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“This is bad.” Gary said over breakfast the next day as he and Shane huddled at their table. Gary had taken one look at Shane the next morning and gasped. He didn’t realize they were still running the Locke Program at this prison.

“The Locke Program?’

Gary shuddered slightly stabbing his hard oatmeal with his spork. “Yeah, it’s named after Raymond Locke. The first person to… you know… have to deal with this.”

“What happened.”

But Gary refused to talk about it instead nodding his head to the left where the man with the barrel chest from earlier was approaching the table. He bust out laughing when he say Shane’s uniform.

“Someone got Locked huh?” He laughed out loud, his buddies joining in.

Shane took a deep breath and ignored him.

“I’m at a loss for words, because you did such a great job yesterday delivering the package. You’re going to do it again for me today.”

Shane stayed quiet. He didn’t want to piss this guy off anymore than he had too. But his roomate seemed to have slightly larger balls than he.

“Any chance he can do something else? You know, laundry, bum cigs? Yesterday was pretty rough for him.”

The barrel chested man laughed. “This isn’t Bruger King,” he said quoting a slogan from the early 2000’s betraying the length of time he’d already spent removed from society. “You can’t have it your way. You’re going to meet a friend of mind at visitation and then cough up the goods and deliver them to me.”

Shane simply nodded and stayed hunched over his food.

Gary nodded too as the man left.

“You need to learn how to vomit quick.” Gary pointed to his food tray. “Otherwise you’re fucked.”

Shane’s stomach suddenly felt sour. Gary was right, if he didn’t learn how to vomit, then the drugs would end up and his diaper and the nurse would discover the drugs when it was time to change. That would get him thrown in solitary for sure. Heck, it might even get time added to his sentence.

“What the fuck am I supposed to do?’ Gary hissed across the table.

“No worries. I have a buddy who works in the kitchens. He can get us some expired milk. That’ll do the trick.”

Shane nodded. “Thanks man.”

“In the meantime, you need to hurry up and get going, visitation is in an hour and I am pretty sure the nurse is going to want to check your… er… brief… before then.”

Shane’s face turned red as he realized this was not going to be a fun time for him. Sure enough a few moments later a guard approached him and escortedd him back to his cell. There stood the nurse reading her clipboard. Shane wondered what exactly that thing said and why people who seemed to have power all seemed to have clipboards in this place.

“How is your diaper doing?” She asked as Shane entered the cell.

“It’s fine.” Shane said with a little pride. “Dry, like I said I was going to be.”

The nurse nodded and had him remove his pants. Shane complied. She gave the front of the diaper a squeeze and put a finger in the leg gathers and deemed him honest.

“Good work.” The nurse wrote something down on her clipboard and walked to the door of the cell. “You can come to me today if you think you’re going to have an accident so we can get that diaper off you so you can use the restroom. Remember, that diaper has to stay dry in order for you not to have to wear one the rest of the week.”

Shane nodded.

“Oh, and you can pull your pants up now.” The nurse chuckled and vanished into the hall.

Shane scrambled to get his pants up just in time because a moment later, the guards approached him and told him he had a visitor. For a second, Shane considered not going, he’d have an easier time keeping his diaper dry if he didn’t have to swallow illicit drugs. But then he figured it would be easier to swallow the drugs than have his face rearranged later that night, so he crinkled his way to visitation.

Once again, that woman with the green eyes was there waiting for him, She smirked when she saw his baby blue uniform. Shane sure didn’t feel tough looking like a giant toddler with all of the other hardened inmates in the room speaking to their people. Shane chocked down the drugs and returned to his cell where Gary was waiting for him holding the cup.

“The kitchen people said if you drink this, you’ll vomit pretty quickly.”

“What is it?” Shane peeked inside the cup and saw a few chunks of he didn’t know what inside. It looked like milk, only it had a yellow tint to it and smelled rancid.

“It’s spoiled goats milk. Taken from the women’s prison.”

Shane gaged at the thought of this.

“That’s exactly what we need,” Gary smiled. “You ready?”

Shane nodded as Gary walked him though what the process was going to be like. He’d vomit and Gary would hold a makeshift strainer out for him to vomit into, that way the drugs would be caught and they wouldn’t have to go fishing for them in the toilet. Had Shane not been busy trying to hype himself up to drink the concoction, he would have been a bit more impressed at the genius of all of this. He needed to make sure he thanked Gary who was turning out to be a life saver.

Shane took the cup form Gary and stared at it. He brought it to his mouth and gagged. There was no way in hell he could drink this. This was impossible.

“Dude, don’t think about it… just drink it.” Gary said. “Come on Shane, just drink it. You got this man.”

Shane yelled very loudly and chugged the concoction.

Shen had never tasted death before, but that had to be what death tasted like. The milk was chalky, like eating dry cake and chalk all at once. There was an odd crunch to it as it went down, scraping the sides of his throat. There was this sharp firey aftertaste that clung to his mouth, coating his tounge with a rancid film. The worst part were the chunks, forcing him to chew what should have been a simple liquid.

Instantly, two things happened. His stomach instantly began to cramp, churning rapidly trying to expel the intruder. He gagged as the milk came back up and along with it, the drugs. Gary caught it in the strainer as he was on his knees in front of the toilet, praying to the plumbing gods. The vomited again and again and again. Gary patted him on the back as he did so.

“Good work Shane.” Gary kept saying over and over as he shook the strainer and counted the bags. When Shane came up for air, Gary looked impressed. “Four baggies.”

“Only four?” Shane said rinsing his mouth out. “I swallowed five.”

Another cramp ripped through his gut. Luckily Gary was there with the bowl as he dry heaved.

Gary looked slightly confused. “We are out of vomit juice though…”

“Do you think?” Shane’s gut was on fire as he suddenly felt the need to actually use the bathroom. “Fuck.”

He looked at Gary with panic. “I need to go to the nurse. Now. Get the guard.”

Gary nodded and went to the cell door to call for the guard. Shane tried to stand up, but he couldn't. He bowels wanted to move then. But he held out until the nurse came to the cell.

“I need to use the restroom.” Shane yelled in her direction.

The nurse nodded as Gary stepped aside, and let her enter. Shane noticed he had handed off the four drug packets to another inmate who had been walking by and was watching closely. Shane was sure there was no need to be worried. He had just swallowed the packets, there was no way they’d make it through his intestines so quickly. The nurse grabbed her magnetic key to unlock Shane from his plastic pants when suddenly he felt himself lose complete control.

His abdomen contracted as his stomach pushed and a watery, gooey mess dropped into this diaper. He felt the mess gather in the back as much as possible, and then, meeting resistance, started to creep forward to the front of his diaper. His abdomen cramped again as more liquid mush came out. Shane, still on his knees, leaned forward and let nature take its course while both the nurse and Gary watched with horror.

Once finished, Shane was helped to his feet by the nurse. “Don’t worry, you won’t have to wear it tomorrow… You came and got me.”

Shane nodded slightly, completely humiliated as the nurse helped him pull his pants up and exit the cell. Walking in a loaded diaper was much worse than a dry thick one. For starters, the mess just clung to him in such a personal way reminding him that he’d done something so infantile. Shane couldn’t help but be thankful for the plastic pants as he walked down the hallway. They kept everything contained, and tight against his body.

Once they reached the nurses office, she had him lie down on the exam table where she removed the plastic pants and began to untape the diaper. She made no mention of the mess that was inside and acted like this was a normal day for her at the prison. Shane was thankful for her professionalism as she pulled out some wipes and began to get as much mess into the diaper as possible.

But then the nurse paused for a moment and went back to her desk. She pressed a button and the four guards walked in and held down his arms and legs.

“Is everything okay?” Shane asked.

“Were you sneaking contraband into the prison?” The nurse asked?

Had Shane not just finished emptying himself at both ends he would have shit himself with fear on the spot. But instead he just felt hot.

“No.” He said weakly.

The nurse reached into the diaper and pulled out a small baggie. The baggie he had swallowed earlier.

Shane swallowed hard.

The nurse sighed and removed the diaper from Shane and finished cleaning him up. “You realize there are consequence for your action right?”

Shane dropped into apology mode instantly and began trying to say it would never happen again, but the nurse just tossed the bag into the biohazard bag and grabbed a box from the shelf.

“Get him into the shower please.” She motioned told the guards who walked him to the shower and scrubbed him down. While Shane did not enjoy being man handled, he was glad to finally be clean.

The guards brought him back to the exam table where the nurse had pulled the stirrups from beneath the table. Struggling now, the guards wrestled him onto the table and held him down. The nurse pulled out some lube and coated the device in her hands a bit.

“Now, you know you can’t just bring drugs into this prison. Now I could just go tell the Warden about what you did, but that’d probably add five more years to your sentence.” The nurse placed he finger into Shanes butthole causing him to yelp in shock. She then took two, then three fingers, opening him up more and more. “But I actually devised a program of my own that stops inmates from sneaking in drugs using their rear end.” The nurse nodded at the guards who tightened their grip on Shane. She then plunged the device into Shane’s asshole causing him to yell out. And suddenly it was over.

Shane suddenly felt… extremely open. As if he coudn’t clinch if he wanted too. The nurse taped him up into a new diaper and slid the plastic pants on top. “Naturally, you’ll be in diapers for the next week while you have this device inside of you. Let me tell you how it works.” The guards had let go of Shane at this point, allowing him to sit up and rub his bottom. “The device keeps your sphincter open, which means you can no longer hide things up there. But the side effect is complete loss of bowel control sadly. But -“ She spoke louder as Shane started to protest. “-it’s something you should have thought about before you decided to break the rules. One week with this device and you’ll have learned your lesson.”

The nurse motioned for the guards to take Shane back to his cell. While he was on his way out of the door, the nurse spoke. “I’ll be by at 8 AM, noon and 7PM to change you, if you need it. So you’d better be ready. And inmate…” her eyes narrowed, “I wouldn’t keep smuggling drugs into my prison if I were you. Things can, and will get worse.”


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