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Hello there little one.

Did you have a fun Halloween?

I know you did, because this morning you know what I found on the floor? Dozens of candy wrappers. It was gummy bears, chocolates and a few soda cans.

Do you remember the rules baby? What we talked about last night?

You were only allowed to have one piece of candy and no soda.

But you were out all night with your friends and I guess you forgot that I would be home waiting for you. You didn’t think I’d find out that you took off your diaper, the one that I put you in before you left.

It looked so cute bulging softly from underneath your Halloween costume last night, the slight waddle you gave off as you toddled out the front door and into the car with your friends.

You know why I put you in your diapers baby, it’s because you’ve proven again and again that you need them. You’ve proven that during long trips you simply can’t hold it.

But I’m looking at the photos you and your buddies posted on instagram and… well, I’m simply not seeing the soft tell-tale diaper bulge in your pants like I saw when I let you go to the party last night.

Did you think I wouldn’t know?

Did you think I wouldn't find out?

I have friends all over town. I even asked your ex, who I still remain in contact with. I know, you thought they were grinding on you last night because they were going to rekindle the relationship that you had to end because they found out about your bedwetting.

Not quite. Your ex was doing me a favor, checking to see if you were in your diapers like you were supposed to be.

I got a text back last night that told me you weren’t.

Imagine my disappointment when I heard that. I knew someone had to be playing a trick on me. It has Halloween after all. Trick or treat. I thought my baby would give me a treat and follow directions.

But sadly I was wrong.

Now I know today you’re feeling bad, hungover from all the drinking you did last night, stomach slightly swollen from all the candy you consumed. I bet you’re backed up too. It’s really a shame because I told you that you’d be out of diapers when November started.

But you had to go and mess up last night.

So now it’s time to suffer the consequences.

As you probably guessed, your diaper punishment is now going through November and probably the end of the year. You thought you could get away with one night without your thick, crinkly padding, but I found out and now you’ll need to be under my close supervision for quite a while.

There’s nothing you can do about this either. I already removed the underwear from your dresser, there’s no need for those big kid underwear anymore. You’ll just end up making a fool of yourself trying to keep them dry during the day anyway.

From now on, when you leave the house, if I let you leave the house, you’re in diapers and a stuffer. There’s nothing more embarrassing for my little one than having to sit in wet pants all day. Your thick reinforced diapers will make sure you don’t have too. You’ll be safe because your diapers will keep you safe.

I know your stomach must be hurting from all the junk you ate last night, so I’ll have to closely monitor your diet too. For the next month we’ll need to do a cleanse. You’ll be working out everyday, cardio and strength training and I’ll be meal prepping for you. Yes, you’ll have your normal chicken and rice and veggies, but they’ll be blended up in the blender so they’ll be easier to eat. I know how much you hate following a diet, but after last night, we need to go strict for the next month.

Yes, that includes Thanksgiving. You can sit at the table with me and your friends. But I’ll just tell them that you’ll have your own special plate, the one with your special, blended, baby food that hits all your macros.

But I know your stomach hurts now, which is why in a moment we are going to give you an enema. You’re going to lift up and I’m going to insert this little nozzle inside of you so we can encourage you to expel the sugar and candy and sweets that are inside of you. You’ll squirm when it happens, I know how much you hate enema time.

But you need it.

Next, I’ll unfold the soft, thick diaper and place it under you, powering your private parts and rubbing in the baby lotion. You’ll need to wave goodbye to your private parts, you won’t be touching them for a while. While you’re being punished you know orgasms are off limits. I hope your time with your ex was worth it last night.

You’ll squirm when I put you in the corner, because you know what’s going to happen in a few moments. You’ll clench tightly as you try and resist what needs to happen. You’ll dance back and forth with your tennis shoes on, the air conditioning blowing on your legs, waiting for the moment that you prove to the world how much of a weak little baby you are. You’ll have this pacifier in your mouth as you lose control, flooding your diaper with the mess that was inside of you, no doubt instantly feeling better.

After, it’s back to bed for you.

I’ll have to strap you down of course. I don’t want my little one getting any ideas of escape. These first 48 hours can be tempting for a baby like you who thinks they want to resume their adult life instantly, when in reality, these next two days are critical for you to learn that you’re just a baby.

I know it’s frustrating to be changed when I want you to be.

To wet helplessly as you should.

The mess and be changed when I’m good and ready to let you be changed.

You’ll be spoon fed.

You’ll experience corner time.

And when I go out, your ex will come and babysit.

Maybe next time you’ll think twice before breaking my rules and getting yourself sick on Halloween.



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