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THE PLOT TWISTS JUST KEEP COMING! 😳 This episode was even better than the first!

We appreciate every single one of you beautiful people for joining our Patreon and supporting us! This is going to be a HELLUVA journey.

EPISODE #3️ ("Dealings") reaction coming soon!

NOTE: If you are looking for our BTS reactions, we have a separate Patreon exclusively for these, where we release 3 BTS reactions per week! Visit here: https://www.patreon.com/jaredandjordanBTS




Fun fact: The Japanese language doesn’t have the letter L therefore they substitute it with the letter R. That’s why in Japanese Light is pronounced as “Raito”. That makes the name “L” symbolic since the letter L doesn’t exist meaning the character doesn’t exist (essentially anonymous) making it difficult/impossible for Light to find who L is 🤯


Honestly once you start anime you will always want to feel again those feelings you get when you discover an anime you enjoy. Many anime are like this one, thought-provoking and gut wrenching. So what I do these days is watch the newest anime that come out, just to get that excitement back. I advise you to enjoy your first watch as much as possible but, because afterwards you would pay to watch it for the first time again lol


I wanna say, about the third question over the 'rebirth' episode; Light was telling Ryuk in episode one that once he pick up the death note that it began to whisper desires at him to write in it. So once he even picked it up, it was inevitable that he would then use it. Me personally am a very curious girl, I go to school and love learning BUT if I were toever see a black notebook with the words "DEATH NOTE" written across it I'm walking straight past it, nothing of that would peak my interest lol. Anywho, I also want to say that in Japanese language family is who you are, which is why Light's name is written, Yagami Light because that's how you would introduce yourself or write your name in Japanese with your (last name), then (first name) so his first name is Light. His last name is Yagami, pronounced (YA-GA-ME). Ryuk, is pronounced (RE-YUK) & Shinigami is pronounced (SHIN-E-GAM-E). P.S. make sure to always pay close attention to how, and when Ryuk says certain things.. he isn't human after all.

Lauren H.

I think the apples have a lot of connotations. Like you said, there's the apple in the garden of eden, which symbolizes adam and eve's temptation and corruption from perfect beings to flawed humans. but remember--it was the apple from the tree of knowledge, so it also represents enLIGHTenment (heh) and newfound awareness of sin/evil. then, on the fairy tale side, you think of something like snow white, who was innocent and "died" from eating a poisoned apple that her jealous stepmother gave to her, only to later be reborn/reawakened. also, i think it's partially just for comedic effect since it's funny to make a scary creature like Ryuk be so into snacking lol visually, i find the red of the apples sort of ominously cheerful, like candy luring you into danger, but also like a bright warning light


First of all, I'm so excited you guys are watching Death Note! I'm used to seeing y'all for your BTS content, and I'm excited to see two of the most analytical content creators out there diving into even more content! As far as English dub/sub, do whatever makes it easier on you guys! I've watched the entire show both ways, and the English voice actors are really good for this series, so I don't think it'll compromise any of the quality at all! Also !! Fun fact, there’s a full English musical version of Death Note on YouTube! It’s actually filled with absolute bangers and you guys might wanna check it out after you finish the show! It's a fan-made project that really dives into the theme of "what is justice" that keeps being brought up. As far as mentioning the apple, I think it could play into the religious aspect -like you guys mentioned before- with Adam and Eve and this idea of the temptation of “forbidden fruits”. I think it's an interesting mix of Japenese and Christian ideologies happening here. You'll see that in some of the more religious gothic aesthetic choices later on. I think this could just be dealing with the "playing God" aspect and also a fun nod to -lore wise- L is supposed to be like ambiguously British (If my memory serves me right, but he's surly not Japanese). Nevertheless, I think it’s a really interesting idea since Light compares himself often to a god-like figure when really he’s just a victim of temptation. P.S. Lets go, sociology squad !!!! I’m in my last semester!

Rheyia Pomar

Oh, you're in for more plot twists and character developments in the coming episodes! I still remember having a crush on Light long time ago and then being bias wrecked by L as soon as he revealed himself lol! As per options for english dubbed or subbed versions, just do whatever is the most comfortable for you, where you think you would enjoy it more. Just a precaution though, some anime dubbed versions does not convey the emotion of the characters well compared to its original japanese voices, so it all comes down to whether the voice actors did well in dubbing them in english or not. And to answer your question of where do I go from watching anime? personally, the only other shows I religiously watch apart from Anime would be KDRAMAs....specifically crime/thriller/suspense/horror, a little bit of fantasy/romance and comedy here and there too...but their story, acting and overall cinematics are top notch compared to anything else, its like Anime turned into real life. So yeah, maybe you can also dive into those simultaneously with BTS and Anime hehe. Oh and my question for both of you is: Now that you've had the taste of watching this genre of Anime, do you think it's fair that some people still judge adult Anime lovers of being childish?


(pardon my english, it’s not my first language~) your reactions are the funniest, I laughed more than once. as someone who grew up watching anime (starting from DBZ), I always find it surprising when people around my age know nothing about it. you will love it! there is something for everyone. even my mother watch some :') I would like to add a few things: • first, please be careful whenever you look up for words on google because there is a fandom wiki (like for every anime) and i’m afraid you mind bump into spoilers even without clicking the links :( • as far as I know, there is no other language where the [y] is pronounced like in english. so in “Ryuk” it’s pronounced [ee] don’t worry, you will get used to the pronunciations. even the english words are pronounced differently. • I prefer watching the series in their original language because I think the tone and voice of the characters better match their personality, and it’s cool to learn about new cultures/languages. but do whatever you are comfortable with. your channel, your rules :) • “Light” being an english word, the author actually used the kanji “Tsuki” (moon) to write Light’s name, and decided to read it “Light.” and “Gami/Kami” means “God” • Lind L. Taylor’s death was actually broadcast. what L meant is that his arrest by the police was not broadcast. so whoever Kila/Kira is, they wouldn’t have known about him. this implies that L had already guessed that Kila needs to know about a specific person to be able to kill them, since he noticed that only people mentioned by the media died. what is left to know is that it’s more complex though, since Kila actually need to know the face and the name. • for me, they chose “rebirth” because I think the old Light Yagami died when he accepted the fact that he had killed people, and he was reborn as Kira. • I studied politics and human and social sciences, and I love it when people notice the characters’ traits and nuances.


your English and your comment was amazing 😊


omgg guys as an army that have been with yall since the first bts reaction I'M SOOO EXCITED for you to begin this journey , anime is a world is FULL of top tier series and movies that are just minblowing, death note is a CLASSIC a MUST to anime watchers it's such a brilliant well written series ENJOY GUYS ps : this and attack on titan are my in my top5 all time media I've ever consumed


You guys are going above and beyond for your first ever anime reactions! This was top tier! When you guys were left speechless after you thought Light really killed L, I thought my phone froze or something 😂 I’ve enjoyed not only watching Death Note again with you guys but hearing your thoughts too! The discussion questions were very thought provoking too! I’ve learned a lot more than when I first watched it and I’m looking forward to learning more - both from you guys and everyone here! I loooove hearing (or reading) people’s insights. I feel like I understand something even more because we’re all coming with different mindsets, perspectives, backgrounds, etc…it’s amazing. I’m so excited for your journey into the Anime world! Just like with your BTS journey, it’s going to be epic! 🙌🏽


I immediately thought of kdramas too when they asked where do we go from watching anime! 🤣 there’s soooooo much they have yet to explore 🙌🏽

Ellysa Vaj

It’s so much more enjoyable to watch with like minded people! This was a blast!

Aqeeb Shahbaz

I got a question for you if a serial killer picked up the notebook book to kill people would you consider it wrong because in the beginning light mentioned their was something about the death note that makes humans try it out just once and Ryuk mentioned that after a human used a death note they can neither go to heaven nor hell so if you kill 1 person or a thousand or a million you will get the same punishment so knowing that wouldn’t you at least try to make the world less evil for other people at the cost of your sacrifice and do everything in your power to make sure that the world is a lot more kinder even if you have to become the very thing that you wish to eliminate because from the moment he killed Lind L Tailer it would be the correct move as he eliminated a potential threat that would from light perspective try to get in his way and actually support the people who deems as evil and stop him from creating a perfect world?


AMAZING advice Slaaverin! We're going to try to treat each episode as an opportunity to RELISH the present moment 🙏🏽


Thanks for your comment Jermani! HAHAHAHA you wouldn't even be a tad bit curious if you saw the notebook!? Wow, you have incredible control. Appreciate your insight into the Japanese language, as well as your tip to pay attention to how & when Ryuk says certain things 😊🙏🏽 Forgive us if it takes us awhile to nail down the pronunciations 😂


"enLIGHTenment" 🤯🙃 Thank you for your thoughts/insight into the apples. 100% agree that it's partially just for comedic effect since it's funny to make a scary creature like Ryuk be so into snacking HAHAHA You are so spot on with your thoughts. Love to read alllllll of them.


Alana! Thanks for you comment!! :) We are flattered to be called "two of the most analytical content creators out there" 😂😂 you better stop boosting our ego, or we'll make our anime reactions longer and more analytical than they already are! LOL Maybe we'll test out an English Dub at some point to see which we like better! Oooooh...thanks for the info about the full English musical version of Death Note on YT 🙏🏽 if possible, can you remind us of this once we finish the series?? Would love to check it out. WOW, you're so right...Light really is a victim of temptation. CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING IN YOUR FINAL SEMESTER!!!! Sociologists just see the world differently ;) 💜💜


Cannot wait for all the twists and turns that are ahead for us!! HAHAHAHAHA you are hilarious. Light & L vying for your heart!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts regrding Dub vs. Sub. We'll test out both to see which we prefer :) KDRAMAS! OKOK! This makes us happy to hear. Seems like yet another world for us to unlock that will smack us in the best way possible. To answer your question: WE THINK IT'S AN ABSOLUTE INJUSTICE THAT SOME PEOPLE STILL JUDGE ANIME LOVERS OF BEING CHILDISH. RIDICULOUS. Actually makes us angry lol


OMG, thank you for such a detailed and BEAUTIFUL comment!!! YOUR ENGLISH IS LITERALLY PERFECT. Hush that nonsense 😂 You have taught us quite a bit with each of your points! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. We're gonna continue to work on our pronunciations! Ahhhh thanks for correcting us about Lind. L. Taylor's death. That makes so much more sense! Not broadcasting his arrest to hide him from Kira...got it!! You are so freakin' intelligent and perceptive. Really appreciate your thoughtful and helpful commentary 🙏🏽


We're even more excited to have you here with us joining our anime journey!! WOAHHHH "this and attack on titan are my in my top5 all time media I've ever consumed"...that is MAJORRRRRR praise and makes us tingle.


Thanks sooooo much for your kindness and love Charaety!! OMG we can picture you now thinking that your phone froze 😂😂 We're really looking forward to learning from you and this entire community as well!! We feel the EXACT same way about understanding something even more from other people's insights given that we all coming with different mindsets, perspectives, backgrounds, etc! TRULY AMAZING. We're ready for all of the epic-ness that awaits us!!


WOW, very very thought-provoking question Aqueeb! We'd have to say that we agree, we'd defintiely prefer the death note in the hands of someone who is trying to make the world a better place, rather than a serial killer!! YOU JUST MADE US THINK HARRRRRRD 😂 thank you for your incredible comment/question.


This is super early but I NEEEEED to see you guys react to Attack On Titan lmao. I love that you guys are super focused, take notes, and have discussions, and Attack On Titan is the #1 anime for that, like if you are loving Death Note?? Attack On Titan will change your life i'm serious.

Trinda 💜

This is just the beginning to so many other amazing animes. There are anime of every kind and every genre and I feel like once you're in, you're in for life. I'm so excited to see where this leads you and which other characters you will welcome into your life. I remember the first time I watched anime and I was consumed, I went on a year long anime binge of only watching anime vs movies or live actions. I found so many that I have grown to love and even rewatch every so often just because they bring me pure joy. Death Note was not my first anime series to watch, but I remember how shocked I constantly was throughout the series and I couldn't stop watching til I got to the end and found out what happened. 😊


I love that you guys are reacting to death note! It was also my first anime I had ever watched. Just for future references, If you guys ever want something dark and mysterious just like death note. A good recommendation is “erased”. It really wouldn’t disappoint.

Morgan Potter

So nice to meet you both, I'm Morgan! First found anime in high school when perusing the library for comics and found this weird "backwards written" comic (manga are written right to left, fun fact), and I've never looked back!! That's so cool you guys are into BTS as well, I am a huge fan of Stray Kids and don't have the time to get into another Kpop group right now but I hear BTS are amazing. If you ever do any Stray Kids videos though, I think they would be right up your alley as well! Can't wait to continue on this anime appreciation journey with you both though, you guys are awesome for giving it all a try and truly appreciating it and giving it the attention it deserves!


I'd use the hell out of the death note. I'd go after violent and dangerous criminals and the ultra-powerful and corrupt individuals. Could easily wipe off a few hundred worldwide and make the world a better place.


This reaction was great. I'm so glad I decided to join the Patron and watch them in this way. This series is going to be so fun to re-watch with your reactions.


I have misophonia, and I can agree that whenever I hear someone eat ana apple etc... I get irritated lol


the answer to where you go after watching anime for most of your life, is k-dramas, lol. I swear theres an unofficial anime -> manga -> manhwa (korean comics) -> k-drama pipeline, lol. It's definitely harder to appreciate a lot of western media after experiencing so many masterpieces that have come from japan/korea (though there are definitely great western shows, I won't deny that, but the freedom of animation when teling a story just hits different)


I just subscribed yesterday so I’m binge watching everything😭but I wish you guys would try demon slayer next!


i do have misophonia! 😭

Paul Sterling

I watch maybe 1, or 2 western movies a year. I'm an American, too. I've watched 400+ series. You're always chasing another great experience. They're out there, and it's awesome everytime another great experience comes out. Your reactions are great, and I'm giddy along with you. Watching you try to deduce what's coming up, while knowing what's coming. Makes for a great experience. Keep going, I'm here for the ride!