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Transmigration Complete. 

Successful Transmigration of All Targets Confirmed. 

Intrinsic Skill: Incarnation of Lust Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Eyes of Lustful Intentions Acquisition Successful.. 

Intrinsic Skill: Enhanced Web Creation Acquisition Successful.. 

Intrinsic Skill: Stamina Beast Acquisition Successful.

Intrinsic Skill: Greater Magicule Regeneration Acquisition Successful..

Intrinsic Skill: Ruler of Nazarick Acquisition Successful.

Common Skill: Thought Communication Acquisition Successful.

Extra Skill: Spatial Manipulation Acquisition Successful.

Extra Skill: Sage Acquisition Successful. 

Unique Skill: Shift Acquisition Successful.




“Holy shit!” Pero shouted aloud. Everyone shared similar stunned reactions as they began to look at themselves, then looked around at the others. 

“It worked…” Ulbert whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Their eyes all roamed to me, but I wasn’t focusing on them. I just got a fuckton of skills, and they all share similar names to the skills I had in-game. I’m confused why they needed to be rebranded, but I think I’ll have my answers soon. 

“Lord Peroronchino, Supreme Ones, is everything all right?!” 

All of our eyes snapped over to Albedo who was kneeling below us at the bottom of the steps with pure concern in her eyes. 

Slowly, Ulbert pointed at her, complete shock on his face as a bead of sweat dripped down his brow. 

“D-Did she just-”

“Ulbert.” I called, cutting him off and earning everyone’s attention. 

Well, let’s hope this acquired skill works. 

Common Skill: Thought Communication - Allows the User to communicate with other beings via their thoughts. 

‘Can you guys hear me?’ I questioned, focusing my intent on speaking with all the players, while excluding Albedo and the Pleiades. 

‘Kakuei, how are you talking without talking?!’ Buku asked with no small amount of surprise. 

‘It’s a skill I got, I think we all should have got it.’ I answered before shaking my head. ‘Alright listen, the World Change obviously happened and now we’re in a world completely separate from our old one.’ I explained, earning small, nervous nods from the others. ‘This is what we wanted, remember? Now we have to act the part. In private, we can be ourselves, but when in the eyes of our creations, we should play the part of the Supreme Beings, the Perfect Beings that our creations worship, understand?’ 

They all nodded in understanding, and I could see the gears in their heads turning. I smiled at their acceptance of the situation before my eyes widened as I began taking note of everyone around. 

There was Buku, Pero, Momo, Touch Me, Saeko, Sayuri, Ulbert, and Nishi.

‘Guys…Where the fuck are Joni and Vampira?!” Nishi asked in complete shock as he began looking around the throne room. 

Everyone shared his sentiments, heads turning, trying to find them, but they were nowhere in sight. 

‘Wait.’ I frowned and rubbed my temples. ‘We’ll focus on finding them soon, for now, we need to get Nazarick situated.’

‘They’re our friends Kakuei, we can’t-’ 

‘Which is why I said we’ll find them soon.’ I cut Touch Me off with a firm stare. ‘Right now we don’t know the danger level in this World, so we need to figure out our current situation before we go looking for where our friends might be.’ 

“Supreme Ones, is all well?!” Albedo asked again, looking equally as worried, making everyone look over to her again in stunned silence. 

‘Okay, Kakuei…how do you explain that?!’ Pero gestured to Albedo which only seemed to confuse her more. 

I ignored Pero. I hadn’t told them about NPCs coming to life because I believed it would unnecessarily complicate things further. They already didn’t believe me, what would telling them have done positively for me? 

“Albedo.” I called, walking toward the stairs. 

“Yes, Lord Kakuei?!” She bowed her head in reverence as I drew near. 

“We believe things may have shifted. I can no longer sense Yggdrasil, the World Tree, which can mean a few things, but none more so than us being in a realm completely separate from her Roots.” I explained, drawing a bit on my skill as a Role-Player. 

“Truly?!” Albedo’s face morphed into pure shock before she lowered her head again. “How may I be of service to the Supreme Ones?” 

“In a minute.” I waved her off before looking at the group of maids and lone butler. “Pleiades!” 

They all looked up from their kneeling positions.

“What is it you command of us, Lord Kakuei?” Sebas spoke for all of them. 

“Sebas, you will head to the Eighth Floor and gather both Shiraori and Ariel and lead them outside the Tomb. I must ensure my theory of our transfer is confirmed. You three will go out together, but I do not wish for you to risk your lives. If you spot something vaguely humanoid, or feel threatened in any capacity, return to the Tomb immediately. Both the Spider of White and Black will be under your orders, ensure they know that.” 

“So it shall be.” Sebas bowed his head low before standing up and walking out of the Throne Room.

“Pleiades, you are to follow Sebas to the entrance of the Tomb and defend it with your lives. No one leaves or enters without our orders.” 

“As you command.” Yuri Alpha spoke for them before they made their way out of the room. 

“Now, Albedo.” I turned my gaze to the kneeling woman. “I want you to gather each Floor Guardian with the exception of Victim—bring Rubedo in his place—and bring them to the Sixth Floor Arena. I would like to speak to them.” 

“I will succeed.” She smiled, standing up and leaving. I watched her all the way until the door to the room closed, leaving behind just the players. 

“Dude, that was intense.” Pero breathed out with a long sigh. 

“It’s what we need to do from now on. Act the role.” I shrugged, turning my attention to them. “We do need to find Joni and Vampira, but losing our heads about it won’t do anything for us now. Once the meeting with the Guardians is over, we’ll begin our search.”

“That’s…fine.” Touch Me frowned, looking like it wasn’t fine. 

“Daddy, I feel weird.” Sayuri said in a low voice, making everyone look at her in worry. 

“What’s wrong, dear?” Saeko questioned with no small amount of worry. 

“I don’t know.” Sayuri frowned. “My body feels different.” 

Ah, that’s all? I know for a fact my body has felt different ever since we’ve come here. It hasn’t been a good different because it was initially disorienting, but now I can feel the sheer amount of power I’ve gained from the World Change. 

“That’s happening to all of us, Sayuri. It’s nothing to worry about, but just in case, maybe you should head to bed?” I offered. I had a feeling this feeling could be slept off as our minds would subconsciously adjust us to our bodies without a need for consciousness. 

“Mmm.” Sayuri nodded. 

“Good, Touch Me, Saeko, why don’t you take her? It’d probably be best if you stayed with her as well.” 

“Good call.” Touch Me nodded with a frown. He stepped forward, placing a hand on both his wife and daughter’s Homunculi avatars and teleported to the Supreme Being quarters. 

“So what do we do?” Pero asked, placing his feathery arms on his waist. 

“The same as we always have been.” Nishi dropped to a knee. “Everything has changed, yet nothing has changed. Kakuei saw this coming, and for years he’s been our leader. We’ll follow his orders and complete them to the best of our ability.” 

I blinked at Nishi’s exceptional display of loyalty and gave him a nod, which he returned. 

“That’s fine with me.” Ulbert shrugged. “Perhaps we should prepare ourselves to speak with the Floor Guardians.”

“Oh. My. GOD!” Buku shouted suddenly, surprising us. 

“What’s wrong, Buku?!” I asked with worry lacing my tone. 

“If Albedo is alive…my babies!” Her body vanished from our sight and I stared at the spot she had been for a while before a deep sigh escaped me. I rubbed my temples and frowned. 

She was just excited about seeing Aura and Mare. 

I couldn’t blame her. She had told me in the past the concept of having children in the Real World was foreign to her because of what happened to her and Pero when they were young, but in Yggdrasil, she got to fulfill her dream of having a family and being a mother. 

For all intents and purposes, Mare and Aura are Buku’s children, and technically my son and daughter as well. 

“I’ll follow her.” Momo giggled, and her body vanished before I could get a word out.

“Alright, Ulbert, do you think you can use some observation items to see what we’re working with on the outside?” I questioned, earning a nod from him.

“I can, but why didn’t we start with that instead of sending the three outside?” 

“I didn’t want to be deceived.” I shook my head. “Who’s to say something or someone doesn’t purposely interrupt our observation? Having real people outside works better for gathering intel.”

He frowned, but nodded and walked off. 

Beyond that, I had my concerns about this world. The mere fact that we gained Skills with different names than the ones in the game immediately implies that we’re in a world completely different from the New World, unless the New World changed how it operates. Which I doubted, but anything was possible with all the possible butterfly effects I may have caused. 

“I’m gonna head over to the Sixth Floor with my sis.” Pero waved and left, leaving Nishi and I alone in the Throne Room. 

“What will you have me do, Master?” 

Back on that Master bullshit? I gotta respect the commitment honestly. 

“I don’t have anything specific that you need to do.” I shook my head. “Maybe gather some intel on just how loyal the inhabitants are, and how much knowledge they have about the game, starting with the Pleiades. Narberal Gamma is your creation after all, so it should make things easier.” 

“I shall return.” He grinned which honestly looked pretty freakish, before disappearing into the shadows. 

Now I left all alone in the Throne Room, free to myself and my thoughts. I couldn’t explain how I felt about everything so far. I thought things would go differently, that we’d be dropped into the New World without any differences and be free to live out our eternity standing at the top of everything the world had to offer. 

How things were going thus far, that could still be a very real possibility, but my heart couldn’t relax with all the differences. The one thing I will however say that puts my mind at ease is the lack of differing thoughts compared to how I felt when I was a human in the Real World.

I thought that as a World Enemy, I would feel blinding moments of rage, or other negative emotions, but since coming here, I haven’t felt anything that differs from my old self, and if I don’t feel anything, the others shouldn’t as well. 

Which fixes one of the biggest problems I thought we would have with the World Change. 

I closed my eyes and began focusing on the newly acquired powers I’ve gained, then upon finding them I focused on one in particular. 

Extra Skill: Sage: It allows the user to accelerate their thought process and provides a comprehension boost.

This skill doesn’t seem very important, because it wasn’t very noticeable in the game. However, in a new world, I could see it coming in handy. 

I didn’t understand the classification of skills either. From what I could see, there were Intrinsic, Common, Extra, and Unique Skills, and all of them seemed kinda bullshit. 

Especially this one…

Unique Shift: Allows the User to shift reality with restrictions. With enough magicules, the user can shift beings/objects into places (or times) of their choice. 

I know for a fact I didn’t possess anything like that in the game, simply because the game would neither allow it, nor was it advanced enough to successfully produce such an effect.. 

Just by the description I could imagine a million different ways to use this skill, but before I tried anything out I needed to learn more about this world as well as its system. 

I didn’t know what the future would hold for our guild and new home, but I hoped for the best. My goal was to live an eternity of peace without ever having to lose anyone or anything that I loved, and that resolve of mine burned even brighter after years of living in that shitty world and meeting such great people. 

I’d be damned if I lost all I built, and if anyone in this world wanted to take anything away from me, then I’d introduce them to the might of Nazarick-

And my wrath. 

— Chapter End —

Beta Reader: @Basilisk

B.N. (Basilisk) My man finally made it to tensura, who knew it would finally happen.



Nice. Though I thought he would start out with an ultimate skill given he is a world enemy and he has multiple world items soul bound to him. Up to you how you do it, but you don’t want to trivialise World items.

Rhett Sellers

I have enjoyed it so far. Thx for the chapters