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[center]<<Luna Lovegood>>[/center]

“Go ahead and pick something,” Hermione said as she put the pot on the stove and tapped it.

I hummed a wordless tune as I ran a finger along the sides of the movies. A lot of these I’d already seen, but I paused upon seeing one of them. Tilting my head, I pulled it out and looked at the front. The front of the case was split into two parts: the top having two strange animals facing each other, followed by the title, then a big image of something that looked vaguely like a dragon, if dragon heads were boxy and didn’t have any horns.

“Hermione,” I called out, as my free hand absentmindedly drifted down to my stomach, where my and Bear’s baby was growing. “What is a dinosaur?”

Hermione looked over, and I showed her the movie cover. She blinked in surprise, saying, “Dinosaurs were animals that went extinct before there were humans. Muggles learn about them by studying their bones.”

“How do they do that if they died out before there were humans?” I asked, turning to look back at the movie in my hand.

“In rare circumstances, the bones will be preserved and turned into rock, and muggles find them and carefully study them,” she answered, holding a hand out. I handed over the movie, and she examined it. Her eyes scanned the words on the back, before she gave a slight start. “This is dated for three years after we left. It’s a documentary too, so it’s probably going to consist of scenes of dinosaurs with narrated voice over talking about what they think life was like for dinosaurs.”

“Sounds interesting,” I said, just as a popping noise began emanating from the pot. “I think we’ll watch that.”

Hermione nodded, getting the movie set up, before sitting down on the couch and I settled down on her lap. Wiggling my hips slightly, I leaned back, my head resting perfectly against her chest pillows as the lights dimmed and the screen lit up. Hermione snapped her fingers, and there was a flurry of motion over by the pot. A few seconds later, as a humming bird appeared on the screen, a bowl filled with popcorn drifted over and I took it in hand.

I threw a few of the buttery, salty treat into my mouth as an orchestra played, depicting a rising sun, the screech of an animal echoing across the displayed environment. The drums and trumpets picked up, translucent images of weird and wonderful animals moving across the screen. The music came to a crescendo, displaying the title: Walking With Dinosaurs.

A peaceful countryside scene appeared, a calm, smooth voice speaking over the scene. My mind boggled as he described going back sixty five million years. No wonder no one had seen dinosaurs before, if they were from that long ago! I watched, eyes wide in awe at the creatures that lived, struggled, and died so very long ago. Reptiles that were just as majestic as any magical creatures she’d studied, and in some ways, even more so for their lack of magic.

The display of traveling backwards in time appeared again, surprise running through me. It had already gone back sixty five million years, what else was there? It came to a stop, showing a vibrant forest, and text appeared along the bottom: one hundred fifty two million years ago. More dinosaurs moved about, one of them one that had appeared on the cover, with large plates on its back and spikes on its tail like the dragon that Hyacinth had outflown during the Triwizard Tournament.

Reptiles flying like birds with wings like bats danced across the screen, before giant, toothed beasts swimming through the ocean were shown. I had entirely forgotten about the popcorn by this point, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head as the narrator said that the series was going to go back even further. The world shown on the screen changed again, settling on a rust colored desert, its date placed at two hundred twenty million years ago. If dinosaurs were present two hundred twenty million years ago, and only went extinct sixty five million years ago…

I fell back against Hermione, my eyes wide in shock at the timescale involved. Dinosaurs, of some kind, were around for over one hundred fifty million years… it made the storied history of humanity, magical and otherwise, seem like a blink of the eye.

I watched, transfixed, as creatures I could scarcely imagine played across the screen in front of me. I wanted to know more about them, I wanted to find out everything I could about the incredible creatures that had once roamed across the planet that gave birth to humanity. Even as I watched a crocodile-like creature called postosuchus hunt, part of my mind wondered: if dinosaurs vanished sixty five million years ago, what lived in the time between then and humans?

[center]<<Lana Beniko>>[/center]

I shared a look with Nikhol, as Hyacinth lay down on the modified massage bed. The bed was modified slightly, to accommodate Hyacinth’s baby bump, and the young woman had her face firmly buried in the towel. Despite the witch’s attempt, we could both see how her ears had turned red from her embarrassment. It was quite cute, and I hoped that she’d never come to view our current state of dress as something completely normal.

“Lana, darling, could you hand me the oil?” Nikhol asked, a touch louder than strictly necessary. Hyacinth let out a soft whimper, and pushed her face further into the towel even as I used the Force to levitate the bottle of massage oil to Nikhol.

She took the bottle and poured a bit of it into my hands before doing the same for herself. Nikhol gave me a smirk, then reached down and put her hand on the back of Hyacinth’s neck. With a delicate use of the Force, there was a rolling series of cracks and pops from her neck, down her spine and outward along each and every joint in her body. I knew from personal experience that it felt amazing, and I was certain that the only reason we didn’t hear a moan from Hyacinth was that the sound of her joints were louder than her moan.

I chuckled, moving to start at Hyacinth’s feet. It was time to start the massage, and while I couldn’t explain why, Hyacinth being pregnant seemed to have taken the edge off her embarrassment. I started with my thumbs, gently kneading the bottom of her right foot, before switching to her left. I was going to take this slow, to build her up, work her over, and utterly relax her all at the same time.

I continued with my kneading, my thumbs working in small circles in a pattern that would help to increase blood flow to areas that needed it most. She moaned softly under the towel, wriggling slightly as she did so. I smiled, thinking that she might want to do more than just lie there. I certainly didn’t mind, and I decided to spice things up a little.

I slid my hands around her ankles, using the Force to lift the towel, exposing her lower legs. They were delightful, smooth and feminine, with the cutest little toes. I paid special attention to those, rubbing her toes and massaging her foot. She let out a soft sigh of pleasure, then giggled when I leaned in to kiss her ankle. I pulled back, smiling at her as Nikhol began on her shoulders.

It was getting harder for me to keep focused, and I found myself distracted by the sight of Nikhol kneading the muscles in Hyacinth’s upper arms. My wife had beautiful, toned arms, and I couldn’t stop staring at them. They flexed as she worked the knots out of Hyacinth’s back, and I couldn’t help but look forward to the fun the two of us had planned once Hyacinth was good and prepared.

My attention shifted, refocusing on my task. My hands moved to Hyacinth’s calves, running my fingers along the soft skin of her thighs and calves. Her breathing had quickened, and I could tell that she was enjoying the feel of my hands on her body.

I pushed the towel up and over the delightful swell and curve of Hyacinth's rear. As I moved to knead the muscles there, firm and athletic, I could smell her arousal, and it smelled delicious. The scent of woman and arousal filled the air, and I had to fight to keep from drooling. I resisted the urge to lick my lips, and instead concentrated on my task.

Hyacinth let out another soft giggle as I kissed one of her cheeks, then the other. I pulled back, slipping a finger between her legs, sliding a finger along her wet slit, feeling her heat against my fingertip. She was soaking wet, and I smiled, glancing up to meet Nichol’s eyes. The taller woman gave me a hungry grin, before nodding her head towards Hyacinth’s ass.

I chuckled, moving my hand upwards, spreading her legs wider, and giving me better access to her pussy. It was clear that my darling wife wanted to watch me taste our pseudo-daughter figure, and I wasn’t about to deny her the opportunity. I slipped my tongue out and licked her vulva, tasting her sweet juices. She let out a gentle moan, and I noticed that Nikhol was no longer kneading her shoulders. Instead, she was watching, hungrily, as I tasted Hyacinth.

I kept licking her, my tongue exploring every inch of her pussy, including the hood where her clitoris lay hidden. She was dripping wet, and I was tempted to dive in and drink her down. But I was determined to make her cum first, and I was pretty sure that if I did, there would be plenty of time for me to enjoy her in other ways later.

I switched tactics, pushing a finger inside of her. She gasped, and I felt her tighten around it. I pushed deeper, adding a second finger, and she began to slowly rock against my hand. Her hips began to move, and she started moaning softly.

“Ohh, ohhh,” she gasped. “That feels…sooo goooood.

I grinned, enjoying the sound of her voice, and continued to push my fingers into her. Her hips were full on thrusting now, and she was grinding her clit against my face. I knew that she was close, and I wanted to prolong it, so I slowed my pace, taking my time. I could tell that she was frustrated, wanting to cum already, but I personally was in no rush.

Her hips began to buck, and I watched as they slammed against my hand, driving her core into my face even harder. Her legs bent, driving her knees into the massage bed and lifting her up, moaning even louder. Then she stiffened, and screamed out, her body tensing and shaking. I kept licking, trying to draw out her orgasm as long as possible, until finally, she collapsed onto the massage bed.

She lay there for a moment, panting heavily, her breasts heaving with each breath, squishing out between her chest and the bed in a delightful manner. I slowly withdrew my fingers, and her legs fell open, letting me slip out.

“Rhll m’ver,” Hyacinth murmured, lifting a hand and pointing it vaguely in Nikhol’s direction. As I used the Force to lift the girl basking in her afterglow and place her on her back, there was a quiet pop of displaced air as a cock appeared between Nikhol’s legs. A second glance made me realize that it wasn’t a real penis, being black at the base and sifting to red as it reached the latter half. Hyacinth managed to scoot herself up, until her head fell back over the edge of the massage bed.

“G’me,” she slurred, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out, her hands moving her grope and squeeze her breasts, her fingers pinching her nipples.

Nikhol and I shared a glance, before she grinned, and took her new ‘appendage’ in hand and placed it at Hyacinth’s open, begging mouth. Leaning over the much younger girl, supporting herself on her free hand, Nikhol looked down at her and thrust in.


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