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A week and a long lasting virility potion later, and I was back at the club that I’d been introduced to, looking over the myriad of girls present, some of them with vacant eyes, some with the expression you saw on people on amortentia, dozens of different expressions on dozens of girls, and I tried to think of which one I wanted to lay with first.

I saw Luna again, though she was tangled with another girl, a redhead that looked like a Weasley, and decided to go for a bit of variety. Turning, I considered Granger for a moment, before passing. The Third Year Gryffindor was in the throes of puberty, but she could wait for another day. I eventually settled on a girl I didn't recognize, a leggy, buxom girl with blonde hair in a ponytail that looked to be either a Sixth or Seventh Year, the only stitch of clothing on her being a Hufflepuff tie around her neck.

“What’s your name?” I asked, approaching her. Yes, the whole point was to have wild monkey sex, but I’d still feel weird if I started groping a girl without knowing her name.

“Call me Nym,” she said, taking my wrist and pulling my hand up to her left breast. The flesh felt soft under mine, and I gave it a squeeze.

“Nice,” I replied, letting go of her tit and moving on, using her tie as a leash as I led her over to one of the many couches arranged for people to utilize.

Nym was a lot taller than most of the other girls here, standing nearly six feet tall, and she had curves in all the right places. More than just curves, there was a hint of muscle tone to her belly, just enough to further accentuate her femininity. Some part of my brain, the part that was largely consisting of wild monkey noises right now, couldn't help but wonder how she'd look, her stomach swollen with child.

I pushed that thought aside, coming to a stop in front of the couch and removing my clothes before sitting down on it. Keeping my grip on the makeshift leash, I dragged Nym to her knees, before pulling her head down so that her face was pressed against my cock. She opened her mouth and took my shaft between her lips, sucking eagerly on me.

Her hands immediately went to work on my balls, stroking them vigorously, even as her tongue teased my tip. I groaned loudly, my hips thrusting upwards to press more of myself into her mouth. I began to pump her head, rubbing my cock across her cheeks as she bobbed her head up and down.

“That's it, Nym, suck my cock,” I growled.

She hummed happily, the sound muffled as she continued to stroke my balls, occasionally reaching up to run her fingers along my shaft. Her warm mouth felt wonderful, then she leaned in, the tip of my cock pressing against the back of her mouth. The tight ring of her throat relaxed, and I slid fully inside, feeling her gag around me.

My hands grabbed her ponytail to keep her in place, and I began to fuck her face, forcing as much of my cock into her mouth and throat as I could. Her eyes narrowed, her hands forming fists on my thighs, even as I pulled back, until my tip popped out of her throat. She gasped, her chest heaving, and I pushed back in, fucking her throat hard.

She moved her arms, to do what I’m not sure, as my mental capacity was immediately usurped by the sensation of her throat. The pressure around my length as she reflexively swallowed, the vibrations as she made a noise of protest, all of it drove me over the edge, and I drove myself as deep into the redhead's throat as I physically could, her nose pressed into my pubes and her chin resting against my balls.

I came violently, spurting into her throat, her body shuddering as my load pumped forth. I held her tightly, trying to keep from falling off, as I felt her swallow several times, her throat working furiously to process my thick seed. When I finally finished, I released her hair and allowed her to pull away, gasping for air.

“Fuck,” I panted, falling back onto the couch, my cock popping out of her mouth, “that was good.”

Nym smiled, her jaw clenching slightly as she tried to control herself.

“Mmmmhmm,” she mumbled, looking down at my cock, which was already starting to rise. I blinked in confusion, my brain a bit slow to work, but I could have sworn that her hair had been blonde when we started, not the bright, angry red that it currently was.

Before my eyes, it slowly shifted from red back to blonde. Huh, I’d heard of metamorphmagi, but I’d never met one before.

“How much control do you have?” I asked her, making her blink. I gestured to her hair, and she let out an annoyed groan upon seeing it.

Her hand ran over the top of her head, before she answered, “I can’t vary particularly far from the basic human body plan; I’m limited to female anatomy, but cosmetic stuff is pretty easy.”

I nodded, consideringly. An idea was beginning to form in my head, one that had me rapidly swelling to full mast once again. Turning to meet her eyes, I asked, “How do you feel about spicing up the upcoming sex a bit?”

The look I was given in response was a very confusing mix of relief and disappointment, “Every guy thinks it, but none of them ever say it, thinking that it’ll make me drop my panties faster if they say they want the ‘real’ me. Alright, who’re you thinking about? I’m pretty familiar with most muggle and wizarding models, enough to do a rough facsimile of them.”

“Not what I was thinking, actually,” I said, making her blink and straighten her back in curious interest. I described what I’d been thinking, and Nym chuckled in amusement, but I couldn’t miss the way that her nipples hardened, the flush to her cheeks, and the way she unconsciously rubbed her thighs together.

She swallowed thickly, and said, “I admit, that’s a new request. But what the hell, let’s give it a shot.”

Nym closed her eyes, concentrating, and I watched as she changed, her body sprouting a short coat of fur, her fingers gaining dark pads at the tips, her ears growing and moving to the top of her head, her feet shifting into paws, and a fluffy, curling tail growing just above her ass. In the space of ten seconds, she’d gone from a blonde bombshell into a red and white furred dog girl.

“What do you think?” Nym asked. “Is this what you were expe-oof!”

I didn’t give her the chance to finish, having all but tackled her and turned her around to force her onto her hands and knees.

“Oh Merlin, yes, please, sir,” she whimpered, wagging her tail.

I gave her ass a firm swat, eliciting a yelp from the now fur covered woman, and then drove my cock home into her tight, furry pussy in a single, primal thrust.

“Mmmmhmmmm,” she grunted, pushing her hips back to meet my motion, our pelvises slapping loudly against each other. I grabbed her by the waist and began to fuck her hard, her back arching with every stroke, her breasts bouncing beneath her shirt.

“Harder! Harder! Fuuuuck!” She growled, bucking her hips harder, and I obliged. I pounded her roughly from behind, my balls smacking against her clit, her tits jiggling with every thrust.

After a minute or two of this, I pulled out and spun us around, keeping her on all fours. Her face was buried in the couch pillows, and I looked down at her sexy, furry body as I approached.

“Sir, I can't take any more, sir! Pleaseeee!” she begged in breathy tones, her hips waggling.

A little grin split my lips, and I reached down to grab her hair, pulling her up so that her face was level with mine.

“You like it rough, don't you? You love being taken hard and fast, don't you? You're such a dirty little bitch, aren't you?"

She nodded frantically, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, panting.

“Now, tell me,” I said, reaching up to push her hair out of the way, “how many guys have you done this too? How many times has someone taken advantage of your eager, slutty nature to ravish you while you were helpless, unable to stop them?”

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head, “None! None! That's not...I'm not…”

I smiled, and leaned in closer, whispering, “Of course you are.”

I grabbed her shoulders and shoved her down onto the couch, before thrusting back into her. She cried out, a high pitched sound that made her throat vibrate, and her body shuddered in orgasm as I slammed into her. I grinned down at her, my face inches from hers, and continued to fuck her as she thrashed on the couch, cumming over and over again until I could feel my own climax building inside of me.

With a grunt, I slammed my hips against hers, burying myself deep, and came with a long, low groan. My balls contracted powerfully, and I felt the hot jets of my seed flow deep within her belly, filling her up completely. It seemed like an eternity before I finally collapsed on top of her, my breathing heavy, and we laid there for several moments, my softening cock still lodged deep inside of her, our bodies twined tightly together.

I could feel the virility potion I’d taken before coming here get to work, and in less than a minute I was ready to go again. Pulling out of her, Nym let out a low, canine whine as my cock left her cunt with a wet pop, a trail of white cum oozing out of her. Taking hold of her thighs, I flipped her over onto her back, her ass and legs hanging off the edge of the couch cushion.

“We aren’t done yet,” I told her, lining up with her hole, her eyes widening in surprise. “I want all of you.”

With that, I pressed forward, pushing the tip of my cock against her asshole. Nym arched her back, a whimpering moan coming out of her mouth as her hands groped and squeezed her tits, but her ass was so tight that instead of sliding in, I slipped up along her pussy.

“Please, sir, please!” she moaned, her voice quavering as I pushed against her, trying to force my way past her tight anus.

“Just relax,” I told her, looking down at her face.

Finally, I felt the ring of her ass give way, parting to allow my cock entrance to her last fuckhole. With a slow push, I slid in until I was completely buried inside of her bowels, feeling her muscles tighten around my shaft in response. Nym gasped, and the sound was cut off as I started to move, pumping slowly in and out of her tight, warm rectum.

The room seemed to darken momentarily as I focused on the sensations, the feel of her ass gripping my cock, my balls slapping against the bottom of her tail, and the heat of her breath washing over my neck. The feeling was intense, and it took a full five minutes before I came, another set of thick jets of cum splattering into the depths of her ass.

Pulling out of her, I rolled off of her and lay there, exhausted. She rolled over beside me, snuggling up against me, laying her head on my chest.

“Merlin, that feels good,” she sighed, her eyes half closed. “I love the feel of cum up my arse.”

“So I take it that it wasn’t your first time?” I asked as her fur and other animal features rescinded.

She snorted, “If it were, lust potions or not I’d have hexed your bits off.”

Right...I had a sudden desire to...be anywhere else...


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