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With Vult dead, that left some with the question of what would happen with the prisoners. The majority would be given to the rank and file, but I had different plans for two of them. Queen Olga Discordia and her halfbreed retainer, bodyguard, or whatever it was the blonde did around here before Vult and his crew showed up. Those two, I planned on breaking in myself. The blonde would probably be used as reward and motivation to the troops in future sieges, but Olga I was saving for my own personal use.

I glanced up from the notes I was writing as the doors opened, my second in command Lukarn bringing the blonde half elf in before tossing her to the floor in front of the desk I’d claimed for myself. Putting the quill in a small glass filled with water and the lid on the inkwell, I stood up and walked around the desk, even as she moved to her feet. Her hands were still bound with manacles that were linked to a metal collar.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” I drawled, staring down at the half-elf. “A mongrel serving at the heels of her betters?”

She didn’t respond, simply glaring at me as I paced around her, my eyes examining her form, clad in the faux “armor” that all women in this world seemed to favor. I wasn't complaining, as it put more of her delicious body on display. Reaching down, I grabbed her by her ponytail and threw her bodily over the desk. My other hand came down, my claws easily parting the fabric that formed her thong and exposing her womanhood.

I was going to rape her, right there on top of the desk. She was beautiful, and I wanted her so bad I could taste it. Growling deep in my chest, I didn’t bother waiting, instead moving up behind her, one clawed hand holding her head in place as the other lined up my red, swollen cock against her pussy.

Her eyes went wide, looking back into mine as I pushed inside her, sliding balls deep in one smooth stroke. She let out an ear piercing scream, then gasped as my claws raked across her back, tearing through cloth and skin alike. With another grunt, I pulled out and slammed back in again, driving hard into her tight cunt.

“Fuck!” I snarled, pulling her hair tighter in my fist and slamming her into the wood of the desk. “You like that, bitch?” I growled, leaning forward and grabbing her neck with one hand, lifting her up off the ground until only the tip of my cock remained buried inside her.

“Yesss!” She cried, panting as I continued fucking her, my hips slapping into hers each time I drove my cock home. “Oh gods, fuck yes! Please! Fuck me harder, please! Yesss!”

“Good girl,” I grunted, pumping my cock into her, the desk groaning under the impact. “Now tell me why you're here.”

“Please...please...fuck me…” She whimpered, biting her lip and trying to get away from me. “I'll do anything. Anything you want, just please don't hurt me anymore!”

My free hand came down, gripping her throat tightly enough that she couldn't breathe.

“Tell me how much you love me, bitch!” I snarled, pulling my hand back and plunging back into her cunt. “Beg me to fuck you harder!”

“Yes! Yes! Oh god, I'm your slut! Your whore! Do whatever you want! Just fuck me, please! Make me your slutty little whore!”

Groaning loudly, I picked up speed, pounding into her cunt as hard and fast as possible. The base of my cock started swelling, the knot popping in and out of her as I fucked her like a mandman. I loved having this kind of control. This power over these women, they were so weak and pathetic. I'd take advantage of that weakness to make them mine, and use their bodies however I saw fit. It made me feel powerful, and I loved that feeling.

“Your whore is about to cum, Master,” the blonde half-elf moaned, her voice high pitched and strained as I fucked her mercilessly. “Give me your seed, Master. Give me your baby!”

“Ahhhhhhh!” I shouted, slamming her down onto the desk, my knot locking me in place within her, my balls tightening up and sending a thick rope of cum shooting deep inside her womb. “That's it, whore! Take every drop!”

After several minutes spent emptying my balls into her fertile womb, I finally stopped thrusting and collapsed on top of her. I rolled off of her and looked down at her, grinning widely as I watched her try to catch her breath.Her tits bounced nicely, her nipples standing erect beneath the fabric of her armor. I reached down and gave one of her breasts a squeeze, eliciting a soft moan from her.

“Are you ready to be a mother?” I asked, watching her nod slowly. “Do you accept the responsibility?”

“I...I will give you your child, Master!” she panted, looking up at me nervously.

“Good, good,” I said, reaching down and groping her ass. “I think it's time to celebrate, put that mouth of yours to work.”

The half elf nodded eagerly, crawling over to where I stood and kneel before me. Without hesitating, she took my semi-erect cock into her mouth, sucking me clean, cleaning me of all traces of our combined juices.

I sighed softly, letting out a long exhale as she worked her lips and tongue along my shaft, licking and teasing me with her expert mouth. After several minutes she released me from between her lips, my dick glistening wet with saliva.

“Thank you for using me,” She purred, sitting back on her knees and giving me a wicked grin. “But I have a favor to ask first.”

“Name it, and I may grant it,” I said, looking down at her.

“Fuck my face, Master.”

I laughed lightly, shaking my head and stepping closer to her. Reaching down, I grabbed her by the chin and lifted her face, meeting her eyes.

“Why would I ever deny myself such pleasure? Especially when the whore offering it has broken so easily?” I asked, a wide grin on my muzzle.

I gripped the back of her head firmly, before driving my revitalized cock into her mouth. My hands came around to hold her head in place, while I began thrusting my hips into her, hilting myself in her throat and burying myself completely.

“Mmmmmmm!” she moaned loudly, muffling her words as I plunged my cock into her mouth over and over again.

“Suck my cock, you worthless whore! Suck my fat cock!” I growled.

She shivered, her cheeks bulging outwards as she struggled to breathe, my cock still buried in her throat. A few more thrusts and her throat opened slightly, allowing me to slide in further.

“You're such a good little cocksucker, aren't you?” I taunted, withdrawing my cock from her mouth and sliding it down her body until I was stroking her creamed pussy. “So eager to please. So willing to let me use your mouth, or any other hole you've got on display under those scraps you call clothes.”

She moaned, pressing her legs together and grinding her hips into my fingers, even as she took the entirety of my cock, knot and all, into her mouth and throat.

“Oh god yes,” I groaned, sliding two fingers into her slick pussy. “Such an easy slut. Such an obedient bitch.”

My hand slid in and out of her tight pussy, her juices flowing freely as I fingered her roughly. I could tell she was getting close, but I wanted to prolong this for as long as possible. If I kept going at this pace, I might not last much longer anyway. But, come to think of it, I still had her mistress, the Queen of the Dark Elves to break in. With that in mind, I hilted myself in her mouth, letting loose and sending wave after wave of spunk down her throat to her stomach. Once I finished emptying my balls into her belly, I withdrew my cock from her mouth and stepped away.

“Clean yourself up, whore,” I told her, watching her lick her lips. “Then get ready, we'll need to go give your mistress a proper welcome.”

The half-elf nodded, rising from her knees and making her way towards the door. Once she'd cleaned herself up and re-dressed, I led her out of the office, down to the dungeons. I grabbed a single tool from Lukarn, before the younger lycan unlocked the cell that had the darker skinned beauty within. Her cool eyes narrowed as I stepped inside the cell, followed by the broken half-elf.

“I see the human has been replaced,” the queen noted.

“Don’t you worry, it won’t change much for you. Merely the one whose child you’ll bear,” I shot back, before tossing the item I’d gotten from Lukarn to the already broken woman. As she caught the strap on, I said, “Why don’t you see if she’s as good a cocksucker as you are, my dear?”

Olga’s eyes widened, turning to look at her in shock as she rapidly put the toy on. She barely had time to say, “Chloe, don't...”

What she was going to beg for her not to do went unsaid, as she thrust into the former queen’s mouth, fucking her face like there was no tomorrow. Chloe bit down on her lip hard enough to draw blood, the force of the face fuck eliciting a loud gasp from Olga, who tried desperately to pull away. But she couldn't, not with the grip on her head. The dark elven woman knew that, but the knowledge didn't stop her from trying, screaming and crying out as she took Chloe's cock deep into her throat, gagging and choking on the thick rod.

It only made me hornier, though, and I found myself standing behind her, stroking my cock while watching Chloe fuck the life out of the woman she'd loyally served for years. Not content to simply watch, I moved behind Olga and grabbed her by the hips, lifting them up into the air. This had the pleasant side-effect of forcing her deeper onto Chloe’s fake cock, even as I tore away the tiny panties and forced my throbbing length into dark elven pussy.

My eyebrows shot up as I felt something tear, the only time I’d felt something like that…

I laughed uproariously, even as I began pumping my hips back and forth, my voice mocking as I fucked her formerly virgin cunt, “It seems I got your virginity, Your Highness. And now it belongs to me!”

The dark elf’s eyes rolled up into her skull as she came, her orgasm so powerful it caused her to topple over, crashing into Chloe as she screamed, her toy cock still firmly lodged in her throat. My laughter grew louder as Chloe pulled her hips back, pulling her own cock out of her mistress' throat just as the dark elf came. The combination sent both women over the edge, and they fell to their knees, collapsing into each other's arms as they orgasmed, moaning and panting loudly.

I kept going, driving myself into her again and again. Every stroke felt better than the last, every moan more satisfying than the one before, and I felt myself nearing release yet again. I could feel my seed boiling through my veins, ready to burst forth and flood the dark elven woman below me.

As if sensing that, Olga suddenly looked up at me, her expression pleading with me, begging for me to finish inside her. I hadn't planned on cumming anywhere else, the notoriety of being the first lycan to breed a Dark Elf would ensure that all of the packs throughout the continent would flock to my banner, an army of scouts and assassins more than capable of not only taking all the fortresses in the Seven Shields' Alliance, but completely bypassing their defenses.


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