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<<Rocky Mountains, 2002>>

I held up a glass, cleared my throat, saw that I had the attention of the rest of the wedding guests, and let a grin spread across my face as I began my speech as the best man, “At an occasion like this, I think it’s important that we take the time to both congratulate the happy newlyweds, and also tease the ever loving hell out of them. Except for Debbie, she scares me.”

There was a burst of laughter amongst the gathered wedding guests as Nolan let out a grunt of protest. I turned to him and gave him a look as I said, “Look, Nolan: even without practice, Debbie’s got the disappointed mother look down pat. You punched me in the face the first time we met, I’ve already taken the worst you can give me.”

“You kicked me in the groin in response,” Nolan shot back. “I think that’s a bit worse than a punch to the cheek.”

The rest of the guests laughed again, and the rest of the wedding reception went on. It wasn't until later, just before the husband and wife were about to start dancing, that Debbie's maid of honor approached me. She was tall, with dusky skin, long black hair that ran down her back like a waterfall, generous, full breasts that her maid of honor dress seemed designed to accentuate, clearly defined muscles in her forearms that, when combined with the calluses on her knuckles, suggested familiarity with at least one punch based form of sport or martial art.

“Nice speech,” she told me. “John, right?”

“Thanks, and yeah. Becky, I want to say?” I asked her as Debbie and Nolan started the first dance.

She nodded, but didn’t say anything else. Neither of us said anything for the duration of the first dance, and I couldn’t help but feel that things were going to be rather awkward between us.

<<Three Hours Later>>

Her teeth bit down on my shoulder as the door to my hotel room was forced open, my mouth on her neck, her hands all but tearing my suit jacket off me. Her nails dug into my flesh, nearly drawing blood where they tore at my back, and I groaned as I kicked the door closed behind me. She pulled back, dropping to her knees and tearing open my pants. Fishing out my cock, she gave it a few pumps, with her hand before practically inhaling it into her mouth. My head spun from the sensation, and I gripped her hair as she sucked harder.

“Oh god,” I moaned as she took me to the hilt in one smooth motion, sucking hard on the underside of my dick. “Becky...fuck.”

Her tongue licked across my balls, and then around the base of my shaft, before working up towards my tip. As soon as it was near enough, she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked.

“Jesus Christ!” I cried out as she bobbed her head, sucking hard, pulling back only to slide forward, taking more of me into her mouth.

My hips bucked involuntarily as her throat worked, and I felt the warmth of her saliva coat my entire length. She pulled back, letting my cock slip from her mouth with a loud pop, and grinned at me.

“Do you want this?” she asked, mischievously. “It's yours.”

I stared into her eyes, as she took me back into her mouth. Her hands pulled the front of her maid of honor dress down, freeing her firm breasts before she brought them up around the part of my cock not in her mouth. She massaged my cock, the vibrations sending thrills through me, while she sucked on me. Her throat worked, and her tongue played, her hair falling over my legs as she moved her head, taking my cock deeper and deeper into her throat.

Finally, I could take no more. Grabbing her by under her arms, I lifted her up and tossed her onto the hotel bed before removing the last of my clothes and joining her. Her dress did not survive as well as my suit had, and in a minute, I had her dress torn away. My hands found her tits, squeezing and pulling at her nipples, while my mouth attacked her neck.

I pulled back slightly, releasing her neck and letting my fingers wander lower, finding the waistband of her panties. She yelped as I tugged at them, ripping them away from her body. I threw them aside as I buried two fingers inside of her, and she arched her back in response, arching her hips to meet my thrusts.

“Fuck, yes,” she gasped.

My fingers probed deeper within her, and I watched with fascination as she shuddered beneath me. Her ass moved against me, seeking friction, and I grabbed her hips firmly with my free hand, pressing her down onto my fingers, feeling her pussy contract around them.

“Oh, you are so fucking tight!” I growled.

Her pussy was hot and wet around my fingers, and I slipped a third into her, earning a sharp moan from her as I began to move them in and out. I pumped my fingers into her, my thumb rubbing her clit as I finger fucked her. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and I leaned down to take one of her dark brown nipples into my mouth. She cried out, and I pushed her down further into the bed, ignoring her cries as I continued to pump my fingers in and out of her.

“You like that?” I asked, letting go of the nipple in my mouth and watching her face in the dim light as she panted.

“Yes! Don’t you fucking dare stop,” she cried, her head throwing back against the mattress as her back arched.

I didn’t, instead I reached down with my free hand and spread her left leg wide, even as I knee walked up between her toned thighs. This left her legs spread wide as I continued to work my fingers in and out of her. She wriggled her hips, sliding her pussy along my fingers, her juices seeping out to coat my hand.

Slipping my ring finger free, on the next push in, I slipped it up her backdoor, making her seize and cry out as her muscles locked, squeezing so tightly that I couldn’t pull my hand back. Her climax washed through her, but I kept moving my fingers, pushing deeper into her until she relaxed again.

“Fuck,” she breathed, her chest heaving as she basked in the afterglow of her climax. After a moment, her eyes turned to me as she said, “If you don’t get that cock into me, I will borrow Debbie’s strap on, because one way or the other, one of us is getting fucked tonight!

I was lining up with her before she was halfway done with her threat. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I slid into her wet, tight pussy. I groaned as I filled her, the sensation of her velvet walls gripping me so strong that it almost hurt.

“Oh fuck, yes,” she moaned.

I let myself sink deeper into her, savoring the feel of her smooth walls holding me inside of her. She was so tight that it almost hurt, but the feeling of her clenching around me, milking my cock, made it all worth the effort.

“Mmmm...fuck, your cock feels so good,” she breathed. “So, so, good!”

I pumped my hips up and down, driving deeper into her cunt. She arched her back, her head falling back as she rode my cock, trying to milk every bit of pleasure she could from our coupling. Her thighs tensed, and she cried out, her body shuddering. I felt her pussy spasm around my dick, and I came, filling her pussy with my cum.

We lay there for a few moments, still joined together, my cock still buried deep within her. Finally, though, I pulled out and rolled off of her. She looked at me, smiling slowly, and I smiled in return even as she rolled over, straddling my waist.

“You didn’t think we were done, did you?” she asked, reaching down and lining my cock with her pussy before sinking down.

<<Present Day>>

I stepped into the Guardian’s Headquarters, static electricity crackling as an after effect of the teleportation power I’d used, my eyes narrowed. The medics were in the process of taking the last of the bodies out as I slotted in a pair of information gathering powers. The world shifted, colors, sounds, and smells I couldn’t have noticed before making themselves known, while connections and patterns became more apparent.

Damian Darkblood was kneeling by a pool of blood, the rest of the investigative team having departed. It was just Darkblood, Cecil, Donald, and myself. Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath, I started sorting through the various scents that my power was providing to me, even as I slotted a very minor third power that let me walk half an inch above the ground, to avoid disturbing the crime scene.

“Eidolon,” Cecil greeted me, not turning his gaze from Darkblood.

I gave a nod, not responding otherwise. I turned my gaze throughout the hall, moving slowly. Darkblood disappeared at some point, but I eventually came to a stop above a depression in the floor invisible to any means without powers.

“It started here,” I muttered. “A man was pushed back, by another. A third passed by, coming to a stop here.”

Slowly, the fight seemed to manifest in my mind’s eye. War Woman, judging from the size of the footprints, rushed forward, Red Rush moving in to support her. The faint trace of cordite said that Darkwing had thrown his explosives. The rapidly evaporating water surrounding a microscopic furrow in the floor, Aquarius had sent a surge of his power-generated water at the attacker. The attacker’s footprints were deeper, indicating a jump; following them to a cracked indentation in the floor, the attacker tried to kill Aquarius, Red Rush had moved him out of the way.

Even as I continued to follow the nearly nonexistent trail of breadcrumbs, I knew what the final straw was, what resulted in the Guardians’s deaths. Red Rush got impatient, his inability to turn off his speed made the fight seem like it had been going on for hours, and he tried to get involved directly.

Sure enough, the next notable point was the traces of bone, blood, ocular fluid, and brain matter. Red Rush’s death, signaling the end. War Woman and Immortal landed several blows, almost certainly the result of Martian Man restraining the attacker. War Woman was thrashed briefly, before the attacker retreated, or was forced back. Blood and bone trails, Darkwing was dead.

His body was used as a projectile, to make Green Ghost instinctively materialize in order to catch her ally. She was immediately killed. Her body was then used as a barricade against another surge of water. There was a lull, before War Woman’s mace was brought against the attacker. Several more swings, before she was knocked away, and her mace used to kill Aquarius.

Martian Man was next to where Aquarius’s body fell, he restrained the attacker again, as War Woman and Immortal continued to land repeated blows on the attacker. Martian Man’s core was torn from the rest of his mass and crushed, and Immortal was impaled through the gut. War Woman had her neck snapped, then Immortal was decapitated. The attacker fell, something metal falling to either side of him, but…

“It can’t be,” I said, dropping the power that was screaming in my mind. There was no way, it didn’t make any sense.

“Eidolon, sir?” Donald asked, getting my attention.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing it down along with my nerves. Turning to Cecil and Donald, I relayed what I’d pieced together of the fight, unable to say the conclusion that had formed.

“We found Nolan with the remains of a GDA control collar,” Cecil said. “The kind we use on high value and risk prisoners during transport, but it had been modified. The techs are looking over it.”

I narrowed my eyes. I’d seen those in use, even when someone had used the design to make someone into their slaves, and while I could reluctantly believe that Nolan was strong enough to possibly have killed the Guardians, I could not see him doing so while hampered as the collar would make him. From the look in his eye, Cecil had drawn the same conclusion.

Nolan, of his own free will, had killed the Guardians of the Globe.


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