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Consciousness came slowly to Katniss. Her mouth was dry, and her head felt like a tree had fallen on it. She brought her hand to rub at her eyes, or at least; she tried to. Her hand wouldn’t move, and it was so bright. There was an odd weight around her wrist, and her whole body felt cold. She tried to open her eyes, but the sheer brightness of the light made her wince and squeezed her eyes closed again. When she finally managed to open them, what she saw sent a jolt of fear through her.

It was cold because she was naked, her hands and feet were bound, there were at least a dozen bright lights like when she’d had to do interviews in the lead-up to the Hunger Games, and nearly as many cameras. As best as she could tell, the room was empty except for the X-shaped table she was restrained on, her arms and legs forced apart and held out wide. The stage lights prevented her from seeing the rest of the room, being the only light source in the room. It wasn’t just bright; it hurt even with her eyes closed.

She didn’t know how long she’d been here. The last thing she remembered was Cinna leaving and that strange woman telling her and Peeta that... she couldn't remember what she said. Katniss struggled against the bonds holding her down, but they were strong, and she couldn't move her limbs more than an inch or two. After a few seconds of struggling, she stopped, recognizing that it was pointless. What was going on? Was this some sort of punishment for her and Peeta, forcing Capitol to back down?

A sound in the direction her feet were facing made Katniss lift her head, squinting her eyes to try to see past the blinding stage lights. She saw someone moving, they were tall, but she couldn’t make out any features. Until they got closer.

Katniss’s eyes widened as they shuffled up behind one of the stage lights, and she couldn’t help but call out to them, “Peeta!”

His head turned towards her, but sluggishly. She tried again to pull at her bonds as he seemed to stagger past the stage light. Katniss flinched, instinctively turning her head away and closing her eyes as he walked into the light. Peeta was naked. His penis was on full display, his balls hanging low, and his shaft was swollen and purple. He looked completely confused; his head tilted to the side.

“What's happening?” Katniss called out to him, forcing herself to look at his face.

He turned towards her again, still staggering forward, his face blank. There was no sign of recognition in his eyes, no sign that he recognized her, despite what they'd gone through in the Hunger Games. He almost drunkenly stumbled towards her, his hands bracing himself on the table she was strapped to. His posture was unsteady, and his face looked blank like he wasn’t conscious despite his body moving. Katniss felt panic start to build inside her chest.

“Peeta!” she screamed as her fellow competitor moved between her restrained legs, not seeming to hear her.

He had to have been drugged; it was the only explanation that made sense as he reached down, pressing his thumb against her pussy. She gasped sharply, trying to pull away from him as he pushed his finger into her, twisting it around. Katniss bit her lip to keep from screaming. This can’t be happening, she thought.

But it was Peeta, the boy she’d stood side by side with, the one she’d been prepared to die with to spite Capitol, who was running his fingers over, along, and into her womanhood. She wasn’t stupid. Katniss could tell where this was going. Capitol was furious at what she and Peeta had done, so he was drugged, and she was restrained. Capitol would record Peeta raping her, stealing her virginity in the cruelest way possible.She didn’t want to give Capitol that satisfaction.

“Stop! No, please! Stop!” she cried out, but Peeta didn’t listen. He slid another finger into her, then another, and began to pump them in and out of her. She shut her eyes tightly, squeezing them tight together, trying not to cry out as she felt the pleasure building up in her stomach and spreading through her pelvis. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stop it that Peeta would get to her, take whatever she had left to offer. That if he touched her there again, she might lose control. She opened her mouth to scream, but instead bit down on her tongue hard enough to make herself gag. Her mind flashed to Prim, her little sister. She could only hope that the video wasn't being sent to her home, that her family wouldn't see it.But Katniss doubted it. The Capitol would show anyone who wanted to see it. They would show it everywhere, and force everyone to watch while mocking her and Peeta.

“Please!” she sobbed, pulling on the bonds tying her down. “Please stop!”

Peeta's fingers curled inward, digging deeper into her vagina. Katniss' entire body tensed, and she struggled harder. Tears streamed down her cheeks as Peeta continued to finger her, pushing two fingers deep inside her. Then a third. It hurt, but it also felt good; the pain mixed with the pleasure, and the feeling of being penetrated was something new and different, exciting and terrifying. She'd never imagined such things could feel so good or wrong.

She moaned loudly, struggling against her restraints as Peeta began to fuck her with his hand. A tear fell down her cheek as her back arched. She threw her head back and screamed, “No! No! Please! Don't do this!”

Her cries went unheard as Peeta kept finger fucking her, moving his fingers in and out of her until he finally withdrew them. Katniss closed her eyes and clenched her fists, fighting the urge to cry, fighting the urge to beg for mercy. It was all she could do to limit herself to trying to reach Peeta; if she gave in and begged for mercy…well, it would mean that she lost everything, and Capitol would win.

Then, suddenly, something wet was pressed against her lips. Her eyes snapped open; the still vacant-eyed Peeta was pressing his fingers, the fingers that had just been inside of her, against her mouth. She pressed her lips tightly closed; this one thing was all she could do to resist. She didn't want to taste herself on those fingers or know that they had been inside of her, tasting every inch of her womanhood.

A camera on a drone buzzed over to her head, filming her humiliation as Peeta shoved his fingers into her mouth, forcing Katniss to taste her reluctant arousal. As she tasted herself, she felt the tears come. She couldn't help it anymore. She was helpless, powerless. All she could do was fight the urge to throw up or scream. Instead, she cried as Peeta forced her to suck his fingers clean, then pulled them away and wiped them off on her leg.

Katniss was completely defenseless now. All she had done, all she had overcome, making Capitol buckle, it meant nothing. Capitol had won; all she'd done was anger them and paint a target on her back. Peeta had been turned into a tool of Capitol, and as he lined up his cock with her vagina, Katniss closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain that would surely follow.

Peeta's hands grabbed onto her hips, his thumbs rubbing circles into her sides, before he thrust in, mercilessly stealing her virginity. She screamed, feeling her hymen tear apart, and thrashed about, trying to break free from her bindings. The ropes around her wrists and ankles were tight, and held her fast. Her face twisted with pain as Peeta began to push himself in and out of her, filling her, stretching her, violating her in ways no man ever should.

It felt like there was a log being shoved inside her, tearing at her insides and threatening to split her wide open. There was blood, but it was more than anything else the intense pressure that made her feel like she was going to die. It felt like her insides were being crushed by a giant's foot. She was crying, begging him to stop, telling him it was too much, that it hurt, that she was dying. He didn't stop, continuing to pound her vagina with wild, frantic thrusts, his cock slamming into her repeatedly, and without any regard for whether she wanted it or not.

Katniss felt like she was going insane, like she was drowning in fire. Every time Peeta came within inches of finishing, she tried to pull away, to escape the pain and humiliation, but he always pushed forward, driving his dick in deeper. Finally, he pulled out and slammed it back in again, harder and faster, and Katniss let out a high pitched shriek, trying desperately to get air, but unable to take a breath as Peeta fucked her hard and rough.

Finally, when she thought she might pass out from lack of oxygen, Peeta buried himself inside her with a groan, and let out a long moan of satisfaction. Katniss felt like her whole world had been torn apart, broken into tiny pieces and scattered across the ground. She had never experienced anything so painful, had never known such torment. Her only consolation was that it was just Peeta who witnessed it. Even if it was being recorded, no one else…

The bright stage lights dimmed, and a sound rang out that sent a wave of despair through her: applause. Katniss tiredly lifted her head, the horror she was feeling on her face as she stared at the applauding crowd the stage lights had prevented her from seeing earlier. They cheered, cheering louder than they had for anyone else that night. Their cheers seemed to be the final nail in her coffin, the final straw that broke her heart. She looked down, tears running down her cheeks as she realized what was happening.

She wasn't going to make it home alive. Not after tonight. Not after what they did to her. They weren't even going to let her go home. She cried out, sobbing, as Peeta stepped off of the stage. She heard another male voice join in with the applause, but she ignored it, focusing instead on keeping herself from falling into the abyss of insanity.


“Not bad for her first performance,” Ambrose Silver mused as the camera focused on the stream of pink-tinged cum oozing out of Everdeen’s red and raw vagina.

He leaned back, double-checking the report he’d been given. A satisfied smirk spread across his face as he read the numbers. Even with the cost of the drugs used on the boy and renting the equipment for this, the tickets to witness this event had brought in nearly a quarter of what he’d spent on obtaining the two from the Auction.

“I think I can safely say I got my money’s worth,” he mused quietly, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked back to the screen. “Well, well, well…”

Already dozens of offers for the use of Miss Everdeen once she finished her Escort Training. There were a few for the boy, but much like Ambrose himself, most recognized that he was a sheep; Everdeen had been the shepherd leading him astray. Still, some people liked their sheep with a bit more meat, and he knew which ones would pay top dollar for both this year's Tributes. Peyton Lockbrook, for sure would spend a small fortune for the opportunity to take the boy’s… how did Lockbrook put it? Oh yes, his ‘boy cunt’. Such a crude man. Lockbrook had a thing for the tall and broad boys, and he'd paid exorbitant amounts in the past to use the more masculine Tributes as his own personal fuck toys for an evening.

Ambrose grinned, sitting back in his chair as he watched the footage play out on the screen, noting how the audience reacted when Everdeen finally realized they were there. Ambrose jotted down a note for his staff that would be compiling the footage into a complete video; the look on Everdeen's face would be a sure hit. The look of surprise mixed with shock as she saw the audience watching her, even as the cameras were filming every second of her humiliation. He smirked, looking up to see a woman enter the room, her attire slightly disheveled.

“Avita,” Ambrose greeted his assistant. “How do the current estimates look?”

“Lockwood put in an offer, five percent over the standard amount for Mellark’s anal virginity and twice that for Everdeen’s,” she immediately answered. “I think this is the first time he's offered anything for a Tribute that hasn't been a, quote, strapping piece of mutton, end quote.”

“You're not wrong about that,” Ambrose agreed, “but he did wager a not insignificant amount on the Tributes from District One.”

The woman frowned, “Speaking frankly, sir: I do not believe we should accept Lockwood’s offer for Everdeen. He is liable to be exceedingly rough with the product.”

“Agreed, which is why he won’t be getting either. His temper is well known, and I will not let him take it out on the merchandise I invested so much in,” Ambrose said firmly. “I have no intention to sell Everdeen’s anal virginity carelessly. It will be saved as a punishment and a means of keeping her in line. After all…”

Ambrose minimized the camera feeds, pulling up dossiers of the residents of District Twelve. Two were pulled to the forefront, both depicting blonde women with bright blue eyes.

“We can’t rely on threatening family all the time, now, can we?” Ambrose asked rhetorically.


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