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Cai Xi watched from the corner of his eye, doing his best to not draw attention to himself while still observing. The Mysterious Stranger’s presence made everyone nervous, both for his garb and the aura of qi around him. When he walked, the clink of metal rang out with every step. A hat made of leather covered his face. A length of metal and wood in a tight fitting, leather satchel rested on his back. The hilt of a short sword and curved handle of polished wood rested at his hips, visible intermittently when the wool garment over his shoulders parted.

The Mysterious Stranger tied off the horse he had ridden into the village with, offered a silver coin for some feed, and then made his way into the tavern. He had requested a strange drink, a ‘ko fi’, before settling on rice wine.

Clearly, they were a cultivator of some sort. No mortal had the kind of aura about them that he did. Cai Xi personally hoped that he finished his drink and then left, before the Young Master of the nearby Earth Crushing Boar Sect arrived. The Young Master would take The Mysterious Stranger’s presence as an insult, a sign that he respected the Earth Crushing Boar Sect so little as to not bother informing them of his presence in their territory.

Truly, the Heavens looked at mortals and laughed. For at that same moment that Cai Xi had that thought, there was a rumble from the edge of the village, heralding the regular visit of the Young Master. The regulars all grimaced, mentally preparing for the Young Master and The Mysterious Stranger to do battle and force the rest of them to rebuild. From the corner of his eye, Cai Xi saw The Mysterious Stranger lift his head ever so slightly, his ear seeming to twitch.

The door to the tavern slammed open, the Young Master, Yao Jun the Radiant Mountain, entered. The Young Master’s gaze roamed over the villagers, a sneer on his face and chuckles emanating from the men who followed him, finally settling on the bartender’s daughter. It was a matter that the humble village was all too used to. Unfortunately, none in the village could hope to do anything to prevent it, as the Young Master’s father, Yao Rou the Thundering Mountain, not only was the Sectmaster, but according to the eldest members of the village had been just as bad in his youth.

A twisted, lecherous grin spread across the Young Master’s face, as he swaggered to the young woman who was shaking like a leaf. She flinched as he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, “You are a lovely dandelion growing from a pile of manure, I will allow you to warm my bed tonight.”

“Lady not interested,” a gruff voice with a thick accent said, drawing the entire room’s attention to The Mysterious Stranger. The man’s eyes were hard, like two chips of ice set in pools of white.

The Young Master’s eyes narrowed, his face twisting into a snarl, “You dare interfere with this Yao Jun, Young Master of the Earth Crushing Boar Sect? You are courting death, you filth. Kowtow a thousand times, and this benevolent daddy will let you off with your life.”

The Mysterious Stranger continued to stare, setting down the cup he had been drinking from and turning to face the Young Master. After a moment, he said, “Understood three words. Settle out door.”

To the shock of everyone, The Mysterious Stranger turned his back to the Young Master and headed for the door. So great was the shock, that by the time anyone could move, he was already walking outside, the metal spiked wheels on the back of his oddly designed boots sounding with every step.

The Young Master was the first to recover, and with a snarl, he turned to one of his followers and snapped, “Li Zhi, deal with the interloper, he is not fit to touch the dirt on my shoe, let alone feel my might.”

The man bowed, before racing outside, his qi flaring around him as he moved. The Young Master turned back to the bartender’s daughter.

[Wrestle the Ox]

There was a surprised cry, as the cultivator who’d gone outside was bodily thrown back inside the tavern, causing all to stare in shock. While not as strong as the Young Master, Li Zhi was still known for the strength of his technique. To be so easily defeated, by one not from a Sect, was unthinkable.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes turned from Li Zhi, who lay crumpled on the floor against the bar, out the doorway, where The Mysterious Stranger stood, pulling a thick, brown roll of something and affixing one end in his mouth. He pulled a stick from somewhere, stepped up to the doorway, and swiped one end of the stick against the wood frame. The stick caught alight, and he held the flame against the opposite of the roll in his mouth, letting the material light and smolder before shaking the stick, extinguishing the flame on the end.

The Mysterious Stranger took a deep breath, the end of the roll turning cherry red, before he reached up and pulled the roll from he mouth, a cloud of smoke leaving his lips as he did so. Again, he spoke with his thickly accented, raspy voice, “Any more?”

The Young Master nearly spat blood, his face turning red. Without saying a word, he pointed at The Mysterious Stranger, and his followers obeyed. Their qi swirled around them as they called forth their techniques.

[Crushing Boar Art: Earth Sundering Charge]

[Crushing Boar Art: Uproot the Field]

[Crushing Boar Art: Mountain Splitting Tusk]

All told, nearly a dozen techniques were sent The Mysterious Stranger’s way. He stared impassively, putting his lit roll back into his mouth, before he moved.

[Dodge the Bullet]

It was difficult to describe, and not because Cai Xi wasn’t able to follow his movements, he could. It was as if The Mysterious Stranger was swaying on his feet, yet each and every movement let him avoid yet another technique.

The Outer Disciples of the Earth Crushing Boar Sect gaped at the ease with which their techniques were seemingly ignored. Yu Dong was the first to react, drawing his twin dao blades and rushing towards him. There was a glint in The Mysterious Stranger’s eyes, and his hand flashed.

[Fan the Hammer: Twin Shot]

There was a rapid series of cracks, like thunder right inside the tavern, and the finely crafted swords shattered. In his hand, he held the curved wooden handle. From the handle was a piece of metal artifice, ending in a barrel leaking smoke. His free hand was hovering near the hand holding onto the bizarre weapon (for what else could it be?) just above his wrist.

Meeting their shocked faces, he spoke two simple words, the warning blatant despite the thickness of his accent and the choppy manner in which they were spoken, “Who next?”

“You…” the shaky voice of the Young Master drew all eyes to him, twin trails of blood leaking from the corners of his mouth. His face was twisted into an expression of pure rage, his face turning purple, so great was his wrath. “You dare?”

The Mysterious Stranger tilted his head, staring impassively at the Young Master, whose qi swirled around him, his intent weighing down on everyone around him like a great weight, manifesting in a spectral, boar-like beast that snorted, chuffed, and drew a hoof back, like a boar tearing at the ground, preparing to charge.

[Earth Crushing Boar]

The Mysterious Stranger seemed unimpressed, raising a single eyebrow under the brim of his hat, before he too released his intent. All present felt a rush run through them, a longing for the horizon, a sense of freedom, as the ground and floor surrounding him seemed to turn into prairie grass, and the image of a magnificent stallion galloped up behind him. The beautiful horse reared up, letting out a challenging whinny.

[Stallion of the Great Plains]

The two men faced each other, their intent pressing against the other’s in an attempt to force their adversary to submit. The Young Master moved first, charging straight at The Mysterious Stranger, steam billowing from his nostrils as his hand formed a fist, chambered at his side.

[Crushing Boar Art: Raging Earthquake Strike]

Cai Xi watched in awe from his hiding place behind the bar, beside the bartender and his daughter, as the Young Master unleashed his technique. It was a powerful attack, but The Mysterious Stranger didn't even look the least bit concerned. His strange weapon was returned to its leather sheath, and a length of coiled rope was removed.

[Lasso the Tornado]

The rope lashed out, the last loop revealing itself to be tied around itself in such a way that, with a flick of The Mysterious Stranger’s wrist, it closed taut around the Young Master’s arm. Whipping his arm back, The Mysterious Stranger pulled the Young Master out of the tavern into the street. Turning to face the Young Master, now covered in dirt and mud, he snapped the rope up, like children will sometimes do with the field oxen to entertain themselves while working, and the loop came free. With a jerk of his wrist, the rope flew back to him, where it was hidden away.

“Ready stop acting like child?” The Mysterious Stranger asked with his broken use of the Imperial Tongue, resignation in his voice, like he already knew the answer and was disappointed in it.

“You foul gnat,” the Young Master spat, standing up. “You insult the Earth Crushing Boar Sect, and I will show you your proper place. Even should I fall here, there is no place beyond our reach. No matter how far you roam, you will never escape our pursuit for vengeance. Our Inquisitors will find your trail, our Hunters will track you down, and our Elimination Squads will grind you to dust. Accept death now, at my hand, and you shall spare yourself this fate.”

The Mysterious Stranger continued to stare at the Young Master, before his arm blurred.

[Duel of the Quickdraw]

A single crack, The Mysterious Stranger’s hand still at the level of his belt, his weapon pointed in the Young Master’s direction. Cai Xi turned his gaze to the Young Master, who stood still, before a trail of blood ran down his face, the wind parting his hair to reveal a hole in the middle of his forehead. The Young Master, who had tormented the village for over a decade, fell to the ground, dead.

The other members of the Earth Crushing Boar Sect and the villagers stared in shock. What manner of ancient artifact did The Mysterious Stranger wield, that could pierce qi reinforced flesh and bone so easily? The Mysterious Stranger returned his weapon to its place on his hip, turning back to the tavern. His gaze narrowed at the Disciples of the Earth Crushing Boar Sect, who all flinched back, before he jerked his head towards the body of the Young Master.

The Disciples needed no more encouragement, rushing to the corpse before fleeing, returning to the sect. The Mysterious Stranger turned back to look at the villagers, and Cai Xi swallowed nervously as his gaze landed on them. His gaze focused on the bartender’s daughter, a soft smile on his face. He bowed his head slightly, reaching up with his hand and lightly grasping on the edge of his hat.

Walking back to his horse, which had finished the feed that The Mysterious Stranger had purchased when he rode into town, he opened one of the saddlebags and pulled out a small pouch. Walking back to the door of the tavern, he tossed the bag to the bartender, who caught it against his chest. Blinking at the sound of coins, he opened the bag and looked inside, his eyes widening as he beheld the wealth contained within.

The Mysterious Stranger untied his horse and smoothly mounted it, giving a light tug on the reins and guiding the animal towards the western edge of town. More than a dozen villagers watched The Mysterious Stranger as he rode out of the village, even as the sun was beginning to set.

[Ride Into the Sunset]


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