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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

The shuttle gave a small rattle as it landed in the starport. Elysium wasn’t especially large, population wise, but it was still large enough to have a dedicated tourist industry. The initial colonists were a mix of Scottish and Midwestern Americans, so there were multiple rodeos and highland games throughout the year.

The largest of the latter would be starting in a few days, but for now I was being joined by Taylor, Lisa, Kara, and Tonks. The former two were going on a date, I didn’t ask for the details, while the latter two were talking about signing up as extras for a zombie movie being filmed on the planet. As for myself, I was coming down primarily just to see human colonization on an alien world in person.

When the shuttle landed, we paid the fee for docking it there overnight, and then broke apart. Tonks and Kara heading for where the information they’d gotten about the film was advertising for extras to apply, Lisa and Taylor heading for the lakeside boardwalk, and I just started meandering through the colony.

Calling it a colony felt a bit odd, since the image in my head that word produced was something much, much smaller and with an aesthetic out of the 1600s. Elysium was, to use some standard scifi terminology, an agriworld that was dedicated primarily to ranching. Massive herds of cattle and bison, flocks of sheep and goats, pigs and poultry. This had the result of the population being a lot more spread out, with a large percentage of the adults and teens being ‘modern’ cowboys and cowgirls.

The majority of the city, the one on this part of the main continent at least, was built by a massive lake, one the size of all the American Great Lakes combined, with the downtown section by the lake and the starport on the opposite side of the city.

For the first few hours, I mostly just wandered, taking note of the bars and restaurants that had food I liked, and generally enjoying the sight of a place so full of life.

It took a couple of hours before I heard the shouting and cheering from down a side road, but it wasn't long after that when I saw what the ruckus was about. A group of about twenty people were in the center of the street, and around them were a lot of cheering bystanders. In the center of the circle, one of the cowboys was doing something with his lasso, twirling it over his head and tossing it towards a grinning red haired woman who briefly glowed blue and dove through it.

After a glance around at the people watching, I concluded that this probably wasn’t anything serious, and settled in to watch. The man and woman, both looked to be in their early twenties, continued with their pseudo-dance, the man with ropework that left my jaw dropping while the woman performed feats of what I assumed were biotic assisted acrobatics to move and weave around his lasso.

Finally the show ended, and the crowd dispersed. I started to turn to head down another street when the redheaded woman came over to me. She was smiling brightly, and had a look of amusement in her eyes.

“Enjoy the show?” she asked, her eyes running up and down my form.

“Yeah, I did. What was that about?” I asked, looking somewhat concernedly towards the man, who was looking at the woman with an exasperated expression.

“Just a bit of fun, I'm Jane, my cousin Jacob’s the dumbass with the jump rope,” she said. Her answer eased a concern I’d been having: like the internet proclaimed, NTR is a trash fetish.

“No it’s not,” the man, Jacob, called. “And you know it’s a lariat, not a jump rope, Boudicca.”

Jane/Boudicca glowered at her cousin, a faint shimmer of blue surrounding her, her attempt at intimidating him only resulting in a laugh.

Deciding to cut off any further family squabbling, I said, “Well it was certainly entertaining. Though I have to ask, was there a purpose behind it?”

Jacob shrugged, “It’s something that a lot of the ranchers will do when coming into town. We work hard here on Elysium, so every now and then we’ll find a way to relax and unwind. Plus, a little bit of extra change never hurts. Though admittedly, Bee’s addition to the bit was out of the ordinary.”

I raised an eyebrow, and the redhead shrugged, “I don’t live here on Elysium, I’m just visiting family on my shore leave.”

“Alliance?” I asked, the whole thing sounding vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on why.

She nodded, “Yeah, parents both serve, and I joined up as soon as I was able to.”

“If you’re going to stick around, Bee, I gotta get going,” Jacob said, pulling attention back to him.

As her cousin left, Boudicca’s eyes turned back to me, and I had a hunch how the rest of my time on Elysium was going to be spent.

[center]45 minutes later[/center]

To be perfectly honest, I have no idea how we went from talking on the street to a hotel room. Boudicca was certainly aggressive, her grip tight on my shirt as her lips met mine, a hungry, almost possessive tone to the kiss, her hips grinding against mine.

Her hands moved lower, tearing open my shirt, the sleeves being the only thing keeping it on my torso. My own hands slid down, slipping under the waistband of her jeans to palm her ass, firm, muscular and toned. Boudicca’s own aggressiveness had an effect on me, because I found myself just as hungry for her.

She pulled back, breaking the kiss just long enough to pull her shirt up over her head, revealing an emerald green sports bra. I squeezed down on the twin handfuls of ass, her response being a small gasp, before she smirked and ground herself into the tent in my pants.

I couldn’t take anymore, pulling my hands up slightly, I gripped the sides of her jeans and gave them the same treatment my shirt had been given. The sound of denim tearing made me smirk, and Boudicca looked at me with a shocked expression that quickly turned to lust.

The two halves of her jeans fell to the side, revealing the athletic panties that were a match for her sports bra, the front of them absolutely soaked. Reaching down, I pulled them to the side, revealing her womanhood to my hungry gaze. Her pussy was, in a word, perfect. Her pubes trimmed into an arrow pointing straight down, with lips that were puffy, a shade of pink just a bit darker than her skin tone, and just barely gaping, a hint of her inner folds and clit poking through.

Boudicca evidently felt that she deserved to see mine if I was seeing hers, undoing my belt before, with a faint biotic glow around her hands, tearing my own pants off. I immediately took a hand off her to push my boxers down, as I didn’t have an extra pair that wasn’t on the Yamato. She took the opportunity to pull off her sports bra and push down her panties.

By the time we were finished, I was treated to the sight of a green eyed, red haired, athletic biotic badass wearing nothing but a pair of shoes. Her legs and core were toned and athletic, her arms well defined, her breasts firm and perky, slightly more than a handful.

“How strong are you?” she asked, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, intrigued but cautious.

Rather than answering verbally, her body gained a slight glow, and she did a flip similar to what she’d done while performing with her cousin. Only instead of avoiding a rope, her thighs wrapped around my head, while her hands held onto my hips.

“I think you can figure it out,” she said, as the glow surrounding her died, and I felt a warm tongue run along the length of my cock.

I let go of her thighs and grabbed her ass instead, lifting her up just enough to give me access, before plunging into her depths. She tasted divine, a mix of musk and salt, the smell of her sex filling my nose. It was hard to concentrate, the sensations of her mouth and tongue on my cock, the scent and taste of her sex, her moans, the heat, the feeling of her pussy clenching around my tongue.

The sensations were almost overwhelming, and I distracted myself from her ministrations by focusing on her pleasure. One hand reached between us, squeezing one of her breasts and tugging her nipple, the other wrapping around the small of her back, bringing her closer to me.

My efforts were rewarded with a muffled moan, her tongue swirling around my shaft, before I felt her take a deep breath, and force the entirety of my length into her mouth and throat. Rhythmic swallowing made my mind go blank, my focus and concentration completely shot, as I came. I groaned into her slit, the hand that had been on her tit flying to her head, my fingers running through her silky smooth hair.

“Bed,” I groaned, trying to hold her steady as I staggered towards it.

It took a moment, and the use of a small biotic push, but eventually I collapsed onto the bed, Boudicca crawling atop me. Her mouth pulled off my dick, and her eyes sparkled with mischief.

Before she could do anything, I reached up and pulled her down, my hands going behind her neck and pulling her into a kiss. Her hands planted themselves on the bed beside me, and her tongue fought for dominance in the kiss, our bodies pressing together. I could taste myself on her tongue, and the scent of her sex was thick in the air.

With a groan, I flipped us, until we were on our sides, the two of us still kissing. My hand reached between us, lining up and pushing my cock into her pussy, one of her legs rising up into the air as I hilted myself in her. I could feel the warmth of her walls, the slickness of her fluids, the heat and softness of her breasts against my chest, her nipples hard points.

We didn't break the kiss as we started to move, her hips moving against mine, our tongues entwining. My hand ran along her form, groping her breast and pinching her nipple, running across the flat plane of her abs, squeezing her ass, before returning to her tit.

Our movements grew more desperate, more frantic, both of us hungry for more. She broke the kiss, her face flushed, pupils wide, panting with her mouth hanging open, strands of drool connecting our mouths. Her eyes, half lidded with lust but still just as hungry, bored into mine.

One of her arms went over her head, and she grabbed the headboard. Her hips kept moving, slamming into mine, her body moving with enough force that I had to use an arm to steady myself. Our moans were loud, filling the room. The wet sounds of our sex and the rhythmic creaking of the bed were all that could be heard, and they only spurred us on, driving us to move faster, harder, more desperate, more frenzied.

Eventually, I felt her walls clamp down on my dick, her hips going stiff, a wail of pleasure echoing in the room. With one last thrust, I joined her, burying myself inside her, my cock throbbing as it pulsed, spraying thick ropes of cum into her.

The two of us, both covered in a layer of sweat, laid there for a minute, panting, trying to catch our breaths. Boudicca shifted, and I could feel her pussy, slick with our fluids, shifting on my shaft. With a smirk, she pulled off me, rolling over and laying next to me, her hand going to my dick, slowly stroking it, watching the way my shaft twitched in her hand.

After a few minutes, I felt the stirring of my libido again, and pulled her close, capturing her lips with my own.

It would be several hours later before we would stop. I didn’t go back to the Yamato that night.


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