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[color=red]Unknown Time

Unknown Place[/color]

I fumed as I flew over the ruined landscape. Fuck ton of jungle and metal wrecks, some crumbling skyscrapers in the distance, one of which was my destination. I’d woken up to searing pain, like I was being cooked from the inside out, about an hour ago to find a very specific piece of bling on my finger that made me insanely pissed off.

[spoiler=Bling][img]https://i.etsystatic.com/13766676/r/il/c2fa1e/1662993503/il_794xN.1662993503_r5zg.jpg [/img][/spoiler]

I had no fucking clue where I was, I was on some goddamn alien world in a hoodie and sweat pants, a piece of alien technology so advanced it was essentially bullshit space magic had found its way onto my finger, my blood had been replaced by magic [color=red]rage plasma[/color], and to top it all off, as far as the ring could tell there was only [color=red]one[/color] other person on this rock. Oh, I also couldn’t forget that the moment the ring lost its charge, I’d drop dead from the lack of blood. Speaking of which, charge?

[color=red]Power Level: 99.8%[/color]

I nodded, nearly all of that point two percent charge had been the result of my throwing a temper tantrum as soon as I realized what had happened to me. Fucking isekai bullshit. About the only thing that made this shit somewhat tolerable was the fact that I wasn’t sent into some fucking weeby trash world. On top of having a bullshit OP tool in the hands of someone who’d have a fucking brain, some of the wrecks I’d seen were [color=orange]clearly[/color] spaceships.

Finally, the skyscraper was right in front of me. Coming to a stop, I hovered in front of it, taking in the view for a moment.


Rolling my neck, I spat out a loogie of the plasma that now flowed through my veins. Time to focus. Ring, the complete and utter lack of social activity is un[color=red]acceptable, find me that person. Now.[/color]


One of the skyscrapers was highlighted in red, and I made a beeline for it. The jungle and reclaimed city under me vanished in a blur as I pushed the ring to send me as fast as it could. In mere moments, I was outside the skyscraper, trying to find a door. Wait a second, the fuck was I looking for a door for?

“[color=red]Huugh![/color]” I hurled up a deluge of the red plasma onto the side of the skyscraper. The raw energy easily ate through the material in seconds and I was in. Looking around, I whistled, there were slabs like you’d expect to find in the pyramids back home, but a hell of a lot more than I was able to cou-

[color=red]1,437,624 sentient remains within stasis[/color]

-nt, okay nevermind. Now, to find my soon to be conversation partner. One of the slabs lit up in red light, and I shot up to it. I came to a stop in front of it, the slab front and center of a warped metal walkway. Right then, Ring, can you figure out how to get them out of there without hurting them?

[color=red]Insufficient Rage[/color]

Fine then, you are going to figure out a way [color=red]to get them out of there, unharmed, so I have someone to talk to or so help me I am going to shove you somewhere the sun don't shine if it's the last thing I d-

Analyzing. Beginning carbonite thawing process.[/color]

A beam of red light shot from my ring and passed over the slab, but I was still processing the fact that the ring said carbonite. Was I in Star Wars? If I was, what era?

I pushed that aside, it was something that I'd deal with later. Whether or not I was in [color=blue]Star Wars[/color], it didn’t matter right now. Taking a deep breath I floated closer to the slab, ready to catch whoever fell out. I had no clue how long they'd been in there, but if the rest of the planet I'd seen was any indication they'd definitely been in there long enough to have hibernation sickness.

In a few moments, the thawing process finished and I reached out to catch the obvious mandalorian who all but collapsed. Star Wars confirmed!

“Who… who're you?” the mandalorian asked, their voice telling me that they're a woman. No sign of any obvious physical traits that warranted customized armor, so some sort of near-human species.

“Name's Johann Xanatos,” I answered. It wasn't, but my birth name was stupid so I made a new one from my favorite villains. “Don't ask how long you were under, I have no idea.”

“Where-” she started, but I cut her off.

“No clue, I woke up on this planet that was covered in ruins, swamp, and jungle. This tower was the most intact structure I found,” I answered.


Interesting, I now have a hunch as to where I am. Though to be honest, if I'm right, I kinda expected it to be either one of the Jedi or Sith.

Pushing that aside, I hauled her arm over a shoulder and said, “C'mon, let's get out of here. There's enough shipwrecks that we should be able to cannibalize a shuttle or something. After that… I admit, I'm still working on that part.”

“Sounds familiar,” I heard her wryly mutter.

“This is going to feel weird, but I assure you, it's perfe… reasona… m… you won't fall,” I finally settled on. What? I don’t have a ring that would be classified as 'safe' by any sane metric. Honestly I'm still surprised I have as much of my mind as I do.

A few minutes later, and the two of us were in the swamp, setting into the wrecked remains of a big ass ship. I used focused irritation and frustration to get a campfire going, then hunted down some critter that looked halfway edible. After all that, charge?

[Color=red]Power Level: 97.9%[/color]

Power use wasn’t as bad as I'd been afraid of when I first woke up, but it was still a concern. Ring, how do I go about getting a personal lantern?

[Color=red]Requisition one from Atrocitus on Ysmault. ERROR: Ysmault not found. ERROR: Red Central Power Battery not found. NEW PRIORITY: Construction of Red Central Power Battery. NEW PRIORITY: Construction of Red Personal Lantern[/color]

No shit, Sherlock, that’s why I asked you about it in the first place! Now [color=red]tell me how to do that!


“YEEEEAAAAHHHH!” I screamed as it felt like liquid fire was dumped straight into my brain.

“You okay?” my mandalorian camp-partner asked sarcastically.


“[color=red]Give me a second[/color],” I growled past gritted teeth. Okay, I now knew the blood magic that Atrocitus used to make the original Red Ring and the Central Power Battery, but there wasn’t nearly the amount of freshly spilled blood on this planet to use that method.

But I had some other options, didn’t I? This was Star Wars, there was an energy field that covered the entire galaxy that ran on things like hate and rage. Grinning, I stepped a short way away from the campfire with the haunch of meat roasting over it.

“I’m going to try out something real quick,” I said. “This might be weird for a moment.”

“You’re lucky I still can’t see anything,” she shot back, making me chuckle as I started drawing the sigils and magic circle in the soft swamp dirt.

The blood magic that Atrocitus originally used tapped into the rage and hatred he felt for the Guardians of Oa for the Manhunter Genocide, the sheer amount he felt facilitating the spell. I didn’t have nearly the amount of emotion needed for it, or the blood to serve as a catalyst. Instead, I needed to modify the ritual to tap into the Force and something else to serve as the catalyst. I had a sneaking suspicion that there was a Force Ghost hanging around that would do just fine as my catalyst.


The sigils weren’t in any language from this universe, so I wasn’t too concerned about said Force Ghost figuring out what I was doing, but I put a little extra speed into my preparations regardless. I soon had the ritual circle prepared, pointed my ring at it, and focused.

I was stranded on this planet, with one other person and a probable ghost. I had the most powerful tool in the universe on my finger, which had tied my very [color=red]life to it. The second this ring’s charge hit zero, I was fucking dead. That was unacceptable, I would not allow this piece of bullshit hypertech space magic to decide my fate. My life was MY OWN![/color]

Wind swirling around my body as I felt the sigils grab onto something that tried to resist. I grinned, red plasma spilling from my lips as the words flowed from my mouth without my conscious thought.

“[color=red]I am no sage, nor noble knight,

I burn with rage and stalk the night,

When mercy fails and might is right,

Beware my wrath, Red Lantern’s Light![/color]”

That… wasn't the Red Lantern Oath from the comics. But I couldn't focus on that, as the ritual circle glows the same red as my ring, and two voices scream out in agony. I look up, to see my still unnamed companion clutching at her helmet as… as a blue figure is slowly pulled from her, his spectral fingers digging into her head.

[Color=red]Like hell I was going to let some Sith shitheel kill my conversation part-[/color]

Her hand flies to her hip, clanging against her armor as she snarls, "[color=green]Ni cuy Mando![/color]"

With that, the Force Ghost flies from her body like a blaster bolt. I can't make out their words, but I grin as the Force Ghost is sucked into the circle and breaks apart. The swirling energy coalesces, forming the outline of an old and simple lantern. [Color=red]The air grows heavy, the weight of countless, nigh infinite, beings bearing down on me. The outline turns red, gradually growing more and more solid. Before, with a burst of energy, a solid, physical red lantern sits before me.[/color]

"What in the kriffing Corellian hells was that?"

Oh, right, I should probably explain. Quick charge check?

[Color=red]Power Level: 100.0%[/color]

Good, now for explanations, "I feel somewhat awkward that I'm only just now asking your name."

"Coras Lok, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. You think that I’ll conveniently forget asking you what happened now that you know my name?" she sarcastically asked.

"No, that was just me realizing I’d been a bit of a shitheel. Long and short of it: I have a bullshit space magic ring on my finger that replaced my circulatory system with energy formed from the collective hate and rage of everything everywhere. If the ring runs out of juice, I die, so I used some more bullshit space magic to use the ghost that’d been hanging around to fashion a means of recharging said ring.”

“Well even if you’re crazy, Vitiate, or Valcorian, or whatever the hell he’s calling himself, he shut up at the very least. I don’t suppose you have a plan for getting back to civilization? At the very least I need to get back to Mandalore.”

“I’m still working on that, this flavor of bullshit space magic isn’t the best at building things,” I answered, but it was able to thaw her out without killing her, so fixing a ship should be doable, right?

In anycase, once we were back in the regular galaxy, I’d figure out when we were, put together a long term plan, and start kicking ass. Sure, depending on the era, the Jedi’d be a problem, but so long as I focused on criminals they wouldn’t exactly have a leg to stand on. Besides, I had a lantern ring in Star Wars, who the hell could stop me?


[Color=orange]Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, you possess great avarice. You belong to the Orange Lantern Corps.[/color]


[Color=yellow]Asajj Ventress, you possess the ability to inspire great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.[/color]


[Color=green]R2-D2 of Naboo, you possess the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.[/color]


[Color=blue]Anakin Skywalker of Tattooine, you possess the gift to inspire great hope. Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corp.[/color]


[Color=indigo]Ahsoka Tano of Shili, you possess great compassion. Welcome to the Indigo Tribe.[/color]


[Color=violet]Obi Wan Kenobi, you possess great love in your heart. Welcome to the Star Sapphires.[/color]


[Color=black]Hego Damask of Mygeeto. RISE.[/color]


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