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Shane had told the judge he was innocent. He had told the public defender the same thing. But they all looked at him and said a variation of the same thing.

We don’t believe you.

Okay, fine. In all fairness they didn’t say exactly that. The public defender, holding stacks of papers that threatened to explode from his briefcase and under his armpits, had cleared his throat and said, “Mike, I’m sure you won’t get any jail time for…” he looked at his iPad, then at a few documents in front of him, “Trespassing on the state house?”

“I’m Shane,” Shane said, his hands still cuffed on the table in front of him. He shifted uncomfortably in the chair that was bolted to the floor.

“Sorry, that’s someone else.” The public defender reached into his files and pulled out another sheet. “Ah yes. Shane. Oh. Shane.” His voice fell as he read the report. “This isn’t good.”

Shane knew it wasn’t good. But he wasn’t even in the area when the event happened. He’d just been walking home when the police had come by and picked him up. And now he was with the public defender preparing to see a judge in 20 minutes and the best he could hope for was “this isn’t good??”

Of course the defender had recommended he plea out. He was young, a 7 year plea meant three and a half years. He could get his life back.

But when the judge asked him how he’d like to plea, he overrode his attorney and said he wasn’t guilty.

You’re not supposed to lie in a courtroom right?

After six months of trial, after people in suits who charged more by the hour than his defender made in a year, Shane was found guilty and sent to jail.

Shane will never forget the sound of the cell doors closing the first night. And the moans that came from the grown ass men who had been brought in there with him. Not so tough now that you’re locked in a cage, Shane thought.

After the first few months Shane broke into a routine. He’d met the Doctor, a very stern looking woman who had to be five feet tall on a good day named Dr. Holmes. During his first exam, she didn’t even smile his way when he flashed his generally disarming grin.

“You don’t want to make friends with me Innate 6754,” Dr Gold had said before asking him to put his pants back on.

Shane was doing fine. He had found his routine. He managed to sleep okay and he was working on his appeal when one day a large man blocked him from entering his cell.

The man with his barrel chest and hairy arms cracked his knuckles and looked Shane dead in the eyes.

“I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet.”

Shane took one look at the man and determined he wanted nothing to do with him and turned around to go the other direction.

But the man had other plans. He spun Shane around and pulled him close. “You’re not going anywhere.”

And it was explained to Shane. Everyone in this cell block paid taxes to this man. He was the biggest guy on the cell block, not in height, but in width. And accordingly everyone needed protection from him.

“I can’t smuggle in drugs.” Shane said. “I don’t even get visitors.”

“Tomorrow you will” the man had responded. “And trust me. You want to accept the packages.”

Shane nodded and figured he’d do this one errand and call it a day. He didn’t fancy being scraped off the side of the cell block because he let his vanity get in the way. This was in prison. He needed to do what it took to survive.

But the visitation was a disaster. This woman walked in with black hair, dark grey eyes and an attitude and handed him three small bulbs of something.

“How am I supposed to..?” Shane asked. They’d search his hands and person when he went back to the prison.

The woman leaned in close. “Swallow the fucking thing.” Then she got up and left. Shane choked down the three small bulbs and rushed back to the prison cell to vomit them out.

But much to his dismay nothing came out. No matter how many times he scraped the back of his throat. He glanced at the clock. He had a deadline and the last thing he wanted was to have that horrible man come back and beat him to a pulp.

Shane’s cellmate returned just in time to see him sobbing while sitting on the edge of his bed.

“What’s up man?” Gary, Shane’s cellmate looked over at Shane skeptically wondering what was wrong.

Shane explained. “If I can’t get these out, I’m fucked.”

Gary laughed. “First time?”

Shane looked confused. “First time?”

“You know, smuggling stuff in.”

Shane blinked. “You could tell.”

“You need to shove them up the back door man. They’ll come out easier.”

Shane was baffled. There was no way he was doing that.

“By the look on your face you’re not getting it. One step at a time though. Let’s get whatever is inside of you, out of you.”

Gary left the cell as Shane wiped his face and tried to throw up a few more times, but was only met with failure.

Gary returned with a paper cup and handed it to Shane. “Drink it all. And then pop yourself on that toilet over there. You’re gonna be… busy for a few hours.” Gary then left the cell laughing to himself.

Shane chugged the foul tasting sludge and climbed into bed. He figured he’d feel the effects and could head to the toilet when it was time. He didn’t fancy sitting on that crusty cell toilet any longer than he had too.

But the next thing Shane knew he was waking up. A horrendous cramp wracked his gut. It was like a knife stabbing his abdomen. He tried to crawl out of bed, but another cramp shot through his body. The next thing he knew, he was doubling over, a thick sludge oozing into his pants.

Shane couldn’t stop the movement, he clenched as hard as he could, but the mess just kept coming. Before he knew what was happening, he felt a trickle from in front as he began to wet himself as well. Not exactly the way he planned to wake up.

Desperate, Shane tried to grab a towel to clean himself up. He wouldn’t be able to shower for several hours, when the cell doors opened again. But before he could move, the lights all came on as a buzzer sounded. The guards were ready to do a spot check.

Gary sat up in his bed, took one look at Shane and chuckled to himself. “You should have popped yourself on the toilet man.” He covered his nose as he hopped down from his bunk. “You’d better grab those little baggies and hide them before the guards see.”

Indeed, in the mess that had leaked down his legs were a few small round baggies that he had swallowed earlier. At least he had accomplished his task.

Gary showed him how to quickly clean them off and stuff them into the bottom of the toilet for safekeeping and then both of them lined up in front of their cell. Shane noticed Gary was standing a few feet away from him as the other men wrinkled their noses at the pathetic sight of a grown man in soiled pants.

The guards approached each of the men and checked their cells. When they reached Gary and Shane they burst out laughing. The guards, who never seemed to miss a moment to humiliate any of the prisoners, asked Shane if he was potty trained and if he’d ever seen a toilet before? To Shane’s credit, he held his tongue, determined to just shower and get this over with.

But to his surprise, one of the guards reached for his radio and called for someone called Frankie to come down and take a look at Shane’s “medical problems.” While the other inmates were told they could go back to bed, a janitor came by and began mopping up the room. Soon a woman approached Shane and told him to follow her.

Shane felt quite silly walking behind this short woman who was wearing a pair of baggy pants and a pair of scrubs. She had a clipboard in her hands and ushered him into what looked like a medical exam room.

She looked Shane up and down and then said quietly, “So you had a little accident?”

Shane blushed, his face continuing to turn red during this conversation.

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” The woman said again. Shane realized that her voice was naturally soft and that she wasn’t speaking just above a whisper. This was just how she was al the time.

“This doesn’t usually happen.” Shane said quietly. “It must have been the cafeteria food. I’m new here so I don’t think I’m used to it yet.”

The woman didn’t take her eyes away from Shane as he spoke. They just bore into his soul causing him to feel like a child.

Shane realized as he trailed off that he was babbling at this point so he shut the fuck up.

The woman looked back at her clipboard. “I don’t see on here where you have bowel Incontinence.”

“I don’t!” Shane blurted.

The woman looked up slightly and examined his dirty prison uniform. Shane was once again aware of how fifths he had to have been at that moment.

“Do you think you could…” he gestured to his pants that were now stained deep brown.

“Of course.” The woman pointed out the coroner of the room where there was an open shower and told him he could shower there. Prison rules said that a guard had to be present when he showered, so she walked back into the hallway. Shane wasted no time stepping out of his current uniform and placing his clothes into a biohazard bag in the corner. Next he stepped under the freezing cold water and let it clean off his body. He grabbed the soap and scrubbed as hard as possible trying to get the stench from off of him. His brain was moving quickly, he was hoping this roommate had delivered the drugs to that fucking guy from earlier. This was  all his fault after all.

But before he could think too much, the nurse returned back and was staring at her clipboard again, this time jotting down a few notes. Shane stepped out of the shower and took a towel from the guard. Shivering now, he sat on the exam table and tried to keep his dignity intact as the woman put down he clipboard and told the guard he could leave.

“Shane, we need to have a serious conversation about your issues.”

Shane held up his hand. “Look, ma’am… I don’t have bladder issues. I promise, It had to have been the food, or it was probably a prank or something. This has never happened before.”

“The worst part is that you didn’t seem to realize that you needed to go.” The nurse ignored him, still drilling her eyes into Shane who was now shivering. The cold shower, mixed with the cold room wasn’t doing him any favors.

“We have protocols inmate.” The nurse reached into the cabinet and pulled out a package of some sorts. She opened it up and put a white square on the exam table next to him along with what looked like a pair of clear briefs. She also stacked a pair of pants and a shirt on the table as well. But unlike the current orange uniform, these were a light blue and seemed thicker than the usual uniform. “Here’s how this is going to work and (she glanced sharply at Shane who looked ready to protest again) you really don’t have any say in this. We have to protec the other inmates from biohazards and other issues. Next to you is your new uniform for today. The briefs are in case you have another accident and the plastic pants are there to catch any leaks you might encounter.”

“Excuse me?” Shane picked up the “so called briefs” and instantly recognized them as a diaper. “This is a diaper, for babies. There’s no way I can wear this.”

Shane could see it now, he’d have on diapers in this prison and he’d be the prison bitch for sure. Forget delivering drugs to keep himself safe, there would be no way he’d recover from this.

The nurse shook her heard. “You don’t have a choice, it’s for your own safety, your own good.”

Shane crossed his arms. “It’s not happening.”

The nurse shrugged and pressed a button next to her desk. An intercom came on. “Can we please get a guard in here.” The nurse sat down. “The guards will take care of you. Most patients are reluctant at first, which is understandable.”

Before Shane could react, four guards hustled into the room, two of them grabbing his arms, while the other two grabbed his legs. They easily grabbed the towel he had been holding from him and held him down. The nurse to her credit stayed calm while Shane did his best to kick and scream. But all he could really do was scream, he legs and arms were in essence, locked to the table.

The nurse stepped between him and unfolded the brief and slid it underneath him. It was clear, based on the way the brief was designed, that it was more like a diaper than anything else. The back of the diaper was so thick, it caused his back to arch slightly as it was artificially lifted off the table. She reached under the table and pulled out a bit of powder and sprinkled it on his crotch area. Had Shane not been completely cold because of the shower and the room, he might have enjoyed that for a moment, but instead he was livid. All he could do was watch as the nurse took her time to tape the diaper shut and then reached for the plastic pants. The plastic pants snapped together on the sides magnetically. They caused the diaper to push against him so he was constantly aware that he was wearing the infantile, offending garment. Later, after hours of trying, Shane would figure out that there was no way he was going to be taking the diaper or the plastic pants off without the magnetic key.

The guards left the room as the nurse thanked them and returned back to her desk and jotted some notes on the clipboard. Shane desperately grabbed at the plastic pants, but they wouldn’t budge. This was absurd, how could they do this to him? He had rights after all.

But the nurse looked at him without pity. “If you manage to keep your diapers dry today, then you won't have to wear them tomorrow.”

Shane looked up. “What?”

“If you mangae to keep your diapers dry, you won’t have to wear them tomorrow. Well, till the end of tomorrow anyway.”

Shane brightened up. That wasn’t a bad deal, he’d just limit his intake of water for the day and come back and they’d remove the offending garment. He could do that.

Shane put on the baby blue uniform and squirmed slightly. Looking in the mirror he noticed that his rear end poofed out considerably. In fact, his entire crotch bulged out because of the thick diaper. To make matters worse, as he was escorted back to his cell, he realized the diaper caused him to seriously waddle. In fact, it was a struggle to keep his legs together even. Luckily, it was still the middle of the night so he didn’t have to deal with the other inmates ragging on him.

The guard locked his cell behind him and Shane climbed into bed. He noticed his cell smelled like bleach, no doubt because they had cleaned the room in his absence. He had to remind himself to thank his roommate later. Maybe he’d throw him some credits later on for the commissary. As Shane drifted to sleep, he had one thought on his mind. He needed to stay dry at all costs, he wasn’t about to be diapered for another day.

Little did he know, life had other plans for him.


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