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‘What the heck am I doing?’ Vicky thought to herself as she looked over the album she was about to upload onto CapeFans. Her second one, a week after the first, featured her in an old sundress she’d forgotten about but still fit (for the most part, the chest was a little tighter than she preferred). Like before, it was mostly her modeling the dress, with a single picture more risque than the others. Specifically, the top was pulled down a bit to emphasize the size of her chest. She’d idly considered putting something in her cleavage, before all but smacking herself for thinking that. She wasn’t that desperate!

Shaking her head, Vicky uploaded the images before closing down her internet browser. She probably wouldn’t get a payout like last week’s. It was a sundress, it wasn’t like she was showing anything fancy. Then again, last week was some jeans and a blouse. Maybe it’d be good?

[center][The Next Morning][/center]

“Why am I surprised?” Vicky muttered as she looked over the results.

The first batch of images she’d uploaded last week had, by the time she uploaded the second batch last night, pulled in just shy of two hundred fifty dollars. The second batch alone had, overnight, pulled in two hundred twenty five dollars. It was kind of sad that so many guys had so much spare money lying around to throw around. Still, that was nearly five hundred dollars for her to use, before the site took its cut.

Leaning back in her chair, Vicky idly tapped at her chin. The cliche blonde thing to do would be go out and buy clothes, but she honestly wasn’t all that interested in doing that. More than that, she knew that there was a limit to what she could do with just her and her smartphone. While she could buy a better camera, she didn’t have the know-how to set up a delay, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to do as well with an actual camera. The other option would be to get someone else to work a camera for her, but she didn’t feel comfortable knowing that someone else would be taking pictures, knowing what they were for.

She’d just put the money aside for now, it wasn’t like she had expenses that needed paying, so she could afford to take time to think about it. For now, she had a shut-in sister who she needed to hang out with. Heading downstairs, Vicky had her breakfast as Amy trudged through like the caffeine deprived zombie she was in the mornings.

“Good morning, Ames,” Vicky greeted louder than was necessary, but the dead eyed glare sent her way was amusing enough to be worth it.

“Fuck you, Vicky,” Amy groaned.

Vicky chuckled as Amy stared blankly at the bubbling coffee maker. Five minutes later, the brunette was sitting across from Vicky who was drinking the last of the milk from her bowl of cereal. Vicky personally didn’t care for coffee, but Amy took it black as could be. More than that, she was able to chug it back scalding hot without so much as blinking. Personally, Vicky thought that Amy’d killed her sense of taste by doing that, but she wasn’t going to say so out loud. You don’t piss off the person responsible for you no longer having to worry about periods!

As Amy finished her coffee, Vicky asked, “Ya ready to go?”

Her answer was a muffled grumble as Amy dragged herself upright, but already Vicky could tell that the caffeine was kicking in.

[center][A Week Later][/center]

“Well, I couldn’t expect it to double every week,” Vicky mused, looking at the numbers. All together, between her three photo bundles, she’d made a bit over eight hundred dollars. Not what someone working full time made, but closer than most teens made if they were working at all. The third bundle was the most risque she’d done so far. But that was largely because it was full summer clothes.

She’d worn a bikini with a knee-length skirt and buttoned up, almost see-through blouse over them. The bikini was the sort of thing she’d wear to the city pool, if it weren’t for the color. She’d never been fond of pink, let alone hot pink, but the way it all but popped through the fabric of the blouse looked a lot better than it had any right to. The ‘risque’ picture of this batch was somewhat simple: she unbuttoned the blouse, letting the bikini top show.

A small part of Vicky pointed out that she couldn’t count on being able to do this and continue getting the kind of accelerated growth she’d been seeing. That she’d plateau sooner or later. That thought went quiet as Vicky noticed she had a message.

Clicking the notification, Vicky bit back a groan as she saw who it was from. With a sense of almost morbid curiosity, she opened the message to see what Void Cowboy wrote.

[quote]Nice job so far! You’re growing really fast. If you’d like some advice, then next week wear a pale yellow dress and a pair of large sunglasses. Based on what’s been popular this time of year, there’s a damn good chance that doing that’ll net you a huge boost in popularity in a couple weeks.[/quote]

Vicky raised an eyebrow. That was actually a lot better than she was expecting. She’d been expecting him to perv on her, not offer advice that looked pretty tame. Mentally going through her wardrobe, she didn’t have something that’d fit, but she did have a sufficient influx of cash that she could afford to go on a small shopping trip.

[center][A Week Later][/center]

It took all Vicky had not to stare incredulously at the screen. She’d uploaded the batch of her wearing the yellow dress and glasses an hour ago, and it already had pulled in four hundred dollars. That was more than twice what the entire shopping trip had cost, and she’d been specifically looking for pricey clothes to give her a reason to ignore Void the next time he messaged her with advice!

“Still creepy,” Vicky muttered as she closed out of her account page.

“What’s creepy?” Amy’s voice asked from behind Vicky, making the blonde jump a foot into the air.

“Ames?! What are- I wasn’t-”

Despite Vicky’s attempt at keeping her sister from seeing her computer screen, Amy simply gave her a deadpan look. Sighing in exasperation, “Look Vicky, if you want to look up material for the next time you need to… destress, just make sure to shut the door and wear headphones. I don’t want to imagine the heart attack Dad would have if he realized you’re old enough to be looking at porn.”

“That’s not… that’s not what I’m doing! I…I just heard that some local capes were making porn on this site and was… morbidly curious.”

Vicky didn’t think her sister believed her, but thankfully for her the freckled healer didn’t push on that particular matter. She did something much worse, “Yes, Assault and Battery sell their own sex tapes. They don’t deny it.”

Vicky blinked, her brain grinding to a halt. Wasn’t Assault like ten years older than Battery? Now she really was curious. After managing to talk Amy into leaving (and shutting her bedroom door), Vicky turned back to the computer, her mind churning. Without conscious thought, Vicky entered a search for Assault and Battery. She honestly wasn’t sure if she was or wasn’t disappointed when the first result was a channel that had both Protectorate heroes on their profile picture.

Clicking on a video at random (and making sure to have her headphones in), Vicky’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when it started playing. It was obviously a clip from a longer video, because it opened with Battery locked in a pillory, a dick in her mouth, happy moans emanating from her.

“That’s it, are you going to be a good girl? Or do we have to keep doing this?” she heard Assault’s voice ask.

The gleeful, muffled moan that Battery gave in response made Vicky shift in her chair, even as her face burned and she felt everything get warm. In the video, Assault pulled out of Battery’s mouth, and the heroine gasped, before tilting her head back to look up at Assault.

A downright filthy grin spread across Battery’s face as she answered, “You know me, Mr. Hero. If you want a good girl, you’ll have to catch me and make me be good.”

“So be it, maybe you’ll behave if I put a baby in you. How’s that sound to you, Miss Villainess?” Assault asked as he walked around behind her.

Vicky felt a warm rush through her, since when was the goofy, crazy uncle-like Assault so hot?! The camera changed perspectives, showing Assault’s surprisingly toned chest and arms as he stood behind Battery, flipping up the superfluous red miniskirt and pulling aside the black leotard that had been the only thing preserving Battery’s modesty. Vicky swallowed, her hands unconsciously drifting to her core and her chest.

One hand slipped under her shirt, cupping and squeezing her breast through her bra, as, in the video, Assault knelt down and spread Battery’s ass. A smirk spread across his exposed mouth, and he said in a teasing tone, “You obeyed, good.”

Vicky blinked in confusion, before her eyes widened as Assault reached between Battery’s cheeks and started pulling out a jeweled butt plug. She’d met with the two heroes, she knew how short Battery was, and based on how big that plug was against Battery’s ass, Vicky was pretty sure that the plug was bigger than any of the dildos she’d borrowed! Vicky’s other hand unbuttoned her jeans as the one under her shirt pulled down one of the cups of her bra.

Assault blew where he’d pulled the plug from, making Battery jump. Chuckling, he stood up, slapping his surprisingly nice looking cock against Battery’s ass. Dragging the head of his cock down, he reached around Battery’s back, gripping her breasts as he teased, “Is my naughty villainess looking forward to this? You’re dripping.”

“You have to ask? Now please, stop playing around and fuck me, Daddy,” Battery pleaded, and a jolt shot through Vicky at the last word, making her let out a little gasp as her fingers pinched her nipple and found her clit.

Two fingers slipped into Vicky’s pussy as Assault slid into Battery. Her lip was pinched between her teeth to silence her moans even as she pumped her fingers in time with the rapid pace that Assault set. Tension built within Vicky, coiling tighter and tighter like a spring, driven ever onward by the gasps, moans, and pleading for him to cum in her, to flood her, to breed her, from Battery.

Her lip wasn’t enough, Vicky pulled up as much of her shirt as she could, biting down on the fabric as the coiled tension within her snapped. She screamed her orgasm into her shirt, stars dancing across her vision, even with her eyes closed and the sound of Assault groaning filling her ears.

Her muscles spasmed, her pussy clenched and fluttered around her fingers, before Vicky collapsed in her chair, panting like she’d run a marathon. She blearily lifted her eyelids, to be greeted by the sight of the video focusing on Battery’s red, puffy, and thoroughly fucked pussy. A trail of white oozed out of her, and a panting Battery asked, “Think it’ll take this time, Daddy?”

“If not, there’s always next time,” Assault answered, not that Vicky could really focus on it, given how she’d had an aftershock when Battery called him Daddy.

Pulling her hands away from her body, Vicky just sat there for a moment. Before shaking herself and tidying up, deciding to ignore the way her body was reacting to Battery’s apparent Daddy kink. She definitely didn’t have one, the thought of doing anything like that with her dad sent an unpleasant shudder of disgust through her. But now that Vicky knew what the two Protectorate heroes did in their free time…

“The next time I run into them is going to be so awkward,” she muttered to herself.


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