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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I awoke to a rather pleasant sensation, a warm, wet, softness enveloping my dick. Cracking an eye open, I saw Boudicca kneeling over me, her red hair spread across my thighs and hips, her ass high in the air. Her eyes were locked onto mine, and she winked, before taking me entirely into her mouth.

With a groan, I brought my hand up and ran it through her hair, pulling her down just a bit more, her nose brushing against my pubes. After a moment, she pulled back, releasing my dick, before running her tongue along my shaft.

After giving the tip of my cock a flick with her tongue, she said, “Morning sleepy head.”

I chuckled and gave her a soft smile, reaching down and running my hand along her cheek.

She smiled back at me, a bright and cheery expression, before taking me back into her mouth, her lips sealing around the base.

We didn't speak much as she blew me, her movements slow, measured, deliberate. She had her eyes locked onto mine, and I could feel myself growing harder and harder, a burning pressure forming in the pit of my stomach.

Just as I was about to cum, I felt a weight settle into the hand that wasn’t in her hair and the mood was killed as my phone began to ring. I liked to think of myself as a pretty even tempered man, the kind where it took a lot to get under my skin. But this moment, right now, I wanted to chuck the phone that had appeared in my hand straight into a black hole.

Taking a deep breath, I nevertheless held the phone to my ear as I answered, doing my best to keep my voice pleasant, “Yes?”

Even I could tell that my attempt at not sounding pissed failed, but Cameron didn’t address it as she spoke, “A fleet of ships just exited the Mass Relay and are approaching Elysium. Comparing the Yamato’s scans of them with the data we’ve procured identifies them as batarian.”

I still had blue balls, but that was now combined with feeling like an utter idiot. How the fuck had I forgotten that Elysium was the name of the planet that a War Hero Shepa...my gaze dropped down to Boudicca, who had stopped her ministrations and could tell that something was up.

“Batarian fleet, probably a slaving run,” I told her. “We should probably…”

The change was immediate, and even though she barely looked to be in her twenties, I could see the beginnings of the woman who would lead the galaxy against the Reapers. She sat up, the look on her face hard, determined, and just a bit murderous.

She got up off the bed and began walking towards the bathroom, grumbling under her breath, “I was enjoying my shore leave, getting ready for a day of raw, toe curling sex, and those four eyed bastards just had to show up and ruin it.”

I couldn’t help my gaze following her hips as the doors closed, and I shook my head to clear it of perverted thoughts, turning my focus back onto the call with Cameron, “Call anyone from the Family still on the planet and let them know. If Kara hasn’t read up on the Batarians, tell her they’re basically this galaxy’s version of the Vrang and as deserving of all the care her ancestors showed them.”

“Affirmative,” Cameron said, “I assume you plan on aiding in the defense?”

“Bingo,” I said, moments before Boudicca exited the bathroom, a faint blue aura surrounding her.

She’d gotten dressed, mostly, and it would normally be the sort of thing you’d expect to see on a recruiting poster. Save for one tiny detail. I’d kinda...ruined her pants last night, leaving her to head out to face an alien invasion in her panties. To be fair to her, I had a feeling she’d be looking a lot better doing it than I will be, given how she ruined my own pants too.

[center]<<Kara Zor-El>>[/center]

I floated in the void of space, my eyes narrowed as I took in the dozens and dozens of ships heading towards the planet. There had to be over a hundred ships, and even as the Alliance war ships in orbit shifted their positioning to face the attackers, I leaned forwards, flying through space like a bullet.

I am not Kal. After Argo City, Mom, and Dad died, he’s the only family I have left. But much as I love my cousin, he’s more human than Kryptonian. Middle-American human at that. Every so often, there are things that make that fact stand out. Back on our Earth, I don’t kill because there’s almost nothing that can seriously injure me, and much as those like Lex try, there’s relatively little danger.

But...I grew up on stories of the Vrang. Of Val-Lor the Truthspeaker, who sparked the rebellion against them. The war that resulted. I can and am willing to kill when I need to. I will, here, because these slavers need to die. Just like the countless Vrang did when my ancestors pushed them off Krypton. My mercy is for their victims. Not the slavers. Never for slavers.

My outstretched fists connected with an invisible barrier, before it shattered and metal parted like butter. I spun, turning my body into a drill while unleashing my heat vision. I would be shocked if a ship like this didn’t have some way of dealing with a hull breach, but I doubted it could handle that combined with having twin beams of thermal energy on par with a star burning through its guts.

Something in the back of the ship exploded, and I flew out, easily ignoring the heat and concussive waves as I scanned the void and picked my next target. I did the same to it, and the next, and the next, on and on.

I took out at least twenty of the ships by the time some began making planetfall, the Alliance vessels engaging with some of the other slaver ships. As I exited the latest ship I destroyed, my super vision let me scan the various remaining pirate vessels. Thinking faster than was physically possible for humans, I considered each ship before moving onto the next, until I found what looked like the flagship.

The fleet was such a hodgepodge of different ship sizes and types it had been hard to tell, but once I had my target I shot towards it. Again, I easily broke through its kinetic barrier and blew through the metal hull, but this time I had something different in mind.

I’d seen Kal do entrances like this, both personally and in some of the movies that Bear had on the Yamato. Even as the ship’s automated systems sealed the hole in the hull I’d made, I floated on the bridge, my eyes glowing red with restrained heat vision as the various pirates and slavers scrambled away from me.

The apparent leader, I assumed based on the self importance in his stance, ranted and raved for a few minutes. I didn’t pay attention to a single word he said, and after I felt he’d gone on long enough, I loosened my hold on my heat vision. Twin beams of energy cut through the space between us, and I shifted my gaze from left to right.

Before he had a chance to fall, I made two more cuts with my heat vision. In the space of a second, his torso fell to the floor, missing both his arms and legs. He barely had time to inhale, presumably to scream, before a final beam decapitated him. A few of my peers before the destruction of Argo would have made it last longer, hell most of them would have, but even now I could still hear Kal’s voice in the back of my mind.

As I floated through the ship to the engine core, ignoring the pirates' attempts at stopping me and cutting through bulkheads they put in my way, I idly wondered how the situation was faring on the ground. I was confident that Bear and the others would be fine, but part of me worried nonetheless.

[center]<<Nymphadora “Don’t Call Me That” Tonks>>[/center]

I hadn’t been expecting to have to deal with something like this on what was supposed to be a vacation stop, but like Moody always said: Constant Vigilance. That having been said…

“I don’t suppose one of you brought down a change of pants for me?” Bear asked as he checked the sidearm I’d handed him.

“Afraid not,” Rhonda answered.

Any further conversation was cut off as a rush of wind passed over us, one of the invading ships flying by overhead. From a few streets over, there was a sound of something breaking and tearing before a massive spear of metal shot through the air, moving so fast I could barely follow it. The spear slammed into the ship that had been flying over us, punching into one of the engines on the back, moments before the shockwave of it breaking the sound barrier hit us.

“Protego,” I muttered, my wand strapped to the inside of my forearm.

It wasn’t an efficient way to cast, but unless things got desperate, I was going to avoid casting anything particularly noticeable. Intellectually I know there’s no Statute of Secrecy here, but a lifetime of watching my magic when not around witches and wizards doesn’t go away easily, even ignoring the problems that the locals noticing my magic would cause.

Thus, I was carrying a local weapon. I don’t understand why or how, but none of the technology from this galaxy we’ve been around has had any sort of adverse reaction when the Coven, Sirius, and I are using a lot of magic.

While the Yamato did have a shooting range, and I had taken some time to familiarize myself with the various guns that we’d gotten our grubby little mitts on, I can admit that I’m not exactly a good shot. Which was why I’d picked an assault rifle called the Cyclone.

I didn’t know how long I’d be able to rely on just utilizing a gun before circumstances would force me to switch back to using magic, but the less magic I used the better.

“Incoming!” one of the locals shouted, and I turned my focus on the pirates and slavers making their way down the street.

As soon as the local pointed them out, I and everyone else behind a crude barricade of trucks that had been turned onto their sides opened fire. My Cyclone was a little bit behind the other guns in the barrage, but the wave of bullets that it unleashed once it finished warming up… I didn’t have the words to describe it, but I really liked it.

Even as I put as many bullets as I could into the invading slavers, I still had enough presence of mind to notice Hermione saying a single word over and over again. Given the raw magical power that she and the Coven had, I wouldn’t think she’d need to verbalize any spells she cast, and I couldn’t think of one that had ‘dakka’ as the incantation…

I’d ask her after this invasion is dealt with, if it’s not power intensive, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to learn it.


“I’m out!” I shouted, falling back against the still intact truck. Either Hermione or Rhonda must have done something to our barricade, because it had been hours and they were still holding.

Unfortunately, so were the slavers. So many were still coming, stepping over the bodies of the slavers that had fallen. It was reaching the point that, despite ammunition being something that most local guns didn’t really have as a consideration, we were running low.

“So am I!” Bear called from behind the other truck.

The slavers seemed to sense that we were close to faltering, as the sound of their own rounds hitting the trucks picked up. Swallowing, I loosened the straps holding my wand firmly in place.

Then, there was a crackle of energy as a faint blue glow appeared, almost as if a colored torch was aimed along the street. I blinked, not sure what was… there were arcs of electricity forming, and small bits of rubble were rising from the ground. Turning my gaze, following the trail of blue energy, I caught sight of a woman.

Her hair was red, in a different shade than the Weasleys, her face twisted into a rage filled snarl, her eyes were glowing a bright blue, the same color as the aura that surrounded her like fire. Then, she disappeared, in a snap followed by a boom, like a clap of thunder had gone off ten meters away.


I peeked over the truck, my eyes wide. I admit, I hadn’t thought much of them when Bear had been describing biotics to me. But this woman… her beam teleport thing had sent at least two dozen of them flying, and now she was floating a foot off the ground, her hair waving about like she was underwater.

“That woman right there is the Big Damn Hero of this entire universe,” Bear said, his voice a mix of focused, amazed, and awed. “So follow her lead and…”

Whatever he was about to say was cut off as she curled up, still hovering in the midst of the pirates who were just now turning their guns on her. With a raw, primal scream, she threw her arms and legs back, unleashing a pulse of power in a rapidly expanding sphere. Whatever it touched… just disappeared. Pirates, corpses, the road, nothing that the sphere made contact with survived.

I admit, I was staring slack jawed like a rookie. Of the pirates that had been attacking us, there were maybe ten that had been far enough away from the woman’s repulse thing to have survived. They were just as shocked as I was.

For a moment, no one moved as the woman drifted back down to the ground, a crater filling with water from broken and severed pipes. Then one of the pirates looked back up towards us, turned around, and ran like hell.

“Do we go after them?” Rhonda asked as the other surviving pirates followed the first’s lead.

A flash of red passed through the sky, moments before there was an explosion in the direction the pirates were running.

“Somehow, I don’t think they’re going to get very far,” Sirius muttered.


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