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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I watched with barely constrained amusement as Harley flitted about, almost like she was a highschool girl before a first date with her crush. It was both adorable and hilarious. I waited patiently, as she held different shirts, skirts, shorts, pants, and a myriad of other clothes I didn’t have names for over her in front of a mirror. I admit, part of the reason I was so patient had to do with the view: Harley didn’t want to risk what she was already wearing to get in the way of seeing what she was trying on, so she’d stripped naked before she started.

Seeing her hold up the classic red and black jester suit, I was surprised by how good it actually looked, even if it was just being held in front of her. The flashback scene in Suicide Squad didn’t do it even the slightest amount of justice. I was tempted to speak up, but she tossed it aside before I finished opening my mouth. So I settled back, and admired the way her back arched as she grabbed another hanger.

She was holding a skimpy cheerleader top to her chest, when her head jerked up, meeting my gaze in the mirror. Before a mischievous grin stretched across her face and she said, “Don’ move, Ah’ll be righ’ back, Fuzzy!”

Without bothering to put down the top she was holding, Harley bolted out of her room into the hallway. I didn’t bother holding back the laughter that came out of me, idly wondering if Harley knew that, with it being the weekend, the Coven had decided to come and visit. Hermione was working with Lana on something. Hyacinth was being an adorable stuttering mess with Nikhol. Luna was talking about kryptonian wildlife with Kara, and Rhonda was…

“Training” was the word that Cameron had used, but certain sounds over the commline that I’d become quite familiar with since accepting Tara Q’s offer suggested that it wasn’t something as simple as weight lifting. I’d peeked into the gym, and to my surprise, what the two were doing could be considered a form of concentration/focus training. Rhonda was holding a bar with what looked like over four hundred pounds on it (per side), while floating in midair, while Cameron was fucking her with a strap on. The fact that Rhonda was still managing to do reps while dealing with the multitude of distractions was very impressive, and I figured it would be best to leave them be.

I shook my head to clear it of the thoughts (including about how gorgeous a naked Rhonda looked covered in sweat), just as Harley returned, grinning like the cat that got the canary, with the cheerleader top she’d run off with on and her breasts all but bursting out of them.

“Ah’m ready~!” Harley all but sang as she stood there, arms behind her back, pushing her chest out even more than their sheer size already did.

“You sure you want to go without the skirt?” I asked, mirth in both my voice and my smile.

Harley scoffed, “We both know how it’s gonna end up once Ah see Red again. Ah got a lotta catching up to do.”

“Sure,” I agreed with a nod, “but speaking as someone who finds you just as sexy as she does, I can say that you should wear the skirt. Just make sure it’s one that tears easily, it’ll be more fun that way.”

Harley hummed, crossing her arms under her breasts and tapping her lips with a finger. Before giving a firm nod and walking over to her closet. She grabbed the red and black pleated skirt that went with her top, and slipped it on. It quickly became apparent that it most certainly was not meant for actual cheerleading, since the skirt was so short it not only didn’t cover her pussy, it stopped right above it.

Turning to face me, Harley looked me up and down, before smirking and saying, “Ah might be ready, but if ya don’t tuck him away, Red’ll turn ya to fertilizer for her babies the moment she sees ya.”

I follow her gaze, and realize that I still had my dick out from the bit of fun we’d had when I first came into Harley’s room. Nervously chuckling, I put everything away and zipped my pants back up. I didn’t want that to be my first impression with an, admittedly very attractive, woman with powers over one of the kingdoms of life.

With that taken care of, I joined Harley and focused. The manual said it would be fairly instinctive, but transporting more than a handful of people would take time and practice. A weird tingling sensation danced across my skin as I reached out, my hand gripping onto something that wasn’t there. With a forceful tug, a doorway opened in mid air. Before I could so much as take a breath, Harley grabbed me by the hand and ran through.

“MAMA’S COMIN’ HOME, RED!” Harley shouted as I was pulled along with all the care and gentleness of an animal in the care of Elmyra from Tiny Toons. I could feel the doorway close behind us as we passed through, but at the same time I could also tell that I could get us back just as easily.

The first thing I noticed, as I returned my focus to the here and now, was the smell of dozens of flowers and blooming plants. The second thing I noticed was the aroma of sex, however minor. The third thing was the sound of feminine moans, but they were laced with frustration.

But the most terrifying thing was the knowing grin on Harley’s face, “Ah know what Red’s doing~.”

With that little sing song, Harley skipped forwards, still holding my arm in a death grip and thus pulling me along. Not even a full minute later, she let go of my wrist and raced forwards, with me managing to see her start a cheerleader type cartwheel before I landed face first on the floor.

“PAMMY!” I heard Harley shout, followed by a soft grunt. A look up revealed that A) Harley had landed on Poison Ivy’s lap, and B) said florakinetic was completely naked and from the looks of it had been engaged in what some might call “advanced masturbation” using the vines from one of her plants.

Out of both respect and a desire not to do anything to anger her, I averted my gaze and turned around as I maneuvered myself into a sitting position. Keeping my eyes closed, I did my best to give the two lovers a private reunion, trying not to listen in. By and large I was successful. I still overheard bits and pieces, which mostly seemed to be Harley explaining where she’d been, while also telling her about the other members of the Family.

“Want’cha t’ join us…” I caught Harley say, her voice growing a little louder. “It’d be like tha’ time with Birdy, but all th’ time, ‘stead o’ a one-off.”

I blinked, that last sentence throwing me for a little bit of a loop, but before I could fully process it, something was tapping my shoulder. Turning around, I was surprised to see that while Ivy had covered up, the oversized leaf covering her nethers was nowhere near the amount of cover I’d been expecting. I tried to keep my eyes locked on her green ones, really. But I couldn’t help letting my gaze wander down to her perfectly formed curves, especially the two beautiful breasts, still bare to the world. Her skin a vibrant green, perfectly round, her areola a darker, forest green and capped by firm, almost pebbly nipples.

“My eyes are up here,” the honey smooth voice of Ivy pulled me from my fascination.

Before I could say anything in my defense, Harley spoke up, “But yer tits’re right here.” As soon as the words left her mouth, the blonde’s hands reached down and began cupping and squeezing Ivy’s breasts.

Immediately, the tension that had still been in Ivy’s frame relaxed, and she spoke with a whine, “Harleeeyyy…”

“Fuzzy’s more like Birdy than Kitty,” Harley all but purred as she climbed out of Ivy’s lap, maneuvering to sit behind the florakinetic. “We been working on gettin’ ‘im more comfortable wit’ taking th’ initiative, but it’s a work in progress.”

“Fuzzy?” Ivy half asked, as Harley turned her attention to the green skinned woman’s nipples.

“It’s the chest hair,” I answered, no longer able to keep my eyes on her face, with the show that Harley was giving. “I look like a stuffed bear with my shirt off.”

A bit of movement drew my eye, and I saw Harley motioning me to approach, even as she lifted up one of Ivy’s breasts and leaned over her shoulder to latch onto the nipple. Ivy leaned her head back against Harley’s shoulder, letting out a pleased moan as she relaxed even further. Following Harley’s unspoken instruction, I approached, taking in the view of the gorgeous women as I did so.

There was a strange look on Ivy’s face as I approached, one I didn’t recognize, before Harley took her mouth off the breast she was sucking on and said, “Kiss ‘er, Fuzzy. She ain’t got her knock out lipstick on.”

Trusting the blonde jester, I reached out, hands gently cupping Ivy’s face. I expected her to say something in protest, or push me away, or her plants to pull me off, but nothing happened. So, I leaned in and caught her lips with my own. Her lips made mine tingle pleasantly, like a peppermint candy, and the way she moaned into the kiss… I admit, I’d had some concerns that Ivy wouldn’t be okay with the Family, that she’d insist that Harley was hers. I’m happy that I was wrong.

That was when I got my second surprise. Even with Ivy apparently being okay with Harley bringing in a man and telling her that she’d been with several other women, Poison Ivy opening her mouth almost meekly as my tongue ran across her lips wasn’t even on the list of things I expected.

I felt more than saw Harley moving, sliding out from behind Ivy to move behind me. I could have broken the kiss to ask her what she was doing, but her hands pulling my shirt out of my pants then reaching for my belt answered that question. Plus I was enjoying kissing Ivy. Faster than I expected, Harley had me stripped and the leaf that had been covering Ivy’s lower half pulled away.

My kiss with Ivy broke, as we both gasped for air, and I glanced down. There, vibrant red against green, was her bush trimmed into a leaf. A poison ivy leaf. Turning to face Harley, I simply raised an eyebrow, nodding my head towards the on the nose pubic hair.

“What? How could I resist?” Harley asked with a cheerful grin, even as Ivy’s face turned a different kind of red. In yet another surprise, Ivy pulled her bangs of glorious red hair in front of her face, like an embarrassed school girl in front of her crush. Harley immediately provided her opinion on that, “None o’ tha’, Red”

Harley reached over, pulling the florakinetic’s arms away from her face, and gave Ivy a kiss, the already relaxed woman seeming to melt. In a way that was just as surprising as nearly everything else about this visit had been. Breaking the kiss, Harley pulled Ivy up from the giant plant she’d been sitting on and, holding Ivy’s hand, led her to another part of the building. Harley grabbed my own hand with her free one as she passed, hauling me along for the ride. Soon, she’d led us to a bedroom and practically made Ivy pirouette before the redhead all but collapsed onto the bed. Harley let go of my hand and hopped up onto the bed alongside her lover, leaning in and nuzzling and nipping at the woman’s neck.

Casting her gaze my way, the still dressed jester grinned and said, “C’mon, Fuzzy. Get up here and show Red a good time.”

I needed no further incentive, climbing up onto the bed with them, as Harley leaned in to start whispering to Ivy’s ear, while also reaching to pull… when did Harley put one of the chokers into her cleavage? Pushing aside that question for later, I moved between Ivy’s legs as my ears picked up what Harley was telling her, “Feel it, Pammy. It changes size to fit every girl he's with so he never, ever hurts them. Yeah, he's such a sweetie he wouldn't try to hurt 'em in the first place but think about it. Think about it fitting just right.”

That made me pause, blinking. I’d noticed that my size hadn’t caused any problems, none of the girls I’d lain with had had any pain, even the girls in the Coven, but in hindsight it made sense. Pushing that aside as well, I lined myself up with the softly cooing redhead, and slid into her warm, welcoming depths as Harley latched the choker around her neck.

“Thank you, Mistress,” Ivy said with a moan as I bottomed out in her.


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