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It was an extremely shaky Shane that entered his cell again. It was an odd feeling. Not only did the bulk of the diaper cause his legs to bow open, but he felt as if he was constantly pushing his non-existent sphincter control open. Shane was extremely worried at what would happen when his body decided he needed to void itself. But he had to put it out of his mind for now because his friendly neighborhood “mob boss” would no doubt be waiting for him, wondering why he didn’t have the last baggie that the nurse, Frankie,  took away from him..

But he didn’t; t have long to wait to figure out. Gary and the barrel chested man were both waiting for Shane in the cell.

“You’re one short,” the man said with his arms folded as he scowled.

Gary looked a little nervous. “Come on man, he’s new, it’s possible it just dissolved. You know that happens sometimes.”

The man took a few steps forward and got really close to Shane’s face examining him. “His eyes look just fine. Who did you sell it too?”

Shane felt a little pee escape into his diaper as he was afraid at that moment. He had no excuse, he just got caught. Shane couldn’t tell this man that the prison nurse had picked the baggie out of his diaper. That would ruin any cred the blue uniform hadn’t taken away. Instead he just said, “I am sorry sir. How can I make it up to you?”

The man looked at Gary and then back at Shane. “I should rearrange your face.”

Shane grimaced did his best to brace himself. But the man seemed to have other ideas and instead made an officer.

“I’m going to give you one more chance. My girl will be back tomorrow AM for visitation and you are going to meet her. I am giving you an extra packet to make up for the one you “lost” today.”

Shane protested. He realized with this diaper and whatever it was holding him open permanently, there would be no way in hell he’d be able to deliver the task at hand. He was certain by the end of the day, he’d have a messy, sticky and heavy diaper regardless. Adding drugs to that mix was certain to be discovered by the nurse.

“I don’t think you are in any position to argue with me.” The man said, shaking his head and once again getting close to his face. “The alternative will not be very fun.”

Shane swallowed hard again and nodded as Gary patted the larger man on the shoulders. “Don’t worry, my man Shane’s got this.” He then looked Shane in the eyes. “Right?”

Shane nodded slowly. “Not a problem sir.”


“I think the reason you couldn’t vomit is because you’ve had an empty stomach,” Gary pointed out as the two of them sat in the library later that day. “This book says that in order to vomit, your stomach needs to be stimulated, but if it’s empty, nothing will come out.”

Shane nodded. “Do I need extra veggies or something cause god knows I can’t stomach the mystery meat they keep serving in the cafeteria.”

“No one can,” Gary laughed, handing over a few tablets. “These are fiber supplements. Should help us. I’ll get you an extra helping of lunch today. Eat all of it okay.”

Shane nodded, talking the fiber pills and chugging some water. “What’s the alternative?”

Gary looked up from the book he was reading. “Alternative?”

“To being a bitch drug runner.”

“You could always just be a bitch.”

“That doesn’t sound as bad. I don’t want to keep shoveling drugs into my body. It’s getting tiring. Not to mention… the consequences have been very harsh.” Shane tried to adjust himself, but the diaper was too thick. It had grown steadily thicker over the course of the day as he continued to slowly pee.

Gary closed his book as the two of them packed up to head back to their cells. “I don’t think you want to know what the alternative is.” Gary made a left and dragged a waddling Shane to the hospital wing. He pointed to a few people who were inside, with tubes coming out their throat. AlI of them hooked up to a machine or another, breathing slowly. They looked a little different than the people he usually saw on life support on television. These people looked like they had nozzles in their mouth that they drank from, their eyes were covered and their midsections, arms and legs were strapped to the bed. They were also wearing thick mittens that stopped their fingers from moving independently.

They just seemed so helpless.

“That’s the alternative.” Gary said.

Shane balked. “Wait a second… Did he put them there?”

“Claims he did…”  Gary said, leading the way back to the cell block. “But I have some doubts. Not quite sure how they got there, but I’m not about to fuck around and find out.”

Shane nodded. Great point.

Gary stood close to his word and gave Shane his helping of veggies and managed to get an extra helping of mystery meat to ensure his stomach would be full. To make matters even better, Shane had been chugging water too. It’ll make things go down easier.

Shane couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to get stuck in this position. Heading to jail and coerced into doing more crime. This seemed like an incitement of the system to say the least.

Gary and Shane spent the evening joking around and playing checkers. Shane refused to even mention why he was in prison instead pointing out that he only had about five years left. Shane, to his credit, didn’t push the issue, instead focused on the fact that the prison food seemed to be moving right through him. Soon the evening had arrived and the guards told the two of them it was time for their evening yard time.

“You’d better get some air today,” the guard said pointing to the sky. “It’s supposed to rain tomorrow so there might not be yard time.”

So the two of them went to the yard. They kicked a soccer ball around for a little bit and did their best to avoid the gangs that were alway squaring up against each other. In fact, for a moment, Shane forgot he was in prison. But of course, the moment the soccer ball hit the prison gates, the barbed wire ticked him off.

A cramp hit Shane as he was jogging to get the soccer ball that had veered off course. Shane instantly realized that the reason he felt so woozy was because the plug the woman had put inside of him, the one that was holding his sphincter open meant that no resistance was happening down below. He felt this massive bit of sludge slide out of him and drop into his waiting diaper.

Uneasy, Shane kicked the ball back to Gary and ran back to the side of the yard doing his best to stay away from people. Another bit of mush made its way out of him into the diaper. Shane felt completely helpless in this moment, like an infant. There was nothing he could do to stop this from happening. Even if he clenched, he felt it just made things worse. After ten mins of non stop messing, he finally felt like things had calmed down. Shane gingerly walked back to where Gary was.

Gary looked at him, puzzled slightly at where he had vanished off too. Shane grunted that he didn’t want to talk about it as he let some more pee trickle into his diaper.

“Let’s just go back inside,” Shane said.

But it looked like the nurse who had been making her way through the prison yard had other plans. The guys in the yard were following her as she made her way towards the pair of them. Sure she was slightly attractive. But when you’ve been in the clink for so long, any woman was like a magnet to these guys.

“Hey little lady, you dump that husband of yours yet?” One of the guys asked, standing up and trailing after her.

Frankie stuck out her middle finger and stopped in front of Gary and Shane. “Inmate, how’s your diaper?”

Shane turned bright red at the mere mention of the diaper. Gary pretended that he didn’t hear, to keep any dignity that was still around intact for a few more moments. Only, this wasn’t doing much for them. Because Frankie had attracted a crowd every guy in the yard heard the question.

“It’s fine,” Shane mumbled.

But Frankie must have heard him because she instantly stepped closer to Shane and tugged on his pants, pulling them down completely. The entire yard gasped at Shane’s predicament. His diaper had been completely swollen from the mess he made in it earlier so it protruded from the back, holding tight against the plastic pants. But there was a clear discoloration in the front too where he had soaked himself throughout the day while trapped in his plastic prison.

“Looks like you need a change,” Frankie said.

Shane just stood there shaking as the inmates hooped and hollered at the sight in front of them. This was ridiculous, there was no way for his to recover from this. But Gary stood there and didn’t make a sound.

“Lie down for me,” Frankie insisted, pointing to the ground.

But Shane, who did not want to suffer through another humiliation decided he was going to just walk away. He took a step and realized the fatal flaw in the plan a second too late. His pants were still around his ankles. Shane tumbled foreword into the grass causing the inmates to burst out laughing. Shane spun around to stand up only causing the mess trapped inside his diaper to squish around more. The nurse, impatient at this point, snapped her fingers and motioned that the guards should hold him down.

Struggling, Shane was pinned to the ground and the plastic pants unmagnetized. Shane struggled to no avail as the guys in the yard pointed at him and laughed at his predicament. Frankie was methodical in her efforts. First she untamed the diaper revealing the inside contents for the entire yard to see. She rolled the diaper back and began to wipe Shane over and over, to ensure he was clean.

“Omg, is he hard?” One of the inmates asked, shocked.

“Small too,” Another said.

Indeed one the greatest indignities didn’t bypass Shane. He had gotten an erection the moment the air had hit his private regions. He did his best not to cry. But as Frankie lifted up his legs and slid the next diaper underneath him and a booster for the night, he held back tears. Frankie then litioned him up and taped him back up. Finally she snapped the plastic pants back in place.

Then, she grabbed his pants, handed them to the guards and said he could get them back in the morning because he tried to run away. “See you at 8 am.” Frankie said, making a note on her clipboard.

Shane was left sitting on the ground with the other inmates falling over themselves. In his humiliation, Shane felt himself wetting his diaper right before everyone was called inside for the night.

Gary helped him up and they trudged back to the cell block.

It was going to be a long week.


That night Shane was tossing and turning. The plug had made it so he had messed several more times before morning. But to make matters worse, he needed to do that favor for the guy down the hall. If everything he put into his mouth was going to come into his diapers and the nurse was going to spot it, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out how he was going to pull this off. Everything seemed to just run through him.

But Gary seemed determined to make sure things were a success. “Our plan is working,” Gary insisted. “Your stomach is ready, watch this.”

And without warning, he pushed his finger to the back of Shane’s throat causing him to instantly vomit.

Wiping his mouth, Shane was impressed. “Wow,” he said, clutching his sides. “It really did work.”

Gary nodded. “I got your back man.”

At that moment, there was a knock at the cell door as Francis entered for Shane’s morning diaper check. Shane was starting to get used to this. Frankie took notes on his clipboard, while Gary pretended to be interested in the walls of the cell. Shane, through the humiliation, had a feeling that if he could just ride this out, he could make it through the rest of his sentence. Pay his debt to the guy down the hall and spend the next year of his life here in obscurity. Shane had already given up on the idea of keeping his diapers clean and Frankie seemed to have similar feelings as well, Shane’s mind was already focused on the next task at hand, not getting caught.

This time he did what he had to do. Around 11:45 he swallowed the packages from the mysterious visitor and trudged back to his cell where Gary was waiting with the strainer. But right when he started the vomiting process, he heard the cell door open. Almost messing his diaper in shock, Shane saw Frankie walk into the cell unannounced.

“What the hell?” Frankie’s mouth dropped open as she watched two grown men huddled over the sink while one vomited chunks of drugs.

“He’s not feeling well ma’am,” Gary said frantically hoping to distract her from the drug baggie that was falling out of Shane’s mouth.

But Frankie yelled for the guard and - shockingly- reached her hand in the sink and pulled out the little baggies.

“Are you kidding me?” Frankie held up the bag for the room to see. “How many more were there?”

Gary was quiet as Shane felt some more mess ooze into the back of his already loaded diaper  “Just one,” Gary whispered.

“Come with me,” Frankie dragged Shane out of the cell and down the hall. Gary was left behind the cell to clean up the vomit. Shane prayed that Gary had managed to hide the other baggies before Frankie had entered. He shuddered at the thought of what would happen if he didn’t deliver what he’d promised.

Frankie pushed open her office door and told Shane to sit down in the chair in the corner of the room. The guards hustled him into the chair and to Shane’s shock, he realized he couldn’t touch his feet on the floor. The guards chained his arms and legs to the chair. Shane tried to struggle, but each time he did, all he could feel was the squish of the diaper underneath him and caused the chair to creak a tiny bit. The guards put a tray on top of his torso so he couldn’t see his hands and then put some sort of gag into his mouth.

“So you want to continue putting things into your mouth that don’t belong?” Frankie asked, looking at her clipboard. “Then you’re going to wear this mouth shield until you can demonstrate you can behave yourself.”

The mouth shield had a large bulb inside of it that filled up his entire mouth. As he sucked on the rubber teat, he felt slobber drool over the side of his mouth and onto his baby blue uniform. He tried to spit it out, but it was held tightly. No matter what he didn't do, he couldn't speak. All he could do was whimper.

One of the guards entered the room with what looked like an IV bag and handed it to Frankie. Frankie thanked the man and approached Shane who continued to struggle.

But it was clearly no use.

“This is your lunch,” Frankie said, hanging the bag above his head and feeding the nozzle into the other end of what could be reasonably called an adult pacifier. “For the next week, this is how you’re going to intake your food until we can make sure you’re not putting things in your mouth that you’re not supposed to.”

Shane felt the liquid in the IV enter the bulb and then leak slowly into his mouth. He had no choice but to swallow or risk gagging on the concoction. It tasted extremely sweet, with a slight chalky aftertaste. Shane sucked over and over as the thick liquid kept coming. He felt himself helplessly wetting his diaper over and over and the mess from his bottom spreading into the seat of his plastic prison. Shane couldn’t help but feel completely helpless and he realized there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.


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