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Darth Tyrranus, known to the majority of the galaxy as Count Dooku, head of state for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, always did his best to maintain his composure. Considering the state of the CIS Senate at the moment, as Admiral Trench gave a report on the attacks on their outer borders, that was a much more difficult task than usual. The most curious part of the reports included images taken from the battles, showcasing the black and red armored soldiers, tripod war droids that cut down the droids used by the CIS like chaff, and most concerningly several figures carrying lightsabers. Red lightsabers.

Dooku had reviewed the footage, and it was deeply concerning. At first, he’d assumed that it was merely a paramilitary group backed by a number of washed out, fallen Jedi. But as he watched as the soldiers and Force users fought, it became increasingly apparent that he wasn’t watching Jedi. There was a certain ruthlessness and deceptiveness at the root of their forms, to say nothing of the red skinned one who slew Pong Krell with an inspired use of trakata.

Despite his desire to deny it, Dooku knew what he was seeing. These were Sith, and not from the lineage of Darth Bane, like himself and his master. They more closely resembled the Sith that preceded Darth Bane, when the Sith ruled an empire that matched the Republic. It was most especially interesting, because the numerous images of red skinned Sith on the battlefield that matched historical records of the Sith species. A species thought to have gone extinct two thousand years ago.

Dooku stood, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat. "Admiral Trench, I believe it is time we extended an offer of negotiation to these… newcomers."

The admiral's eyes widened in surprise. "Count Dooku, are you sure that is wise? We do not know their true intentions or their strength."

"Quite right, Admiral," Dooku said calmly. "But we also cannot afford to ignore them. They have already demonstrated their power and willingness to engage in battle. We must attempt to make contact and see what they want."

The room fell silent as the others in the meeting considered Dooku's words. Finally, one of the other senators spoke up. "But what if they are hostile, Count? What if they refuse to negotiate?"

"We were already preparing to fight the Republic for our independence," Dooku said, his countenance hardening. "These newcomers will learn just how far we are willing to go for our independence."

As the meeting ended, Dooku retreated to his private quarters to ponder the situation further. He knew that if these Sith were anything like the ones of old, or even himself and his master, they would not be so easily swayed by negotiations.

He paced back and forth, feeling the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders. He had hoped to use the Separatist movement to his advantage, to create a new order in which the Sith could finally take their rightful place as rulers of the galaxy. But now, with these red-skinned Sith in play, everything had become much more complicated.

He stopped at his desk, picking up a datapad with the latest reports from the front lines. A new wave of Republic troops had pushed deep into Separatist territory, and the droid armies were struggling to hold them back. Dooku knew that he needed a game-changer if they were to have any chance of victory.

There was something else as well, a tremor in the Force, something had shifted, but he couldn't tell what.


Room searched for bugs. Majority fed virus that caused their feed to loop for duration of report. Cleaning droids fed similar virus. Contact handler frequency.

“Secure transmission established. This is Keeper. We may speak freely, agent, proceed with your report,” the head of Imperial Intelligence said.

Relay information gathered from Republic Senate on reactions to the attacks. Many were convinced that attacks were by the Separatists, despite Republic Intelligence believing otherwise. Republic Special Forces, the few that still existed, collaborating with Clone Army. Naboo Senator recently married in secret to Jedi Anakin Skywalker. Reconnaissance teams attached to Republic Army. Civilians unaware of their presence. Unsuccessful in acquiring new targets. Highest priority target secured. Report attached.

“Impressive work, agent. I have forwarded your report to Moff Kaidus and Darth Jadus. Well done, you are dismissed,” Keeper said.

“Yes, Sir,” the agent said, bowing before the transmission cut.

Sent time-delayed counter virus. Return to cover identity. Present false personality. Leave secured room. Resume daily activities. Have dinner with Senators from Chandrilla, Alderaan, Naboo. Note seventeen ways to assassinate all in room with materials on hand. No assassination orders yet, put deaths off until ordered to do so.

“What are your thoughts on the matter, Sabe?” Naboo Senator asked.

Adopt concerned expression, inflect voice, “I’m not sure… the reports on the ship designs don’t match the ones associated with the Separatists…”


Zuyas Kraujas, newly promoted Lord of the Sith, smirked as he disembarked from his ship onto his family’s estate of Dromund Kaas. Well, one of his family’s estates. He glanced over at the protocol droid assigned to the premises as he marched inside. There was one individual at the estate that he wanted to see, and he wouldn’t be satisfied until he ded.

“TwoVee, how is she?” he asked as he entered the main building.

“Oh! Greetings Master, you’re looking fit and deadly, as always. Mistress Vette has been moody of late, as to be expected from her current stage,” the perpetually nervous droid answered. “If I may, Master… perhaps it would be possible to procure an alternate covering?”

“No,” was the firm answer.

Admittedly, it had been something that he’d done while slightly inebriated from the celebration he and Vette had partaken in, after they realized she had become pregnant, but the target on 2V-R8’s front and back made Vette laugh. Therefore, it would stay. Zuyas walked down the hallway, his boots clicking against the polished floor. He stopped in front of a closed door and took a deep breath before knocking.

“Come in,” a voice called from inside.

Zuyas pushed open the door and stepped inside, grinning at the sight of Vette reclining on a sofa with a datapad in her hand. As always, she looked beautiful, with her rich blue skin and her lekku hanging over her shoulders.

“Hey there, beautiful,” he said, walking over and dropping a kiss on her forehead.

“Hey yourself,” Vette said, smiling up at him. “What brings you here?”

Zuyas took a seat next to her and took her hand, stroking it gently. “I just wanted to check on you,” he said, looking into her eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“Moody, as TwoVee probably told you,” Vette said, rolling her eyes. “But otherwise, I’m fine.”

Zuyas nodded, leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. He felt her respond eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck. They kissed for several long moments before he pulled away, looking into her eyes once again.

“I love you,” he said, his voice low and intense.

“I love you too,” Vette said, smiling softly.

Zuyas leaned in and kissed her again, his hand sliding down to rest on her swollen stomach. He knew that once their child was born, things would become more complicated, but for now, he was content to simply enjoy the moment with the woman he loved.

“Have you heard from your sister?” he asked her after a minute.

“Yeah, Tivva called me while you were out on your last mission,” she answered, sliding into his lap and resting the back of her head on his chest. “She and her Moff have gotten engaged. Apparently we’re a big part of that, and we’re obviously invited to the wedding.”

“Provided I’m not on assignment, I will be more than happy to attend,” Zuyas said with a soft smile, placing a kiss on the top of her head as he held Vette in his arms.

As they sat in silence for a few moments, Zuyas couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. After everything he had been through, all the battles and betrayals, he had found someone who truly understood him. Vette had been by his side through it all, and now they were about to start a family together.

But as he sat there with Vette in his arms, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He had felt a disturbance in the Force, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

“What's wrong?” Vette asked, sensing his unease.

Zuyas hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to put his thoughts into words. “I don't know," he finally said. “I just feel like something is about to happen. Something big.”

Vette looked up at him, concern etched on her face. “Do you think it has something to do with the war against the Republic and CIS?” she asked.

Zuyas nodded, “It's possible. But I don't know what it could be. All I know is that we need to be prepared for whatever comes our way.”

Vette squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with determination. “We'll be ready,” she said. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together. Like we always do.”


Darth Sidious seethed. This was nothing new, doing so deepened his connection to the Dark Side. What differed from the norm was the subject that had drawn his anger. The attacks from out of Wild Space sending a hydrospanner into the Grand Plan, a scheme that had been in the works for the last thousand years.

None of his anger showed on his face, nor did it escape his tight control to be felt in the Force. As far as his guests in his office were aware, he was Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the benevolent leader of the Republic.

“I assure you, Chancellor, the Jedi Order will do everything in our power to stop these attackers and bring them to justice,” said Master Windu, his face calm and serene.

“Yes, yes, I have no doubt of your commitment to the Republic, Master Windu,” Sidious said, smiling tightly. “But these attackers are unlike anything we have seen before. They are well-equipped and well-trained, and they seem to have a deep hatred for the Republic and the Jedi Order.”

“We will increase our patrols and surveillance, Chancellor,” Master Yoda spoke up, his voice raspy and wise. “Find the source of these attackers, we will.”

Sidious nodded, his eyes narrowing. He had to find a way to use this situation to his advantage, to further manipulate the galaxy into accepting his rule as Emperor. But for now, he would have to bide his time and play the role of the benevolent leader.

“Very well, Masters,” he said, smiling wider. “May the Force be with us all.”

As the Jedi filed out of his office, Sidious sat back in his chair, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that he had to act quickly if he was to maintain his hold on the galaxy. And he knew that he would have to act quickly.

He needed more information, and to contact his apprentice, to find out what the Separatists knew and formulate a plan on how to proceed.


Tavus Dzitka, once heir to the Dzitka family before they fell into disgrace and thrown into slavery, smiled as the transmission from Lord Zash cut out. As her new apprentice, he knew that he would be tested in the coming days and weeks. His first assignment was an interesting one, he and Lord Zash were to be part of the group to meet with the representatives from the CIS.

It would be intriguing, seeing the reactions of a Jedi who thought himself a Sith. Tavus joined his master on her ship and they made their way to the meeting spot, a small moon orbiting a gas giant deep in the Outer Rim. He could feel the tension in the air as he approached the conference room.

Within the conference room was Count Dooku, head of the CIS, along with two droids carrying electrostaves and a pale, bald woman. Dooku and Lord Zash would be the ones doing all of the talking, he and the bald woman were merely there to observe. And he had to say, she was quite the enjoyable specimen to look at.


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