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Aiba had a half vacant look in her eyes, the gears visibly turning in her head. I let her have time to think. When her head lifted up, there was a look, a set of her features that said she’d made a decision. I opened my mouth, but before I could so much as get a word out, she surprised me by reaching out, her fingers quickly undoing my belt and unzipping my jeans.It was only after she had pulled my jeans to my knees and was in the process of fishing out my dick that I recovered enough to speak.

“Aiba-san, what are…” I began, before she cut me off.

“Your genetic material helps stabilize my body, this is a much more enjoyable way, for both of us, to ensure that I get it. Besides, which would you rather have: an eighteen year old girl as a fuckbuddy, or cutting yourself and feeding said girl your blood?” she asked rhetorically.

“But if we do this," I protested. “What about…”

I didn't even finish my sentence, because she was already moving down on my cock, taking it into her mouth. She bobbed up and down slowly at first, then faster until I couldn't keep track of where she was sucking me. She'd move from one side of my shaft to another, using her tongue on each part of me while continuing to suck hard enough to make my toes curl. Her hands were everywhere, cupping my balls and squeezing them, rubbing my thighs, massaging my ass, stroking my back. And all the while she continued to take my dick deeper and deeper inside her mouth, until I reached her throat. Then she started gagging and coughing. But instead of stopping, she took my dick further in. I felt like she was swallowing me whole. My entire length disappeared, and I was sure I wasn't going to be able to fit anymore, when she stopped suddenly, gasping for air.

“You're a lot bigger than I was expecting,” she explained.

Explanation given, she leaned back in and took my dick once again into her mouth. Her hand wrapped around the base of my cock and moved rapidly up and down, sending waves of pleasure through my entire body. This time, I could feel every inch of her lips and tongue caressing my sensitive flesh. Every nerve ending was alive, tingling, begging for attention. It seemed I would go mad with desire before she finished, and I tried not to thrust too fast lest I hurt her.

“So big,” she gasped between licks. “So hard.”

Her words sent shivers down my spine and made me thrust harder and deeper into her mouth. I wanted to come soon, to find relief from the building pressure within. The feeling of having her warm, wet mouth sliding along my shaft, her hand pumping me in tandem, was indescribable.

The sensations got stronger, and I knew it wouldn't be long now. As though sensing my approaching climax, Aiba's pace quickened and her grip tightened. Soon, she was using her teeth lightly, just enough to tease me without actually drawing blood. My balls drew tight and hot against my body; I came in a rush. Hot spurts of cum shot into her waiting mouth and throat, filling her stomach to capacity. She gulped eagerly, swallowing my seed with eagerness and relishing its taste. When I finally subsided, she pulled back, giving one last lick along the bottom to squeeze out every last drop.

She leaned back, sitting on her heels, as she regained her breath. After a moment, she stood, her hands reaching down to grab onto the bottom of her shirt and pulling it up. Then she reached behind herself and undid the clasp of her bra. Once the straps fell away, she tossed the top aside and raised her arms above her head, exposing her breasts to my hungry gaze. They were on the smaller side of medium, perhaps a large B or a small C cup, but they looked perfect on her slim frame. They were pale and smooth, nipples standing erect and pink as little buds. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on my thighs and allowing me access to her breasts. I wasted no time in running my fingers over their surface.

My fingertips traced every contour, every line of her skin. I rubbed my thumbs over her nipples, rolling them between my palms and teasingly pinching them. Then, without warning, I squeezed. Hard. She cried out in surprise and pain. I released her breast immediately, my mouth opening to apologize, but she shook her head.

“It’s alright, I just wasn’t expecting it. Go ahead,” she said, moving my hands back to her breasts.

I repeated myself, squeezing again, only slightly less painfully. I heard her moan. Again and again I teased her nipples with my fingertips, making her squirm with need. After several minutes of playfulness, I slid my hands lower, finding her belly and the soft indentation of her navel. She had a flat abdomen, toned and firm, which contrasted sharply with her slender waist. She moaned louder. I lowered my face, kissing her forehead, nose, chin, neck, shoulders, collarbone. Pulling her up to her feet, I kissed and sucked the tender flesh above her breasts, tasting salt and sweat and heat.

Finally, I reached her breasts. Her nipples were hard as rocks. I circled them with my fingers, applying gentle pressure, watching with delight as she grew even more excited. Her breathing became shallow. I flicked the tips of her nipples with my thumb and forefinger, causing her to gasp aloud. She turned to look at me, eyes wide and mouth parted. Then I took both of her nipples in my mouth, sucking strongly and deeply. The sensation was so intense that I felt my own cock twitch with excitement.

After a few minutes of partaking in her bosom, I pulled back, looking down at her flushed face. Her face was bright red and her eyes were cloudy with lust. There was a smile upon her lips, an expression of pure satisfaction. She reached out to stroke my cheek gently, then gave me another kiss.

“That was good,” she said, smiling. “Very good.”

“Thanks,” I said, giving a small smirk.

“Carry me to the bed?” she asked, making her eyes as big and pouty as she could.

I chuckled, before reaching down and picking her up by her firm ass. She wrapped her legs around my hips, wrapping her arms around my neck as I walked. The Aiba apartment wasn't particularly large, so I found her room quickly. She kicked the door shut behind us, and I set her down on the bed. She lay back, naked from the waist up. On her feet were a pair of black and yellow running shoes, her long legs were covered by yellow thigh high socks, a black pleated miniskirt preserved her modesty, but it had ridden up enough that I could see the light yellow panties underneath.

Her red hair, out of its usual side ponytail, surrounded her head almost like a halo. I stared down at her, taking in the sight of her, offering up her body to me. My dick twitched again, and I felt the urge to say something. Something that I’d honestly wanted to say to someone for a very long time.

“When you are a full grown woman, a score and five years old, I will be impregnating you, and keeping you as mine,” I said, putting weight into the words.

She blinked, one of her hands drifting to rub over her belly, before meeting my gaze and asking, “Why?”

I smiled down at her, “Besides thinking you’d make for an outstanding mother?” I leaned in, planting a kiss on each of her nipples and then in the valley between them. “Women grow, and keep, a cup size after pregnancy.”

She blushed, turning her head to look away. Chuckling, I ran my fingers along her leg, feeling the muscle under the skin and fabric. Lifting her leg up, I untied her shoelaces and slipped off the sneakers. As they hit the floor, she gasped softly, lifting her legs higher. Then I slid my hand up her thighs. She spread her legs wider, giving me access, but I didn’t take up her offer. Yet.

I reached past her panty clad core, grabbing onto the waistband of her skirt and turning it around. Once the skirt was unbuttoned and unzipped, I pulled it out from under her, tossing it aside. Her panties were fully exposed, a noticeable and rather large patch of moisture in the middle of them. They were pulled away, the wet fabric clinging to her mound, showing bare, hairless skin. She kicked her panties away when I pulled them up to her ankles, and I leaned in close to her pussy, pulling her legs wide apart.

There were no signs of razor burns, her entire pubic region looked like she just flat out didn’t grow pubic hair. Lucky her. Using the index and middle finger of my right hand, I opened her mound, leaving her completely and utterly exposed to my eyes. Her lips were a bright pink, as was to be expected, her clit was hidden under a fleshy hood, and she was completely, utterly soaked.

Leaning in, I took in her scent, before reaching out with my tongue, and licking a line from the base of her pussy, back and forth against her lower lips, to her clit. She let out a soft gasp, arching her hips up towards me. I licked harder, circling the little nub, sliding into her pussy and curling my finger to massage her g-spot. With each stroke of my tongue, her breathing grew more rapid and shallow. She was getting excited, and I was only just getting started.

“Oh, oh, oh, yes, oh, please, oh, please! Yes, yes, oh god, yes, yesyesyesyesyesssssssssss!” she cried out, throwing her head back and arching her spine. I just smiled, and continued to work her over with my mouth.

Then she came, hard and fast, and I couldn't help myself: I kissed her clit, and then used my thumb to flick her swollen bud. It sent her over the edge once more, and I kept up my assault, licking faster and pressing harder until she fell limp beneath me, her eyes closed, her chest heaving. My gaze locked on how those gorgeous mounds moved up and down as she breathed.

“You are gorgeous, Aiba-san,” I told her, and she gave a breathless giggle, looking at me with an amused expression.

“S-seriously? You just gave me the biggest orgasm of my life, you have more than earned the right to call me Ami,” she said, still giggling.

“Peter then,” I said, returning the gesture. Even after living here most of this life, referring to everyone by their family name was still weird to me.

With Ami having cum, I moved her knees up onto my shoulders and got in close, lining myself up with her opening, and pushing inside. She gasped again, but not nearly as sharp or loud as last time, and she relaxed even further into her bed. I pushed forward slowly, making sure there weren’t any issues like my dick being too big for her, but it felt good, really good, so I kept going. I didn’t feel a tearing, so I figured that she’d probably lost her hymen doing gymnastics or something.

Ami arched her back and mewled, pushing her breasts together and squeezing them tightly, and I knew I was hitting all the right places. She had a beautiful body, with curves where they belonged, and her muscles flexed every now and then when I would push in deep enough for her to get the full sensation of my cock. She also seemed to enjoy my touch, moaning and groaning whenever I rubbed her g-spot, which was pretty much every thrust.

As I picked up speed, I could tell Ami was getting closer, and I slowed down, enjoying the sight of her thighs moving underneath her as she worked herself up. The way her cheeks flushed red, her nipples stiffening, her breaths coming quicker and quicker… it was all so incredibly arousing. She began to cum again, her legs hooking together around my waist, her arms wrapping around my neck, pulling my head down and pressing her lips against mine as she screamed out her orgasm.

Her pussy clenched tight around me as she climaxed, and I held off as long as possible, prolonging her pleasure, but eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled out and slammed back into her, grunting loudly as I did. I tried to go slow, but it wasn't working very well, so I just went balls-to-the-wall, pounding away at her until I came inside of her.

I collapsed on top of her, panting, my hands gripping either side of her pillow and holding myself up. We stayed like that for several minutes, neither of us moving, until finally, I rolled off her and lay next to her. I put one arm across her stomach, and stroked her cheek with the other.

Her hand came up, covering the one I was using to stroke her cheek with, “If it’s not too much,” she began. “Can… can I ride you? Cowgirl, I mean?”

“A beautiful girl asking for more sex? I can’t say no to that, now can I?” I joked, making her giggle.

I rolled onto my back, and Ami straddled my waist, reaching down and guiding my rapidly rehardening length into her womanhood. A small sigh escaped her as she sank down, enveloping my cock with her pussy, until her hips pressed flush against mine. She sat there for a few seconds, just staring down at me, smiling slightly before starting to rock back and forth, her pussy sliding up and down my shaft. I reached up with both hands and grabbed her waist, helping guide her motions as she fucked me. Her moans were soft and musical, and I let go of her waist to reach up and cup her breasts, giving each nipple a gentle tug.

“Mmm... Peter,” she murmured, leaning down and capturing my lips in a kiss, “this is nice.”

“It feels great, doesn’t it?” I asked, as her hands reached up for mine. She laced her fingers amongst my own, and I joked. “Handholding? How lewd.”

She rolled her eyes, even as she began to roll her hips, making my cock stir up our combined juices, “Why am I not surprised, that’s the part you’re gun shy about?”

We continued kissing and fondling each other while we fucked, hands together and fingers intertwined, held against the bed above my head. It felt amazing, and I couldn't help but smile as she rocked her hips faster, taking me deeper with each movement. Her pace increased gradually, until I was buried fully in her. My breathing became ragged as I felt her start to come, her pussy tightening around my cock and squeezing it hard, almost painfully, but in a good way.

“Ohh, fuck yeah!” Ami cried out, throwing her head back and arching her back, her entire body tensing as she came. She shuddered through the waves of pleasure washing over her, shuddering and shaking beneath me as she rode out her orgasm, milking me for all I was worth. Eventually, after what must have been half an hour or so, she slumped forward and rested her forehead against my shoulder, her whole body trembling as she caught her breath.

After a minute, she turned her face towards mine, and smiled softly, “Thank you, Peter.”

I leaned in and kissed her gently, “You're welcome, Ami.”

She wriggled a little, her eyes starting to drift close as she got comfortable on my chest, before she forced them open to look up at me, “Go ahead, finish… in me… a… gain…”

I chuckled as she fell asleep on my chest. Leaning back on the bed, I was preparing to go to sleep myself, when a slight chill ran over me. Right, it was the middle of February in Japan. Reaching down, I carefully cradled Ami so as to disturb her sleep as little as possible before slowly getting off the bed. Tossing back the sheets, I climbed back into bed and pulled the sheets over us.

I rolled onto my side, hugging Ami close, and stared down at her. I wasn’t expecting anything even remotely like this when I got the message from her earlier. Still, it was nice. I have no idea where the bit about getting her pregnant came from, but I wasn’t opposed to it either. I wasn’t lying when I said I thought she’d be a good mom, I’d seen enough surveillance footage of how she interacted with various Training and Rookie stage digimon to know that.

Putting the thought aside, I rested my chin on her head, and closed my eyes. We could talk about it, about this new dynamic between us, in the morning. For now, Morpheus called.


Tapirmon waited for Peter to finish drifting off to sleep, before floating through the window. Taking a deep breath, he breathed out the prepared dreams. The clouds of manifested dreamstuff sank into the heads of the two sleeping humans, and they shifted softly under the sheets.

Nodding in satisfaction, Tapirmon departed. He had eleven other stops to make in Chiba, then he could collect his payment. Those two scary digimon really liked Peter, and while getting everyone in one night would be hard it was worth it. Like a funny character in that one old show said, ‘if one hostage is good, two is better, and three is just good business.’ Only replacing ‘hostage’ with ‘times paid for the same job’ that is.

Chuckling as he made his second stop, Tapirmon had to admit, this was a much better deal than the last time he dealt with a Mega level digimon, even if this one was one of the Seven Demon Lords…


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