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“Alright, we’ll get back to you,” the UAD Manager said, giving the clone of Rou Tigu across from him a nod. She stood and left, while the manager checked his wrists and pockets, to make sure that she didn’t steal anything during the meeting. Her file said she’d been in a Retinue with a Sylvana Cooper.

He let out a sigh. Void Lords, he hated dealing with Sponsorship Cases. Especially when the one doing the sponsoring was so highly ranked in The Company. I meant that he had to rigorously interview each potential Retinue Member to make sure that they fit within the acceptable Variance Levels.

Taking another look at the list of interviewees, he mentally calculated how much further he had to go. Another two dozen Rou Tigu clones, fifty clones of Toph Beifong, and then seventy six clones of Isabela of Thedas. Goodie. He couldn't wait.

"Greetings," came a voice, drawing him from his thoughts. "I am sorry to bother you again."

The manager looked up. His mouth dropped open for a moment before snapping shut. A young man stood there, dressed in an elegant suit. He had no scars on his face, but something about him gave off an air of danger. Something that made it clear that he was not to be trifled with. The manager recognized his visitor. Despite appearing to be in his mid teens, he was the one sponsoring the Contractor of this Case.

"Archmage Cooper," the manager greeted the man, rising to his feet. "How can I help you?"

"Please, feel free to call me Sheldon," the man who outranked him by over two dozen positions and possessed more raw power in a hair than he did even after having received nearly the entirety of The Company's Dragon Heritage. "May I sit?"

"Of course," the manager said, burying his distaste for the man across from him. "By all means."

"Thank you," he said as he sat across from the manager. "I wished to enquire how the screening process is going."

"Well it was rather short notice, I'm afraid I have only interviewed a small number of the applicants thus far," the manager said. "Only Tigus, but the list of applicants is almost finished."

"All of the applicants are of the required physical nature, correct?" he asked. "It would be disappointing if such a thing was missed and had to be corrected in insertion."

"They are," the manager affirmed, annoyance growing within him. "I assure you—"

"Good," Sheldon interrupted. "Then I need not inquire regarding your methodology. Though you should know that certain things were omitted from the initial case file. Not your department's fault, and the one responsible has been dealt with. May I look at the files of the Tigus you have already interviewed?"

"Yes, of course," the manager said, handing them over.

Sheldon took the case folders in hand, checking the details through quickly. He nodded slowly. "Wonderful," he murmured. "I will forward my notes to the appropriate channels and await word regarding the next steps."

"Understood," the manager said, standing. "Have a good day."

"You too," Sheldon replied softly, standing as well.

As the Archmage left, he let out a long breath. Stupid fucking sponsor. This was the third time that the man had called him to inquire about the status of their Contractor. It annoyed him in ways that he hadn't anticipated.

In truth, he didn't really care who this Contractor was, or why they wanted her. The case was merely a formality that needed to be completed before she could be transported. They had just finished adjusting her genetic code and duplicate Shard to better integrate the power with the Human element. Most of the potential problems that had come up in previous cases involving this particular genetic framework had been resolved. There was nothing particularly special about the girl being sponsored herself, other than being the twin of a child prodigy.

Setting the thought aside, the manager sat back down at his desk and called in the next interviewee. He had one hundred fifty women to interview and determine their compatibility in a team environment. Sure, the Stamp would take care of most issues, but the less the Stamp was relied on, the better.


Rou Tigu lightly bounced on the balls of her feet as she looked over the two other women in the waiting room with her. One was a woman physically older than herself with lovely dark skin spinning a dagger in her fingers, while the other looked to be roughly the same physical age as Tigu and had a cigarette in her mouth, taking a deep breath of the tobacco stick.

"What are your names?" Tigu asked.

The dark skinned woman turned her gaze towards Tigu, who continued to smile brightly, before answering, "Isabela. Former Pirate Queen of Thedas. My previous...Master gave me a template of a bitch named Sakura."

"Toph," the smoking girl answered. "Last Contractor tried to set himself up as a king in some place called the Stolen Lands. Didn't last, but picked up some new tricks for my earthbending while I was there."

Tigu nodded, "This one is Rou Tigu! My former Master took me to a place called Korriban. I did not care for it."

Tigu kept the smile on her face, even as the echoes of screams, of ripping flesh, of crunching bone, and of worse rang out in her head. She was no longer there, her previous Master, who wore the face of Master Jin, was dead. No, he was worse than dead, his soul had been consumed by one of the spirits that resided in the tombs of Korriban. His body was a vessel now, and his soul had long since been ripped to shreds.

"So," Isabela asked, "how much do the two of you know about who we'll be serving under?"

The other girl coughed a bit. "Not very much," she admitted with a shrug. Tigu shrugged as well, though hers was more a nervous twitch.

"We will be traveling to a world associated with an individual named Naruto," Tigu said.

A sudden noise caught the three girls' attention, and they all turned to see a young man enter the room. Tigu didn't recognize him, but Isabela immediately straightened, glancing nervously towards the cigarette in Toph's mouth. The man looked the three of them over, silent for a minute or two.

"I am Archmage Sheldon Cooper," he finally said. "I am the one sponsoring the Contractor you are being assigned to. She is being sleeved into the cloned body of a young woman named Sophia Hess. In a few minutes, you will receive all the details required of both the world you are being sent to as well as your Company Provided Paper Trails. Your entry point will be outside of the city of Konoha on official business, in order to provide you time to train your Contractor to a point roughly comparable to where one your physical ages are expected to be. Do you have any questions?"

"Will we get to meet the Contractor first?" Tigu asked.

Sheldon smiled at the question, looking between the three girls. "Unfortunately not, she is unaware that she is being sponsored, or even that The Company exists. As such you will be her first point of acclimation upon arrival. A mission will be assigned automatically, that will remove a starting hindrance I was required to include."

Tigu pouted, "What kind of starting hindrance?"

"I was prevented from utilizing any form of blatant nepotism, beyond whom it is that I am sponsoring and obtaining the right to fill out her form determining the aspects of her 'build', so in order to afford the entirety of the purchases, you will be starting without the physical Stamp."

"How do we find the Contractor then?" Tigu asked.

"You won't have to," Sheldon answered. "You will arrive together, as a group, and the mission will commence. Do you understand all of this?"

"Yes..." Tigu began.

"Good," Sheldon said. "Now, if you will excuse me..." He gestured past them, towards the door that led to the lab. Toph left first, moving quickly to follow Sheldon through the door. Isabela followed shortly after. Tigu was hot on their heels.


I woke up with a groan, putting my hand to my head and trying to force aside the throbbing headache I was feeling. After blinking a few times to try to clear my vision, I glanced around, taking in my surroundings with a groggy mind. I was lying on a bedroll, inside a tent. I sat up carefully, wincing as my head pounded. My back felt stiff; there were no blankets here either…

"Ah!" someone gasped, and I looked up to find a girl with bright yellow eyes, orange hair in pigtails, and black markings on her cheeks standing at the entrance of the tent, flickering light from a fire behind her. She was dressed with a very loose, open shirt that left her front bare, cloth wrappings being the only thing preserving her modesty. "You are awake, good! This one is Rou Tigu! You are Sof Iya, yes?"

"...what?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Oh, no, this one is sorry, let me get Isa Bela. She can explain it," the girl, Tigu, said, turning around and leaving the tent. The flap closed behind her before she got far enough away to vanish from sight.

"The heck is going on?" I murmured, shoving myself off the bedroll and stumbling forward. I collapsed onto the ground as I went, sitting up and rubbing my head. "Ow."

There was movement in the dim light, and I blinked my eyes a few times. A short girl with milky white eyes and black hair in twin buns sat up on another bedroll, her head turning towards me. Before I could say anything, a tall, dark skinned woman with more knives that I could see on her than my brother had science books entered the tent. She looked over both of us before speaking.

"Toph, take over watch while I tell Sophia what is going on," she ordered bluntly.

"Got it," the other girl said, her voice raspy as she got up with a yawn.

The woman turned her gaze to me, "Come with me, I will explain what is happening."

I opened my mouth to say something, but she turned around and left the tent without waiting for me to answer. I scrambled to my feet, hurrying after her.

We walked to a campfire, Toph walking over to a side of the camp and sitting down, facing outward. The woman stood by the fire, where she put a new log into the fire. As soon as the flame caught, she drew in a deep breath and blew on it, blowing the flames into life, before sitting down next to them.

"Sit," she commanded.

I found a place next to her, sitting down as quickly as I could. It made my head hurt worse.

"I am Isabela, that is Toph," the woman said, pointing to each of us in turn, "you met Tigu, and you are Sophia Hess."

I opened my mouth, but she cut me off. "You were hired by The Company, which procures goods and services throughout an infinite number of realities. You were sponsored by someone higher ranked than any of us to be a field agent. Your old body is gone, along with the name you were born with."

The explanation continued, and I swallowed nervously. I was doing my best to follow along, but Isabela was really hot. Even though she was explaining a lot of scary stuff, I couldn't help but glance at her when she wasn't looking. Her breasts bounced beneath her tunic, barely contained within its confines. They were huge, almost like two soft pillows stuffed under her tunic, and they moved so nicely beneath the fabric. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead, and I wiped it away angrily.

"—there is one final matter to cover," Isabela said as she stood up, pulling me from my distraction.

"What's..." I trailed off, my question dying, my eyes bulging out, and my mouth watering as she pulled her tunic over her head and pushed her pants down. Isabela was completely nude underneath all of it.

I stared dumbly at her, unable to tear my gaze away from the sight of her massive, perfect tits bouncing gently as she bent forward. She smirked, then snapped her fingers. I jolted slightly, my cheeks burning up as she chuckled. She stood straight, and my gaze was drawn to the one extremity on her that wasn't even close to what I was expecting. Jutting out proudly from her hips was a thick, throbbing cock.

"I read your psychological profile, which is why I know that you will do exactly what I say. On your knees, and start sucking."


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