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“Mr. Smith…”

“Yes, Miss Hebert?”

Taylor took a deep breath, bracing herself for the inevitable rejection he would give when she confessed her crush on him. Firming her resolve, she forced herself to speak, “I know you’re a cape.”

Fuck! Not what she wanted to say! As she scrambled to think of a way to salvage the situation, she heard something she never had before: Mr. Smith chuckling.

“Miss Hebert, I was aware of your own power the first time you were able to feel my hive. More than that, I believe that Scion’s apparent death resulted in everyone gaining some measure of power,” he said, making Taylor turn to look at him in confusion.

He glanced her way, before continuing, “If you would like, I can go into further detail at a later time. It is a very lengthy explanation, one that requires more time than is viable in a commute or even during detention. It would require meeting on the weekend.”

“Yes!” Taylor immediately agreed, unable to resist. “I-I mean, yes please.”

He chuckled again, making Taylor’s face flush with embarrassment, before he said, “Very well, I am occupied Saturday morning, but I can pick you up at the library by 5th Avenue at eleven. I will see you then.”

“Yes Sir!” she said with a smile, her mind already forming ideas and theories about what he meant about everyone having power. Maybe it would be something that could make up for having a weak power? Something that would let her do more than control bugs would be great for her prospects of being a hero.

She could hardly wait, Saturday couldn’t come fast enough!


Taylor was waiting outside the library well before eleven, her notebook with all of her ideas and notes on being a hero in her backpack, her leg bouncing with her nerves. When Mr. Smith’s car pulled up to the curb, Taylor’s heart skipped a beat. He stepped out of the car, looking even more handsome than she remembered. He wore a plain white t-shirt and jeans, but something about the way he carried himself made him look like a god among men.

“Good morning, Miss Hebert,” he said with a smile as he walked towards her.

“Good morning, Mr. Smith,” Taylor replied, feeling her cheeks heat up.

He gestured towards his car and said, “Shall we?”

Taylor nodded and got into the car, feeling giddy with excitement. As Mr. Smith drove towards their destination, he explained to her about the nature of powers in the world, and how Scion’s death had changed the game.

“Everyone has an internal network of energy now,” he said, “It’s just a matter of unlocking its potential.”

Taylor listened intently, taking notes as Mr. Smith spoke. She couldn’t believe how much she had been missing out on. She felt like a kid in a candy store, discovering a whole new world of possibilities.

“Do you think I could unlock more for my power?” she asked him, eager for his opinion.

He looked at her with a smile and said, “I have no doubt that you can.”

They arrived at their destination, a secluded spot in the woods that Mr. Smith had specifically chosen for its privacy. He led her to a clearing and told her to sit down.

“Now, this next part is going to hurt, as I will be flooding your own network with my own energy,” he said, “but I promise, it is the most efficient way forward.”

Taylor swallowed nervously, before taking a deep breath and saying, “I can handle it.”

He nodded, before his hands came together and began forming different symbols, his voice carrying a firm tone that went straight to her core, “Remove your hoodie, and pull your shirt to the side to expose your shoulder.”

Taylor did as she was told, feeling a shiver run down her spine, both from the anticipation and the chilly breeze in the clearing. As she exposed her shoulder, she felt Mr. Smith's hand rest on her bare skin. It was warm and comforting, instantly easing her nerves.

“Relax," he said, "and focus on your body’s inner energy.”

With those words, Taylor closed her eyes and tried to tap into her energy network. She felt a faint buzz of power coursing through her body, but it was weak and unfocused. However, as Mr. Smith began to channel his own energy into her, she felt a surge of power that was almost overwhelming.

She cried out in pain, feeling as if her body was being ripped apart, but Mr. Smith's hand on her shoulder never wavered. His voice continued to lead her through the process, guiding her to focus on the energy flowing through her.

Bit by bit, the pain began to recede, replaced by a tingling sensation that made her feel alive. She opened her eyes and gasped, feeling as if she was seeing the world in a completely new light. Colors were brighter, sounds were clearer, and she could sense things that she never could before.

“How do you feel?” Mr. Smith asked, his voice low and soothing.

“I feel amazing,” Taylor said, smiling in wonder.

“That's just the beginning,” he said, his hand still resting on her shoulder, “With practice and training, you could become one of the most powerful capes in the world.”

Taylor's mind raced with possibilities. She had always dreamed of being a hero, but when she got out of the locker, and could only control bugs, it seemed like she'd be forever limited to being a small-scale hero. But now, with this newfound power, she could be so much more. She could protect people on a grand scale, fight against villains and help make the world a better place. It was an overwhelming feeling, but one that she was eager to explore.

“Thank you, Mr. Smith,” she said, feeling a sense of gratitude towards him that she couldn't put into words.

He smiled at her and said, “It was my pleasure. But remember, this power is like a muscle, you must use it, train it, in order to make it strong. Now, lay on your front as I apply something to your back.”

“Apply what?” Taylor asked, even as she did so. When his hands began pulling up the back of her shirt, Taylor’s face went red and her eyes widened behind her glasses.

“Something called a Resistance Seal,” Mr. Smith said calmly, as if he wasn’t pulling her shirt up and thus getting an eyeful of her bare back. “Think of it as training while submerged in water, but without the physiological side effects or the threat of drowning.”

It was all that Taylor could do to hold in any noises that wanted to escape from her as he pulled her shirt up to the point that her bra was exposed. She squirmed a bit in discomfort, but Mr. Smith's hands were gentle as he applied the seal to her back, along her spine, his warm touch contrasting with the cool liquid soothing her nerves. He came to a stop just under the strap of her bra, seeming to hesitate, and Taylor’s face grew hot as she realized what was about to happen.

“Miss Hebert, Taylor,” he said, his voice warm but as firm as ever. The way he said her name sent a jolt straight to her cock and pussy, but she did her best to ignore her arousal as he continued. “I am afraid I will need to unhook your bra while the seal settles. I will not go any further, understand?”

“Yes Sir,” Taylor said, managing to hold in both a whimper and the urge to ask him to do more to her, as his fingers easily unhooked her bra. He swiftly finished, the cool marks along her spine growing warm before seeming to fade.

“You may pull your shirt down,” he said as he stood, the quiet click of a pen being capped frilling the clearing.

Taylor looked over her shoulder, seeing Mr. Smith looking away from her. Unusually for her, Taylor felt a sudden surge of mischievousness, and as she stood, she hurriedly pulled her arms into her shirt and slipped them through the shoulder straps of her bra. Quickly, she slid her bra into her hoodie, making sure it wasn't visible.

“I'm good, Sir,” Taylor said, hoping he'd mistake the red on her cheeks as being from him having seen her back.

He turned back around and, with a nod, instructed, “Now, focus on your energy and try to move.”

Taylor did as she was told, trying to channel her energy through her body. She felt a resistance in her muscles, but as she pushed harder, the resistance gave way. It was like pushing against a heavy weight, but when she succeeded in moving her arm, it felt like an incredible feat.

“Good,” Mr. Smith encouraged her. “Now, try to move your legs.”

It took a bit more effort, but Taylor managed to move her legs as well, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the accomplishment.

“Keep practicing,” Mr. Smith said, “You'll be surprised at how quickly you can improve.”

Taylor nodded, feeling a sense of determination building within her. She was going to be the best hero she could be, no matter what it took. That determination rapidly turned into humiliation as she tried to take a step, and didn’t think to account for how the resistance would apply to her feet. She ended up landing face first in the grass, shame and humiliation filling her.

To her relief, he didn’t laugh, he merely walked over to her, offering his hand to help her get back on her feet. As Mr. Smith helped her to her feet, she couldn't resist giving him a hug, feeling grateful for everything he had done for her.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice soft with emotion.

“You are welcome,” he said, returning her hug, his warmth spreading through her body. As they parted, Taylor felt a pang of sadness, wishing to stay in his arms forever. Still, she kept her disappointment under control as he asked, “Ready to continue?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, determined to keep up with him, no matter the cost.

“Good,” he said with a grin, “Because we have a lot to do. We need to get you used to feeling your body's energy reserves and how far you can stretch yourself before you run out of juice. While doing that, we need to also work on your control over that energy, to ensure that you are not being wasteful.”

“I'm ready,” she said, and this time she meant it.

“Good,” he said, “Now, let's get started.”


Taylor had lost track of time, but she knew it had been a long time. They had worked tirelessly, almost nonstop, to get a good feel for her body's new energy. She was exhausted, but felt empowered as well. She had never felt so alive, or so powerful.

She was just about to fall asleep when she heard Mr. Smith say, “We're done for now,” and she wondered if she should get up. However, she was too tired to bother, and she figured he wouldn't mind. Besides, she liked the feeling of being curled up in his lap, and she couldn't imagine leaving.

She felt him pat her head, which made her smile, and she felt a tinge of embarrassment as she realized that, while she had insisted that he sit on one of the logs, he hadn't actually sat on it until after he had been sitting on the grass for a couple hours, allowing her to curl up in his lap.

“Tomorrow we will start moving on to combat training,” he said, his hand patting her head slowly. “For now, I'm going to take you home.”

Taylor shifted a bit, as if to lay across his lap, but a soft squeeze on her shoulder prevented her from doing so. She looked up and saw that Mr. Smith was looking at her, his eyes meeting hers, and she could see a warmth and understanding in them. She could also see concern, and Taylor felt like she should say something.

“I'm sorry,” Taylor said, feeling embarrassed that he'd been forced to let her sit in his lap for so long.

He looked a bit confused as to why she was apologizing, but then his eyes widened and she felt him tense.

“Don't be sorry,” he said, sounding firm and commanding, even as he tried to make his words soothing. “I'm happy to help you, but I need you to tell me if something is wrong,” he said, his voice steady, but with some undercurrent of concern. “Are you alright, Miss Hebert?”

“I'm a bit tired,” she said, “can… can I stay at your house? My dad’s going to be working overnight, and I’d rather not stay at an empty house.”

She looked up at him, and to her relief, she didn't see any rejection in his eyes. However, she did see something else. A bit of surprise, some concern, and a bit of worry. After a minute, he slowly said, “Very well, Miss Hebert.”

Relief filled Taylor as he stood, pulling Taylor to her feet with a huge smile on her face. She was about to hug him, when he turned away and began walking towards his car. However, as he headed towards the car, she was struck by how much larger he was than her. He was well over six foot tall, which made him significantly taller than Taylor, and he was quite muscular, with broad shoulders and a wide back.

He turned back and noticed her staring, a bit of a smirk on his face.

“Something the matter, Miss Hebert?” he asked, his voice amused.

Taylor felt herself blush, but she pushed past her embarrassment and said, “You're… you're very much larger than me.”

He chuckled. “That I am,” he said, his voice light and playful. He then added, “And you are still shorter than me, even as tall as you are.”

She blushed and looked down, but she felt a bit of a thrill at his words. He thought she was tall. Maybe he thought she was pretty? At that thought, she blushed, realizing just where her thoughts were heading, and the direction was definitely not PG. Embarrassed, she turned back towards his pickup truck, eager to see his house.

“Here you go,” he said, opening the passenger door for her. She got in, not noticing the soft smile on Mr. Smith’s face as he watched her get into the car. He then got into the car, and drove her to his home.


Mr. Smith stopped for dinner before returning to his house, and the two had Vietnamese takeout at his kitchen table. As they ate, Taylor felt some of her nervousness melt away, as Mr. Smith seemed more relaxed around her. It helped that she was able to see through the mask of professionalism that she'd seen in the other teachers, and she found her personality coming out. She teased him a bit, and he laughed and joked back.

It was easy to feel comfortable with Mr. Smith, and Taylor soon felt like she was just hanging out with a friend, rather than having a teacher over for dinner. Don't think about it, she thought, breathing out slowly. Think about something else.

She glanced around the kitchen, taking in the sights. It was a very neat kitchen, she thought, with everything in its place. However, it didn't look devoid of life. No, she thought, it's practically the opposite. It looks like it's teeming with life.

It felt good to be able to look at the kitchen and feel at home, rather than like she was in an alien place. She wondered why that was, but figuring that it must have just been time, she decided to focus on something else.

Looking back at Mr. Smith, she saw that he was looking at her and not his plate, which made her blush a bit.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, not wanting to give him the wrong idea.

“No, Miss Hebert,” Mr. Smith said with a warm smile, “I was just thinking about how you've given me quite the surprise.”

Taylor gave him a confused look. “I have?” she asked.

Mr. Smith nodded. “You were always one of the quietest students in my class,” he said. “I never would have guessed that you had such a strong potential for combat.”

Taylor felt a wave of pride wash over her. She had always felt like she was just another face in the crowd, nothing particularly special about her. But hearing Mr. Smith talk about her like this made her feel like she was worth something.

“Thank you,” she said softly, feeling her cheeks grow warm.

Mr. Smith returned her smile, his eyes twinkling. “You're welcome,” he said. “And don't worry about being quiet, Miss Hebert. There's nothing wrong with being an introvert.”

Taylor nodded, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. She had always felt like she was different from the other students, and it was reassuring to hear that it was okay to be that way.

As they finished their meal, Mr. Smith stood up to clear the dishes, and Taylor offered to help. He declined her offer, telling her to make herself comfortable in the living room while he finished up.

Taylor walked into the cozy living room, taking in the warm colors and comfortable furniture. She sank down onto the plush sofa, letting out a contented sigh. She felt safe and secure in Mr. Smith's home, and for the first time in a long time, she felt truly relaxed.

She needed to repay him, but she didn’t think he’d accept money, not that she or her dad really had any. Maybe… if she waited until he was in the shower… hopefully he wouldn’t throw her out?


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