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“Spider Shooter!”

I leapt aside, avoiding the bullets sent my way. Despite the bravado I’d presented earlier, I recognized that I was in quite a pickle. Infermon was level higher than me, and I lacked a supply of Dark Gears or other means of ramping up to enable me to supercharge my Devimon form. My mind raced as I tried to come up with a plan. I had been so confident going into this battle, but now I realized that I was in way over my head. Infermon was one of the most powerful Digimon I had ever faced, and I had foolishly underestimated him.

But I couldn't give up now. I had come too far to back down. I took a deep breath and focused my energy, summoning all the power I had left.

“Death Hand!” I shouted, unleashing a burst of dark energy at Infermon.

To my surprise, the attack actually landed, hitting Infermon and causing him to stagger. I couldn't believe my luck. Maybe I had a chance after all. But Infermon wasn't one to be taken down so easily. He quickly recovered and retaliated with a barrage of bullets that forced me to dodge and weave, narrowly avoiding each shot.

I needed a new strategy, and fast. Then I spotted something out of the corner of my eye - a certain Wanyamon hiding in the entryway. What the fuck was Pete doing here?! Did he follow me? No, of course he did; the better question was why did he follow me?!

Turning my gaze back to Infermon, just in time to see his head and legs pull into his shell, as he declared, “Cocoon Crash!”

I tucked into a roll, barely dodging the spider-like digimon turning himself into a missile. I came out of my roll too close to Pete, turning to look at him and snapping, “Get the hell out of here you idiot!”

“Kyo-chan sent me to help!” he snapped right back. “You need it too!”

“Dammit Pete, you're still Training level, Infermon's an Ultimate,” I argued. “Unless you can digivolve into an Ultimate in the next two minutes, I don't see how you're going to help.”

“Just shut up and let me merge with you!"

“Spider Shooter!”

I ducked out of the way of Infermon's bullets again, Pete hopping directly in front of where I was moving. I looked down, seeing his fierce and determined gaze, as he began to glow just as he hit me.

Moving around a corner, I grit my teeth as I felt my form digivolving. My already lanky form became even more so, my wings folded in, shifting from black limbs to a red cloak, rapiers formed, billowing sleeves and pants covered my limbs, and my boots turned into bladed shoes.

“Matadormon,” I found myself saying as the digivolution finalized. Turning my gaze back to Infermon, I moved back into the room, right arm swinging, sending a barrage of rapiers flying at the other digimon. “Assault of Arrows.”

“WHAT?” Infermon asked, his eyes widening in surprise as three rapiers punched through his shell.

“Spider Shooter!”

I easily flowed around the attack, rushing towards him with blinding speed, my bladed shoes leaving a trail of sparks as I kicked him with a powerful strike to his abdomen. With a swift movement, I unsheathed my rapiers and cut through the air, sending a flurry of strikes at Infermon.

He roared in pain as the blades connected, leaving deep gashes in his carapace. But to my surprise, Infermon wasn't done yet. With a loud screech, he lunged at me with his sharp pincers, aiming to cut me in half.

I leaped back, narrowly avoiding the attack, and landed on all fours, my eyes locked onto Infermon's. This wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d been expecting, which sent a gleeful rush through me, as I verbalized the thought with, “You're tougher than I expected. Good.”

Infermon hissed as he circled me, his mandibles clicking menacingly. I could feel the weight of his eyes on me, his body tense, ready to pounce at any moment. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my excitement and anticipation under control, and readied my blades for the next attack.

The ground shook beneath me as Infermon charged, his massive claws snapping. I leaped to the side, barely dodging his attack, and landed in a crouch, my blades at the ready.

Infermon let out a guttural growl and lunged at me again, his jaws snapping. I spun to the side, my blades slicing through the air, and landed a glancing blow on his back legs. He screeched in pain and turned to face me, his eyes glinting with fury. He charged again, his jaws open wide.

I took a deep breath and dodged to the side once more, my blades flashing. This time, I struck true, my blades sinking deep into Infermon's flesh. The monster let out a ragged scream and stumbled back, his legs buckling beneath him. I stepped forward, my blades dripping with his blood, and raised them high.

With a final, bone-chilling roar, Infermon collapsed to the ground, dead at last. I stood there for a moment, catching my breath, and then turned to see Ami as she ran up, Lekismon at her heels.

“Are you…” she started, looking me up and down. “What happened?”

“An Infermon was responsible, trapping human minds in EDEN,” I told her. “It was using something it called Life Dolls, and now I’m about to see what it had in its files.”

I knelt down, using the rapiers in my sleeves to pry open the hard carapace, leaving the softer insides exposed as I let DemiDevimon and Pete separate from me, turning us from Matadormon to a human and two digimon. Despite my anticipation, my blood was running just as hot as it was before de-merging, but I pushed the urges aside for the moment. Sliding my headphones on, I perched my glasses in place as I plugged the wire into the internal remains of the Infermon as it began to slowly dissolve into raw data.

I skimmed through the downloaded files as they sped across the lenses of my glasses. A series of names, accounts, addresses, but none of what I saw was what I was looking for. I let out a frustrated breath as I finished downloading all I could. DemiDevimon and Bakemon could go through it later, in the meantime, I turned to Ami.

“Peter?” she asked, as Lekismon tensed up slightly.

“Come on,” I told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “I’ve got an insane amount of energy to work off after that double merge, and you were certainly eager last night for what I have in mind to work it off.”

“Oh? Oh!” Ami’s face turned beet red as she realized what I was talking about. “Yeah, that sounds… great.”

“Ami, you sure?” Lekismon asked, following behind in a light hopping motion.

Normally, I wouldn’t have even considered where my mind went. Lekismon was a digimon, and not the ‘human with fancy armor or clothes’ type that some resembled. But apparently coming out of a double merge sends my mind straight to the gutter, because my gaze was locking onto Lekismon’s ass and thighs as she moved to stand in front of us.

“Yes, I’m sure Lekismon,” Ami said with a smile, even through her blush. “It’s okay, it helped stabilize my body.”

“If it’s alright with Ami,” I said, as my hand slid down from her shoulder, under the waistline of her skirt to cup her ass. She gave an adorable squeak as I gave it a squeeze and I continued, “then you are more than welcome to join us.”

Ami’s eyes nearly fell out of her skull, and as she looked at Lekismon in a new light, I slid my hand under her skirt, running my fingers along her slit. Even with so little foreplay, basically none, she was soaked. I slid a finger into her, and her pussy clamped down on it like a vice.

“S-sure…” Ami stammered, leaning against me as I continued to finger her even while walking to the exit terminal. “I gueessssss!”

I didn’t bother holding in the smirk at Ami’s reaction as I slid a second finger into her. I rather doubted I was going to be able to hold out until I reached either of our apartments, but I could at least hold out to get back in the real world.

“DemiDevimon, start going through the files as soon as we get back. Bakemon, do me a favor and make sure that Pete gets home,” I said to my digimon as we reached the terminal.


Ami let out a gasp as I physically picked her up upon reappearing in my office. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I pulled my hand out from under her skirt and grabbed onto the bottom of her shirt. I yanked it up, exposing the skin of her belly which I leaned down to plant a series of kisses on as she took her shirt off before reaching behind her and unhooking her bra.

I left a trail of saliva up between her breasts, reaching down to grab onto the hem of her skirt as she pressed her breasts together. I firmed my grip on her skirt and pulled my arms aside, tearing the garment apart, making Ami gasp.

“Ami, wha-” was all Lekismon got out before Ami’s hand reached out and pulled her into a searing kiss.

Lekismon’s eyes widened, as I kicked my shoes off and pushed my pants down. The remains of Ami’s skirt were thrown aside, as were her bright yellow panties, before I pushed my dick inside Ami’s utterly soaked pussy.

She moaned into the digimon’s mouth, Lekismon’s eyes fluttering closed. I slid my arms under Ami’s knees, lifting her up into the air. Lekismon broke the kiss, her eyes half lidded as she moved to press her front against Ami’s back.

Ami turned her gaze to me, giving me a sultry grin as she whispered, “Fuck me, Peter. Don’t be gentle~.”

I returned her grin, using my grip on her legs to control her pace, driving up into her cunt. Ami’s head fell back against Lekismon’s shoulder, who met my gaze for a moment before the digimon grabbed onto Ami’s hips. Abruptly, Ami’s motions stopped, though I continued fucking her. I raised an eyebrow at Lekismon, only for the other to join it in surprise as one of the blue protrusions I’d taken for being stiff and rigid lifted up behind her.

That one slipped into Ami’s mouth, prompting a muffled noise of surprise, while at the same time I felt Ami’s pussy tighten even more. I glanced around Ami’s side, and confirmed what I suspected: Lekismon was using her back thingies as tentacles.

I continued fucking Ami, using her legs to pivot myself as I held her up and her waist for leverage. I moved a hand to Ami’s chest, where I grabbed ahold of one of her nipples and gave a twist, making her gasp. Tugging her nipple, I managed to pull Ami’s head back as well, so I could meet her eyes as I felt her push out against me.

I grinned, quickening my pace as I watched Ami begin to struggle against the tentacle in her mouth. Lekismon had one wrapping around Ami’s waist, and her weight against Ami’s back and hip was helping me plunge my dick in and out at a more frenzied pace.

I felt Ami tense up as she let out a muffled shriek around the tentacle in her mouth, her orgasm barreling out at an incredible pace, her body shuddering against Lekismon, who gave a moan of her own as she felt Ami’s tentacles twitching, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. The tentacle in Ami’s mouth slipped out, though she continued to moan through her orgasm as it splattered across my desk.

Ami’s body was slack against Lekismon, and it was the digimon who spoke first, “Let’s give her a chance to recover.”

I nodded, and the two of us lay her on my desk, a fuck drunk grin on her face as she panted. Turning my gaze to Lekismon, I asked, “Care to continue?”

What happened next was Lekismon pushing me into my chair before mounting me. I honestly hadn’t been entirely sure if digimon had genitals outside of hentai, but from the wet heat enveloping me, I could conclusively say that Lekismon did.

“One way or another, we are going to tire you out,” Lekismon said as she put those rabbit legs to work, even as her tentacles continued to gently move in and out of Ami.


“Oh yesssss~” Ami groaned as I drove my cock into her from behind, my hands holding her wrists. After a moment, I let go of her wrists and gave her pale ass a spank, causing her pussy to clamp down as a guttural moan came out of her.

Lekismon stood in front of Ami, her tentacles guiding Ami’s head to her pussy, which was dripping with my cum. The happy sounds coming from Ami as she slurped my seed from her digimon brought me to completion the second time, and I buried my dick into her as deeply as I could before letting loose.


Lekismon let out a quiet gasp as her back hit the wall, my cock splitting her open. Ami knelt under us, her mouth on my balls as her fingers played with Lekismon’s pussy. My hands reached up, feeling her smooth fur, and the tight, perky tits hidden underneath.


I lost track of how long we’d been at it, but I was finally starting to feel tuckered out. I was leaning against my desk, my length only at half mast despite having two mouths worshiping it.

“I’m sorry, but I’m completely out,” I said after a bit. “I don’t think I have anything left in the tank.”

Ami let the head of my cock out of her mouth with a pop and a pout, “You sure?”

“Yup,” I answered regretfully. “Any more hanky panky is going to have to be between the two of you, unfortunately.”

Ami’s pout deepened, before she stood, hands on her hips as she gave a firm nod, “In that case, where’s your cot? We can still cuddl…”

A chiming ring interrupted Ami, her shoulders slumping and an almost heartbroken expression crossing her face. With a frustrated growl, she swirled around and made her way to the source of the ringing. Snatching up her goggles, she put them on and started speaking so fast I was only able to make out a single word or two. The most notable one being Kyoko.

“FINE!” Ami eventually snapped, stomping over to her shirt and the remains of her skirt. Pulling her shirt on, she turned back to me and said, “I am so sorry Peter, but Kyoko’s calling me in. I’ll be over tonight as soon as I can break away.”

“It’s alright,” I told her as Lekismon stood up and shifted back into Terriermon. “I’ll see you later.”

The two were soon sucked into my computer, and I sighed. I understood why Ami had to leave, but that understanding didn’t make me feel any better. Once again, I was alone. I nearly jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around my chest.

“It’s okay,” came the soft voice of Kishibe Rie, her head pressed between my shoulder blades. “You don’t have to act like a Knightmon. You’re allowed to feel lonely. The mess that set you on this path was not your fault.

I didn’t answer, more than a little weirded out by this stark change in demeanor from what I was used to. Nonetheless, I found myself letting her guide me to one of the couches, where she sat down and pulled me into her lap. That was when she held up Ami’s bra, which had apparently been forgotten.

“I’m bustier you know,” she said, a hint of her usual demeanor back on her face. “I can make you feel so much better~.”

Someone shoot me, please.


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