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I walked through the halls of my family’s ancestral home. Behind me and to my right was my half-sister, head maid, and one of my bodyguards. To her left was the former “heir” to the island nation of Asgard. Between them and directly behind me was the latter’s mother. Behind her and finishing off the diamond formation my retinue normally traveled in was the wolf mink I’d been gifted on my fifth birthday as a pet.

Walking past the guards, paying them no mind, I didn’t wait for the slaves to open the doors, pushing the twin blocks of solid adam wood open myself. Each door was seventy meters tall, ten meters wide, and five meters thick. I had no desire to wait for the teams of slaves to pull the chains that were normally used to open them, and it was all I could do to keep the sneer from my face.

Even after all these years, the sheer waste of such a useful material angered me. Adam wood was by far the best material for ships crossing the breadth of the Grand Line, and here it was, being used as a display of extravagance for my father’s study. Not even his main one, where he did “business”.

“Ah, Dreki, you really should have waited,” the man who sired me said, turning his gaze from the aquarium where several mermaids were performing an underwater dance and towards me. His eyes didn’t even register the women with me, brushing them off as ‘just slaves’. “Such an act is beneath those of our status.”

“Status we possess due to the efforts of our ancestors,” I responded, long practice keeping the disdain and disgust I felt towards my father from my face and voice. “To fail to live up to their example is wasteful, and by now you should be well aware of my thoughts on waste.”

My father waves his hand dismissively, “We are Celestial Dragons, the gods of this world made flesh. Really, I would think after your success in quelling Asgard’s rebellion you would lighten up.”

Neither Thrud nor Sif responded to my father’s words, save for the faint sound of teeth grinding together, as I approached my father and took the empty seat next to him. The mermaids continued their performance, though I paid it no mind, instead focusing all my attention on my father. I gave him a small amount of credit: he focused on me instead of turning his gaze back to the mermaids like I’d been expecting.

“You have turned twenty,” he began, “and as we agreed those years ago, I will provide a stipend, ten ships, and a number of Marines to crew them. I still believe this is a foolish endeavor, but if you are determined to follow through, then I will give this expedition my blessing.”

“Thank you, father,” I said.

“Now, what is your plan?” he asked. “I know you too well to think you don’t have one.

I nodded, holding out a hand. My sister placed the rolled up map in my hand. Unrolling it, I placed it on the table in front of us. It showed the New World in the entirety of what was known of it. Tapping on an archipelago that had only just been added to the latest map, I waited a moment before explaining.

“I have had some of my contacts in both the Marines and CP search out rumors of kingdoms outside the rule of the World Government experiencing unrest. This archipelago is ruled by a city that demands constant tribute, the populous would almost certainly be glad to have a change in leadership,” I told him. “The current ruler, a priest king named Tzekel-Kan, has a currently unknown model of Zoan Devil Fruit and is more bloodthirsty than Big Mom is gluttonous.”

“A Devil Fruit of your own would make this endeavor simpler,” my father pointed out, even though he knew what my answer would be.

As it had every time we had this argument, my mind went to Wano before I answered, “There is only one Devil Fruit I would consider eating, and I am not yet strong enough to slay the one who currently possesses it.”

My father let out a sigh, disappointed but unsurprised, before gesturing me to go on and asking, “What resources does this archipelago possess?”

If the rumors my contacts had told me were right, at least a full grove of Adam Trees. But I didn’t say that out loud, instead saying, “In addition to a new source of exotic foods, animals, lumber, and stone, there are rumors of a city of gold. The capital city, most likely. I am reasonably confident in my combat capabilities as well as my leadership training, and while a conquest is different from quelling a rebellion, I believe my experience with Wotan’s Rebellion will serve me well.”

My father looked at me curiously, his eyes narrowed as his mind worked, “Meat and spices can be brought to you from our market by slaves, exotic animals can be seen in our private zoo or the zoos of our fellow nobles, and what need is there for a city of gold when a single hair from your head has infinitely more worth? No son, tell me the real reason you desire this kingdom- unless…”

Sweat began to form on my back, if he had heard the rumors of Adam Trees, there was no chance I’d be allowed to claim it, the wood was too valuable.

A wide grin stretched across my father’s face, “Dreki D. Arverni, you’re looking to add another kingdom to your collection, aren’t you?”

Oh thank the ancestors, I thought as I forced myself to give a sheepish grin. He laughed, some of the other World Nobles my age, that disgusting waste of air Charlos in particular, had made jokes about me not being satisfied with collecting choice slaves like a normal World Noble and instead collecting kingdoms.

It was annoying, but there was a hint of truth to it. Unlike my peers, almost none of which were worth a damn, I’d never gone to the slave auctions, never spent a single belli on a slave. Of my personal slaves, one had been born to the family, one was a birthday present, and the remaining two were the last of the Aesyr family after Wotan Aesyr had rebelled against the World Government.

The joke started after I led the Marine force that crushed Wotan’s Rebellion. Now here I was, talking about adding another kingdom to my ‘collection’.

“Alright, let us say that you succeed in conquering this kingdom. Once you’ve pacified the locals and incorporated them into the World Government, what is your plan after? I know you will have something else in mind,” my father said, leaning back in his chair and turning his gaze back to the mermaids for the first time since I’d entered his study.

“Training and more conquest,” I answered. “The Vice Admiral’s training was a good start, providing me with a solid foundation, but I need more practical experience, against a wider variety of opponents, in order to reach the point that I want to.”

What that point was went unsaid, we both knew what it was. I was strong enough for the New World, there was no chance that my expedition would be permitted if I wasn’t, but I was nowhere near strong enough to even consider approaching Wano and the goal I’d set for myself when I was a child.

My father sighed again, shaking his head, before standing up and walking towards the aquarium, clapping his hands. At the sound, the mermaids swam off, and the doors opened, two men dressed in the attire of my family's personal slaves walking in.

He turned back towards me, saying, “You will have the funds, ships, and men you require for this venture. When do you intend to leave?”

“By the end of the week, at the latest,” I answered, standing up and walking to join him in front of the aquarium. “I’ve already prepared a list of supplies, and had the servants start packing.”

My father nodded, turning to face the two slaves that had entered. I took the dismissal for what it was, turning around and departing. My retinue followed behind me, as the slaves began to speak with my father, taking down notes as he began doling out orders. Much as his tastes in pretty much everything were far too wasteful and extravagant in my opinion, I wouldn't deny that he was very skilled at handling logistics.

As the door slaves worked the adam wood doors closed behind us, I spoke up, giving my retinue orders, “Sif, make sure that the servants who’d started packing coordinate with those that my father has prepping the ships. Thrud, Loona, seastone training today, focus on speed and reflexes. Sister, come with me while I speak to the smith to ensure my weapon will be ready on time.”

The oldest and two youngest in my retinue broke away as we reached the end of the hall: Sif to the slave quarters while Loona and Thrud made their way to the training ground. My sister and I made our way to the finest weaponsmith that wasn’t in the personal employ of one of the Five Elder Stars. Wotan and his spear had given me ideas, and I wanted to make sure that they could be incorporated before we departed.


When I awoke the day I would be departing, it was from my usual wake up call: my sister using her soft, perfect breasts on my cock. The sight of her dark brown eyes staring up at me, a small smile on her face, as she alternated between sucking my cock and rubbing her tits on it was something I had woken up to for years. Her hair was down, instead of being in her standard spiky ponytail, long, flowing black locks falling down to her waist.

She didn’t stop her ministrations as I began to sit up, her smile widening a bit.

“Good morning, Master,” she said, before licking the underside of my cock, from the base all the way to the tip.

I moaned, running a hand through her hair, as she took me in her mouth again, bobbing up and down my shaft.

“Morning,” I groaned, my breath hitching as she swirled her tongue around my tip. “Is everything ready for us to depart?”

“Yes,” she answered, lifting her head up off my cock for a moment. “We should be able to leave once we get to the port.”

She leaned back down, taking my cock back into her mouth, and I laid back, allowing myself to relax, a moan slipping from her, the vibrations from the noise traveling along my shaft. Her hand began to caress my balls, gently rolling them.

As I began to twitch, and her hand and tongue sped up, I grabbed the back of her head, beginning to thrust into her mouth. The head of my cock pushed into her throat, and she eagerly started to swallow, pulling me deeper and deeper down her throat.

“Fuck!” I cursed as I bottomed out, holding her there, my cock buried deep in her throat. She swallowed again, and my body tensed, cum exploding into her stomach.

I fell back onto the bed, my grip on her hair loosening. She slowly pulled herself off my cock, letting it rest against her cheek for a moment. She looked up at me, a smile on her face.

“Ready to go, Master?” she asked, sitting up as she did.

I took a moment to admire the view. She was naked, the same as me, and her large, DD-cup breasts were on full display, her brown nipples stiff. Her flat, toned stomach gave way to wide, childbearing hips, the lips of her pussy glistening with her juices. There wasn't time for proper sex, unfortunately, but she always enjoyed the thrill of almost getting caught.

I got up and moved around her, giving her a quick slap on her ass.

“You know I am,” I said, heading to the shower. “But I need a quick shower first. Have the rest get ready, we're leaving as soon as I am finished.”

My sister nodded, climbing out of my bed as I opened the door to a bathroom that was larger than most homes. I paused, my gaze roaming over smooth, pale legs as she bent over to put on her panties. Her rear was aimed directly at me, letting me see the folds of her pussy before they disappeared behind the fabric.

I entered the bathroom and started the shower, waiting for the water to get to the desired temperature. As had been all but beaten into me during my time training under Vice Admiral Garp, I didn't waste any time on my shower, and soon was making my way down to the docks. My retinue followed, and in less than an hour, we gazed upon the small fleet I had been gifted. Ten of the finest ships this side of the Grand Line, ready to set sail and claim kingdoms in my name.


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