feel some mess already oozing into his diaper.

“Let’s do two weeks and see how he does,” Frankie said before putting the headphones on his head. “Maybe he’ll learn that he’s an inmate and not in charge.”

The world vanished and all he heard was the sound of heavy darkness around him.

Shane panicked. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t hear. All Shanecould feel was the heaviness of the now freshly wet diaper that was around his midsection. He felt his diaper grow heavy in the back and Shane realized he’d messed himself again. He tried in vain to move. To struggle. To show some sort of adult resistance, but instead he was trapped in limbo, destined to spend the next two weeks immobile and trapped in immobile babyhood.


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