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When I woke up, I admit, I was pretty surprised. The last thing I remember was lying in a hospital bed, waiting for the injuries from the wreck to do me in. When my vision went black, I was expecting that to be it. Hopefully I’d get into heaven, even if I never went to church, nor did I really believe, but I had still tried to live a good life. Instead, I was in what looked like an abandoned, overgrown ruin. There was a massive oak tree next to me, and nearly every wall I could see had moss or vines covering them.

“You awaken, good,” a soft, melodious voice to my left drew my attention.

I turned, and took in the green skinned beauty that could only be a dryad. Her blue eyes bore into my soul, and my mouth went dry. Licking my lips, I managed to ask, “Who are you?”

“Your Patron,” she answered bluntly. “You caught the eye of some individuals within an organization called The Company.”

I blinked, my mind going to one thing in particular, “The Company? As in… Waifu Catalog Company?”

“Indeed,” she said flatly, her face showing no emotion. “Because of you, one of The Company’s field agents perished. She had outstanding debts, which have been passed on to you. You will be given the opportunity to receive an investment, however we will see a return on it.”

Swallowing nervously, I asked, “Do I get to choose my own build?”

“With limitations, yes,” she answered, making a lazy gesture with a hand, causing a number of screens to appear in front of my face. “You are forbidden from purchasing anything from the Demiplane/Dungeon category, may not choose a world state over Danger Rating Six, and until your debt is paid, Exit Stage Left is blacklisted.”

“So I need a world with a lot of waifus and mission opportunities, got it,” I muttered to myself.

Looking over the screens, I found the one showing world choices, and got to work. I immediately dismissed Marvel and DC, those worlds got way too crazy regardless of how many waifus were part of it. Pokemon also got the boot, I had a strong suspicion that the majority of the targets there were the pocket monsters themselves, plus I hadn’t touched the franchise since Gen 2. That was when I spotted it: the franchise that every boy wished they were part of since the late seventies.

“Star Wars it is, now for the rest,” I thought aloud. The rest of the build took maybe ten minutes, and when I felt satisfied with my purchases I turned to the dryad and asked, “So what now?”

Her eyes scanned through the build, reading through my choices, raising an eyebrow as she reached the end. Turning her cold gaze to me, she asked, “You chose to Possess a clone of Spider-Man yet also chose Template Stacking. Why?”

“On top of the fact that his physical abilities are above and beyond what most Force Sensitives are capable of, Spider Sense is better than most Jedi’s precognition,” I pointed out. “Combine that with Template Stacking for Force Sensitivity and lightsaber training, and I’ll be one of the toughest bastards in the galaxy.”

She gave a quiet hum, before turning back to the build. After a moment, she said, “We need to determine the adjustments caused by Universal Calibration.”

“Most of it I’m after combining elements of Expanded Universe material with the Original Trilogy era,” I said. “Characters from the Old Republic era brought forward, Legacy era characters brought back, certain things from earlier games made real instead of the shit Disney spewed out, things like that.”

She stared blankly at me for a few minutes, and I finally caved, “Alright, some gender swapping too.”

A nod was her response, turning back to the screens and closing them with a pinch of her fingers. Standing up, she faced me and said, “You will receive bonuses if you complete missions provided on your ship’s holoterminal. Do not disappoint us.”

“I woooaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” my assurance turned into a yell as the ground dropped out from under me, sending me plummeting into what felt like an empty void.

I lost track of how long I fell, but eventually, something screamed in my mind and I twisted my body around, getting my legs under me and landing in a crouch. My eyes looked around me, and my breath caught in my throat. Red lighting, purple monitors, sleek gray walls, a large projector in the middle of the room…

A grin stretched across my face as I stood up. I was standing in the middle of the main room of a Fury-class Imperial Interceptor. It was all I could do to keep from hooting in joy, I was standing in the most badass ship to come out of Star Wars since the original Star Destroyer (fight me).

“Well, glad to see someone’s happy with the situation,” a smooth voice said with an amused tone. I glanced up, seeing the blonde haired form of Gwen Stacy leaning back against the ceiling. She was wearing what looked like a skin tight tube top under a leather jacket, painted on leather pants, and combat boots. All of them black with white trim.

“And how are the two of you handling the adjustment?” I asked, smirking at them.

“We’re doing just fine,” she answered, even as her ‘clothes’ rippled. “We also got everything about running and managing this ship downloaded into our minds. Along with all the basics of this universe we’re in. So I’d say we’re good to go.”

“Do we even know where we're going?” another voice asked from the direction of the meeting room, pulling both my and Gwen’s eyes. “I’m assuming you’ve got a plan, Tiger.”

Leaning against the wall was the stacked redhead that had served as the star of a very large number of my fantasies growing up: Mary Jane Watson. Large, full breasts, vibrant red hair, wide hips, a flat belly, legs that went on for miles, thick, crimson lipstick, oh yes, I was going to have a lot of fun with her.

Instead of answering directly, I turned and walked over to the holotable. Pressing a few buttons, I pulled up the connection with The Company. A few more buttons had the mission board on display. I moved from the console to dedicate my focus on it, Gwen dropping down from the ceiling to stand next to me.

“We’re going to start with a few Quick Missions, while working towards the goal of a Standard Mission,” I said, a few missions disappearing as I spoke aloud. “For the moment, we’ll focus on some basic retrieval missions, get ourselves set up a reputation as gofers and the like. Once we have that done, we can focus on the bigger fish.”

I read over the missions, spotting one that caught my eye. Highlighting it, I pulled up the details and started reading. Quick Scope, located on Florrum, retrieve a carbonite slab being held for auction by Chedix the Hutt, reward of five company credits and the opportunity to capture the individual being held in carbonite, with the caveat that we couldn’t leave witnesses. I mostly remembered Florrum because it had something to do with that one weequay pirate voiced by Darkwing Duck.

It would do, so I accepted the mission and made my way to the cockpit. As I settled into the Captain’s Chair, my fingers moved, instinctively, as I pulled up the galaxy map and punched in the destination. I felt the ship move, adjusting its positioning and making the jump into hyperspace, the swirling blue void bringing a smile to my face.

Standing up, I made my way back into the main room, my eyes running up Mary Jane’s form. Taking in her tight, midriff baring t-shirt and daisy duke shorts. Smirking, I kept my gaze locked on her as I said, “Gwen, be a dear and help MJ get more… comfortable.”

“Oh really?” Gwen asked sarcastically, hand on her hip and a half sultry half defiant smirk on her face. “Why would I help my replacement?”

“Because otherwise I’ll take Venom from you and use you as a broodmare,” I shot back, annoyed that Gwen was ruining the flow I’d been planning.

“Ooh, kinky,” Gwen shot back with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

“Tiger, don’t bother with her, when you’ve got the upgrade right h…” was all MJ managed to get out before Gwen’s arm snapped forwards, a shot of web shooting out and connecting with her wrist. The force made her hand stick to the edge of the door, and as she opened her mouth to speak another spray of web covered it. A glance in Gwen’s direction let me see the thunderous expression on her face, any plans she had on playing coy dead and buried due to MJ’s insult.

“Don’t worry,” I said, glad things were back on track, as I slowly walked up to her. “I’m not going to do anything that would kill you. That would be a waste. After all, I purchased you for one specific purpose.”

“Mhrm?!” she asked through the web gag as I reached up and tore the front of her shirt in half. Her still free hand came over, but I easily caught it and held it up against the wall, where another shot of webbing anchored it in place. That taken care of, I looked down at the black lace holding up her breasts.

“You won’t be needing these anymore,” I mused as I pulled her bra down, freeing her massive tits. I ripped the front of her bra in half as well, before palming and groping her chest. “You see, ever since that dumb ass comic that decided that Spider-Man couldn’t have anything resembling growth in his personal life, it’s been one shit thing after another. But what pissed me off the most, was how many times MJ proved to be an unreliable partner. Seriously, she cheated on him so often I can’t even begin to count the times.

“While I can’t punish that Mary Jane, I can still show a Mary Jane where her rightful place is: barefoot and pregnant with Peter Parker’s children. And you are going to stay pregnant for as long as your body is physically able to bear children,” I monologued before pinching down on her nipples, making her scream into the web gag.

I let go of her nipples, leaning down and taking it into my mouth as I slid my hand down. Forcing my hand under her daisy dukes and her panties, something else that she wouldn’t be needing anymore, I slipped a finger into her pussy. I could hear the sound of something shifting behind me, moments before a long, wet, tentacle-like tongue wrapped around MJ’s other tit. I could feel an instinct, or something else, guiding my fingers as I stroked and curled it within MJ’s womanhood.

Right, Sticky Fingers, almost forgot about that. Pushing that thought aside, I continued to follow its guidance in fingering her, fucking her with one, then two, three fingers, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she let out soft, short moans that could barely be heard over the wet sounds of her gushing pussy getting stirred up.

After maybe three minutes, she let out a muffled, guttural scream as her body tensed, her hips thrusting into my hand and her core flexing with the strength of her orgasm. I smirked as she fell limp, only the webbing on her wrists holding her up. Looking at the symbiote-covered form of my other waifu, I gave MJ’s shorts a pointed look.

“If you insist,” she said, a brief moment of hesitation in her posture before she reached down and tore off the soaked shorts.

Pushing down and stepping out of my pants, I took myself in hand and stepped up in front of MJ. Lightly slapping her face until her eyes gained a semblance of coherence, once those bright green eyes were focused on me I said, “Get ready, I’m about to fuck a baby into you. The first of many, I’m thinking a dozen at minimum.”

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head, but I was pushing into her even as she did. A mix of moan and cry tore itself out of her throat as my cock forced her pussy to open wide. I let out a happy sigh as my hips met hers, her cunt having been stretched to the limit to take me in. MJ’s hips shifted back and forth, trying to pull back from me, but only making the experience better for me.

“Ooh, you’re a tight one,” I murmured, leaning down, “How’s it feel? Better than the memories you have of cheating on Peter Parker for some other man?”

“Mhmhm?!” she asked, as if she could talk, but cutting off once I started to move. I pulled out, a sloppy wet trail marking my path out of her, before slamming back in. Her body shook, her panting turning into a long drawn out moan as my pelvis slammed against hers.

I continued to fuck her, drawing out of her and slamming back in over and over, MJ letting out a barely coherent mewl through her gag. Leaning over her, I pulled the gag off, letting her scream and cry out into the air as I started to thrust. The heat that radiated out from her core almost made me cum right there, but I wouldn’t give in. Not yet, not now. With that resolve in my mind, I thrust in and out, harder and faster as she continued to scream.

She spasmed, her body tensing up as she came, her eyes rolling back up into her head as she let out a loud scream. A low groan escaped through my lips, as I gripped her hips firmly and held them still, slamming into her one, two, three more times before my body tensed. With a deep grunt, I came hard, my cock letting out an explosion of cum as I painted her insides.

When I finally finished, MJ having received enough cum she looked like she might be pregnant (thanks Sexual Calibration), I pulled out with a low, tired moan, all but collapsing against the holo. I took in the sight before me, MJ hanging limply from her wrists, her body glistening with sweat, the amount of cum leaking out of her making it seem like her thighs and inner legs were coated in shiny, white paint.

Fertility Calibration would ensure that my seed took, but even if I hadn’t gotten it, I definitely would be doing this again.


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