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Endbringer Battles suck. Sure, there was the screaming from the albino angel construct thingy, but that wasn’t the most annoying part. I wasn’t even part of the fight against her (my spells and Ember powers just aren’t to a point where I can reliably face her yet), and it sucked to high heaven. I spent most of it wild shaped into a dog helping find people trapped in the ruined buildings with the Brute Squad providing the muscle to dig people out. All things considered, we managed to rescue a bunch of people, but the city was still condemned. So, with our ability to contribute finished, we were on the first teleport back to the East Coast, and soon after on a bus back to Brockton Bay. By the time we got home, it was too damn late. Hell, it was so late it was tomorrow!

I entered the apartment, shucked my costume off, and crawled into bed between two buxom asian beauties, and fell asleep with an ass in each hand, four breasts against my sides, and a head on each of my pecs. As I fell asleep, I made a mental note to do something nice for Yao Ming, ‘cause this was the life. The ritual site had cleared out, I’d make Oni Lee into a Brute, that should do it.

I awoke to a warm and wet sensation around my dick. Which was surprising, considering how I also felt both Kaede and Yumi’s heads still using my chest as a pillow. Glancing down, there was the shape of another person under the covers, but if they wanted me dead they’d already had the opportunity to do so. So with that in mind, I leaned back into my pillow and just enjoyed the wake up blowjob.

The technique was in some ways better than Kaede’s, but worse in others. Whoever it was was easily taking me all the way to the base, wrapping their lips around the root of my cock and rhythmically swallowing, but that seemed to be their only technique. Finally, curiosity got the better of me and I tried to decide which hand to lift the covers with. Both hands were cupping asian ass, so I didn’t want to move them. So I didn’t. Instead I started squeezing and pinching Kaede’s ass (I could tell from the feel of it, more muscle and less fat), until my warlock waifu woke up with an adorable yawn that turned into a squeak as my pinky found its way to the edge of her pussy. Looking at me with a blush, I nodded my head down to the lump doing their best to suck me dry. Kaede blinked, before her eyes narrowed and she ducked under the covers.

HESS?!” the ensuing shout startled Yumi awake, and the mouth that had been wrapped around my dick was pulled back.

I found myself torn, on the one hand I was getting close enough to consider shoving her head down until I exploded down her throat. On the other, my hands were full of oyakodon. My inner turmoil was resolved when Kaede, in a move that hurled the blankets off us and left Little O exposed to the cold February air, shoved my little cocksucker onto her back. I’d be pissed about this, except for the fact that before Little O could retreat to warmth and safety, she sat on my lap and taking me to the hilt in a single smooth motion.

“You want Ophioc-sama’s cum?” Kaede snarled with surprising hostility. “You’ll have a chance, after I’ve had mine.”

I considered intervening, but my penis was in Kaede’s pregnant teen vagina, so I had zero problems with this arrangement. I considered laying my head back onto the pillow, kicking back and enjoying my asian warlock fucking herself on my cock, but instead, I kept my head up so I could watch and enjoy the view. Her pert ass all but flew up and down as she rode me, driving my dick into her pussy with as much force as she could manage. If the goal was to get me to cum as fast as possible, it was a damn good strategy, and one that was working.

Feeling my end approaching, one hand grabbed onto Kaede’s hip, pulling her down as I thrust up so I could reach as deep in her as possible, while the other left Yumi’s ass to the back of her head and pulled her into a surprise kiss. Morning breath kiss wasn’t the most pleasant thing, but it was still kissing a damn fine MILF while nutting into her jailbait daughter. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re in this kind of situation, but eventually I stopped cumming into Kaede, who hopped off my lap to lay back on the bed, dragging Sophia-I mean Little Mouse-by the hair down to her snatch.

“You can eat Ophioc-sama’s cum from me, you doujin slut!” Kaede growled.

…I just came, but sexually aggressive Kaede is really fucking hot. I let go of Yumi’s head so I could watch the show of Kaede degrading Little Mouse while making her eat my cum out of her pussy. Yumi, like the good girl she was, made her way to my dick and started licking me clean. The impromptu orgy continued on this vein for a bit, until both Kaede and I came.

“Not that I don’t enjoy the results,” I said as we sat there, enjoying the afterglow. “But what brings you here, Little Mouse?”

“Lung’s had me scouting on the other gangs,” Little Mouse explained, making me nod and motion for her to continue. “Skidmark somehow got it into his head that Squealer’s newest vehicle’s enough to take some territory. He’ll hit both the ABB and the Empire, but Lung decided not to wait. He’s calling a meeting later today for all the ABB’s capes, same place as usual, eleven am.”

I nod in understanding, and the former Ward turned into a cloud of mist that drifted through the window. Turning to face Kaede, I told the still panting teen, “By the way, did anything interesting happen while I was down under?”


After rewarding Kaede for her progress with Taytay, we got up and got ready for the meeting. It was the first full cape meeting of the ABB, or at least, the first dedicated cape meeting. Before I started making the Brute Squad, there really weren’t enough capes to have such meetings. But now? There was Yao Ming, Oni Lee, me, Kaede, Bakuda, Little Mouse, and the twenty two strong Brute Squad. It really hit me, looking around, just how much of a game changer my presence had turned out to be. In the original story, the ABB had only had three capes at its peak. Now there were nearly ten times that number.

It was also the first time I’d actually met Bakuda. Yao Ming had recruited her a couple weeks back, but our schedules just hadn’t synched up in a way that meant we were at the same place at the same time. Go figure. But, now that I got a good look at her, she didn’t seem to have the ‘cackling mad scientist’ vibe I’d gotten from the various fanfics I’d read back home. She was also short, by which I mean shorter than Kaede. Something about her made me want to put my hand on her head and ruffle her hair.

Yao Ming stood up, and I pushed aside thoughts about how to bulli Bakuda, “The Merchants foolishly believe that their Tinker has provided them the means to usurp us. I will not permit them to spread their poison to the streets under our domain. Thus, we shall strike first.”

Maps of the city were passed out, several spots highlighted, as he continued, “These are the locations we know of where their stockpiles of weapons are kept. Ophioc, Bakuda, and Oni Lee will lead simultaneous assaults on three of them, as I draw Skidmark and Squealer’s focus. Senshi will be paired with Ophioc, Nezumi with Oni Lee, while the Brute Squad will be divided among the three of you. We attack in two days. Understood?”

There were various noises of agreement, before the members of the Brute Squad were divided up. Oni Lee had recovered enough of his mind after going through the ritual to pick out his target before he left, while Bakuda and I were looking over the map to figure out where we’d attack. We’d be attacking on the twenty seventh, and Kaede had school the next day, so I wanted the target that was closest to our apartment.

Since Bakuda called dibs on what Little Mouse had said was where most of Squealer’s old vehicles were, we didn’t have any problems. Part of my mind was curious what effects putting a Tinker through the Brute ritual would have, but until Bakuda did something particularly stupid I wasn’t going to bother bringing it up to Yao Ming… unless…

I walked over to Yao Ming and spoke up, “Just had an idea. If convenient, do you think you could capture Squealer alive? If we break her enough to go through the ritual, she’d be useful.”

Yao Ming set down the beer can he’d been about to drink from, looking at me with a raised eyebrow, “You wonder what effect the ritual will have on her power.”

“Well Little Mouse became a shadow blender and Oni Lee’s clones aren’t fading anymore on top of his mind recovering, can you really tell me you aren’t curious what sort of boost a Tinker would get?”

He chuckled, “A fair point. I notice you did not mention empowering Bakuda.”

“Well I figure that at the very least we should see how well she does as a Tinker before investing more power into her,” I said with a shrug, before glancing back at her. She was hunched over the table, allowing me a view of her fine ass clad in tight blue jeans that damn near looked painted on. I turned back to Yao Ming and whispered, “Also, she gives me ‘Bitch be Crazy’ vibes.”

I’d also kinda like to see if I could talk her into a romp or two before doing it. I know the rule about sticking your dick in crazy, but she was a tight college girl (or close enough) with legs that were to die for and an ass that was the perfect mix of toned and plump. I’m a lusty bastard, so sue me.

Yao Ming nodded, a small, amused smirk on his face as he mused aloud, “Perhaps I should assign the two of you on future assignments more frequently.”

I gave him a flat look, “And here I thought we were bros.”

He laughed in response. The dick.


“So, whatcha got for me?” I asked Bakuda as we left. Sure, I couldn’t make infinite grenades for life, like a certain ninja, but some bonus grenades wouldn’t be unwelcome.

She glanced sideways at me, “What makes you think I have anything for you?”

“Who do you think you have to thank for all the extra muscle?” I shot back with a grin. “Besides, having me with a bunch of your bombs means more people will get to see them in action. Think of it as free advertising.”

She paused and turned to give me an incredulous look. I took the opportunity to take her features in full. She wasn’t as gifted as Kaede, but that was an unfair comparison. Seriously, my warlock waifu had bigger tits than her mother, and she was only fourteen! No, focus! Bakuda’s proportions weren’t particularly large, top or bottom, but she was slim with a nice handful on either end, and despite being so short her legs seemed to go on forever. Papa likey.

“I already belong to the most powerful gang in the city, arguably the east coast, why would I need to advertise?” Bakuda demanded, pulling me from my appreciative musings.

“Ego?” I asked before I could think better of it.

She stared at me, her face twisted into a furious expression. She looked adorable. I just wanted to pat her on the head and pet her hair. She was like a cat. Now I was picturing her hearing a choker with a little bell and one of those cat ear headbands. Aaaaand now my pants were getting uncomfortable.

Fortunately for me, she didn’t seem to notice the direction my thoughts had gone, instead turning around (and giving me another lovely view of her derriere) and shouting, “My lab tomorrow, five pm! You can help with an experiment.”


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