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I resisted the urge to punch the wall as I entered the suite. Two days of dealing with idiots, retards, and incompetents. Despite that, it was still better than the state of things when that blowhard slug Jabba was around. My annoyance with my underlings took a backseat as I noticed what Keza had left on the table for me.

It was a plate with a nerfsteak, but what was most amusing and noticeable were the garnishes on the side. A number of fruit and tubers from Kashyyyk, ones that she had long since been made aware were a potent aphrodisiac for wookiees. I chuckled, it seems that Keza was in the mood to be used. Well, I certainly wasn't going to say no to that. Scarfing down the meal, I headed to my room, where I knew she'd have gotten herself...prepared for my arrival.

Sure enough, when I entered, she was there, naked as the day she was born, her ankles in a spreader bar, her hands bound behind her back, a blindfold over her eyes, and her mouth held stretched open with a ring gag. Her green skin was glistening with sweat, her head tails twitching as she panted through her gag. It was all I could do to keep from snorting in amusement, despite not being the one who'd eaten the aphrodisiac, Keza was clearly the more aroused of the two of us.

She moaned through her gag, her body arching towards mine. I could feel the heat radiating off her skin, and I knew that she was more than ready for me. But I was in no hurry. I wanted to savor this moment, to make it last as long as possible. With a flick of my wrist, I released her from some of her bindings, the spreader bar clattering to the ground. She fell into my arms, her body pressed against mine. I could feel her heart racing, her skin hot against my fur.

I took my time with her, exploring every inch of her body with my hands and my mouth. She writhed beneath me, her cries of pleasure muffled by the gag in her mouth. I teased her mercilessly, bringing her to the edge again and again before finally allowing her release.

As she lay spent and panting beneath me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Keza was mine, body and soul. And there was nothing that could stand in the way of that. But now that she'd had a bit of fun, it was time to...escalate. Taking her head in my hands, I guided her down to my swollen, erect cock. The tip slipped past the ring gag, into her mouth, and I felt her tongue caress the underside of my shaft.

She moaned around my cock, her tongue swirling around my girth as I stroked her hair. I could feel her teeth, even through the ring gag, but they were gentle enough that it didn't bother me. I watched as she bobbed her head up and down on my shaft, enjoying the sight of her tongue sliding over my purple length. I was in no hurry, wanting to enjoy this for as long as possible. She sucked me off like a pro, and I couldn't deny that it felt good. I'd had her for over a decade, so I knew that she was loving this, but she'd enjoy it even more when I ramped up the roughness.

I pulled back, leaving only the head inside her mouth, and then slammed back in. Her eyes widened behind her blindfold, her moans turned into whimpers as I took her roughly. She was so tight around me, so wet and warm. I wanted to feel every inch of her. With one hand, I held her head in place while the other grabbed her hip and started pumping her, my fingers digging deep into her core. Her tongue was slick with saliva as it slid around my shaft, her moaning turning to gasps as I picked up speed.

She came soon after, her hips bucking as she screamed through the gag and into my cock. I held her in place until she recovered, then put both hands on the back of her head and forced her down onto my cock. The tip popped past the ring at the back of her throat, and she let out a gurgled moan as I worked her head side to side, forcing ever more of my length down her throat.

I didn't need to see them to know that Keza's eyes had rolled back in her head as I fucked her face. She had been a good student, and she knew how to take care of me. When I felt myself ready to cum, I pushed her head down as the head of my cock swelled, forming a ridged flare and making her neck bulge. She gagged, her tongue lolling out of her mouth, her throat convulsing as she did her best to swallow my seed. She did an admirable job, but several ropes spilled out of her nose and around the seal of her lips. I pulled out of her mouth, allowing her to breathe again. She coughed, choking on my seed, and then sucked in air as if she hadn't been able to get enough before.

"Well done," I said. "Now we can begin."

She nodded, reaching out with her tongue to try to lick up the cum on her chin in vain. I got to work, setting up my cameras so that they could record everything. I'd been skeptical the first time Keza asked to record our sessions, but it cost me nothing, and those who would even think about attempting to blackmail me over a sex holo were far too terrified to even consider going through with it. Besides, there were a shocking number of perverts in the galaxy who would pay a fortune for a holo of a wookiee using a twi'lek girl as a living onahole.

I looked down at her, smirking in satisfied amusement. Reaching over to the table holding the rest of her toys that she had prepared, I grabbed one in particular and pulled Keza into my lap. I unhooked the ring gag and pulled it from her mouth, leaving the blindfold on and her wrists bound. That done, I slipped the bright red ball gag into her mouth and secured it.

That done, I reached out with the Force, not towards Keza, but the rest of the suite. I wanted to see where Padme was. To my satisfaction, she wasn’t in her room, but outside the door to mine. I didn’t look in her direction, merely confirmed that she was watching as I took hold of Keza’s thighs and lifted her up into the air, above the still flared head of my dick. I gave the voyeur a brief nudge through the Force, nothing as blunt or overpowering as a jedi’s mind trick, just stoking the flames of lust and arousal that were already there.

With the peeping teen primed, I lowered Keza down, the engorged head of my cock pressing up against her soaked entrance. She gasped through her nose and let out a soft, muffled whimper, her arms flailing around in her restraints as she tried to brace herself, but all she did was send her tits bouncing. I watched the way her nipples hardened as I pushed the tip into her tight, wet hole. She gasped, and I felt the hot flood of her pussy juice flow around my shaft. I started to push in, slowly at first, due to how much smaller than me she was. The way she moaned and squealed only served to spur me on. I could feel the walls of her pussy squeezing at my cock, trying to milk every drop of cum from me.

Finally, the head of my cock pressed against her cervix, her lower lips kissing the medial ring that marked the halfway point of my length. I pulled back and thrust forward, pushing deeper into her pussy, forcing her womanhood to stretch and drawing a lustful moan from Keza. I leaned down, my mouth against her ear as I whispered, just loud enough for Padme to hear me.

"I am going to fuck you like the dirty little slut that you are," I said. "And I'm going to cum deep inside you. Do you understand?"

Keza nodded frantically, wriggling her hips in an attempt to pull more of me into her gushing pussy. I chuffed in amusement, before continuing, "If I’m going to fuck you properly, you need to open up more. I know you can, so do as your Master orders and let him into your womb."

Her forehead furrowed as she concentrated, focusing on the muscles in her core. There was a reason that twi'leks were the most prolific and desired slaves in the galaxy, a reason that Keza demonstrated as her cervix dilated, allowing my cock to slide into the deepest part of her womanhood. I moaned in satisfaction as her cunt tightened around my cock, her juices flowing out of her pussy and dripping down her ass. I took hold of her hips and started to move her up and down, fucking her with long, slow strokes.

Padme watched us from behind the edge of the door, her eyes glazed over, her breathing ragged as she panted, her mouth open as she sucked in air through her nose. She watched Keza's breasts bounce, her nipples hard and pointed as I fucked her. From the corner of my vision, I saw her arm moving in a very distinctive way, and I pushed her lusts ever so slightly as I picked up the pace, using Keza as a living sex toy.

Keza's hands grasped at the air, her fingers clawing at the restraints that held her wrists behind her back. Her head was thrown back, her lips parted as she screamed into the gag. I felt her orgasm building, felt it wash over her as her cunt clamped down on my cock. She bucked wildly in my lap, her body jerking as her pussy spasmed around my shaft, doing its best to milk every drop of cum from me. But I wasn't willing to let her do so quite yet.

I leaned forwards and grabbed Keza's breasts, squeezing them roughly as I lifted her up and then slammed her down onto my cock again and again, over and over. I felt the walls of her cunt spasm around me as she came for a third time, her orgasm lasting longer than any of the others. It seemed that my earlier words had been enough to get her off, and I didn't want to break her down too quickly. Not when I had such an easy and willing slave at my disposal.

Padme watched as I kept pumping away, Keza's legs shaking beneath my hands, her pussy milking my cock as she came for the fourth time. I felt Padme's own orgasm hit through the Force, and released my beskar-clad control over myself. My own orgasm hit me like a punch to the gut, my balls tightening and releasing a torrent of hot cum deep into Keza's womb. She wailed loudly as her pussy milked me dry, her climax lasting far longer than mine.

We stayed in that position for several minutes, me buried inside her, my hands firmly gripping her tits, while I caught my breath. Eventually, Keza's pussy relaxed around my cock, and I pulled out, leaving us both gasping for air. I heard Padme scurry away, and I let her go. What she’d watched would stay with her, festering and growing in her mind. I wasn’t afraid of how she’d react, she was still in the middle of human puberty, seeing me utterly dominate Keza would only make her want to try it herself.

A few more instances like this, along with more subtle training on both my and Keza’s part, and she’d be begging for me to have my way with her before we reached Coruscant.


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