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The ancient, primordial entity reached out, lightly, delicately touching the thoughts of the tiny mortal. In a fraction of an instant, it knew all that the mortal did, the bonds and connections with other mortals allowing the entity to learn all that they knew as well. The entity pondered, limbs lined with eyes of every size and shape twisting and churning about it. Then, decision made, it once more touched the sleeping, dreaming thoughts of the tiny mortal.

“I have an offer for you, Little Krill.”

“Who are you?” the limited mortal mind asked. The entity paused, receiving the concept of a name from the mortal’s mind.

“I have no name. It is unimportant. What matters is my offer. Should you accept, I can give you the power to obtain freedom from your father, from his Mistress, from the shackles placed upon you. Are you interested?”

The mortal was quiet, before it asked, “What kind of power? And what Mistress?”

“Ah, you did not know. Your father has pledged himself and his resources to the Queen of the Grimm. It is why the fleet has been raiding Dust shipments, and why attacks from Grimm have all but stopped.

“As for the power I offer, I will begin with the offer to teach you magic, similar to that which humans once possessed. More than that, should you permit me to implant a fragment of my essence, stripped of my thoughts, memories, and will, within your soul, it shall grow and evolve. How it will do so, and the powers it will grant you, I cannot be certain. It will depend entirely on how YOU cultivate it.”

“And how do I do that? Sit in a cave and meditate?”

“Hardly, no it is something far more enjoyable. In fact, you have already begun. The more women you impregnate, the more your power will grow. The essence that will bind to your soul will resonate with the new life and the woman carrying it to grow and develop in new ways.”

“It won’t hurt them wi…” the mortal began, only for the entity to cut it off with a snarl of snapping teeth and an endless number of glaring eyes.

“Do not insult me so. Of course not! Now, do we have a deal?”

The mortal was silent for several minutes, before giving its answer, “I accept.”


My eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of a gorgeous milf panting and moaning as she drove her hips against mine, taking my monster cock deep inside her. Her stomach bulged out, showing the life growing inside her, even as her pussy did its best to milk a load from me. Immediately, my hands went to her ass, feeling the toned muscles under soft curves, a warrior that had left the battlefield.

“Finally, ha, awake,” she panted, leaning down to lay against my chest, her hips still taking me as deep as she could manage. I didn’t respond immediately, instead wrapping my arms around her back and flipping us over, so that she was laying on her back and I was on top. I held myself up, mindful of her baby bump, even as I began driving into her with more force.

I leaned down, catching her lips with my own, and our tongues danced, battling for dominance. When we’d first been together, she’d have won easily. After five years, I soon had the upper hand. Shifting my posture, I took my weight off my hands, instead wrapping them around her full breasts.

Breaking the kiss, a strand of spit connecting us as she gasped, I asked, “How’s my pregnant, mmh, slut doing this morning?”

“Happy, ooh, you’re back,” she answered, cooing and moaning as I teased her breasts and fucked her into my bed. Leaning down, I traced her darkening areola with my tongue, one then the other, before taking a nipple into my mouth and gently biting down. Her hands flew to my head, cradling it as she cried out, her pussy clamping down on me as her orgasm hit her with the force of a tidal wave.

Pressing the head of my cock against her cervix, I let go, flooding her womb with my seed as I joined her in cumming. Riding the wave, I held her close as I shot rope after rope into her. When finally, what felt like hours later, my orgasm came to an end, I flopped onto the bed next to her, both of us panting and enjoying the afterglow. After catching my breath, I turned my head to look at the woman next to me. Motherly, with generous curves and wide hips, black hair that shined red in the right light and came down to her ass, and a five month pregnant baby bump.

Sitting up, I planted a kiss on her stomach, making her giggle as her hand came around to cradle it. After a minute, she spoke up, “I’m worried.”

“About?” I asked, though I suspected I knew what the issue was.

“The meeting, something about how your father described it… I don’t know, but I’m concerned,” her free arm wrapped around my shoulders, and her arm cradling our child tightened.

My mind went back to the dream I’d had, about being given power. Thinking on it, I could feel it. The bit of extra it had given me, more than that, even without the fact that having the bond with the entity had boosted my Aura reserves to the point that I could feel it, I could tell that it had enhanced my Semblance. Feeling the metaphorical dial, I turned it as far as it would go, and grinned as the world froze around me. This alone was worth nearly anything that the entity could have asked for.

Letting the dial snap back to normal, I leaned up and planted a kiss on her cheek, “I wouldn’t worry too much, Coral. I have a good feeling about this.”


Six hours later and that good feeling had died. The dream entity had said my father was making a deal with the Queen of the Grimm, but I hadn’t believed that for all his ruthlessness and cruelty, he’d be that stupid! But here we were, docking at a port filled to the brim with different Grimm, and they were ignoring us.

“Captain,” I spoke up as he, my sister Levi, and I disembarked the small ship that we’d taken from the flagship. “I would ask what we are doing here?”

My father, the most feared pirate on Remnant, turned and leveled a glare at me, “Because I say so, Chum.”

I don’t respond, my eyes instead roaming over the other people present on the dock. Most appeared to be the sort of people to blend into the crowd, the most notable people being a pale woman in red with black hair, a dark skinned woman with green hair, and a man in gray, all three watching us as my father approached the man who seemed to be the head of the docks.

“Captain Blackfin,” the official greeted. “Docking fee’s fifteen hundred Lien a day.”

Without a word, and faster than my eyes could track, my father’s hand lashed out, glowing a deep black as he coated it in his Aura, and the official gasped in shock and pain. Yanking his hand out of the official’s chest, my father brought the official’s heart to his mouth, teeth glowing with his Aura so that they resembled a shark’s, and took a bite out of it as the official collapsed to the ground.

“I think not,” my father drawled before finishing eating the man’s heart and turning to face the wide eyed dockworkers. Chin and teeth drenched in blood, he grinned, Aura still sharpening his teeth and making his eyes all but ignite, and asked, “Anyone else want to try?”

I didn’t speak, but my eyes narrowed in a glare at his back. Even without this display, I’d already decided that he wouldn’t be coming back from this trip. I’d made arrangements with the other lieutenants, and since he didn’t have anyone who was actually loyal to him, once he was dead I’d be able to slide into the role and take his place. That became even more important now. I needed to figure out just who he was acting under, so I could plan around them.

Regardless, that was for later. For the moment, it was time for politicking, figuring out who else here I could talk to and turn against him. Or at the very least if any would be likely to care one way or the other.

The quarters we were given for the duration of our stay were small, if you were used to living on land. Given how even on the flagship it was a luxury to share a bedroom with one other person, neither Levi nor I had a problem with sharing a bed, while our father claimed the larger bed for himself. Whilst our father went to speak with someone, I didn’t ask who, and Levi made herself scarce, to avoid our father, I got out some materials I’d packed along.

I couldn’t beat my father in a fair fight, he’d fought against seasoned huntsmen and huntresses, and I’d never seen him so much as take a blow. So I wasn’t going to try, I was going to cheat. Even with the boost to my semblance I wouldn’t be able to get through his own, so I was going to use some of the things that the entity had been teaching me as I slept and a little help from a particular breed of lionfish.

Placing the three carefully harvested barbs on the floor, I took a handful of powdered coral and traced a large circle around them. Then I pulled out the flask of octopus ink I’d had Levi procure. Getting enough blue ring octopus ink was a bitch and a half, so I certainly owed her, but I was hoping what I had planned for it would pay a fair amount of that off. Taking a paint brush, I dipped it in the ink and began tracing the symbols that floated into my mind. When the last of the symbols were finished, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves.

Kneeling in front of the circle, I placed my hands on either side of it, my head directly above the lionfish barbs, and let the words flow through my lips, “Mgepyar ot bthnkor, orr'e ot n'gha; l' n'gha ot orr'e ng bthnkor ah mgepyar.

I felt strange energies flow through my body, before a deluge of dark water burst from my mouth, splashing onto the prepared barbs. I heaved, forcing more of the dark water out, but my eyes widened in surprise when the water rather than spreading across the floor came to a stop at the circle of powdered coral.

The barbs began to glow, and as I finally stopped heaving up water, the symbols I’d drawn in octopus ink lit up with a green, otherworldly light. The water began swirling, as the symbols pulsed with their eldritch light, almost like it was flowing down a drain. After a minute, the water was gone, absorbed by the lionfish barbs that now lay there almost innocently.

Finally able to move again, I flopped back to sit on my ass, trying to catch my breath as my everything ached, “Fuck, that hurt.”

Shaking my head, I carefully picked up the barbs and slipped them into a pouch which then went into a pocket on the inside of my vest. I wasn’t planning on using it quite yet, but given how volatile my father could be, it was better to have it on me and not need it. Taking another deep breath, I got dressed for the fancy dinner coming tonight. No idea if the ‘Queen of the Grimm’ would be there, but at the very least there would be people there representing various groups/factions elsewhere.


“So you’re the ones Torchwick mentioned,” the green haired girl I’d spotted when we first arrived drawled as I approached her and her boss.

I raised an eyebrow, a touch surprised our main fence in Vale had mentioned us, but asked, “Good things, I hope?”

“He said Blackfin’s a homicidal maniac with the style of a talentless hack and the business sense of a leech,” the dark haired woman who was the apparent leader of their group snarked. “He also said that he much preferred dealing with you and your sister, and that we should do the same whenever possible. All of which was said without acting like he was performing on a theater stage.”

“Sounds like Torchwick, alright,” I muttered. Though to be honest I preferred dealing with his right hand woman whenever we needed Torchwick’s group to fence some goods for us. Even though I was never sure if she wanted to stab me or fuck me, she didn’t spend every second sentence trying to piss me off, and the things she could do with her tits and her tongue… “Can’t say he’s wrong though.”

The sheer vitriol in my voice took them aback, and the woman in charge spoke up, “It is rare to hear such loathing for a parent. Trouble in paradise?”

I met her gaze, my eyes harder than Altesian Steel, and spat out, “My sister and I aren’t the only children he’s had. We’re just the only ones he decided to let live. Feel free to ask him later if you decide you don’t want to keep your appetite.”

If my earlier vitriol had surprised them, the sheer venom in my parting words rendered them silent as I parted. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Thinking about all my siblings that had never gotten a chance… there were many reasons I wanted to kill my father, but that was one of the biggest.

I spoke with a few others, before we were called to the banquet table. I was seated on my father’s left, Levi on his right, and the dark haired woman I’d spoken to was sitting across from him. The sheer surrealness of having our meals brought out before us by grimm snapped me out of my fury, and I was hardly the only one who was freaked out by it. But, once the surrealness wore off and we began eating, casual conversation started up.

“So, Blackfin,” the woman sitting across from my father began, gently swirling the wine in her cup. “I’ve heard the most curious rumors about your… exploits. Ones that would lead me to expect things that are contradicted by facts that I know.”

“What rumors might those be, Fall?” my father asked dismissively, picking up his mug and taking a large pull from it. I had a very bad feeling about what her answer was going to be, so I paused before bringing my forkful of pasta to my mouth.

“Rumors that say you have a harem of over one hundred women to warm your bed, yet your only children are here before us,” she said, her one visible eye gleaming. Both Levi and I put our utensils down, knowing exactly what was coming. I didn’t have to see her to know that Levi’d gone pale. I breathed in deeply and held my breath, I needed to feel out more of the people here before I went ahead with hilling the monster on my right.

Said monster set his mug down and laughed, amused by the question, before answering with a vicious, hungry grin, “Not even close to a hundred, ain’t enough room on the ship for that many fuckpets. Nah, I keep two or three at a time. As for the brats…”

Even over the menacing chuckle he gave, I could hear Levi’s hands flying to cover her ears, I could all but see her eyes slamming shut. I knew what was going through her mind, as the raw, seething, hatred boiled inside me, I could still hear the cries, see the splashes of hot crimson as he forced us to watch, telling us between the sound of crunching how lucky we were he decided to spare us.

I only just managed to get my fury under control when he said something that took that blazing anger, and turned it colder than the deepest ocean trench, “Junior here got one of the ones I no longer play with pregnant, I think I’ll see if the extra generation makes a difference.”

“Like. Hell,” I snarled, hand flying into my vest for the pouch I’d prepared earlier. While at the same time reaching for the mental dials that were my semblance, and slamming them onto full as hard as I could.


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