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— Bulma —

“What do you mean he escaped?!” Krillin's fists tightened, his eyes locked on Piccolo with a mix of anger and fear. 

“Exactly what I said.” Piccolo glared back. 

“But Goku is…How did you let this happen?!” 

“He got overpowered, and I could do nothing about it. Maybe if he wasn’t so weak-” 

“Don’t you dare speak about Goku that way! You should have helped him!” Yamcha jumped in, looking ready to fight Piccolo. 

“Tch, you don’t understand; I did my part; he failed when it mattered most. Now that Saiyan is hiding somewhere on the planet, recovering. And the brat destroyed his space pod, so he cannot leave.” 

Everyone looked over at the unconscious form of Gohan and winced. 

If Raditz was so formidable that even Goku and Piccolo's combined strength was no match, the last thing they needed was for him to be trapped on their planet. 

“Which is why we need to prepare to fight him and his Saiyan buddies when they show up.” 

““Buddies/There’s more?!”” The group shouted in surprise. 

Piccolo nodded. “He mentioned being in service to the Prince of all Saiyans, and considering he was sent to capture Goku and bring him back to wherever they are, I doubt the Prince would just let Raditz remain stranded here.”

That’s bad. Very bad. 

Goku and Piccolo lost badly to one of these Saiyans, and now there are more on the way, on top of the one that is already still here?!

“I suggest you lot spend your time training, because I have no idea when they’ll be here, but I know I’m not going down without a fight. This is my planet to conquer, and I’ll be damned if some strangers come and take it.” Piccolo scowled as he walked over to the unconscious Gohan and lifted him up by his tail. 

“W-What are you doing with Gohan?!” Krillin clenched his fists, ready to charge if necessary. 

“This kid has some potential. He’ll be useful in the upcoming fight, so I’m taking him. Try not to kill yourselves like your dumb ass friend.” Piccolo sent one last glare at Goku’s body before flying off with Gohan. 

“Someone stop him!” Bulma shouted.


“Damnit, Krillin!” 

“We both know I wouldn’t be able to get Gohan back from him.” Krillin frowned. 

“Well, what do we do now?” Yamcha asked, looking at Goku’s body.

“We should preserve his body; we always have the dragon balls.” Master Roshi sighed sadly. 

Suddenly, Goku’s body began to fade away, drawing surprise from the entire group. 

“What’s going on?!” 

“I don’t know!” 

Within moments, Goku’s body was gone, leaving behind a dumbfounded group. 

— Kami —

“Wow, this place is cool!” Goku grinned, looking around. 

“Indeed.” Kami nodded. “This is where all the souls of the dead in the Universe go after their lives have come to an end.” 

“Woah! But hey, everyone looks like ghosts; how come I still have my body?” 

Kami let out a tired sigh. “You are a fighter who has done a great deal for the planet and died honorably for the sake of others. As such, you have earned the right to keep your body in death.” 

“Cool!” Goku grinned. 

“Now then, we have to meet King Yemma to request…advanced training.” 

“Wait, why?” Goku raised an eyebrow. 

“Well, a few reasons.” Kami looked at Goku seriously. “First of all, your brother, Raditz, survived Piccolo’s attack.” 

Goku’s eyes widened, and his fists clenched. 

“How…I had him; even if he spun us around, the beam went through me and should have pierced him too!” 

“He managed to get away; strength goes a long way, Goku.” 

“That’s…we need to get back, now!” 

“We can’t Goku.” Kami shook his head. “Even if you were wished back now, nothing would change; both you and Piccolo would lose, and all would be lost.” 

“...Then what can I do?” Goku asked through gritted teeth. 

“Train here; you should be able to grow at a quick pace. That is the only option, especially with the threats heading toward Earth.” 

“Threats?” Goku blinked.

“The Saiyans Raditz mentioned Prince Vegeta and two others, from what I have sensed, are approaching. And they are much stronger than Raditz.” 

“No, that can’t be!” Goku clutched his head. “How could this happen?!” 

“There’s no use asking how we can only focus on the present and future. The past is irrelevant. 

“...” Goku remained quiet as they slowly made their way through the line. 

— Raditz —

He flew long and far, all while keeping his power level low. He couldn’t risk being pursued, even if he were sure he could take on this entire planet, even in his injured state. 

He already messed up with Kakarot, the last thing he wanted to do was anger Vegeta by causing more destruction and death to this planet than his Prince wanted. 

This planet was full of gems, from the various techniques and fighting styles to the compatible women. 

Not many planets offered compatible mates to Saiyans, but this planet was one of the exceptions. And judging by how powerful Kakarot’s spawn grew, breeding with this planet’s populace may end up promoting a very mighty Saiyan race. 

If Kakarot, a Saiyan born with a power level of 2, could produce a son that could damage Raditz's battle armor, then how strong would Vegeta’s spawn be?

The thought put a smile on Raditz's face, even if the burn on his stomach was screaming for him to get medical attention. 

The Saiyan race would come back even stronger than before if things went well, and a race of powerful Saiyans would definitely be able to take on Freeza. 

They could gain their independence, just as Vegeta wanted. 

Raditz flew through the desert and caught sight of a small building. 

He needed shelter, and more than that, he needed food and water. So he made his way downward. Landing on the hot sand and making his way through the back door. 

His nose immediately caught the smell of delicious food, and he began moving through the storage, trying his best to find some fresh, drinkable water. 

He stumbled on a bottle and twisted it open. He dropped a bit on his tongue, and upon realizing it was drinkable water, he drank the entire bottle with gusto. 

“Bah!” Raditz grinned, throwing the bottle away and grabbing another one which he poured on his burn. He clenched his fists from the pain, but he had had worse in the past. 

He’d be fine; he just needed some rest.

Raditz took a seat and decided he’d rest for a bit. Judging by the smell, there was obviously food within the building so he could eat when he woke up. 

He closed his eyes and, moments later, welcomed unconsciousness.

— Later —

“Hey—I said wake the hell up!” 

Raditz let out a loud yawn and stretched his arms up high. He slowly opened his eyes and stared down the barrel of a retro gun. 

“Wha da hell are yee doin’ in ma bar?!” A bearded, balding man asked as he cocked the gun back. 

“Is this…supposed to be some sort of shotgun?” Raditz blinked at it, studying it. “I suppose it would be too good to be true if this planet also had advanced technology.” 

“Wha is he sayin’?” The same man asked, looking back at the three men behind him. 

“I got no idea. A bunch of mumbo jumbo. Does it matter? Let’s waste him.” 

“Why are you all always so quick to act?” 

Raditz blinked again at the sound of a feminine voice and peered behind the men. There was a woman there with blonde hair. She had a much smaller gun drawn, reminiscent of a blaster as she stared at him with cold green eyes. 

“He didn’t even give us an answer. Don’t be so quick to kill him, at least not without taking his things!” 

“Ah, right.” One of the men facepalmed. “He could have some good stuff stashed somewhere. “Wouldn’t make sense how someone could make it this far into the desert without anything.” 

“So, ya gonna tell us?” The bartender prodded Raditz with his gun, but the large Saiyan couldn’t give a single fuck about him. His eyes were still locked on the woman. 

It had been a while since he had seen a woman that looked even remotely close to that of a Saiyan woman, and all of his instincts were screaming at him to make her his mate. 

The look in her eyes was only adding fuel to the fire. Her cold green eyes felt like they were stabbing blades into his heart…in a good way. 

“What’s your name?” Raditz asked, ignoring their initial question and asking his own. 

The woman blinked and then tilted her head. She cocked back her pistol and pointed it at his head. “We’re the ones that are asking the questions!” 

Raditz got up from the ground, standing at his full height, which surprised the group, but the woman didn’t move from her place right in front of him. 

“You think that scare-” The woman paused as she began to rub her nose. 

Raditz studied her curiously. She had just let her guard down in front of him and looked like she was going through some trouble. 

“Ah—Ah—Ah-choo!” In the blink of an eye, her hair went from blonde to blue, plus her eyes changed from defiant green to the most innocent of blue, now matching her hair, as she rubbed her nose. 

“Huh?” Raditz blinked. 

“...Where?” The woman spoke before looking up at him. “Hello, Mr… Are you lost?” 

“...I suppose so.” Raditz nodded, still dumbfounded. 

“Well, you’re in the right place; Uncle’s Bar has the best food around!” The woman turned around to look at the bartender. “Uncle, let’s get this man some food!” 

“...Buh, Launch-” 

“You’re not gonna turn down a hungry man, are you?” Launch frowned, her eyes conveying her sadness. 

“Naw, no, siree! If Launch says he’s eatin’, then he’s eatin’!” The bartender pushed the other men back. “Well, what are yee fools waitin’ for? Let’s get to work!” 


 The men left Raditz, and this woman, Launch, alone in the back of the bar, and Raditz couldn’t get himself out of his stupor. 

“Oh my!” Launch said worriedly, approaching him and softly touching his wound, making him wince. “I’m sorry, we need to get you fixed up right away!” Launch ran off out of the backroom and came back half a minute later with a small box. Raditz remained in his place the entire time. 

“Sit down, please, I’ll patch you up.” Her voice was…different from mere minutes earlier. No, more than that, her entire demeanor was different. It was like he was talking to a completely different person. 

However, he had to admit he didn’t mind the softness of this blue-haired woman. 

She reminded him of his mother. 

So, he did as she said and sat down. She took some fluid in her hands and started rubbing it on his wound. 

“I’m sorry that it hurts, but it should be better in time.” 

“...Thank you.” 

— Chapter End —

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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Basilisk @Dragonboy1 



Holy shit, he actually met Launch. The only thing that can make this better is if Vegeta, rather than wishing for immortality, decides he wants to be taller...by wishing to grow an extra 2 inches. :v


Thanks for the chapter