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I didn’t let Taylor answer right then. I wanted her to take her time and think about it. In the meantime, I turned my attention to reaching out for the refugee camps nearby. It was only a short while before I found one that satisfied all of my requirements.

The camp was located off the highway, far enough from the city that had been there for a few years that it wouldn't be noticed right away if the inhabitants decided to conduct a change in leadership. Namely, switching to working for me.

The buildings were small, single-story prefabricated structures made of wood and drywall. Alright, for something that had gone up in a hurry, but the lack of a supportive infrastructure was readily apparent, even from a cursory examination. They did have electricity, but only occasionally. The roads weren't paved, mostly dirt with a few roads were graveled.

All were things that I could improve upon, provided that they went along with me being in charge. I considered how to proceed, before making a decision. First step: I needed scouting robots to hunt down natural resources. Step two: generate some calorie dense seed crops. Step three: get the refugees doing something practical instead of being layabouts.

It was hard to miss the irony of trying to build a civilization after an apocalypse, given the source of my technical blueprints. Still, I wasn't going to complain, given that it meant I had tech geared towards that goal.

“What are those things?” Taylor asked, staring at the small gaggle robots that had arrived at my location.

“Scouting robots,” I replied.

She gave me a look that screamed 'do you know where this conversation is headed?'

“They can be shaped to suit any task, as long as I make the appropriate modifications in advance,” I explained.

“And these ones are hunting down local resources, correct?” she asked.

“Bingo,” I told her, turning to look her up and down from the corner of my eye. She was in one of the Vault jumpsuits, the blue and yellow garb hugging her legs and her ass in a most delightful way.

Reaching over, I hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her into my lap. She let out a surprised squeak, but didn’t resist. Not only did she not resist, she wiggled her ass against my crotch as she ‘settled in’ on my lap. She leaned back against my chest as I continued to work, a single hand resting on her belly, able to feel the muscle she had even under the jumpsuit.

“So, how many of these do we need? And what sort of supplies are you sending them to look for?” she asked.

I reached up and tapped an icon on the monitor, bringing up a topographic map of the surrounding area. I gestured at the map before saying, “I can only mine so much under the vault, I'll need more resources if I'm going to expand my output once I start incorporating the refugees and turning them into a productive society.”

She nodded, leaning back and bringing her arm around to grab my neck, turning her head while pulling me in for a kiss. She pressed herself against my front, enjoying the contact. I allowed myself to relax a bit, letting my hands wander up under her jumpsuit to caress the soft skin of her thighs. She sighed as I did so, settling further into my embrace.

“You're pretty good at this,” she commented, breaking the kiss.

“Thanks,” I said, grinning. That earned me another kiss, which I happily returned. She began grinding her ass against me, before I gave her a light swat to her hip, making her jump ever so slightly. “None of that, there’ll be time for that later.”

“Yes Sir,” she said, settling down as I started to send the robots out of the vault to start scouting.


Taylor lightly squirmed as she watched the timer. She needed to wait a total of five minutes, according to Obby, but it felt so weird. Finally, the five minutes were up and she sighed as she stopped holding it in.

“Is this really necessary?” she asked the medical robot, running a hand over the growing fuzz on her head. She was saddened that her hair had been shaved off, but she’d rather be alive and whole versus what Obby had described the state her mind had been in when her Master rescued her.

“You were ze one to inquire about zis, Frauline,” Obby responded, an extra pair of arms stirring something in a bowl with a whisk. “It is far from a sanitary act, zerefore precautions are required. Now, twice a day, come to me to repeat ze procedure, and use zis lubricant while preparing your orifice.”

Taylor took the bowl in one hand while drying herself with the other, a red flush on her cheeks. Yes, she’d approached Obby about it, but she wanted to be able to give her Master every part of her. She already knew that if he asked or ordered her to carry his child she’d do so happily, and while she couldn’t remember it, from what Obby said about her physical she’d given her virginity to someone else in the timeframe that she couldn’t remember.

So she asked the robot for his help in preparing to give Master her anal virginity, since she was certain that she still had that. She turned her face away and smiled shyly once more then walked across tiled flooring past various machines set aside by large boxes labeled "medical".

“Frauline, you seem sleepy, perhaps you should rest,” Obby suggested.

He was right, and she nodded, heading towards her room. She couldn't sleep though, not yet, no matter how badly she wanted to. At the very least, she needed to start training her ass for Master. Upon reaching her room, she shut the door, taking a deep breath as she dipped two fingers into the lubricant while walking towards her bed. Once there, she set the bowl onto the nightstand, sighing as she undressed and climbed under the covers.

Her lubed fingers reached down, tracing circles around and over her asshole, slathering it with the lube. She closed her eyes, concentrating on relaxing, and began to push a single fingertip inside of herself. Her muscles tensed at first, but soon loosened as she focused on breathing deeply. After several minutes, her finger slid in without any resistance, and she gasped softly as the sensation of fullness spread throughout her body.

It felt weird, it wasn't the same kind of fullness she felt when Master fucked her. Still, she took a deep breath, and placed a second finger at her asshole, biting her lip to keep from hissing as her backdoor stretched uncomfortably. It didn't hurt; just...strange? Like she had a big poop, but in reverse?

Once she got used to having two fingers inside her, she began to slide them in and out slowly, getting comfortable with the motion. She took slow breaths, focusing on the sensations going through her body, wondering if this would feel different when her Master used her this way the first time. If he did, she'd probably faint or pass out.

A soft hiss escaped her lips as she realized that if she was going to train her back door for Master, she might have to do this regularly. She shivered lightly, nerves flaring up, but she took a few deep breaths until they faded again.

She continued sliding her fingers in and out, watching the clock, occasionally stopping and letting her ass adjust when the uncomfortable feeling got worse. As the minutes ticked by, Taylor became more relaxed, and the discomfort lessened. She was glad, because she wanted to go all the way with Master, and if she was scared of him using her she doubted she'd be able to relax when he did.

Eventually, the clock read four hours after the end of the day, and she decided to stop for now. She pulled her fingers free, wiping them off carefully, then snuggled deeper into the bed. The sheets were cool against her skin, and she drifted off to sleep almost immediately, dreaming of how she'd feel when Master accepted her offer and took her ass.


It was a week after I’d “recruited” Taylor, and I was meeting with the leader of the first refugee camp I was planning on subsuming under my rule. To my pleasant surprise, it was a figure that Taylor knew.

“Bitch,” I greeted her as she arrived on the back of one of her dogs. Accompanying her was a blonde woman the same age and a broadly built guy who was either really young or had one hell of a baby face.

I was wearing my power armor, and was flanked by a trio of Mark II Securitrons. The data being fed to my HUD identified the two blondes as Lisa Wilbourn and Theo Anders, both capes that had worked with Taylor in some form or another in the past. Lisa was a Thinker who liked to fake being psychic while Theo was able to create limbs of materials that he stuck his own into.

The rather butch looking woman grunted, her eyes looking me up and down before Lisa spoke, “So, you’re the tinker who wants to hire the refugees.”

“Yes, but not to join your little community,” I said, looking over the three of them. “I have scouted several resource rich locations, have mass producible designs, and possess a number of seed crops. What I lack are people to do the work to make these raw resources into finished goods.”

Left unsaid was the fact that I fully planned on using them as the starting point to build a nation, but from the way that Lisa's eyes were narrowing suspiciously, I figured it was a safe bet that she was not trusting me.

“And what is it that you need, exactly?” she asked.

“Nothing more than capable hands, and an honest day's work for an honest day's pay,” I replied simply.

Lisa grunted, turning her attention to the other two members of her group. They looked at each other, then back to Lisa, who nodded.

“You're talking about needing labor and paying for it, but paying for it how? With all the governments having collapsed, there isn't any kind of money around,” Lisa asked.

I shrugged, “Obviously there’d need to be a new currency established, with values assigned to various goods. Seeing as I’m the one providing the work, the tinkertech, and the seed crops, it makes sense that I’d determine the baseline value and the currency itself. I do possess a bunker a short distance away with power generators far in excess of what I use, and I am willing to provide power for electronic devices, for a fee, of course.”

The rest of their questions were fairly standard, they wanted to know more about the tech, how many people I expected to come, and why I was doing this instead of just taking the wealth and living the high life. In order: mostly extremely advanced analog technology, as many as were willing to work, on top of there not being a high life anymore I had spent the last two years completely isolated and I was sick of it. We agreed to meet at the location in a few days, and parted ways.

Personally, I thought it went rather well. Now I just needed to get the first regions of mining, manufacturing, and farmland figured out along with setting up the base currency. The problem was that I also had to continue working on improving the balance of power between myself and the remaining capes who lived outside my area of control.

In the meantime, I was sitting across from Obby, looking over the detailed schematics he’d finally finished. He’d been working on them for most of the two years I’d been in this vault, but he’d finally managed to devise a procedure utilizing the Forced Evolutionary Virus that, while not as potent as the original, didn’t have quite as extreme physical side effects.

I had no plans on utilizing his modified FEV as is, I wanted it as a starting point to make a more flexible and predictable version. Versions custom tailored for specific individuals to achieve outcomes most beneficial for me. I blinked as a thought occurred to me, my eyes turning towards the general direction of Taylor’s room.

Turning back to Obby, I told him, “Make a version of this for Taylor, make sure that it doesn’t affect her reproductive capability. I want to ensure… on second thought, make it so that it alters her ovaries to be able to produce new ovum. That, mostly human outward appearance, and biological immortality are the most important aspects for Taylor’s version of it.”

“Very well, I shall get started immediately,” Obby said with a nod, making his way to the chemical lab.


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