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I brought up the glass to my nose and took a deep breath. Wine, yes, but there was something else in it as well. Considering the hostess, I decided against partaking. Setting the glass aside, I let out a small puff of smoke and moved to another location of the party. Such a dull affair, vampires had no sense of proper taste. I held out my arm, and another, much more delicate arm was soon laced within it.

“Such a disappointment, My Husband,” the smooth, melodious voice of one of my brides mused. “When I was chosen to accompany you to this endeavor, I was expecting so much more.”

“Parties such as these are rarely for enjoyment,” I pointed out as we made our way past the dance floor. “But rather, they are more for endeavors such as what brought us here: networking.”

“Indeed,” a masculine voice cut in, drawing both of our attention. A man dressed in Roman legionnaire armor was staring intently at us, his eyes narrowed as smoke drifted out of his nostrils, despite the cigarette in his mouth being unlit.

“I greet you,” I said with a nod of my head, which was returned. “May I inquire as to what I may call you?”

“You may call me Mr. F,” he said. “As for yourself?”

“You may call me Angal,” I answered, before the woman on my arm spoke up, introducing herself.

“I will answer to Morrigan,” she purred. It wasn’t her name, but her human guise did resemble the character so it seemed appropriate.

“I do not recognize you,” Mr. F bluntly stated. “Or your lineage. Where do you come from?”

“I would expect not,” I agreed. “My clan and I are visiting this Material Plane for a century or two, before returning to our home plane on the far side of… I believe the humans of this plane call it the Nevernever.”

Our conversation was interrupted briefly by the arrival of a man dressed as a crusader and… I found myself wondering what kind of madman came to a costume party hosted by vampires dressed in what looked like a bad mail order Bela Lugosi costume. Turning my attention from the suicidal fool, I returned my focus to Mr. F.

“Speaking as one of our kind to another,” I began. “Whom among those in attendance would one such as yourself suggest we remain aware of?”

There was another small puff of smoke from him, before saying, “The two who just entered, the tall wizard is unimportant, a small dog that barks to make itself look more dangerous than it is. The Knight with him is a wielder of a holy sword, a devout servant of the White God, and successfully slew one of our kind. Do not underestimate him.”

His gaze turned to a woman dressed in green, who looked more like a corpse than a guest, “Mavra of the Black Court of Vampires. Do not trifle with her.”

I nodded, turning to the hostess of the party, “Is there anything that one such as I should be aware of in regards to our hostess?”

“She bears a grudge against the tall wizard, but otherwise I do not suspect that what she peddles will bear much interest to one of our kind. Even one as young as yourself,” he said, with a pointed look at my companion.

Both of us nodded in understanding. The subtext was obvious, but as convenient as the human form was for networking and as interesting as it made certain activities, neither myself nor any of my brides had any interest in partaking in humans. Especially humans that had been used and passed around like a pipe around a campfire.

“You have my appreciation,” I said with an inclination of my head. “I hope we have no cause to oppose each other in the future.”

“If we do,” he calmly said, returning the gesture. “I suspect that you would not survive.”

Mr. F made his way elsewhere, and quietly, I whispered under my breath, “Tiamat?”

The woman on my arm, in her human avatar, watched Mr. F with narrowed eyes as she answered, “I do not know for certain, but from what I felt, I would not be surprised if he was of equal power to some of the lesser deities of my home plane.”

In other words, far more powerful than I was. As well as the rest of my brides, with Doh being the possible exception, though that depended on how her power interacted with him. I watched a red haired woman appear, and my eyes narrowed slightly. She looked human, but some part of me told me that she was no mortal woman.

The wizard and crusader found their path, wandering through the party, crossing our own, and as the two finished a quick visual inspection, I inclined my head in a half nod.

“I can’t say I expected to see Maleficent on Han Solo’s arm,” the wizard quipped.

“You haven’t,” Tiamat said bluntly. A small part of me was amused, wondering if I should have brought Maleficent instead of Tiamat as my Plus One.

“Knight, Bela Lugosi,” I greeted the two, and the wizard grinned, turning to his companion.

“See! Someone gets it!” the wizard crowed.

I suppressed my amusement at this quiet noise of disgust that Tiamat made, I could practically hear her thinking, ‘There’s two of them.’ She was adorable when she was like that. From the look of it, the knight was thinking the same, and I felt a small surge of pride at making Tiamat feel a sense of kinship with a holy knight, however briefly.

Turning my attention back to the two, “I must confess a curiosity: what brings a holy knight and an infamously irreverent wizard to a gathering of this nature?”

The two stiffened, nearly imperceptibly, and I kept my smirk down, even as the wizard offered an explanation, “I was in town, so I was the one stuck with the invitation.”

I let out a quiet chuckle, the sound rumbling in my chest, as I spoke, “Truly? Well then, I suppose we will not be seeing much of one another in the near future.”

Tiamat and I departed at that, ignoring the wizard’s return reply. It had been years, before I’d been uplifted from humanity, that I’d read the books that reflected this Earth. I had vague recollections of how things would proceed, but those recollections did not include how Harry Dresden managed to escape.

However he pulled it off, I had no intentions of interfering. I merely intended to sit back and watch, as the mortal man would outmaneuver the leech with delusions of grandeur. The gift giving proceeded roughly how I remembered, the red headed fae offering Amoracchius to Bianca, receiving the black dagger, Bianca presenting the tombstone to Dresden, and so on and so forth.

The excitement that followed, well, it wasn’t really any of my business, now was it? After all, Tiamat and I were mere observers. It was hardly my concern that Dresden and his compatriot escaped Bianca’s trap. The tantrum that she threw afterwards was even more entertaining than Dresden’s escape.

The rage and fury of the party’s hostess didn’t prevent me from securing the three things that Tiamat and I had gone there to procure in the first place, but it was a rather nice little bonus. I couldn’t help but wonder just how long it would take Dresden’s superiors to realize the addition of my brides and I to the Accords.


“Well, I am rather pleased with how that went,” I mused as Tiamat and I returned home, a section of coastal mountain range that had five massive forms lounging about on the rocks, letting the sun shine down on them.

Tiamat rolled her eyes, stepping forward and shedding her human guise as she did so, swelling in size as a pair of massive wings erupted from her back, her head splitting into five horned, scaled heads on long, sinuous necks. Her scales shimmered with an iridescent brilliance, each head a different color, from her left to her right: white, blue, red, green and black.

I grinned, shedding my own human skin to join her. Unlike the rest of my brides, those with a full draconic body to match their dragon blood and soul anyway, my true form only had four limbs. My arms in human form shifted to wings, a long tail grew out behind me, the fire burning in my chest bursting out of me in a plume of flame that announced our return to the rest of my brides.

Tiamat and I both took to the air, and as she flew out over the mountain, I swung by the manor at the base of it, right next to the beach. Five other winged forms joined Tiamat, as a small form ran out from the manor. I dipped a wing down, running it along the sand, and the small, humanoid form smoothly leapt onto my wing, before climbing up to settle in on my back, her front pressed against my neck.

“How did it go?” she shouted as I joined the others in the aerial dance.

“Rather well,” I bellowed in return. “We secured the required signatures to become signatories of the local peace accords. It will afford us some protections from the various factions in the attached physical world, enough to be worth the attached responsibilities.”

“Good!” was the reply, and she patted the side of my neck, making me turn my head to pin an eye on her. She pointed down to a stretch of beach, “Land over there.”

Curious, I did so, adjusting the angle of my wings and taking me down to the stretch of sandy beach that she pointed out. Landing, I lowered my wing so that she could side off, and raised an eyeridge at her in curiosity. Doh was the only one of my brides without a proper dragon form, though being an argonian her body was closer than most, but when she turned to me, her eyes alight with a fiery hunger, I found my body reacting regardless.

It might have also had something to do with the fact that, despite having consumed the souls of countless dragons, including one destined to consume her home plane, her favorite form of dress was a maid’s uniform. She walked towards my head, her tail swishing behind her, and I couldn't help but admire the way her uniform hugged her body.

“I have a request, My Lord,” she said, her orange eyes smoldering with barely contained lust. Her hand reached for the edge of her maid top, slowly pulling it away from her breast. “Fuck a clutch of eggs into me, please?”

How could I resist a request like that? With a growl, I threw myself at her, shrinking into my human form as I did so, tackling her to the sand and tearing her clothes off of her. Her scale covered skin was warm and smooth under my fingers as I grabbed her hips, slamming her back against the sand before leaning down and biting her shoulder. The taste of her blood was sweet, and she moaned, her hands grasping my head.

She pulled my face down to hers, and I could feel her tongue slithering between my lips, tasting me as we kissed, her hands stroking my back through my shirt, caressing my skin. She broke the kiss, gasping out a breath, and I felt her teeth gently bite into my lower lip, drawing a bit of blood.

“Please,” she gasped, “please fuck me.”

It wasn't a difficult request. My clothes exploded off me, and my cock was already hard, aching to fill her. I sank down, grabbing onto her hips and lifting her from the sand. Her legs wrapped around my waist, holding me steady, her hands reaching for my shoulders as I slammed into her. She cried out, a sharp cry that echoed across the beach, and I looked down at her, smiling.

“You like that?” I asked, my voice rough.

“Yes,” she breathed, her fingernails digging into my shoulders.

“Then scream again. Scream for me!” I ordered, and she did just that, yelling out as I drove into her, the soft white sand crunching beneath our feet.

She rolled her hips, meeting every thrust with one of her own, and after a few moments her hands gripped my hair, pulling my face down to hers as she screamed, her mouth open wide, her tongue lashing out. The taste of her blood filled my mouth, and I could feel her orgasm wash over me, the pleasure coursing through her veins as I pounded into her, building towards my own release.

I was close, my cock throbbing inside of her as I buried myself deep inside of her, feeling her wetness coat my length. Her nails dug into my scalp, causing a rush of pain and pleasure that made me roar out loud, and I came, spurting thick ropes of cum into her womb, filling her with my seed.

I collapsed on top of her, panting, trying to catch my breath, and she held me tight, her arms wrapping around my back as I did. One of her hands let go of my back, moving to her belly between us, and I felt a warmth surrounding her hand. The warmth rushed through my body, restoring my energy before shooting straight to my balls.

Looking at the cheekily smirking argonian woman under me, I raised an eyebrow in question. She grinned and simply said, “If you’re going to breed me, I might as well nudge things along.”

Grinning hungrily down at her, I only had four words to say in response, “Time for round two.”


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