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"Your Majesty," Vitani spoke as she and Kiara, once again in their original forms, followed their King through a portal into the Human Village. "May I ask what our next action is to be? Your kingdom's foundations have been laid, and you have denied Dinah’s powers to the Snake. We are ready to serve you."

"It is quite alright, Vitani. Our next action is to make our presence known," he answered, before expanding upon it as he led them into the space between two of the large, square brick huts. "Reputation is a commodity that every group cultivates, intentionally or not. In our case, we want to have a reputation for strength and power, which currently we lack. Thus, with that in mind, we will be interfering with a stunt that a local power will be using to improve their own reputation."

"Hurting theirs while improving our own. I understand Your Majesty," Vitani said with a nod.

"Whose stunt will we be interrupting?" Kiara asked from their King's other side.

"A woman with delusions of grandeur who calls herself Bakuda. She is the successor to the one called Lung, and is a Tinker. Which is why we are interrupting her instead of attacking her lair," he answered.

There was the sound of muffled explosions in the distance, growing louder, and their King chuckled, "Show time."


I gave a dark chuckle as I walked out of the alleyway, flanked by my lionesses, to a stand off between the Undersiders and Bakuda and her forces. Both groups turned to face me, and the knowledge downloaded into my mind when I sleeved into this body came to the surface.

All Might was the top ranked hero in Japan for decades. You don't get that kind of accolades by being just dumb muscle. He knew each and every trick in the book that was cultivated over two centuries of hero work. Part of that was cultivating a persona, an image. Yagi’d gone for an inspiring, larger than life image that stood like an iron wall between the people and danger. I’d decided on something very, very different.

The suit, gloves, and cane spoke of wealth, class, and a professional nature. The colors, black with red trims, made those of a Western cultural background wary. The white bone patterns on my slacks and shirt gave me an association with death, a subtle warning that would speak to the subconscious mind of everyone who looked upon me. But the most blatant message I was sending was the lack of a helmet or mask. I was all but shouting to the entire powered community my confidence, that I held no fear of reprisal, that I was so sure in my power that I could defeat any and all attempts to strike at those around me.

“Well, well,” I drawled, fluctuating and enunciating my voice to project the persona my clothes started: a well spoken and educated man with the class of a mobster that wouldn’t be out of place in a Godfather sequel. “I was looking for cheap real estate for my burgeoning business empire, and I found two groups of…children squabbling on the front porch. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a poor reception this city has for new businesses looking to expand.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Bakuda, for who else could she be, demanded, adjusting her grip on her grenade launcher to a middle point between the Undersiders and myself. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Tattletale and Bitch’s noses twitching and repressed a smirk.

“Ah yes, I suppose introductions are in order, pardon my rudeness,” I said with a hint of mockery in my voice as I swept into an exaggerated bow, like a performer on a stage. “You may refer to me as The Baron. I have heard of The Undersiders, as well as the duo of Uber and Leet. But you, I do not recognize.”

It was a calculated risk, provoking the bomb tinker in such a manner, but one that worked out the way I’d hoped. She turned to face me fully, intending to launch some sort of esoteric grenade my way, and I moved. Everyone remembers All Might’s strength, but the first time he was shown fighting multiple opponents, he moved faster than the eye could track. Behind me, Kiara and Vitani followed my lead, slower than me but still faster than normal lions.

In less than a blink, I was in front of Bakuda, having torn her grenade launcher out of her grasp and thrown it in an arc that would take it past the Boat Graveyard. The two bandoleers containing more of her grenades were following it by the time she realized I was standing before her. I saw her eyes widen through the lenses of her gas mask as a pair of roughly four hundred pounds of fur and muscle slammed into her arrayed forces.

The unpowered gangsters easily broke, fleeing for their lives as Kiara and Vitani tore through their ranks. Bakuda reached into a pouch on her belt for another grenade, and I saw the lights of a HUD on the inside of her mask’s lenses. In a single moment, I took two actions that would seal her fate. First: I stomped on the toes of both her combat boots, and from the feel of it, the steel toed boots easily severed her digits. Second: while the pouch’s flap was open, I slipped an unused choker into it.

As I anticipated, Bakuda screamed in pain and fell back. The Undersiders took the opportunity to flee, as my inherited combat instincts caused me to duck under the blade that materialized in front of me, striking back with the head of my cane into the gut of Oni Lee. Scanning through the memories and experiences of All Might, I shared in his irritation at fighting both duplicators and teleporters. My saving grace at the moment was that Oni Lee was limited in his arsenal so long as I was near Bakuda. With his preferred tactic of being a serial suicide bomber, he was a difficult opponent for most to fight. If I remained at my baseline capabilities, he would be difficult for me to keep up with, and our fight would escalate to the point that it would put Kiara and Vitani at risk. Which was something I would not allow, they were MINE, and no brain dead assassin was going to have the chance to kill them!

Closing my eyes, I tugged on the core of energy within me, the dark blaze that was once the quirk known as One for All, twisted and consumed by the bottomless well that was my draconian element. Power surged, arcs of red lightning danced and shrouded my form, and with a roar my head snapped out. My teeth, sharpened and elongated into a maw filled with fangs, connected with kevlar and ceramic plates, easily punching into and through the body armor to close around the bomber’s shoulder. Blood filled my mouth as I ripped my jaw away from him, my raw, endless Hunger savoring the meager offering, even as it worked its magic on Oni Lee.

I forced the Hunger back, down into the pit it resided in, my body shifting back to normal as it did so. Letting out a breath, I glanced around. A few bodies from my lionesses, but everyone else had successfully escaped. Good, good.

“Well done, Girls,” I praised them, running my hands over the two lioness’s heads. A chime from my pocket drew my attention, and I felt the urge to smack myself. I felt like a fool for having forgotten one of my Dragon perks, but on the bright side that would give me an easier time going forwards. It would still be a few months before I could leave this shithole of a world behind, and it was one less irritant I’d have to deal with. “We’ve done what we needed to here, time to head home.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the lionesses said in unison.


Madison glanced up from where Sarah was sitting as He entered. The collar around her neck felt heavy at his presence, and she swallowed around the lump that instantly formed in her throat. Her hand went from the patch of fabric Sarah had been using to teach her to sew to her stomach, where he’d, he’d…

“Maddie?” Sarah’s voice pulled Madison from the spiral she’d started to go down. She looked up, meeting his gaze, like rings of red in pools of black, and swallowing again.

“How…how can I serve, Master?” Madison asked, hating herself for both her hesitation and just how quickly she’d fallen. Sure, she’d had a lot of fantasies and even become somewhat infamous on PHO for her kinks, but she hadn’t expected it to ever be real. Her fantasies had been just that, and while they’d been good at getting her off when she masturbated, actually being Mastered and taken to a place to be kept as a slave and breeding pet were more terrible than arousing!

“Stand up,” He ordered, and Madison did so, her body responding without her input. He held a large glass mug in front of her, one that contained a steaming red liquid, and she felt her stomach churn, knowing what was coming next. “Drink it all.”

Her hands reached out, dropping the sewing project, and took the mug. Even as she mentally cringed in disgust, her body obeyed the order it’d been given, drinking down the coppery drink. She could feel it settling in her stomach, the heat from it radiating out through her like a cup of hot cocoa on a winter morning. Finally, she finished, the mug empty, and couldn’t hold in the small burp.

“Excuse me,” she said with an embarrassed blush.

“Follow me,” He said, turning and exiting the room, and Madison hurried to follow. She didn’t speak, merely following behind him as he walked through the manor. She saw the lionesses lounging on the deck as they walked past, the new girl leaning back against one of them with her eyes closed, taking a nap. After a minute or two, they arrived at the manor’s gym. Sophia was there, punching and kicking a sandbag, glancing at them for a moment before resuming her workout.

“You have a choice, Madison,” He said, making her jump slightly and refocus her attention entirely on him. “I originally claimed you simply for your proximity to Emma and Sophia. I’d considered using you as an investment, building you up to the point that you’d be worth something to sell, or simply as a broodmare to breed again and again.”

Madison swallowed, her hands cupping her stomach as he continued, “However, I am willing to change those plans. Until you exit this room, any and all orders previously given to you, Madison Clements, are temporarily considered null and void. Upon exiting this room, by any means, those orders go back into effect. Understood?”

“Y-yes,” she said, her eyes wide as she tried to figure out what He was planning. “What are you planning?”

“I am going to give you an opportunity, a chance to be able to leave this manor for periods of time. Included in this opportunity will be a gift of power, unlike any you’d imagined. However, there is a catch. Before you accept or reject the offer, I order you to fulfill the full spirit behind your end of the bargain as I intend it should you accept.”

Madison could feel her collar grow warm as it received the order, and she felt a cold sweat as he continued, “I will grant you a power unlike any Cape in Earth-Bet, and in exchange you will devote yourself to me: mind, body, and soul. As far as you will be concerned, I will be your God, your Lord and Master. Any daughters I have you will teach to serve me as you do, any sons I have you will serve second only to myself. Any previous bonds and relationships will be a distant second to your service to myself. Do you have any questions?”

She blinked, “Why? You could order me to do that and this tinkertech would make me do it, you’ve already used me and gotten me pregnant, what is the point of doing this?”

“A combination of curiosity and boredom. I will need to wait a few days before I can move onto the next stage of my plans for Brockton Bay, and am curious to just what the limits of the orders I can give are. I know I can control your body through my orders, but I am curious to what extent I can influence your mind. If you refuse, very little will change for you: I will enjoy your body and continue to feed you doses of my blood until I am bored with you, at which point you will be sold off. Should you accept, then with time and training, there will be no one on Earth-Bet that would be able to stand against you. And as you said, I could order you to do all of that anyway, so what do you really have to lose?”

That was an unfortunately good point. She already wouldn’t see her family again, Emma was a monster ever since He had openly said that Madison ranked higher than her, the only person here that she regularly interacted with was Sarah, was there really anything she stood to lose?

“Alright,” Madison quietly whispered.

“What was that?” He asked with a hint of a smirk.

“I accept. I’ll do it.”

He gave an ominous grin, before pulling out his phone, tapping a few buttons, and everything went white.


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