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I have very vague memories of the wedding between Sansa and Tyrion in the show, it just wasn’t memorable enough to stand out for me, but what little I do remember seemed to line up fairly close to what I was experiencing. Granted, it didn’t have the extravagant display of opulence and wealth that a wedding for a Lannister would have. But it was still more pomp and wealth being showcased than I was used to.

I glanced to my side, where Sansa, my bride, stood stone faced in her beige wedding dress. The vows were given, and it was now the party part of the wedding. The Lannister family and court were mingling and eating, and I was getting ready to start dancing. I couldn't wait until this was over, my nervousness was reaching a boiling point.

"Dance with me, My Lady Wife," I said, offering Sansa my hand.

Sansa stared at my hand before gently taking it and walking out onto the floor. As the song started up, she started to move as if to dance, and I joined her. She seemed stiff at first, but as we danced, she began to relax and we got the hang of it. We continued like this for a while, her getting looser and looser with each turn until she was smiling slightly and laughing as we spun about the floor.

It was nice, I'd forgotten what it was like to have a beautiful woman on my arm. Then, the song ended and another started up. Sansa turned to me and asked, "Can we continue our dancing after the next song?"

"Of course, Sansa. Whatever you want," I said with a smile.

The music slowed down, and I pulled Sansa closer to me. She rested her head on my chest, and I could feel her breath against my skin. It was a strange feeling, being so close to someone who was practically a stranger, but it was also comforting in a way.

As the song ended, I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Would you like to take a walk outside? The night is beautiful."

Sansa hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. We stepped out of the ballroom and into the cool night air. The moon was full, casting a soft glow over the gardens.

We walked in silence for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the night. It was only when we reached the edge of the garden that Sansa spoke.

"My Lord, I know that our marriage is not ideal. But I promise to be a good wife to you."

I turned to look at her, outwardly surprised by her words. "Thank you, Sansa. I will do my best to be a good husband to you as well."

That at least wasn't a lie, but I wouldn't deny that part of the reason that I'd manipulated Joffrey into pronouncing an engagement between me and Sansa was because, to be crude, she was already fucking hot, despite being in her early teens. I wasn't a good man, I'd admit that, but I'd long since grown to accept it.

She was pretty enough, and while I had no desire to go on about what I found attractive in a woman, I couldn't deny that she was beautiful. It wasn't a strong enough reason to marry her, though. What I needed was leverage, influence, and a place to establish myself, and I'd gotten that.

I turned back towards the palace, Sansa's head resting against my arm as we made our way back. Once we got back to the ballroom, I asked Sansa, "Would you like to continue dancing?"

Before she could answer, Joffrey stood, a cruel grin on his face. I swallowed, knowing what he was going to do. He was going to declare a Bedding Ceremony. I glanced over to Sansa, and she seemed to have reached the same realization, only… she wasn’t looking as terrified as I was expecting. That’s when it dawned on me: I wasn’t Tyrion, and more importantly I wasn’t a Lannister. I was an outsider who had expressed an interest in her home while treating her better than the majority of the snakes in this hellhole of a city. Which meant that she was less opposed to it than I'd been anticipating.

Good to know.

Joffrey's voice cut through my thoughts. "It's time for the Bedding Ceremony! Gather the Bride and Bridegroom! Get rid of her gown, she won't be needing it any longer! Ladies, attend to the Bridegroom!"

Both Sansa and I were rushed by the wedding guests, the men picking up Sansa while the women rushed to pick me up as well. Our wedding clothes were torn from us, Sansa's gown easier than my own, and by the time we were brought to the wedding bed, we were both naked.

Thankfully, Sansa and I were left alone once we were placed on the bed, the guests all leaving and closing the door behind us. I turned to face my new bride, my eyes roaming her up and down as she did the same with me. Her face was as red as her hair, a bridge of freckles went across her nose and lead down to her small breasts, decorating her otherwise pale skin. She looked embarrassed and slightly aroused, and I couldn't blame her.

I could feel myself hardening at the sight, and I swallowed. I'd made my choice: I wasn't Tyrion. And Tyrion would have refused to sleep with her. Me? I couldn't help but want to take her. She was gorgeous, and from everything I'd seen, she'd make a delightful sub.

I reached out to grab her arm and pull her to me, and I wrapped her in my arms. She was warm and soft, and I could feel her body slowly relax against mine. Then, I rolled us over, so that she was on top of me. As I lay there, I could feel my manhood pressing against her. She was wet, and I groaned quietly at the feeling. She turned her head to look at me, and I reached up, stroking her cheek. Her cheeks were flushed and her arms were wrapped around my neck.

I stared back at her, and with a gentle motion, I guided her into a kiss. She returned it, her tongue dancing with my own as our lips moved. She tasted sweet, and I found myself getting drunk off of it. It was only after several minutes that we parted, and I glanced at the door, wondering if anyone was outside. The thought of someone pressed against the door, listening in on the newlyweds was annoying, but I forced myself to push it aside.

Sansa leaned forward again, kissing my chest softly before looking up at me. "Do you really think I'd be a good wife?"

"You will be," I said. I admit, the thought of seeing her stomach grow with my children was more than a little arousing. "Why don't we get started?"

I leaned up, pulling lightly on her back even as I scooted back on the bed so I was sitting up. My hands roamed across her back, feeling her smooth skin even as I leaned in to her chest, planting kisses on her nipples.

She giggled, laying her head down on my own as I kissed my way across her breasts. I took one nipple in my mouth, sucking gently while my fingers trailed over her hips, slowly sliding them upward until they cupped her ass. I squeezed her flesh, and she moaned softly.

I pulled my head back, staring into her eyes as I pushed her back with a gentle motion of my hands. She fell back on the bed, and I could see her eyes darkening as I reached out to her again, my hands on her thighs.

"My Lord," she whispered, her voice filled with desire.

Leaning down, I placed a soft kiss on her hip.

She drew in a sharp breath as I did so, and I looked up to see her watching me. I smiled and then moved my kisses downward until I reached her wet folds. Her body tensed, and she gasped as I slowly slid my tongue across her slit. I slid my hands up to her thighs, pushing them apart, and she spread her legs for me. I couldn't help but grin at the invitation.

I teased her clit with my tongue, and she let out a small moan. I slid a finger inside of her, smiling as I felt her clamp around it tightly. I began to suck on her clit, my tongue pressing against it, and she began to shudder.

I pushed a second finger in, and she let out a cry of pleasure. I continued to play with her, the sounds of her moans and gasps filling the air. I could feel her getting wetter, and I knew she was close.

I pulled my mouth away, looking up at her face, "Are you ready?"

Her eyes flashed with excitement before she nodded. I lifted her hips, sliding my hand underneath her to cup her mound, and then I positioned myself above her. I could see her watching me closely. Her eyes were dark, and she bit her lip, her breathing becoming ragged. I steadied myself with one hand, gripping the blankets as I shifted back slightly, lowering myself onto her.

I could feel her warm wetness against the tip of my manhood, and I lowered myself down slowly onto her. She made a noise of pleasure as I slid into her, and I groaned quietly in relief as I felt her nails dig into my back.

I thrust upward, burying myself fully inside of her, feeling something tear and hearing her scream out. She tightened around my cock, and I gasped, holding still for a moment before I began to move.

It had been many years since I had taken a virgin. To be honest, I wasn't sure if my stamina would allow me to last long enough, but I wanted to try. For a few moments, we simply held each other's gaze.

I began to thrust, and watched her face flush redder with every stroke of my hips.. She was moaning, her eyes closed, and I could see her mouth was open slightly, her lips still parted. Her eyes opened and met mine, and I could see a look of desire in them. She was enjoying this.

I groaned, feeling my climax approaching. I thrust as hard as I could, and her eyes slipped closed as she began to quake underneath me. She was moaning loudly, and her nails dug into my back. I was getting close.

Her body shuddered, her eyes opened, and she looked at me. She started to say something, but I could feel my orgasm welling up within me. I groaned loudly, and I began to thrust even faster. I could feel her body tensing, and I thrust one last time, pulling hard on her hips as I felt myself release inside of her. I felt her cumming around me, her body clenching. Groaning, I collapsed onto her, my chest pressed against her breasts.

I pulled out of her, and she whimpered as I did so. I collapsed next to her and took her in my arms, kissing the back of her neck.

"You were magnificent," I whispered.

"Thank you," she murmured, softly, reaching up to wipe her eyes.

I continued to hold her in my arms for a few minutes, enjoying the feel of her against me, before I felt ready to go again. Shifting around, Sansa let out a cute squeak as I shifted her onto her hands and knees before lining myself up and sliding into her once again. Having already cum once, I know I was going to last much longer this time.

She let out another squeak as I began to thrust into her. Knowing what to expect this time, she had relaxed a little, and I could see her looking back at me. I could just make out her breathing, and I could see her soft lips parting as she took in another deep breath.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

"No," she said, turning her head to smile at me.

I grinned at her, and then I leaned down to kiss her. She moved her head to meet mine, and I wrapped my hands in her hair, pulling slightly as I kissed her. I could feel her body beginning to tense, and I thrust into her harder, my cock hitting her deep inside. She moaned, and I found myself growing even more excited.

I pulled back, and she let out a small cry of disappointment. I shifted, pulling her back with me as I leaned back. She fell back onto me, and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close as I thrust into her, her back pressed against my chest. She was moaning, her hands wrapped around my arms, and she was arching her back in pleasure. I kissed the side of her neck, and slide my hands down her body, moving one hand down to her clit.

She was letting out small, high-pitched moans. She was getting louder, and I knew she was getting close again. My thumb began to move in small circles around her clit, and I could feel myself getting closer. She was moaning loudly, bucking back against me, her sweet ass pressing against my crotch. I thrust hard and fast, and I could feel her tightening around my cock again, her body trembling in my arms.

I felt myself cumming, and I thrust one final time into her, holding myself as deep as I could. I could feel her shuddering beneath me, and she let out a soft moan before falling limp in my arms. I held her for a few moments, and then I slid out once more.

She let out a small whine, and I pulled her close, kissing her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"That felt so good," she said, softly.

I chuckled and kissed her shoulder again.

"Good night, my wife," I whispered quietly.

"Good night, husband."


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