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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

Nikhol was off with Liara, Lana keeping an eye on her with a shuttle, so that they can rejoin us when they get a chance. In the meantime, the rest of us were on the Yamato, in transit to Elysium. I was sitting with Luna, Lisa, and Hyacinth, up in the captain’s quarters, and we were discussing something rather important.

“I’ve been thinking about it pretty hard,” Lisa said, taking a deep breath. “And I think I’m going to go with Regina Annie.”

I furrowed my eyebrows; Annie was most likely after Annette, Taylor’s mother, but I wasn’t sure where she got Regina from. Opening my mouth to ask, I was beaten to the punch by Hyacinth.

“It’s a pretty name, but why Regina?” she asked, sitting against the head of the bed while idly clapping the sides of her feet together.

She had, along with Luna and Lisa, recently gotten some new shirts made from the Yamato’s fabricator. Not dedicated maternity shirts, not yet, but ones that were looser than their normal wardrobe. Currently, she was wearing a red shirt with gold, horizontal stripes. The bottom of the shirt came down to just above mid thigh on her, the way she was sitting leaving most of her pale, smooth legs on display, the bottom of her tiny shorts just barely visible.

Lisa looked away, her fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt, a black t-shirt with white and pink letters that said ‘I run of coffee and sarcasm’, before she quietly said, “My brother’s name was Reggie.”

Luna stood from where she’d been sitting on the floor, her shirt with a t-rex from Walking with Dinosaurs printed on it, and went over to wrap her arms around Lisa, pulling her head against her breasts.

“Luna, why are you,” Lisa’s half muffled voice began, only for her fellow blonde to interrupt.

“You are sad, so I’m using my boobies to comfort you,” she said, making Lisa blink in baffled confusion and Hyacinth to snort in amusement.

“I...appreciate the sentiment,” Lisa said slowly. “But why specifically your breasts?”

Luna looked down, giving Lisa a look that was clearly conveying how much Luna was questioning Lisa’s intelligence, before she answered, “Because boobies make everything better.”

That got another amused snort from Hyacinth, and one from me, before I said, “Well, you aren’t wrong.”

Lisa sent a half hearted glare my way, even as Luna hugged her head tighter into her chest. Turning to look in my direction, the younger blonde said, “I was thinking Helen Molly, for mine. Mrs. Weasley became like a second mother after mine died, and Helen was the mother of the original Hermione. Hermione...is special.”

There was one thing I was noticing about all of these baby names, they were all names for daughters. I don’t know if there was a spell or something that would let them determine the gender of the baby this early, but both Lisa and Luna seemed certain that they were going to have daughters.

Before I could ask them if they’d consider boy names, Hyacinth spoke up, her tone contemplative as one hand idly traced circles and patterns over her small baby bump, “You know, we’ve learned a lot about the rest of the Family, but you’ve never talked about yourself.  You’re a very good listener and we love you for it, but we want to know about you too.”

I blinked, about to disagree, only to pause. Huh, when was the last time I’d talked about myself with the girls? By this point, it had been the better part of a year that Tara Q had brought the first of us together, but…

“Huh, I hadn’t noticed,” I said, thinking out loud, before shaking my head. “Well, after serving in the Italian army during the first world war, Grandpa Nicola immigrated to the US. The clerk helping him through Ellis Island couldn’t pronounce or spell his last name, so he wrote it down as Sandosen. He met Grandma Filomena while she was living on her father’s farm.

“Great Grandpa was violent, Grandpa knocked him out and threatened to kill him if he touched Grandma Filomena again, and the two of them then moved to New Jersey. He worked at a silk factory that made shirts, then parachutes during World War II, then went back to shirts, and they had four kids together, three girls and a son. When their son, and youngest, was born, Grandpa wanted to name him Giuseppe, but Grandma put her foot down, so they went with the English version: Joseph. Grandpa eventually retired, then died when I was three.

“On my mother’s side, I only knew my grandfather as Nonno, and he was a hard drinking coal miner who had six daughters with Grandma Mary. His fellow miners and the guys in the bar would call him Tarzan, and Lillian, their eldest, would oftentimes be sent to the bar to get him to leave and come home. When she was fifteen, because he’d spent so much time and money in the bars, she had to leave school to start working at a pants factory a few towns over, taking multiple buses to get there.

“In time, Mom met Dad and they hit it off. Dad served four years in the Army after high school where he spent time in Italy, Germany, and Africa, the latter of which he contracted heat stroke and epilepsy. After his tour, he came back to the States and did a four year stint in the reserves before being honorably discharged. He spent the rest of his career as a union carpenter until health issues forced him to retire when he was sixty two. He died a couple months before his seventieth birthday, from his third bout with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.”

The girls were quiet for a bit, before Hyacinth spoke up, “Josephine Lilyanne.”

“Wha?” I asked, knocked off balance by the non sequitur.

“Our baby,” she said, looking up to meet my gaze. “Josephine Lilyanne. For your father and our mothers.”

“That’s a beautiful name,” Lisa said, gently smiling even as Luna continued to press her head against her chest.

“Agreed,” Luna said with a nod, as Lisa finally managed to pry herself away from Luna. Turning to face me, Luna brightened up and asked, “Bear, are you feeling thirsty?”

I was going to ask Luna what she meant, but she reached down and pulled the front of her shirt up, over her breasts, revealing that under her shirt she'd worn nothing. Not even a pair of panties. My mouth immediately began to water, and my pants started to tighten. From the corner of my vision, I saw Hyacinth give a shrug and start pulling her own shirt up.

“I’m always up for some fresh milk,” I said, as she smiled and pulled her shirt up over her neck and walked up to me.

As she reached me, I wrapped my arms around her, gently lifting her up as she leaned in and kissed me. Walking to the bed, I sat down on the edge as she straddled my lap, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She leaned back, breaking the kiss, and guiding my head to her chest. One of my hands left her back, moving to her front, slowly stroking her baby bump where our child was growing.

My lips wrapped around her nipple, sucking gently, causing her to moan. Her hand moved to the back of my head, pushing down as she arched her back, crying out softly. I suckled harder and faster, my free hand holding onto her hip as my tongue swirled around her nipple. As she came down from her high, she slid off my lap, and down the bed, sitting in front of me.

Luna tapped my pants, and before I could so much as twitch a muscle, they were gone, neatly folded off to the side along with my boxers and shirt, leaving me sitting on the bed, naked. Taking my cock in hand, the fourteen year old Luna bent forward, kissing the tip before sliding down. She took all of me into her mouth, gagging slightly before she relaxed, taking more of my shaft. She kept this up for several minutes, alternating between sucking my dick and licking my balls.

“Fuck, that feels good,” I said as she got me close to cumming. She leaned back, letting just the tip of my manhood slip out of her mouth, and looked up at me.

“Are you ready? To fuck your teen baby mama? To fill her with your seed?” she asked, licking my shaft again.

I didn’t answer verbally, instead I stood, picked her up under her armpits, before spinning around and tossing her onto the bed. She gave a slight giggle, spreading her legs apart and reaching down to play with her pussy, opening her labia and inserting a finger inside herself. I crawled on top of her, positioning myself between her spread legs, careful not to put undue pressure on her pregnant belly, and pressing my dick against her entrance.

She reached up and grabbed my hips, pulling me towards her as I pushed. The first inch went in easily, and she moaned loudly, arching her back and grabbing fistfuls of my hair as I pressed further into her cunt. I bottomed out in her as she let loose another loud moan, tightening her grip on my scalp. I held still, giving her time to adjust to my size, and then I started to move.

Her pussy gripped my member tightly, squeezing every inch of my length as I started to pump in and out of her. She let go of my hair and dug her fingers into my hips, thrusting her pelvis upwards to meet my downward strokes. I pulled almost completely out, before slamming back in, filling her pussy with my cock.

I felt her tighten around my cock as her orgasm overtook her, and she screamed. I thought about stopping, but I wasn't done yet. Not even close. And besides, I wanted to come deep inside that tight little cunt of hers. I wanted to fill her with my cum.

As her orgasm subsided, I pulled out halfway, and then slammed back into her. A wet slap echoed through the room as we connected once more. She moaned loudly, and then grunted as my cock found her cervix, and I rammed my full length back home. I pounded into her hard and fast, her body shaking as I drilled her. It didn't take long until I felt my balls draw up and I knew I was close. With one last thrust into her, I emptied myself inside of her, filling her womb with my seed.

I rolled us over, feeling myself about to collapse and mindful of our baby, and hugged her against my front. She snuggled into me, kissing my chest as I held her. My heart was pounding, but I was happy. I closed my eyes, more than willing to drift off, only for a throat to clear. I turned my head, seeing the equally naked and equally pregnant Hyacinth staring hungrily at us.

“Is it my turn now?” she asked, making Luna give a tired chuckle as she rolled off of me.

“Sure,” the freshly fucked Luna said. “Be a dear Bear, and don’t stop until you’ve put your penis in Hyacinth and Lisa’s vaginas.”

I chuckled, “No problem.”

Hyacinth didn’t need any more invitation, all but leaping over to me and immediately straddling my hips. Reaching down with one hand, she grabbed my cock, and positioned it at her entrance. She rubbed her clit while I slipped my cock into her, a moan escaping her lips as I filled her up. She rocked her hips, riding me slowly as I watched her big tits bounce with each thrust. I couldn't help myself and reached up, pinching her nipples between my fingers.

“Mmm,” she groaned, biting her lower lip as she began to rise up and down. “That’s it, fuck my pussy, Daddy.”


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