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Killua...you did WHAT!?!?!?!?!?



Password: KILLUA!?

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About being able to say anything to a kid… When I was like 5 or 6 years old my uncle who’s name is Christopher managed to convince little me that he’s Christopher Columbus. Yeah, I believed him 🥴 At that time I knew who Columbus was and yet I fell for that little trick 🤣


oh theres no video

Zaria Parker

I’m always drawn to the darker characters in anime so I immediately loved Killua the first time I watched HxH

Brandon Return of Stankface

I also find it odd that the studio picked and chose what they censored, no blood but they were fine with animating the scene with menchi, wish I was a fly on the wall for that conversation in the writers room Also just something I picked up on, during the intro to hxh the first word the narrator says is the word "kaiju" which basically means "Strange beast", this word is actually prevalent in American pop culture because of movies like Pacific Rim (they call the giant monsters kaiju in the film) but from what I've seen in American media, the word is usually associated with giant godzilla-sized monsters

Brandon Return of Stankface

Just remembered something I forgot to say, in anime you'll find lots of senior or old men characters act like horny teenagers to younger female characters 😂 idk why it's a thing in anime but those old men have been in anime since I can remember

Brandon Return of Stankface

Sorry guys I literally have adhd but this is my final comment on this video...when the examiners were having dinner talking about hisoka wanting to kill, if you missed it, you can see hisoka lick his lips at the last second, almost like he knew he was being talked about during the flashback

William Watson

Questions! How do you feel about the morality/ethics (or more accurately, the lack there of) in the Hunter Exam? Hunters are incredibly respected and feared, have easier access to information and I assume more perks! (I haven’t finished the show yet) They also said the Devil himself could pass the Hunter Exam! Do you think there should be a moral/ethical aspect to the exam? Do you think people with less darkness inside them (like Gon) will have a harder time passing then people with a darker side to them? Love your reactions and the time you make for your supporters!💜 P.S. Killua was my favorite character from the moment I saw him!

taetaebear01 (Lindsey E.)

Despite the censhorship, it seems truly baffling to me that this was targeted at kids haha. I know that kids can handle a surprising amount but for how light this show can be, I find it is also soooo so dark at times.


You're one of my people. There's something about those inclined to darkness that really piques my interest. I love those anti- heroes and villains


Question! In this episode we got a peek into killua's feelings and family business. You mentioned how there are kids whose parents make them go through rigorous training for sports, piano, or other careers. Can you make up an example of what you think the training for an assassin would be? Small example: we know Killua is immune to poison 🤔 perhaps he drinks a small amount of poison every day to build up his tolerance


I've heard shocking stories from young women who travel to Japan but then again people like that can be anywhere

silly goose

The more of Killua's dark history and tendencies that we learn, the more I love him. He is 12 and is already a force to be reckoned with. What did his training entail? What kind of abuse has he had to endure? What is Killua truly capable of as a result?

Brandon Return of Stankface

Sheesh, I never knew my grandfather's and haven't met many old men so I'll take yalls word for it lol, I was basically raised by all women so I never saw much of toxic men like that lol

L. Trajano Ghirga

first of all, sorry for my bad English although Kurapika's backstory is heavier, im very moved by Leorio's backstory, especially with the fact that he wants a public health system. I don't know how it works in Japan, but as a radiotherapist (I treat tumors with radiation) in Brazil, I can see that free healthcare saves MANY people. obviously we have more expensive private services, but I see a good number of low-income people in the hospital treating cancer, and I'm happy to be part of these people's lives. I feel like I made Leorio's dream come true. I can even make a comparison with Breaking Bad because I know you like it. WW did what he did simply because he could not afford the treatment, and a public healthcare system in all countries must be a priority to save families


Love how Killua and Gon are almost polar opposites in every aspect: friendliness, acceptance, valuing human life, optimism/pessimism, etc. However, they still attract to each other very strongly as it seems so far, very interesting in my opinion. Jared and Jordan, what are your thoughts on this?

yasmine 🤍

A HUGEEEEEE Killua episode, which i always love! A few points to speak on. you guys talked about the similarities between Hinata and Gon, i totally agree and have made that point before. I think it's the factor of perseverance that is so prominent in both of them, which is clear as day. back to Killua tho! This episode throws a lot of people off guard for obvious reasons. More Killua lore will definitely be coming soon which will help answer a lot of the things you guys are saying. It's hard to explain his situation without giving spoilers... so i'll wait and see what your thoughts will be upcoming! Question: Will Killua being as assassin hurt or help him through this journey?


Hisoka builds a house of cards, pushes it down and then begins to moan. What I take from this is that he takes pleasure in building things up just to tear them down.

Leizel Tabura

Yes! A taste of Killua, my fave character on the show..of course I love all of them, even Leorio, who has his moments at times..😜 Anyways, I was one of the people who have watched the 1999 version. i remember I think I was in grade school, I will quickly go home just to watch the series on the television, cuz they will air it around 5 or 5:30pm and our classes would end at 5!!!!🤣 imagine my anxiety levels go up if I wouldn't be able to watch it on time! So yeah, those were the days!🤣 You would get to know Killua a bit more on later episodes and you would understand him better..and the friendship between Gon and Killua will be as strong as ever.. PS: Have yall noticed Killua's name? Its just me and my sister have this thing on Killua's name and gave it meaning.. KILL U All KILLUA 🤣🤣🤣 I love my assassin boy..🥰🥰🥰 Always loved your reaction J&J! I knew the both of you from your deep dive on BTS reactions from youtube and quickly became your Patreon on both BTS and ANIME accounts..since I loved both BTS and ANIME, I quickly fell in love with how you dissect BTS lyrics and ANIME plots..I always watch you whenever I have free time to relieve my stress from work since Im working as a Paediatric nurse here in the UK,,,,but I'm originally from the Philippines..keep up all the good work in reacting and I will always wait for your uploads everytime. ❤❤❤

Nathan Lintzenich

I wanted to comment this in episode 6, but wasn't able to, but when i saw netero stare at menchi's chest, it showed us a bit about his character before episode 7. When you hear a title like "chairman" you normally expect someone who is a stickler to the rules, and is serious. But instead we first see a geezer who is carefree, jovial, whimsical, and eccentric. In a world like hunter x hunter, you wouldn't expect a chairman like that, especially with people like hisoka and killua around. So in episode 7, you can see that he has more than enough strength to act however he wants, whenever he wants. It almost makes you worry about what he'll act like when he becomes serious. When killua was telling gon about his family being assasins, i dont think gom was laughing to cope with what killua said, i think he was just generally interested and enjoued what killua said. Gon doesn't seem like someone who would worry about something like that, especially since he has seen people die in the exam, and he is unfazed by that. And lastly, menchi's hair reminds me of coolio/Wierd Al when they braided their hair for gangsters/amish paradise


I’ve always thought that Killua is somewhat similar to how you say “killer”.


That Killua thinks he could so much as touch Netero if he wanted too is probably the funniest joke in the series.

Joydan Bri’an

I always love the way Netero asked the pilot if he could fly slower. Everyone loves Gon 😭❤️❤️. My boy Killua was so pissed. Can’t wait for y’all to watch the next episodes

Leizel Tabura

You could also say that..that was just me and my sister having some fun time while watching the series..i don't really know why the author named him Killua tho..🤣 but its somewhat a badass name for me..🤣

noakey harding

perhaps ? what the way you turned ur "question" it's obvious he did dont you think ? the fact it coulb be considere a spoiler aside, i always though it was commun sense than oriented question is a VERY bad thing no one should ever do, but every years since i've turned in the english side of internet i see more and more of this type of "question" (well i'm not giving you a lecture i just share my surprise about the fact some people realy do that, probably a cultural thing TBF it would be realy poorly view in France (and probbly most of EU)) but for what i've heard this kind of thing is commun in US media for exemple, i dont know how true is it but the US is known worldwide for his propaganda and brainwashing (from the gouvernement side), i didnt said everyone is brainwash or oblivious at all well i just assume thing and its also possible you're not from the USA but either way i hope i didnt offend anyone, i was just surprise by the amouth of peole doing thing like that along with "soft spoiler" and i lack vocabulary to exprime myself perfeclty or with tact in english, sorry for that ^^


I'm trying to bring up discussion questions for the guys. Since they were wondering what kind of training he had, I wanted to hear what their imagination came up with. It's obvious Killua takes poison to increase his tolerance which is why I gave it as an example. It's not a spoiler


The translation seems off here and there in this epjsode, when Killua said about his family, he didn't say about literal blood but it's kind of terms that his family must've been searching for him desperately. Also when he said he might ended up killing Netero, he said he couldn't help himself to get the ball in any way he could include try to kill him. Pretty similar meaning but the translation made it seems like he could actually kill Netero but the original Japanese is more portraying his arrogance of not knowing their strength difference so its alwaya be a meme in Japan haha


First time watcher in response to yasmine's question. if i had to guess who from our main four would not pass, i would pick kurapika as well. no particular reason, just a guess from me. but! i think that if they were put into a situation kind of like the ones that the lady making them pick an answer for back in the earlier episodes, i think gon and leorio would be more likely not to pass. i feel like they would hesitate and it would cost them their spot. i think killua and kurapika would be more likely to pass a test of that sort. hoping that lechols's question was not a hint in disguise... i never thought about gon and killua's relationship turning into something bad from what we have seen so far of the two of them. if it does that may have ruined the surprise lol as for angelica's question, im gonna say 6 will remain by the end 🤔


First time watcher woah i was totally not expecting killua to kill people like that.... he seems to have a short fuse, kinda scared what that might lead to in the future